Esempio n. 1
LayoutUnit RenderSVGRoot::computeReplacedLogicalHeight() const
    // When we're embedded through SVGImage (border-image/background-image/<html:img>/...) we're forced to resize to a specific size.
    if (!m_containerSize.isEmpty())
        return m_containerSize.height();

    if (style()->logicalHeight().isSpecified() || style()->logicalMaxHeight().isSpecified())
        return RenderReplaced::computeReplacedLogicalHeight();

    if (svgSVGElement().heightAttributeEstablishesViewport()) {
        Length height = svgSVGElement().intrinsicHeight(SVGSVGElement::IgnoreCSSProperties);
        if (height.isPercent()) {
            RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock();
            while (cb->isAnonymous() && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                cb = cb->containingBlock();
        } else

        return resolveLengthAttributeForSVG(height, style()->effectiveZoom(), containingBlock()->availableLogicalHeight(IncludeMarginBorderPadding), &view());

    // SVG embedded through object/embed/iframe.
    if (isEmbeddedThroughFrameContainingSVGDocument())
        return frame().ownerRenderer()->availableLogicalHeight(IncludeMarginBorderPadding);

    // SVG embedded via SVGImage (background-image/border-image/etc) / Inline SVG.
    return RenderReplaced::computeReplacedLogicalHeight();
Esempio n. 2
IntRect RenderView::selectionBounds() const
    typedef WillBeHeapHashMap<RawPtrWillBeMember<RenderObject>, OwnPtrWillBeMember<RenderSelectionInfo> > SelectionMap;
    SelectionMap selectedObjects;

    RenderObject* os = m_selectionStart;
    RenderObject* stop = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    while (os && os != stop) {
        if ((os->canBeSelectionLeaf() || os == m_selectionStart || os == m_selectionEnd) && os->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
            selectedObjects.set(os, adoptPtrWillBeNoop(new RenderSelectionInfo(os)));
            RenderBlock* cb = os->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                OwnPtrWillBeMember<RenderSelectionInfo>& blockInfo = selectedObjects.add(cb, nullptr).storedValue->value;
                if (blockInfo)
                blockInfo = adoptPtrWillBeNoop(new RenderSelectionInfo(cb));
                cb = cb->containingBlock();

        os = os->nextInPreOrder();

    // Now create a single bounding box rect that encloses the whole selection.
    LayoutRect selRect;
    SelectionMap::iterator end = selectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectionMap::iterator i = selectedObjects.begin(); i != end; ++i)

    return pixelSnappedIntRect(selRect);
Esempio n. 3
static bool shouldScaleColumns(RenderTable* table)
    // A special case.  If this table is not fixed width and contained inside
    // a cell, then don't bloat the maxwidth by examining percentage growth.
    bool scale = true;
    while (table) {
        Length tw = table->style()->width();
        if ((tw.isVariable() || tw.isPercent()) && !table->isPositioned()) {
            RenderBlock* cb = table->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isCanvas() && !cb->isTableCell() &&
                cb->style()->width().isVariable() && !cb->isPositioned())
                cb = cb->containingBlock();

            table = 0;
            if (cb && cb->isTableCell() &&
                (cb->style()->width().isVariable() || cb->style()->width().isPercent())) {
                if (tw.isPercent())
                    scale = false;
                else {
                    RenderTableCell* cell = static_cast<RenderTableCell*>(cb);
                    if (cell->colSpan() > 1 || cell->table()->style()->width().isVariable())
                        scale = false;
                        table = cell->table();
            table = 0;
    return scale;
Esempio n. 4
LayoutUnit RenderSVGRoot::computeReplacedLogicalHeight() const
    SVGSVGElement* svg = static_cast<SVGSVGElement*>(node());

    // When we're embedded through SVGImage (border-image/background-image/<html:img>/...) we're forced to resize to a specific size.
    if (!m_containerSize.isEmpty())
        return m_containerSize.height();

    if (hasReplacedLogicalHeight())
        return RenderReplaced::computeReplacedLogicalHeight();

    if (svg->heightAttributeEstablishesViewport()) {
        Length height = svg->intrinsicHeight(SVGSVGElement::IgnoreCSSProperties);
        if (height.isPercent()) {
            RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock();
            while (cb->isAnonymous()) {
                cb = cb->containingBlock();
        } else

        return resolveLengthAttributeForSVG(height, style()->effectiveZoom(), containingBlock()->availableLogicalHeight());

    // Only SVGs embedded in <object> reach this point.
    return document()->frame()->ownerRenderer()->availableLogicalHeight();
Esempio n. 5
void RenderInline::splitFlow(RenderObject* beforeChild, RenderBlock* newBlockBox,
                             RenderObject* newChild, RenderFlow* oldCont)
    RenderBlock* pre = 0;
    RenderBlock* block = containingBlock();
    // Delete our line boxes before we do the inline split into continuations.
    bool madeNewBeforeBlock = false;
    if (block->isAnonymousBlock() && (!block->parent() || !block->parent()->createsAnonymousWrapper())) {
        // We can reuse this block and make it the preBlock of the next continuation.
        pre = block;
        block = block->containingBlock();
    } else {
        // No anonymous block available for use.  Make one.
        pre = block->createAnonymousBlock();
        madeNewBeforeBlock = true;

    RenderBlock* post = block->createAnonymousBlock();

    RenderObject* boxFirst = madeNewBeforeBlock ? block->firstChild() : pre->nextSibling();
    if (madeNewBeforeBlock)
        block->insertChildNode(pre, boxFirst);
    block->insertChildNode(newBlockBox, boxFirst);
    block->insertChildNode(post, boxFirst);
    if (madeNewBeforeBlock) {
        RenderObject* o = boxFirst;
        while (o) {
            RenderObject* no = o;
            o = no->nextSibling();

    splitInlines(pre, post, newBlockBox, beforeChild, oldCont);

    // We already know the newBlockBox isn't going to contain inline kids, so avoid wasting
    // time in makeChildrenNonInline by just setting this explicitly up front.

    // We don't just call addChild, since it would pass things off to the
    // continuation, so we call addChildToFlow explicitly instead.  We delayed
    // adding the newChild until now so that the |newBlockBox| would be fully
    // connected, thus allowing newChild access to a renderArena should it need
    // to wrap itself in additional boxes (e.g., table construction).
    newBlockBox->addChildToFlow(newChild, 0);

    // Always just do a full layout in order to ensure that line boxes (especially wrappers for images)
    // get deleted properly.  Because objects moves from the pre block into the post block, we want to
    // make new line boxes instead of leaving the old line boxes around.
Esempio n. 6
LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::logicalRightSelectionOffset(RenderBlock* rootBlock, LayoutUnit position)
    LayoutUnit logicalRight = logicalRightOffsetForLine(false);
    if (logicalRight == logicalRightOffsetForContent())
        return RenderBlock::logicalRightSelectionOffset(rootBlock, position);

    RenderBlock* cb = this;
    while (cb != rootBlock) {
        logicalRight += cb->logicalLeft();
        cb = cb->containingBlock();
    return logicalRight;
void RenderLineBreak::collectSelectionRects(Vector<SelectionRect>& rects, unsigned, unsigned)
    InlineElementBox* box = m_inlineBoxWrapper;
    if (!box)
    const RootInlineBox& rootBox = box->root();
    LayoutRect rect = rootBox.computeCaretRect(box->logicalLeft(), 0, nullptr);
    if (rootBox.isFirstAfterPageBreak()) {
        if (box->isHorizontal())

    RenderBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
    // Map rect, extended left to leftOffset, and right to rightOffset, through transforms to get minX and maxX.
    LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches cache(*containingBlock);
    LayoutUnit leftOffset = containingBlock->logicalLeftSelectionOffset(*containingBlock, box->logicalTop(), cache);
    LayoutUnit rightOffset = containingBlock->logicalRightSelectionOffset(*containingBlock, box->logicalTop(), cache);
    LayoutRect extentsRect = rect;
    if (box->isHorizontal()) {
        extentsRect.setWidth(rightOffset - leftOffset);
    } else {
        extentsRect.setHeight(rightOffset - leftOffset);
    extentsRect = localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(extentsRect)).enclosingBoundingBox();
    if (!box->isHorizontal())
        extentsRect = extentsRect.transposedRect();
    bool isFirstOnLine = !box->previousOnLineExists();
    bool isLastOnLine = !box->nextOnLineExists();
    if (containingBlock->isRubyBase() || containingBlock->isRubyText())
        isLastOnLine = !containingBlock->containingBlock()->inlineBoxWrapper()->nextOnLineExists();

    bool isFixed = false;
    IntRect absRect = localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(rect), UseTransforms, &isFixed).enclosingBoundingBox();
    bool boxIsHorizontal = !box->isSVGInlineTextBox() ? box->isHorizontal() : !style().svgStyle().isVerticalWritingMode();
    // If the containing block is an inline element, we want to check the inlineBoxWrapper orientation
    // to determine the orientation of the block. In this case we also use the inlineBoxWrapper to
    // determine if the element is the last on the line.
    if (containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()) {
        if (containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()->isHorizontal() != boxIsHorizontal) {
            boxIsHorizontal = containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()->isHorizontal();
            isLastOnLine = !containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()->nextOnLineExists();

    rects.append(SelectionRect(absRect, box->direction(), extentsRect.x(), extentsRect.maxX(), extentsRect.maxY(), 0, box->isLineBreak(), isFirstOnLine, isLastOnLine, false, false, boxIsHorizontal, isFixed, containingBlock->isRubyText(), view().pageNumberForBlockProgressionOffset(absRect.x())));
Esempio n. 8
static inline bool hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight(const RenderReplaced* replaced)
    Length logicalHeightLength = replaced->style()->logicalHeight();
    if (logicalHeightLength.isAuto())
        return true;

    // For percentage heights: The percentage is calculated with respect to the height of the generated box's
    // containing block. If the height of the containing block is not specified explicitly (i.e., it depends
    // on content height), and this element is not absolutely positioned, the value computes to 'auto'.
    if (!logicalHeightLength.isPercent() || replaced->isPositioned() || replaced->document()->inQuirksMode())
        return false;

    for (RenderBlock* cb = replaced->containingBlock(); !cb->isRenderView(); cb = cb->containingBlock()) {
        if (cb->isTableCell() || (!cb->style()->logicalHeight().isAuto() || (!cb->style()->top().isAuto() && !cb->style()->bottom().isAuto())))
            return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 9
IntRect RenderView::selectionBounds(bool clipToVisibleContent) const

    typedef HashMap<RenderObject*, RenderSelectionInfo*> SelectionMap;
    SelectionMap selectedObjects;

    RenderObject* os = m_selectionStart;
    RenderObject* stop = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    while (os && os != stop) {
        if ((os->canBeSelectionLeaf() || os == m_selectionStart || os == m_selectionEnd) && os->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
            selectedObjects.set(os, new RenderSelectionInfo(os, clipToVisibleContent));
            RenderBlock* cb = os->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                RenderSelectionInfo* blockInfo = selectedObjects.get(cb);
                if (blockInfo)
                selectedObjects.set(cb, new RenderSelectionInfo(cb, clipToVisibleContent));
                cb = cb->containingBlock();

        os = os->nextInPreOrder();

    // Now create a single bounding box rect that encloses the whole selection.
    IntRect selRect;
    SelectionMap::iterator end = selectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectionMap::iterator i = selectedObjects.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        RenderSelectionInfo* info = i->second;
        // RenderSelectionInfo::rect() is in the coordinates of the repaintContainer, so map to page coordinates.
        IntRect currRect = info->rect();
        if (RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer = info->repaintContainer()) {
            FloatQuad absQuad = repaintContainer->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(currRect));
            currRect = absQuad.enclosingBoundingBox(); 
        delete info;
    return selRect;
Esempio n. 10
IntRect RenderView::selectionBounds(bool clipToVisibleContent) const
    typedef HashMap<RawPtr<RenderObject>, OwnPtr<RenderSelectionInfo> > SelectionMap;
    SelectionMap selectedObjects;

    RenderObject* os = m_selectionStart;
    RenderObject* stop = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    while (os && os != stop) {
        if ((os->canBeSelectionLeaf() || os == m_selectionStart || os == m_selectionEnd) && os->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
            selectedObjects.set(os, adoptPtr(new RenderSelectionInfo(os, clipToVisibleContent)));
            RenderBlock* cb = os->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                OwnPtr<RenderSelectionInfo>& blockInfo = selectedObjects.add(cb, nullptr).storedValue->value;
                if (blockInfo)
                blockInfo = adoptPtr(new RenderSelectionInfo(cb, clipToVisibleContent));
                cb = cb->containingBlock();

        os = os->nextInPreOrder();

    // Now create a single bounding box rect that encloses the whole selection.
    LayoutRect selRect;
    SelectionMap::iterator end = selectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectionMap::iterator i = selectedObjects.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        RenderSelectionInfo* info = i->value.get();
        // RenderSelectionInfo::rect() is in the coordinates of the paintInvalidationContainer, so map to page coordinates.
        LayoutRect currRect = info->rect();
        if (const RenderLayerModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer = info->paintInvalidationContainer()) {
            FloatQuad absQuad = paintInvalidationContainer->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(currRect));
            currRect = absQuad.enclosingBoundingBox();
    return pixelSnappedIntRect(selRect);
Esempio n. 11
bool RenderBoxModelObject::hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight() const
    Length logicalHeightLength = style()->logicalHeight();
    if (logicalHeightLength.isAuto())
        return true;

    // For percentage heights: The percentage is calculated with respect to the height of the generated box's
    // containing block. If the height of the containing block is not specified explicitly (i.e., it depends
    // on content height), and this element is not absolutely positioned, the value computes to 'auto'.
    if (!logicalHeightLength.isPercent() || isOutOfFlowPositioned() || document().inQuirksMode())
        return false;

    // Anonymous block boxes are ignored when resolving percentage values that would refer to it:
    // the closest non-anonymous ancestor box is used instead.
    RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock();
    while (cb->isAnonymous())
        cb = cb->containingBlock();

    // Matching RenderBox::percentageLogicalHeightIsResolvableFromBlock() by
    // ignoring table cell's attribute value, where it says that table cells violate
    // what the CSS spec says to do with heights. Basically we
    // don't care if the cell specified a height or not.
    if (cb->isTableCell())
        return false;

    // Match RenderBox::availableLogicalHeightUsing by special casing
    // the render view. The available height is taken from the frame.
    if (cb->isRenderView())
        return false;

    if (cb->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !cb->style()->logicalTop().isAuto() && !cb->style()->logicalBottom().isAuto())
        return false;

    // If the height of the containing block computes to 'auto', then it hasn't been 'specified explicitly'.
    return cb->hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight();
Esempio n. 12
IntRect RenderView::selectionBounds(bool clipToVisibleContent) const

    typedef HashMap<RenderObject*, SelectionInfo*> SelectionMap;
    SelectionMap selectedObjects;

    RenderObject* os = m_selectionStart;
    RenderObject* stop = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    while (os && os != stop) {
        if ((os->canBeSelectionLeaf() || os == m_selectionStart || os == m_selectionEnd) && os->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
            selectedObjects.set(os, new SelectionInfo(os, clipToVisibleContent));
            RenderBlock* cb = os->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                SelectionInfo* blockInfo = selectedObjects.get(cb);
                if (blockInfo)
                selectedObjects.set(cb, new SelectionInfo(cb, clipToVisibleContent));
                cb = cb->containingBlock();

        os = os->nextInPreOrder();

    // Now create a single bounding box rect that encloses the whole selection.
    IntRect selRect;
    SelectionMap::iterator end = selectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectionMap::iterator i = selectedObjects.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        SelectionInfo* info = i->second;
        delete info;
    return selRect;
Esempio n. 13
void RenderInline::splitFlow(RenderObject *beforeChild, RenderBlock *newBlockBox, RenderObject *newChild, RenderFlow *oldCont)
    RenderBlock *pre = 0;
    RenderBlock *block = containingBlock();
    bool madeNewBeforeBlock = false;
        // We can reuse this block and make it the preBlock of the next continuation.
        pre = block;
        block = block->containingBlock();
        // No anonymous block available for use.  Make one.
        pre = block->createAnonymousBlock();
        madeNewBeforeBlock = true;

    RenderBlock *post = block->createAnonymousBlock();

    RenderObject *boxFirst = madeNewBeforeBlock ? block->firstChild() : pre->nextSibling();
        block->insertChildNode(pre, boxFirst);
    block->insertChildNode(newBlockBox, boxFirst);
    block->insertChildNode(post, boxFirst);

        RenderObject *o = boxFirst;
            RenderObject *no = o;
            o = no->nextSibling();

    splitInlines(pre, post, newBlockBox, beforeChild, oldCont);

    // We already know the newBlockBox isn't going to contain inline kids, so avoid wasting
    // time in makeChildrenNonInline by just setting this explicitly up front.

    // We don't just call addChild, since it would pass things off to the
    // continuation, so we call addChildToFlow explicitly instead.  We delayed
    // adding the newChild until now so that the |newBlockBox| would be fully
    // connected, thus allowing newChild access to a renderArena should it need
    // to wrap itself in additional boxes (e.g., table construction).
    newBlockBox->addChildToFlow(newChild, 0);

    // XXXdwh is any of this even necessary? I don't think it is.
    pre->setPos(0, -500000);
    newBlockBox->setPos(0, -500000);
    post->setPos(0, -500000);


Esempio n. 14
void RenderView::repaintSelection() const

    HashSet<RenderBlock*> processedBlocks;

    RenderObject* end = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    for (RenderObject* o = m_selectionStart; o && o != end; o = o->nextInPreOrder()) {
        if (!o->canBeSelectionLeaf() && o != m_selectionStart && o != m_selectionEnd)
        if (o->selectionState() == SelectionNone)

        RenderSelectionInfo(o, true).repaint();

        // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
        for (RenderBlock* block = o->containingBlock(); block && !block->isRenderView(); block = block->containingBlock()) {
            if (!processedBlocks.add(block).isNewEntry)
            RenderSelectionInfo(block, true).repaint();
Esempio n. 15
void RenderView::setSelection(RenderObject* start, int startPos, RenderObject* end, int endPos, SelectionRepaintMode blockRepaintMode)
    // Make sure both our start and end objects are defined.
    // Check and try clicking around to find the case where this happened.
    if ((start && !end) || (end && !start))

    // Just return if the selection hasn't changed.
    if (m_selectionStart == start && m_selectionStartPos == startPos &&
        m_selectionEnd == end && m_selectionEndPos == endPos)

    // Record the old selected objects.  These will be used later
    // when we compare against the new selected objects.
    int oldStartPos = m_selectionStartPos;
    int oldEndPos = m_selectionEndPos;

    // Objects each have a single selection rect to examine.
    typedef HashMap<RenderObject*, OwnPtr<RenderSelectionInfo> > SelectedObjectMap;
    SelectedObjectMap oldSelectedObjects;
    SelectedObjectMap newSelectedObjects;

    // Blocks contain selected objects and fill gaps between them, either on the left, right, or in between lines and blocks.
    // In order to get the repaint rect right, we have to examine left, middle, and right rects individually, since otherwise
    // the union of those rects might remain the same even when changes have occurred.
    typedef HashMap<RenderBlock*, OwnPtr<RenderBlockSelectionInfo> > SelectedBlockMap;
    SelectedBlockMap oldSelectedBlocks;
    SelectedBlockMap newSelectedBlocks;

    RenderObject* os = m_selectionStart;
    RenderObject* stop = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    while (os && os != stop) {
        if ((os->canBeSelectionLeaf() || os == m_selectionStart || os == m_selectionEnd) && os->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps.  They must be examined as well.
            oldSelectedObjects.set(os, adoptPtr(new RenderSelectionInfo(os, true)));
            if (blockRepaintMode == RepaintNewXOROld) {
                RenderBlock* cb = os->containingBlock();
                while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                    OwnPtr<RenderBlockSelectionInfo>& blockInfo = oldSelectedBlocks.add(cb, nullptr).iterator->second;
                    if (blockInfo)
                    blockInfo = adoptPtr(new RenderBlockSelectionInfo(cb));
                    cb = cb->containingBlock();

        os = os->nextInPreOrder();

    // Now clear the selection.
    SelectedObjectMap::iterator oldObjectsEnd = oldSelectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = oldSelectedObjects.begin(); i != oldObjectsEnd; ++i)

    // set selection start and end
    m_selectionStart = start;
    m_selectionStartPos = startPos;
    m_selectionEnd = end;
    m_selectionEndPos = endPos;

    // Update the selection status of all objects between m_selectionStart and m_selectionEnd
    if (start && start == end)
    else {
        if (start)
        if (end)

    RenderObject* o = start;
    stop = rendererAfterPosition(end, endPos);

    while (o && o != stop) {
        if (o != start && o != end && o->canBeSelectionLeaf())
        o = o->nextInPreOrder();

    if (blockRepaintMode != RepaintNothing)

    // Now that the selection state has been updated for the new objects, walk them again and
    // put them in the new objects list.
    o = start;
    while (o && o != stop) {
        if ((o->canBeSelectionLeaf() || o == start || o == end) && o->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            newSelectedObjects.set(o, adoptPtr(new RenderSelectionInfo(o, true)));
            RenderBlock* cb = o->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                OwnPtr<RenderBlockSelectionInfo>& blockInfo = newSelectedBlocks.add(cb, nullptr).iterator->second;
                if (blockInfo)
                blockInfo = adoptPtr(new RenderBlockSelectionInfo(cb));
                cb = cb->containingBlock();

        o = o->nextInPreOrder();

    if (!m_frameView || blockRepaintMode == RepaintNothing)


    // Have any of the old selected objects changed compared to the new selection?
    for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = oldSelectedObjects.begin(); i != oldObjectsEnd; ++i) {
        RenderObject* obj = i->first;
        RenderSelectionInfo* newInfo = newSelectedObjects.get(obj);
        RenderSelectionInfo* oldInfo = i->second.get();
        if (!newInfo || oldInfo->rect() != newInfo->rect() || oldInfo->state() != newInfo->state() ||
            (m_selectionStart == obj && oldStartPos != m_selectionStartPos) ||
            (m_selectionEnd == obj && oldEndPos != m_selectionEndPos)) {
            if (newInfo) {

    // Any new objects that remain were not found in the old objects dict, and so they need to be updated.
    SelectedObjectMap::iterator newObjectsEnd = newSelectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = newSelectedObjects.begin(); i != newObjectsEnd; ++i)

    // Have any of the old blocks changed?
    SelectedBlockMap::iterator oldBlocksEnd = oldSelectedBlocks.end();
    for (SelectedBlockMap::iterator i = oldSelectedBlocks.begin(); i != oldBlocksEnd; ++i) {
        RenderBlock* block = i->first;
        RenderBlockSelectionInfo* newInfo = newSelectedBlocks.get(block);
        RenderBlockSelectionInfo* oldInfo = i->second.get();
        if (!newInfo || oldInfo->rects() != newInfo->rects() || oldInfo->state() != newInfo->state()) {
            if (newInfo) {

    // Any new blocks that remain were not found in the old blocks dict, and so they need to be updated.
    SelectedBlockMap::iterator newBlocksEnd = newSelectedBlocks.end();
    for (SelectedBlockMap::iterator i = newSelectedBlocks.begin(); i != newBlocksEnd; ++i)

Esempio n. 16
void RenderView::invalidatePaintForSelection() const
    HashSet<RenderBlock*> processedBlocks;

    // For querying RenderLayer::compositingState()
    // FIXME: this may be wrong.
    DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

    RenderObject* end = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    for (RenderObject* o = m_selectionStart; o && o != end; o = o->nextInPreOrder()) {
        if (!o->canBeSelectionLeaf() && o != m_selectionStart && o != m_selectionEnd)
        if (o->selectionState() == SelectionNone)

        RenderSelectionInfo(o, true).invalidatePaint();

        // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
        for (RenderBlock* block = o->containingBlock(); block && !block->isRenderView(); block = block->containingBlock()) {
            if (!processedBlocks.add(block).isNewEntry)
            RenderSelectionInfo(block, true).invalidatePaint();
Esempio n. 17
void RenderView::invalidatePaintForSelection() const
    HashSet<RenderBlock*> processedBlocks;

    RenderObject* end = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    for (RenderObject* o = m_selectionStart; o && o != end; o = o->nextInPreOrder()) {
        if (!o->canBeSelectionLeaf() && o != m_selectionStart && o != m_selectionEnd)
        if (o->selectionState() == SelectionNone)


        // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
        for (RenderBlock* block = o->containingBlock(); block && !block->isRenderView(); block = block->containingBlock()) {
            if (!processedBlocks.add(block).isNewEntry)
Esempio n. 18
void RenderView::setSelection(RenderObject* start, int startPos, RenderObject* end, int endPos, SelectionPaintInvalidationMode blockPaintInvalidationMode)
    // This code makes no assumptions as to if the rendering tree is up to date or not
    // and will not try to update it. Currently clearSelection calls this
    // (intentionally) without updating the rendering tree as it doesn't care.
    // Other callers may want to force recalc style before calling this.

    // Make sure both our start and end objects are defined.
    // Check and try clicking around to find the case where this happened.
    if ((start && !end) || (end && !start))

    // Just return if the selection hasn't changed.
    if (m_selectionStart == start && m_selectionStartPos == startPos &&
        m_selectionEnd == end && m_selectionEndPos == endPos)

    // Record the old selected objects.  These will be used later
    // when we compare against the new selected objects.
    int oldStartPos = m_selectionStartPos;
    int oldEndPos = m_selectionEndPos;

    // Objects each have a single selection rect to examine.
    typedef WillBeHeapHashMap<RawPtrWillBeMember<RenderObject>, SelectionState > SelectedObjectMap;
    SelectedObjectMap oldSelectedObjects;
    // FIXME: |newSelectedObjects| doesn't really need to store the SelectionState, it's just more convenient
    // to have it use the same data structure as |oldSelectedObjects|.
    SelectedObjectMap newSelectedObjects;

    // Blocks contain selected objects and fill gaps between them, either on the left, right, or in between lines and blocks.
    // In order to get the paint invalidation rect right, we have to examine left, middle, and right rects individually, since otherwise
    // the union of those rects might remain the same even when changes have occurred.
    typedef WillBeHeapHashMap<RawPtrWillBeMember<RenderBlock>, SelectionState > SelectedBlockMap;
    SelectedBlockMap oldSelectedBlocks;
    // FIXME: |newSelectedBlocks| doesn't really need to store the SelectionState, it's just more convenient
    // to have it use the same data structure as |oldSelectedBlocks|.
    SelectedBlockMap newSelectedBlocks;

    RenderObject* os = m_selectionStart;
    RenderObject* stop = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    bool exploringBackwards = false;
    bool continueExploring = os && (os != stop);
    while (continueExploring) {
        if ((os->canBeSelectionLeaf() || os == m_selectionStart || os == m_selectionEnd) && os->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps.  They must be examined as well.
            oldSelectedObjects.set(os, os->selectionState());
            if (blockPaintInvalidationMode == PaintInvalidationNewXOROld) {
                RenderBlock* cb = os->containingBlock();
                while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                    SelectedBlockMap::AddResult result = oldSelectedBlocks.add(cb, cb->selectionState());
                    if (!result.isNewEntry)
                    cb = cb->containingBlock();

        os = getNextOrPrevRenderObjectBasedOnDirection(os, stop, continueExploring, exploringBackwards);

    // Now clear the selection.
    SelectedObjectMap::iterator oldObjectsEnd = oldSelectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = oldSelectedObjects.begin(); i != oldObjectsEnd; ++i)

    // set selection start and end
    m_selectionStart = start;
    m_selectionStartPos = startPos;
    m_selectionEnd = end;
    m_selectionEndPos = endPos;

    // Update the selection status of all objects between m_selectionStart and m_selectionEnd
    if (start && start == end)
    else {
        if (start)
        if (end)

    RenderObject* o = start;
    stop = rendererAfterPosition(end, endPos);

    while (o && o != stop) {
        if (o != start && o != end && o->canBeSelectionLeaf())
        o = o->nextInPreOrder();


    // Now that the selection state has been updated for the new objects, walk them again and
    // put them in the new objects list.
    o = start;
    exploringBackwards = false;
    continueExploring = o && (o != stop);
    while (continueExploring) {
        if ((o->canBeSelectionLeaf() || o == start || o == end) && o->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            newSelectedObjects.set(o, o->selectionState());
            RenderBlock* cb = o->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                SelectedBlockMap::AddResult result = newSelectedBlocks.add(cb, cb->selectionState());
                if (!result.isNewEntry)
                cb = cb->containingBlock();

        o = getNextOrPrevRenderObjectBasedOnDirection(o, stop, continueExploring, exploringBackwards);

    if (!m_frameView)

    // Have any of the old selected objects changed compared to the new selection?
    for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = oldSelectedObjects.begin(); i != oldObjectsEnd; ++i) {
        RenderObject* obj = i->key;
        SelectionState newSelectionState = obj->selectionState();
        SelectionState oldSelectionState = i->value;
        if (newSelectionState != oldSelectionState
            || (m_selectionStart == obj && oldStartPos != m_selectionStartPos)
            || (m_selectionEnd == obj && oldEndPos != m_selectionEndPos)) {

    // Any new objects that remain were not found in the old objects dict, and so they need to be updated.
    SelectedObjectMap::iterator newObjectsEnd = newSelectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = newSelectedObjects.begin(); i != newObjectsEnd; ++i)

    // Have any of the old blocks changed?
    SelectedBlockMap::iterator oldBlocksEnd = oldSelectedBlocks.end();
    for (SelectedBlockMap::iterator i = oldSelectedBlocks.begin(); i != oldBlocksEnd; ++i) {
        RenderBlock* block = i->key;
        SelectionState newSelectionState = block->selectionState();
        SelectionState oldSelectionState = i->value;
        if (newSelectionState != oldSelectionState) {

    // Any new blocks that remain were not found in the old blocks dict, and so they need to be updated.
    SelectedBlockMap::iterator newBlocksEnd = newSelectedBlocks.end();
    for (SelectedBlockMap::iterator i = newSelectedBlocks.begin(); i != newBlocksEnd; ++i)
Esempio n. 19
void findGoodTouchTargets(const IntRect& touchBox, LocalFrame* mainFrame, Vector<IntRect>& goodTargets, WillBeHeapVector<RawPtrWillBeMember<Node> >& highlightNodes)

    int touchPointPadding = ceil(std::max(touchBox.width(), touchBox.height()) * 0.5);

    IntPoint touchPoint =;
    IntPoint contentsPoint = mainFrame->view()->windowToContents(touchPoint);

    HitTestResult result = mainFrame->eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(contentsPoint, HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::ConfusingAndOftenMisusedDisallowShadowContent, IntSize(touchPointPadding, touchPointPadding));
    const WillBeHeapListHashSet<RefPtrWillBeMember<Node> >& hitResults = result.rectBasedTestResult();

    // Blacklist nodes that are container of disambiguated nodes.
    // It is not uncommon to have a clickable <div> that contains other clickable objects.
    // This heuristic avoids excessive disambiguation in that case.
    WillBeHeapHashSet<RawPtrWillBeMember<Node> > blackList;
    for (WillBeHeapListHashSet<RefPtrWillBeMember<Node> >::const_iterator it = hitResults.begin(); it != hitResults.end(); ++it) {
        // Ignore any Nodes that can't be clicked on.
        RenderObject* renderer = it->get()->renderer();
        if (!renderer || !it->get()->willRespondToMouseClickEvents())

        // Blacklist all of the Node's containers.
        for (RenderBlock* container = renderer->containingBlock(); container; container = container->containingBlock()) {
            Node* containerNode = container->node();
            if (!containerNode)
            if (!blackList.add(containerNode).isNewEntry)

    WillBeHeapHashMap<RawPtrWillBeMember<Node>, TouchTargetData> touchTargets;
    float bestScore = 0;
    for (WillBeHeapListHashSet<RefPtrWillBeMember<Node> >::const_iterator it = hitResults.begin(); it != hitResults.end(); ++it) {
        for (Node* node = it->get(); node; node = node->parentNode()) {
            if (blackList.contains(node))
            if (node->isDocumentNode() || isHTMLHtmlElement(*node) || isHTMLBodyElement(*node))
            if (node->willRespondToMouseClickEvents()) {
                TouchTargetData& targetData = touchTargets.add(node, TouchTargetData()).storedValue->value;
                targetData.windowBoundingBox = boundingBoxForEventNodes(node);
                targetData.score = scoreTouchTarget(touchPoint, touchPointPadding, targetData.windowBoundingBox);
                bestScore = std::max(bestScore, targetData.score);

    for (WillBeHeapHashMap<RawPtrWillBeMember<Node>, TouchTargetData>::iterator it = touchTargets.begin(); it != touchTargets.end(); ++it) {
        // Currently the scoring function uses the overlap area with the fat point as the score.
        // We ignore the candidates that has less than 1/2 overlap (we consider not really ambiguous enough) than the best candidate to avoid excessive popups.
        if (it->value.score < bestScore * 0.5)
LayoutRect RenderNamedFlowThread::decorationsClipRectForBoxInNamedFlowFragment(const RenderBox& box, RenderNamedFlowFragment& fragment) const
    LayoutRect visualOverflowRect = fragment.visualOverflowRectForBox(&box);
    LayoutUnit initialLogicalX = style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? visualOverflowRect.x() : visualOverflowRect.y();

    // The visual overflow rect returned by visualOverflowRectForBox is already flipped but the
    // RenderRegion::rectFlowPortionForBox method expects it unflipped.
    visualOverflowRect = fragment.rectFlowPortionForBox(&box, visualOverflowRect);
    // Now flip it again.

    // Take the scrolled offset of this object's parents into consideration.
    IntSize scrolledContentOffset;
    RenderBlock* containingBlock = box.containingBlock();
    while (containingBlock) {
        if (containingBlock->isRenderNamedFlowThread()) {
            // We've reached the flow thread, take the scrolled offset of the region into consideration.
            ASSERT(containingBlock == this);
            scrolledContentOffset += fragment.fragmentContainer().scrolledContentOffset();
        scrolledContentOffset += containingBlock->scrolledContentOffset();
        containingBlock = containingBlock->containingBlock();

    if (!scrolledContentOffset.isZero()) {
        if (style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode())
            scrolledContentOffset = -scrolledContentOffset;
    // Layers are in physical coordinates so the origin must be moved to the physical top-left of the flowthread.
    if (style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        if (style().isHorizontalWritingMode())
            visualOverflowRect.moveBy(LayoutPoint(0, height()));
            visualOverflowRect.moveBy(LayoutPoint(width(), 0));

    const RenderBox* iterBox = &box;
    while (iterBox && iterBox != this) {
        RenderBlock* containerBlock = iterBox->containingBlock();

        // FIXME: This doesn't work properly with flipped writing modes.
        if (iterBox->isPositioned()) {
            // For positioned elements, just use the layer's absolute bounding box.

        LayoutRect currentBoxRect = iterBox->frameRect();
        if (iterBox->style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
            if (iterBox->style().isHorizontalWritingMode())
                currentBoxRect.setY(currentBoxRect.height() - currentBoxRect.maxY());
                currentBoxRect.setX(currentBoxRect.width() - currentBoxRect.maxX());

        if (containerBlock->style().writingMode() != iterBox->style().writingMode())

        iterBox = containerBlock;

    // Since the purpose of this method is to make sure the borders of a fragmented
    // element don't overflow the region in the fragmentation direction, there's no
    // point in restricting the clipping rect on the logical X axis. 
    // This also saves us the trouble of handling percent-based widths and margins
    // since the absolute bounding box of a positioned element would not contain
    // the correct coordinates relative to the region we're interested in, but rather
    // relative to the actual flow thread.
    if (style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        if (initialLogicalX < visualOverflowRect.x())
        if (visualOverflowRect.width() < frameRect().width())
    } else {
        if (initialLogicalX < visualOverflowRect.y())
        if (visualOverflowRect.height() < frameRect().height())

    return visualOverflowRect;
Esempio n. 21
static inline RenderBlock* firstContainingBlockWithLogicalWidth(const RenderReplaced* replaced)
    // We have to lookup the containing block, which has an explicit width, which must not be equal to our direct containing block.
    // If the embedded document appears _after_ we performed the initial layout, our intrinsic size is 300x150. If our containing
    // block doesn't provide an explicit width, it's set to the 300 default, coming from the initial layout run.
    RenderBlock* containingBlock = replaced->containingBlock();
    if (!containingBlock)
        return 0;

    for (; containingBlock && !is<RenderView>(*containingBlock) && !containingBlock->isBody(); containingBlock = containingBlock->containingBlock()) {
        if (containingBlock->style().logicalWidth().isSpecified())
            return containingBlock;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 22
void RenderView::setSelection(RenderObject *s, int sp, RenderObject *e, int ep)
    // Make sure both our start and end objects are defined. 
    // Check and try clicking around to find the case where this happened.
    if ((s && !e) || (e && !s))

    // Just return if the selection hasn't changed.
    if (m_selectionStart == s && m_selectionStartPos == sp &&
        m_selectionEnd == e && m_selectionEndPos == ep)

    // Record the old selected objects.  These will be used later
    // when we compare against the new selected objects.
    int oldStartPos = m_selectionStartPos;
    int oldEndPos = m_selectionEndPos;

    // Objects each have a single selection rect to examine.
    typedef HashMap<RenderObject*, SelectionInfo*> SelectedObjectMap;
    SelectedObjectMap oldSelectedObjects;
    SelectedObjectMap newSelectedObjects;

    // Blocks contain selected objects and fill gaps between them, either on the left, right, or in between lines and blocks.
    // In order to get the repaint rect right, we have to examine left, middle, and right rects individually, since otherwise
    // the union of those rects might remain the same even when changes have occurred.
    typedef HashMap<RenderBlock*, BlockSelectionInfo*> SelectedBlockMap;
    SelectedBlockMap oldSelectedBlocks;
    SelectedBlockMap newSelectedBlocks;

    RenderObject* os = m_selectionStart;
    RenderObject* stop = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
    while (os && os != stop) {
        if ((os->canBeSelectionLeaf() || os == m_selectionStart || os == m_selectionEnd) && os->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            // Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps.  They must be examined as well.
            oldSelectedObjects.set(os, new SelectionInfo(os));
            RenderBlock* cb = os->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                BlockSelectionInfo* blockInfo = oldSelectedBlocks.get(cb);
                if (blockInfo)
                oldSelectedBlocks.set(cb, new BlockSelectionInfo(cb));
                cb = cb->containingBlock();
        os = os->nextInPreOrder();

    // Now clear the selection.
    SelectedObjectMap::iterator oldObjectsEnd = oldSelectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = oldSelectedObjects.begin(); i != oldObjectsEnd; ++i)

    // set selection start and end
    m_selectionStart = s;
    m_selectionStartPos = sp;
    m_selectionEnd = e;
    m_selectionEndPos = ep;

    // Update the selection status of all objects between m_selectionStart and m_selectionEnd
    if (s && s == e)
    else {
        if (s)
        if (e)

    RenderObject* o = s;
    stop = rendererAfterPosition(e, ep);
    while (o && o != stop) {
        if (o != s && o != e && o->canBeSelectionLeaf())
        o = o->nextInPreOrder();

    // Now that the selection state has been updated for the new objects, walk them again and
    // put them in the new objects list.
    o = s;
    while (o && o != stop) {
        if ((o->canBeSelectionLeaf() || o == s || o == e) && o->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
            newSelectedObjects.set(o, new SelectionInfo(o));
            RenderBlock* cb = o->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
                BlockSelectionInfo* blockInfo = newSelectedBlocks.get(cb);
                if (blockInfo)
                newSelectedBlocks.set(cb, new BlockSelectionInfo(cb));
                cb = cb->containingBlock();

        o = o->nextInPreOrder();

    if (!m_frameView)

    // Have any of the old selected objects changed compared to the new selection?
    for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = oldSelectedObjects.begin(); i != oldObjectsEnd; ++i) {
        RenderObject* obj = i->first;
        SelectionInfo* newInfo = newSelectedObjects.get(obj);
        SelectionInfo* oldInfo = i->second;
        if (!newInfo || oldInfo->rect() != newInfo->rect() || oldInfo->state() != newInfo->state() ||
            (m_selectionStart == obj && oldStartPos != m_selectionStartPos) ||
            (m_selectionEnd == obj && oldEndPos != m_selectionEndPos)) {
            if (newInfo) {
                delete newInfo;
        delete oldInfo;
    // Any new objects that remain were not found in the old objects dict, and so they need to be updated.
    SelectedObjectMap::iterator newObjectsEnd = newSelectedObjects.end();
    for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = newSelectedObjects.begin(); i != newObjectsEnd; ++i) {
        SelectionInfo* newInfo = i->second;
        delete newInfo;

    // Have any of the old blocks changed?
    SelectedBlockMap::iterator oldBlocksEnd = oldSelectedBlocks.end();
    for (SelectedBlockMap::iterator i = oldSelectedBlocks.begin(); i != oldBlocksEnd; ++i) {
        RenderBlock* block = i->first;
        BlockSelectionInfo* newInfo = newSelectedBlocks.get(block);
        BlockSelectionInfo* oldInfo = i->second;
        if (!newInfo || oldInfo->rects() != newInfo->rects() || oldInfo->state() != newInfo->state()) {
            if (newInfo) {
                delete newInfo;
        delete oldInfo;
    // Any new blocks that remain were not found in the old blocks dict, and so they need to be updated.
    SelectedBlockMap::iterator newBlocksEnd = newSelectedBlocks.end();
    for (SelectedBlockMap::iterator i = newSelectedBlocks.begin(); i != newBlocksEnd; ++i) {
        BlockSelectionInfo* newInfo = i->second;
        delete newInfo;