Esempio n. 1
	void AnimationClip::getBoneMapping(const Skeleton& skeleton, AnimationCurveMapping* mapping) const
		UINT32 numBones = skeleton.getNumBones();
		for(UINT32 i = 0; i < numBones; i++)
			const SkeletonBoneInfo& boneInfo = skeleton.getBoneInfo(i);

			getCurveMapping(, mapping[i]);
Esempio n. 2
void Entity::_updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue) {
  SubEntityList* subEntList;
  // Check we're not using a manual LOD
  if (mMeshLodIndex > 0 && mMesh->isLodManual()) {
    // Use alternate subentities
    assert((mMeshLodIndex-1) < mLodSubEntityList.size() &&
           "No LOD SubEntityList - did you build the manual LODs after creating the entity?");
    // index - 1 as we skip index 0 (original lod)
    subEntList = mLodSubEntityList[mMeshLodIndex - 1];
  } else {
    subEntList = &mSubEntityList;

  // Add each SubEntity to the queue
  SubEntityList::iterator i, iend;
  iend = subEntList->end();
  for (i = subEntList->begin(); i != iend; ++i) {
    queue->addRenderable(*i, mRenderQueueID, RENDERABLE_DEFAULT_PRIORITY);

  // Since we know we're going to be rendered, take this opportunity to
  // cache bone matrices & apply world matrix to them
  if (mMesh->hasSkeleton()) {

    //--- pass this point,  we are sure that the transformation matrix of each bone and tagPoint have been updated
    // 挂到骨头上的子物体
    ChildObjectList::iterator child_itr = mChildObjectList.begin();
    ChildObjectList::iterator child_itr_end = mChildObjectList.end();
    for( ; child_itr != child_itr_end; child_itr++) {

  // HACK to display bones
  // This won't work if the entity is not centered at the origin
  // TODO work out a way to allow bones to be rendered when Entity not centered
  if (mDisplaySkeleton && mMesh->hasSkeleton()) {
    Skeleton* pSkel = mMesh->getSkeleton();
    int numBones = pSkel->getNumBones();
    for (int b = 0; b < numBones; ++b) {
      Bone* bone = pSkel->getBone(b);
      queue->addRenderable(bone, mRenderQueueID);

Esempio n. 3
void Skeleton::fitToTargetSkeleton(const Skeleton &target)
    // find root bone
    int rootId = -1;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mBones.size(); ++i)
        if(mBones[i].parent == -1)
            rootId = i;

    // is a root in the skeleton
    if(rootId == -1)
        LOG("no root bone found");

    // check for consistency
    if(mBones.size() != target.getNumBones())
        LOG("skeletons does not match");

    // init stack with root
    std::vector<int> ndStack(0);

    // level pt
    int sp = 0;
    while((unsigned int)sp < ndStack.size())
        Bone& cur = mBones[ndStack[sp]];

        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < cur.children.size(); ++j)


    // apply all rotations according stack order
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < ndStack.size(); ++k)
        // get current bone
        unsigned int l = ndStack[k];
        Bone& _tB = mBones[l];

        // transform rotation from other bone
        Bone _oB;
        target.getBone(l, _oB);
        _tB.R = _oB.R;

        // offset is the fathers end position
        if(_tB.parent > -1 && (unsigned int)_tB.parent < mBones.size())
            Bone& _pP = mBones[_tB.parent];
            _tB.t = _pP.t + _pP.R.col(1) * _pP.length;
            // LOG("no t correction for bone " << l);

        mJoints[_tB.j0] = _tB.t;
        mJoints[_tB.j1] = _tB.t + _tB.R.col(1) * _tB.length;