Esempio n. 1
void fresnel(const Vec3f &incidentDirection, const Vec3f &normal, const float &refractiveIndex, float &kr)
    float cosI = clamp(-1, 1, incidentDirection.dotProduct(normal));
    float etaI = 1, etaT = refractiveIndex;
    if (cosI > 0) { std::swap(etaI, etaT); }
    float sinT = etaI / etaT * sqrtf(std::max(0.f, 1 - cosI * cosI));

    if (sinT >= 1) {
        kr = 1;
    } else {
        float cosT = sqrtf(std::max(0.f, 1 - sinT * sinT));
        cosI = fabsf(cosI);
        float Rs = ((etaT * cosI) - (etaI * cosT)) / ((etaT * cosI) + (etaI * cosT));
        float Rp = ((etaI * cosI) - (etaT * cosT)) / ((etaI * cosI) + (etaT * cosT));
        kr = (Rs * Rs + Rp * Rp) / 2;
Esempio n. 2
// Compute the color at the intersection point if any (returns background color otherwise)
Vec3f castRay(
	const Vec3f &orig, const Vec3f &dir,
	const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>> &objects)
	Vec3f hitColor = 0;
	const Object *hitObject = nullptr;
	float t;
	if (trace(orig, dir, objects, t, hitObject)) {
		Vec3f Phit = orig + dir * t;
		Vec3f Nhit;
		Vec2f tex;
		hitObject->getSurfaceData(Phit, Nhit, tex);
		// Use the normal and texture coordinates for shading
		float scale = 5;
		float pattern = (float)((fmodf(tex.x * scale, 1.0f) > 0.5f) ^ (fmodf(tex.y * scale, 1.0f) > 0.5f));
		hitColor = max(0.f, Nhit.dotProduct(-dir)) * mix(hitObject->color, hitObject->color * 0.8f, pattern);

	return hitColor;
Esempio n. 3
bool refract(const Vec3f &incidentDirection, const Vec3f &normal, float refractiveIndex, Vec3f &refractionDirection) {
    float cosI = incidentDirection.dotProduct(normal);
    float eta, etaT = refractiveIndex, etaI = 1.0;
    Vec3f refractionNormal = normal;

    if(cosI < 0) {
        cosI *= -1;
    } else {
        refractionNormal *= -1;
        std::swap(etaT, etaI);

    eta = etaI / etaT;

    double k = 1 - eta * eta * (1 - cosI * cosI);
    if(k < 0) {
        return false;
    } else {
        refractionDirection = eta * incidentDirection + (eta * cosI - sqrtf(k)) * refractionNormal;
        return true;
Esempio n. 4
// [comment]
// The main ray-triangle intersection routine. You can test both methoods: the
// geometric method and the Moller-Trumbore algorithm (use the flag -DMOLLER_TRUMBORE
// when you compile.
// [/comment]
bool rayTriangleIntersect(
    const Vec3f &orig, const Vec3f &dir,
    const Vec3f &v0, const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2,
    float &t, float &u, float &v)
    Vec3f v0v1 = v1 - v0;
    Vec3f v0v2 = v2 - v0;
    Vec3f pvec = dir.crossProduct(v0v2);
    float det = v0v1.dotProduct(pvec);
#ifdef CULLING
    // if the determinant is negative the triangle is backfacing
    // if the determinant is close to 0, the ray misses the triangle
    if (det < kEpsilon) return false;
    // ray and triangle are parallel if det is close to 0
    if (fabs(det) < kEpsilon) return false;
    float invDet = 1 / det;

    Vec3f tvec = orig - v0;
    u = tvec.dotProduct(pvec) * invDet;
    if (u < 0 || u > 1) return false;

    Vec3f qvec = tvec.crossProduct(v0v1);
    v = dir.dotProduct(qvec) * invDet;
    if (v < 0 || u + v > 1) return false;
    t = v0v2.dotProduct(qvec) * invDet;
    return true;
    // compute plane's normal
    Vec3f v0v1 = v1 - v0;
    Vec3f v0v2 = v2 - v0;
    // no need to normalize
    Vec3f N = v0v1.crossProduct(v0v2); // N
    float denom = N.dotProduct(N);
    // Step 1: finding P
    // check if ray and plane are parallel ?
    float NdotRayDirection = N.dotProduct(dir);
    if (fabs(NdotRayDirection) < kEpsilon) // almost 0
        return false; // they are parallel so they don't intersect ! 

    // compute d parameter using equation 2
    float d = N.dotProduct(v0);
    // compute t (equation 3)
    t = (N.dotProduct(orig) + d) / NdotRayDirection;
    // check if the triangle is in behind the ray
    if (t < 0) return false; // the triangle is behind
    // compute the intersection point using equation 1
    Vec3f P = orig + t * dir;
    // Step 2: inside-outside test
    Vec3f C; // vector perpendicular to triangle's plane
    // edge 0
    Vec3f edge0 = v1 - v0; 
    Vec3f vp0 = P - v0;
    C = edge0.crossProduct(vp0);
    if (N.dotProduct(C) < 0) return false; // P is on the right side
    // edge 1
    Vec3f edge1 = v2 - v1; 
    Vec3f vp1 = P - v1;
    C = edge1.crossProduct(vp1);
    if ((u = N.dotProduct(C)) < 0)  return false; // P is on the right side
    // edge 2
    Vec3f edge2 = v0 - v2; 
    Vec3f vp2 = P - v2;
    C = edge2.crossProduct(vp2);
    if ((v = N.dotProduct(C)) < 0) return false; // P is on the right side;

    u /= denom;
    v /= denom;

    return true; // this ray hits the triangle
Esempio n. 5
Vec3f reflect(const Vec3f &incidentDirection, const Vec3f &normal)
    return incidentDirection - 2 * incidentDirection.dotProduct(normal) * normal;