Esempio n. 1
int renderFunction(void *data){
			int secNum = (int)data;
			if(threadsFinishedRendering[secNum-1] == false){
				clock_t start;
				double duration;
				start = clock();

				Vect campos (camtrackerx-1.2, camtrackery, camtrackerz);

				//Vect cam_sphere_pos (camtrackerx,camtrackery,camtrackerz);
				//Sphere cam_sphere (cam_sphere_pos, 1, pretty_blue);
				Vect diff_btw (campos.getVectX() - look_at.getVectX(), campos.getVectY() - look_at.getVectY(), campos.getVectZ() - look_at.getVectZ()); //difference between camera's coor - look at

				Vect camdir = diff_btw.negative().normalize();
				Vect camright = Y.crossProduct(camdir).normalize();
				Vect camdown = camright.crossProduct(camdir);

				Camera scene_cam (campos, camdir, camright, camdown);

				Light scene_light (light_pos,white_light);
				vector<Source*> light_sources;

				vector<Object*> scene_objects;

				double xamnt, yamnt;
				int aa_index;

				for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){
					for (int y  = (int)((height/numOfThreads)*(secNum-1)); y < (int)((height/numOfThreads)*(secNum)); y++){

						//blank pixel
						double tempRed[aadepth*aadepth];
						double tempGreen[aadepth*aadepth];
						double tempBlue[aadepth*aadepth];

						for (int aax = 0; aax < aadepth; aax++){
							for(int aay = 0; aay < aadepth; aay++){

								aa_index = aay*aadepth + aax;


								//create the ray from the camera to this pixel
								if(aadepth == 1){
									//start with no anti aliasing
									if (width > height) {
										//the image is wider than tall
										xamnt = ((x+0.5)/width)*aspectratio - (((width-height)/(double)height)/2);
										yamnt = ((height -y) + 0.5)/height;
									}else if (height > width){
										//the image is taller than wide
										xamnt = (x+0.5)/ width;
										yamnt = (((height - y) + 0.5)/height)/aspectratio - (((height - width)/(double)width)/2);
										//the image is square
										xamnt = (x+0.5)/width;
										yamnt = ((height - y) + 0.5)/height;
									//anti alias
									if (width > height) {
										//the image is wider than tall
										xamnt = ((x+(double)aax/((double)aadepth - 1))/width)*aspectratio - (((width-height)/(double)height)/2);
										yamnt = ((height -y) + (double)aax/((double)aadepth - 1))/height;
									}else if (height > width){
										//the image is taller than wide
										xamnt = (x+(double)aax/((double)aadepth - 1))/ width;
										yamnt = (((height - y) + (double)aax/((double)aadepth - 1))/height)/aspectratio - (((height - width)/(double)width)/2);
										//the image is square
										xamnt = (x+(double)aax/((double)aadepth - 1))/width;
										yamnt = ((height - y) + (double)aax/((double)aadepth - 1))/height;

								Vect cam_ray_origin = scene_cam.getCameraPosition();
								Vect cam_ray_direction = camdir.vectAdd(camright.vectMult(xamnt - 0.5).vectAdd(camdown.vectMult(yamnt - 0.5))).normalize();

								Ray cam_ray (cam_ray_origin, cam_ray_direction);

								vector<double> intersections;
								//0.02 seconds up to this point^

								for (int index = 0; index < scene_objects.size(); index++){
									//loops through each object in scene and finds intersection
								//0.08 seconds to this point^

								int index_of_winning_object = winningObjectIndex(intersections);
								//0.104 seconds to this point^

								//painting the scene
								if (index_of_winning_object == -1){
									tempRed[aa_index] = 0;
									tempGreen[aa_index] = 0;
									tempBlue[aa_index] = 0;
									//pixels[y * width + x] = 0;
									//index is a hit on an object in the scene
									if ( > accuracy){
										//determine the position and direction vectors at the point of intersection

										Vect intersection_position = cam_ray_origin.vectAdd(cam_ray_direction.vectMult(;
										Vect intersecting_ray_direction = cam_ray_direction;
										Color intersection_color = getColorAt(intersection_position, intersecting_ray_direction, scene_objects, index_of_winning_object, light_sources, accuracy, ambientlight,0);
										tempRed[aa_index] = intersection_color.getColorRed()*255;
										tempGreen[aa_index] = intersection_color.getColorGreen()*255;
										tempBlue[aa_index] = intersection_color.getColorBlue()*255;

										//pixels[y * width + x] = createRGBA(255,(int)(intersection_color.getColorRed()*255), (int)(intersection_color.getColorGreen()*255), (int)(intersection_color.getColorBlue()*255));

								if(y == (int)((height/numOfThreads)*(secNum-1))){pixels[y * width + x] = 0x00ff0000;}
								//0.308 seconds to this point^, about 0.080 is for rendering pixels

						double totalRed = 0;
						double totalGreen = 0;
						double totalBlue = 0;

						for(int iRed = 0; iRed < aadepth*aadepth; iRed++){
							totalRed = totalRed + tempRed[iRed];
						for(int iGreen = 0; iGreen < aadepth*aadepth; iGreen++){
							totalGreen = totalGreen + tempGreen[iGreen];
						for(int iBlue = 0; iBlue < aadepth*aadepth; iBlue++){
							totalBlue = totalBlue + tempBlue[iBlue];

						double avgRed = totalRed/(aadepth*aadepth);
						double avgGreen = totalGreen/(aadepth*aadepth);
						double avgBlue = totalBlue/(aadepth*aadepth);

						pixels[y * width + x] = createRGBA(255,avgRed,avgGreen,avgBlue);
				//delete tempBlue, tempGreen, tempRed;
				threadsFinishedRendering[secNum-1] = true;
				duration = ( clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
				threadsSpeed[secNum-1] = duration;
				//cout << "Thread Number: " << secNum << " with time: " << duration << " seconds" << endl; 
		return 0;