Esempio n. 1
void MainWindow::loadSeries() {
    QString seriesFile = __fileManager.openFile(0, this, "Open Series File...", "*.mat");

    if (seriesFile != "") {
        cout << "Loading start ..." << flush;
        cout << " done. " << endl;

        _dataT = arma::trans(_data);
        cout << _data.n_cols << "," << _data.n_rows << endl;

        _imageBuffer.set_size(_mapid.n_rows, _mapid.n_cols);
        for (int i = 0; i < _mapid.n_rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _mapid.n_cols; j++) {
                if (_mapid(i,j) != _mapid(i,j)) {
                    _imageBuffer(i,j) = NAN;
                } else {
                    _imageBuffer(i,j) = 0;

        ui.slider->setMaximum(_data.n_cols - 1);


        _mapItem->setImage(_imageBuffer.memptr(), _imageBuffer.n_rows, _imageBuffer.n_cols);
        _mapItem->setRange(ui.minValue->value(), ui.maxValue->value());

Esempio n. 2
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent) {

    cout << _mapid.n_cols << "," << _mapid.n_rows << endl;

    connect(ui.slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(selectValue(int)));
    connect(ui.clearGraphButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(clearGraphs()));
    connect(ui.loadSeries, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(loadSeries()));

    _mapItem = new QFloatImageItem();
    _mapItem->setImage(_imageBuffer.memptr(), _imageBuffer.n_rows, _imageBuffer.n_cols);
    _mapItem->setRange(ui.minValue->value(), ui.maxValue->value());

    _traceItem = _scene.addPath(_tracePath);


    QTransform matrix;
    matrix.scale(5, 5);

    ui.customPlot->setInteraction(QCustomPlot::iSelectLegend, true);
    ui.customPlot->setInteraction(QCustomPlot::iSelectPlottables, true);
    connect(ui.customPlot, SIGNAL(selectionChangedByUser()), SLOT(graphSelected()));

    _plotMarker = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(_mapItem);
    using mant::bbob::WeierstrassFunction::WeierstrassFunction;
    double getObjectiveValueImplementation(
        const arma::Col<double>& parameter) const override {
      return mant::bbob::WeierstrassFunction::getObjectiveValueImplementation(parameter);

TEST_CASE("bbob::WeierstrassFunction") {
  TestWeierstrassFunction weierstrassFunction(40);
  SECTION(".getObjectiveValueImplementation") {
    SECTION("Returns the objective value") {
      arma::Mat<double> rotationR;
      REQUIRE(rotationR.load(testDirectory + "/data/optimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/_rotationMatrix_40x40_1.input"));

      arma::Mat<double> rotationQ;
      REQUIRE(rotationQ.load(testDirectory + "/data/optimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/_rotationMatrix_40x40_2.input"));

      arma::Mat<double> parameters;
      REQUIRE(parameters.load(testDirectory + "/data/optimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/_parameters_40x100.input"));

      arma::Col<double> expectedObjectiveValues;
      REQUIRE(expectedObjectiveValues.load(testDirectory + "/data/optimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/bbob_weierstrassFunction_dim40_1x100.expected"));

      for (arma::uword n = 0; n < parameters.n_cols; ++n) {
        CHECK(weierstrassFunction.getObjectiveValueImplementation(parameters.col(n)) == Approx(expectedObjectiveValues(n)));
  // Increases the visibility of the internal objective function, to bypass general modification, made by the parent class.
  using mant::bbob::WeierstrassFunction::objectiveFunction_;

SCENARIO("bbob::WeierstrassFunction.objectiveFunction_", "[bbob::WeierstrassFunction][bbob::WeierstrassFunction.objectiveFunction_]") {
  GIVEN("Some parameters") {
    // All expected objective values where generated for a 40-dimensional problem instance.
    const arma::uword numberOfDimensions = 40;
    TestWeierstrassFunction optimisationProblem(numberOfDimensions);

    REQUIRE(optimisationProblem.rotationR_.load(::rootTestDataDirectory + "/optimisationProblem/benchmarkOptimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/_rotationMatrix_40x40_1.input"));
    REQUIRE(optimisationProblem.rotationQ_.load(::rootTestDataDirectory + "/optimisationProblem/benchmarkOptimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/_rotationMatrix_40x40_2.input"));

    arma::Mat<double> parameters;
    REQUIRE(parameters.load(::rootTestDataDirectory + "/optimisationProblem/benchmarkOptimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/_parameters_40x100.input"));

    THEN("Return their objective value") {
      arma::Col<double> expectedObjectiveValues;
      REQUIRE(expectedObjectiveValues.load(::rootTestDataDirectory + "/optimisationProblem/benchmarkOptimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/weierstrassFunction_dim40_1x100.expected"));

      for (arma::uword n = 0; n < parameters.n_cols; ++n) {
        CHECK(optimisationProblem.objectiveFunction_(parameters.col(n)) == Approx(expectedObjectiveValues(n)));

SCENARIO("bbob::WeierstrassFunction.getNormalisedObjectiveValue", "[bbob::WeierstrassFunction][bbob::WeierstrassFunction.getNormalisedObjectiveValue]") {
  GIVEN("A parameter") {
    const arma::uword numberOfDimensions = SYNCHRONISED(1 + discreteRandomNumber());
    using mant::bbob::DifferentPowersFunction::DifferentPowersFunction;
    double getObjectiveValueImplementation(
        const arma::Col<double>& parameter) const override {
      return mant::bbob::DifferentPowersFunction::getObjectiveValueImplementation(parameter);

TEST_CASE("bbob::DifferentPowersFunction") {
  TestDifferentPowersFunction differentPowersFunction(40);
  SECTION(".getObjectiveValueImplementation") {
    SECTION("Returns the objective value") {
      arma::Mat<double> parameters;
      REQUIRE(parameters.load(testDirectory + "/data/optimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/_parameters_40x100.input"));

      arma::Col<double> expectedObjectiveValues;
      REQUIRE(expectedObjectiveValues.load(testDirectory + "/data/optimisationProblem/blackBoxOptimisationBenchmark/bbob_differentPowersFunction_dim40_1x100.expected"));

      for (arma::uword n = 0; n < parameters.n_cols; ++n) {
        CHECK(differentPowersFunction.getObjectiveValueImplementation(parameters.col(n)) == Approx(expectedObjectiveValues(n)));

  SECTION(".toString") {
    SECTION("Returns a (filesystem friendly) name for the class.") {
      CHECK(differentPowersFunction.toString() =="bbob_different_powers_function");
Esempio n. 6
bool Load(const std::string& filename,
          arma::Mat<eT>& matrix,
          const bool fatal,
          const bool transpose)

  // Get the extension.
  std::string extension = Extension(filename);

  // Catch nonexistent files by opening the stream ourselves.
  std::fstream stream;
#ifdef  _WIN32 // Always open in binary mode on Windows., std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
#else, std::fstream::in);
  if (!stream.is_open())
    if (fatal)
      Log::Fatal << "Cannot open file '" << filename << "'. " << std::endl;
      Log::Warn << "Cannot open file '" << filename << "'; load failed."
          << std::endl;

    return false;

  bool unknownType = false;
  arma::file_type loadType;
  std::string stringType;

  if (extension == "csv" || extension == "tsv")
    loadType = arma::diskio::guess_file_type(stream);
    if (loadType == arma::csv_ascii)
      if (extension == "tsv")
        Log::Warn << "'" << filename << "' is comma-separated, not "
            "tab-separated!" << std::endl;
      stringType = "CSV data";
    else if (loadType == arma::raw_ascii) // .csv file can be tsv.
      if (extension == "csv")
        // We should issue a warning, but we don't want to issue the warning if
        // there is only one column in the CSV (since there will be no commas
        // anyway, and it will be detected as arma::raw_ascii).
        const std::streampos pos = stream.tellg();
        std::string line;
        std::getline(stream, line, '\n');

        // Reset stream position.

        // If there are no spaces or whitespace in the line, then we shouldn't
        // print the warning.
        if ((line.find(' ') != std::string::npos) ||
            (line.find('\t') != std::string::npos))
          Log::Warn << "'" << filename << "' is not a standard csv file."
              << std::endl;
      stringType = "raw ASCII formatted data";
      unknownType = true;
      loadType = arma::raw_binary; // Won't be used; prevent a warning.
      stringType = "";
  else if (extension == "txt")
    // This could be raw ASCII or Armadillo ASCII (ASCII with size header).
    // We'll let Armadillo do its guessing (although we have to check if it is
    // arma_ascii ourselves) and see what we come up with.

    // This is taken from load_auto_detect() in diskio_meat.hpp
    const std::string ARMA_MAT_TXT = "ARMA_MAT_TXT";
    char* rawHeader = new char[ARMA_MAT_TXT.length() + 1];
    std::streampos pos = stream.tellg();, std::streamsize(ARMA_MAT_TXT.length()));
    rawHeader[ARMA_MAT_TXT.length()] = '\0';
    stream.seekg(pos); // Reset stream position after peeking.

    if (std::string(rawHeader) == ARMA_MAT_TXT)
      loadType = arma::arma_ascii;
      stringType = "Armadillo ASCII formatted data";
    else // It's not arma_ascii.  Now we let Armadillo guess.
      loadType = arma::diskio::guess_file_type(stream);

      if (loadType == arma::raw_ascii) // Raw ASCII (space-separated).
        stringType = "raw ASCII formatted data";
      else if (loadType == arma::csv_ascii) // CSV can be .txt too.
        stringType = "CSV data";
      else // Unknown .txt... we will throw an error.
        unknownType = true;

    delete[] rawHeader;
  else if (extension == "bin")
    // This could be raw binary or Armadillo binary (binary with header).  We
    // will check to see if it is Armadillo binary.
    const std::string ARMA_MAT_BIN = "ARMA_MAT_BIN";
    char *rawHeader = new char[ARMA_MAT_BIN.length() + 1];

    std::streampos pos = stream.tellg();, std::streamsize(ARMA_MAT_BIN.length()));
    rawHeader[ARMA_MAT_BIN.length()] = '\0';
    stream.seekg(pos); // Reset stream position after peeking.

    if (std::string(rawHeader) == ARMA_MAT_BIN)
      stringType = "Armadillo binary formatted data";
      loadType = arma::arma_binary;
    else // We can only assume it's raw binary.
      stringType = "raw binary formatted data";
      loadType = arma::raw_binary;

    delete[] rawHeader;
  else if (extension == "pgm")
    loadType = arma::pgm_binary;
    stringType = "PGM data";
  else if (extension == "h5" || extension == "hdf5" || extension == "hdf" ||
           extension == "he5")
#ifdef ARMA_USE_HDF5
    loadType = arma::hdf5_binary;
    stringType = "HDF5 data";
  #if ARMA_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && \
    if (fatal)
      Log::Fatal << "Attempted to load '" << filename << "' as HDF5 data, but "
          << "Armadillo 4.300.0 through Armadillo 4.400.1 are known to have "
          << "bugs and one of these versions is in use.  Load failed."
          << std::endl;
      Log::Warn << "Attempted to load '" << filename << "' as HDF5 data, but "
          << "Armadillo 4.300.0 through Armadillo 4.400.1 are known to have "
          << "bugs and one of these versions is in use.  Load failed."
          << std::endl;

    return false;
    if (fatal)
      Log::Fatal << "Attempted to load '" << filename << "' as HDF5 data, but "
          << "Armadillo was compiled without HDF5 support.  Load failed."
          << std::endl;
      Log::Warn << "Attempted to load '" << filename << "' as HDF5 data, but "
          << "Armadillo was compiled without HDF5 support.  Load failed."
          << std::endl;

    return false;
  else // Unknown extension...
    unknownType = true;
    loadType = arma::raw_binary; // Won't be used; prevent a warning.
    stringType = "";

  // Provide error if we don't know the type.
  if (unknownType)
    if (fatal)
      Log::Fatal << "Unable to detect type of '" << filename << "'; "
          << "incorrect extension?" << std::endl;
      Log::Warn << "Unable to detect type of '" << filename << "'; load failed."
          << " Incorrect extension?" << std::endl;

    return false;

  // Try to load the file; but if it's raw_binary, it could be a problem.
  if (loadType == arma::raw_binary)
    Log::Warn << "Loading '" << filename << "' as " << stringType << "; "
        << "but this may not be the actual filetype!" << std::endl;
    Log::Info << "Loading '" << filename << "' as " << stringType << ".  "
        << std::flush;

  // We can't use the stream if the type is HDF5.
  bool success;
  if (loadType != arma::hdf5_binary)
    success = matrix.load(stream, loadType);
    success = matrix.load(filename, loadType);

  if (!success)
    Log::Info << std::endl;
    if (fatal)
      Log::Fatal << "Loading from '" << filename << "' failed." << std::endl;
      Log::Warn << "Loading from '" << filename << "' failed." << std::endl;

    return false;
    Log::Info << "Size is " << (transpose ? matrix.n_cols : matrix.n_rows)
        << " x " << (transpose ? matrix.n_rows : matrix.n_cols) << ".\n";

  // Now transpose the matrix, if necessary.  Armadillo loads HDF5 matrices
  // transposed, so we have to work around that.
  if (transpose && loadType != arma::hdf5_binary)
  else if (!transpose && loadType == arma::hdf5_binary)


  // Finally, return the success indicator.
  return success;
Esempio n. 7
bool Load(const std::string& filename,
          arma::Mat<eT>& matrix,
          bool fatal,
          bool transpose)

  // First we will try to discriminate by file extension.
  size_t ext = filename.rfind('.');
  if (ext == std::string::npos)
    if (fatal)
      Log::Fatal << "Cannot determine type of file '" << filename << "'; "
          << "no extension is present." << std::endl;
      Log::Warn << "Cannot determine type of file '" << filename << "'; "
          << "no extension is present.  Load failed." << std::endl;

    return false;

  std::string extension = filename.substr(ext + 1);

  // Catch nonexistent files by opening the stream ourselves.
  std::fstream stream;, std::fstream::in);

  if (!stream.is_open())
    if (fatal)
      Log::Fatal << "Cannot open file '" << filename << "'. " << std::endl;
      Log::Warn << "Cannot open file '" << filename << "'; load failed."
          << std::endl;

    return false;

  bool unknownType = false;
  arma::file_type loadType;
  std::string stringType;

  if (extension == "csv")
    loadType = arma::csv_ascii;
    stringType = "CSV data";
  else if (extension == "txt")
    // This could be raw ASCII or Armadillo ASCII (ASCII with size header).
    // We'll let Armadillo do its guessing (although we have to check if it is
    // arma_ascii ourselves) and see what we come up with.

    // This is taken from load_auto_detect() in diskio_meat.hpp
    const std::string ARMA_MAT_TXT = "ARMA_MAT_TXT";
    char* rawHeader = new char[ARMA_MAT_TXT.length() + 1];
    std::streampos pos = stream.tellg();, std::streamsize(ARMA_MAT_TXT.length()));
    rawHeader[ARMA_MAT_TXT.length()] = '\0';
    stream.seekg(pos); // Reset stream position after peeking.

    if (std::string(rawHeader) == ARMA_MAT_TXT)
      loadType = arma::arma_ascii;
      stringType = "Armadillo ASCII formatted data";
    else // It's not arma_ascii.  Now we let Armadillo guess.
      loadType = arma::diskio::guess_file_type(stream);

      if (loadType == arma::raw_ascii) // Raw ASCII (space-separated).
        stringType = "raw ASCII formatted data";
      else if (loadType == arma::csv_ascii) // CSV can be .txt too.
        stringType = "CSV data";
      else // Unknown .txt... we will throw an error.
        unknownType = true;

    delete[] rawHeader;
  else if (extension == "bin")
    // This could be raw binary or Armadillo binary (binary with header).  We
    // will check to see if it is Armadillo binary.
    const std::string ARMA_MAT_BIN = "ARMA_MAT_BIN";
    char *rawHeader = new char[ARMA_MAT_BIN.length() + 1];

    std::streampos pos = stream.tellg();, std::streamsize(ARMA_MAT_BIN.length()));
    rawHeader[ARMA_MAT_BIN.length()] = '\0';
    stream.seekg(pos); // Reset stream position after peeking.

    if (std::string(rawHeader) == ARMA_MAT_BIN)
      stringType = "Armadillo binary formatted data";
      loadType = arma::arma_binary;
    else // We can only assume it's raw binary.
      stringType = "raw binary formatted data";
      loadType = arma::raw_binary;

    delete[] rawHeader;
  else if (extension == "pgm")
    loadType = arma::pgm_binary;
    stringType = "PGM data";
  else // Unknown extension...
    unknownType = true;
    loadType = arma::raw_binary; // Won't be used; prevent a warning.
    stringType = "";

  // Provide error if we don't know the type.
  if (unknownType)
    if (fatal)
      Log::Fatal << "Unable to detect type of '" << filename << "'; "
          << "incorrect extension?" << std::endl;
      Log::Warn << "Unable to detect type of '" << filename << "'; load failed."
          << " Incorrect extension?" << std::endl;

    return false;

  // Try to load the file; but if it's raw_binary, it could be a problem.
  if (loadType == arma::raw_binary)
    Log::Warn << "Loading '" << filename << "' as " << stringType << "; "
        << "but this may not be the actual filetype!" << std::endl;
    Log::Info << "Loading '" << filename << "' as " << stringType << "."
        << std::endl;

  bool success = matrix.load(stream, loadType);

  if (!success)
    if (fatal)
      Log::Fatal << "Loading from '" << filename << "' failed." << std::endl;
      Log::Warn << "Loading from '" << filename << "' failed." << std::endl;

  // Now transpose the matrix, if necessary.
  if (transpose)
    matrix = trans(matrix);


  // Finally, return the success indicator.
  return success;