Esempio n. 1
  void Forward(const arma::Mat<eT>& input, arma::Mat<eT>& output)
    arma::mat maxInput = arma::repmat(arma::max(input), input.n_rows, 1);
    output = (maxInput - input);

    // Approximation of the hyperbolic tangent. The acuracy however is
    // about 0.00001 lower as using tanh. Credits go to Leon Bottou.
    output.transform( [](double x)
      //! Fast approximation of exp(-x) for x positive.
      static constexpr double A0 = 1.0;
      static constexpr double A1 = 0.125;
      static constexpr double A2 = 0.0078125;
      static constexpr double A3 = 0.00032552083;
      static constexpr double A4 = 1.0172526e-5;

      if (x < 13.0)
        double y = A0 + x * (A1 + x * (A2 + x * (A3 + x * A4)));
        y *= y;
        y *= y;
        y *= y;
        y = 1 / y;

        return y;

      return 0.0;
    } );

    output = input - (maxInput + std::log(arma::accu(output)));
Esempio n. 2
 void Fn(const arma::Mat<eT>& x, arma::Mat<eT>& y)
   y = x;
   y.transform( [&](eT val) { return std::min(
       std::max( val, minValue ), maxValue ); } );