コード例 #1
bool DynamicNavigationMesh::Build(const BoundingBox& boundingBox)

    if (!node_)
        return false;

    if (!navMesh_)
        URHO3D_LOGERROR("Navigation mesh must first be built fully before it can be partially rebuilt");
        return false;

    if (!node_->GetWorldScale().Equals(Vector3::ONE))
        URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Navigation mesh root node has scaling. Agent parameters may not work as intended");

    BoundingBox localSpaceBox = boundingBox.Transformed(node_->GetWorldTransform().Inverse());

    float tileEdgeLength = (float)tileSize_ * cellSize_;

    Vector<NavigationGeometryInfo> geometryList;

    int sx = Clamp((int)((localSpaceBox.min_.x_ - boundingBox_.min_.x_) / tileEdgeLength), 0, numTilesX_ - 1);
    int sz = Clamp((int)((localSpaceBox.min_.z_ - boundingBox_.min_.z_) / tileEdgeLength), 0, numTilesZ_ - 1);
    int ex = Clamp((int)((localSpaceBox.max_.x_ - boundingBox_.min_.x_) / tileEdgeLength), 0, numTilesX_ - 1);
    int ez = Clamp((int)((localSpaceBox.max_.z_ - boundingBox_.min_.z_) / tileEdgeLength), 0, numTilesZ_ - 1);

    unsigned numTiles = BuildTiles(geometryList, IntVector2(sx, sz), IntVector2(ex, ez));

    URHO3D_LOGDEBUG("Rebuilt " + String(numTiles) + " tiles of the navigation mesh");
    return true;
コード例 #2
bool DynamicNavigationMesh::Build(const BoundingBox& boundingBox)

    if (!node_)
        return false;

    if (!navMesh_)
        LOGERROR("Navigation mesh must first be built fully before it can be partially rebuilt");
        return false;

    if (!node_->GetWorldScale().Equals(Vector3::ONE))
        LOGWARNING("Navigation mesh root node has scaling. Agent parameters may not work as intended");

    BoundingBox localSpaceBox = boundingBox.Transformed(node_->GetWorldTransform().Inverse());

    float tileEdgeLength = (float)tileSize_ * cellSize_;

    Vector<NavigationGeometryInfo> geometryList;

    int sx = Clamp((int)((localSpaceBox.min_.x_ - boundingBox_.min_.x_) / tileEdgeLength), 0, numTilesX_ - 1);
    int sz = Clamp((int)((localSpaceBox.min_.z_ - boundingBox_.min_.z_) / tileEdgeLength), 0, numTilesZ_ - 1);
    int ex = Clamp((int)((localSpaceBox.max_.x_ - boundingBox_.min_.x_) / tileEdgeLength), 0, numTilesX_ - 1);
    int ez = Clamp((int)((localSpaceBox.max_.z_ - boundingBox_.min_.z_) / tileEdgeLength), 0, numTilesZ_ - 1);

    unsigned numTiles = 0;

    for (int z = sz; z <= ez; ++z)
        for (int x = sx; x <= ex; ++x)
            dtCompressedTileRef existing[TILECACHE_MAXLAYERS];
            const int existingCt = tileCache_->getTilesAt(x, z, existing, TILECACHE_MAXLAYERS);
            for (int i = 0; i < existingCt; ++i)
                unsigned char* data = 0x0;
                if (!dtStatusFailed(tileCache_->removeTile(existing[i], &data, 0)) && data != 0x0)

            TileCacheData tiles[TILECACHE_MAXLAYERS];
            int layerCt = BuildTile(geometryList, x, z, tiles);
            for (int i = 0; i < layerCt; ++i)
                dtCompressedTileRef tileRef;
                int status = tileCache_->addTile(tiles[i].data, tiles[i].dataSize, DT_COMPRESSEDTILE_FREE_DATA, &tileRef);
                if (dtStatusFailed(status))
                    tiles[i].data = 0x0;
                    tileCache_->buildNavMeshTile(tileRef, navMesh_);

    LOGDEBUG("Rebuilt " + String(numTiles) + " tiles of the navigation mesh");
    return true;
コード例 #3
bool DynamicNavigationMesh::Allocate(const BoundingBox& boundingBox, unsigned maxTiles)
    // Release existing navigation data and zero the bounding box

    if (!node_)
        return false;

    if (!node_->GetWorldScale().Equals(Vector3::ONE))
        URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Navigation mesh root node has scaling. Agent parameters may not work as intended");

    boundingBox_ = boundingBox.Transformed(node_->GetWorldTransform().Inverse());
    maxTiles = NextPowerOfTwo(maxTiles);

    // Calculate number of tiles
    int gridW = 0, gridH = 0;
    float tileEdgeLength = (float)tileSize_ * cellSize_;
    rcCalcGridSize(&boundingBox_.min_.x_, &boundingBox_.max_.x_, cellSize_, &gridW, &gridH);
    numTilesX_ = (gridW + tileSize_ - 1) / tileSize_;
    numTilesZ_ = (gridH + tileSize_ - 1) / tileSize_;

    // Calculate max number of polygons, 22 bits available to identify both tile & polygon within tile
    unsigned tileBits = LogBaseTwo(maxTiles);
    unsigned maxPolys = 1u << (22 - tileBits);

    dtNavMeshParams params;     // NOLINT(hicpp-member-init)
    rcVcopy(params.orig, &boundingBox_.min_.x_);
    params.tileWidth = tileEdgeLength;
    params.tileHeight = tileEdgeLength;
    params.maxTiles = maxTiles;
    params.maxPolys = maxPolys;

    navMesh_ = dtAllocNavMesh();
    if (!navMesh_)
        URHO3D_LOGERROR("Could not allocate navigation mesh");
        return false;

    if (dtStatusFailed(navMesh_->init(&params)))
        URHO3D_LOGERROR("Could not initialize navigation mesh");
        return false;

    dtTileCacheParams tileCacheParams;      // NOLINT(hicpp-member-init)
    memset(&tileCacheParams, 0, sizeof(tileCacheParams));
    rcVcopy(tileCacheParams.orig, &boundingBox_.min_.x_);
    tileCacheParams.ch = cellHeight_;
    tileCacheParams.cs = cellSize_;
    tileCacheParams.width = tileSize_;
    tileCacheParams.height = tileSize_;
    tileCacheParams.maxSimplificationError = edgeMaxError_;
    tileCacheParams.maxTiles = maxTiles * maxLayers_;
    tileCacheParams.maxObstacles = maxObstacles_;
    // Settings from NavigationMesh
    tileCacheParams.walkableClimb = agentMaxClimb_;
    tileCacheParams.walkableHeight = agentHeight_;
    tileCacheParams.walkableRadius = agentRadius_;

    tileCache_ = dtAllocTileCache();
    if (!tileCache_)
        URHO3D_LOGERROR("Could not allocate tile cache");
        return false;

    if (dtStatusFailed(tileCache_->init(&tileCacheParams, allocator_.Get(), compressor_.Get(), meshProcessor_.Get())))
        URHO3D_LOGERROR("Could not initialize tile cache");
        return false;

    URHO3D_LOGDEBUG("Allocated empty navigation mesh with max " + String(maxTiles) + " tiles");

    // Scan for obstacles to insert into us
    PODVector<Node*> obstacles;
    GetScene()->GetChildrenWithComponent<Obstacle>(obstacles, true);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < obstacles.Size(); ++i)
        auto* obs = obstacles[i]->GetComponent<Obstacle>();
        if (obs && obs->IsEnabledEffective())

    // Send a notification event to concerned parties that we've been fully rebuilt
        using namespace NavigationMeshRebuilt;
        VariantMap& buildEventParams = GetContext()->GetEventDataMap();
        buildEventParams[P_NODE] = node_;
        buildEventParams[P_MESH] = this;
        SendEvent(E_NAVIGATION_MESH_REBUILT, buildEventParams);
    return true;