コード例 #1
ファイル: d3d11_device3_wrap.cpp プロジェクト: AJ92/renderdoc
HRESULT WrappedID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D1(const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC1 *pDesc1,
                                              const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *pInitialData,
                                              ID3D11Texture2D1 **ppTexture2D)
  if(m_pDevice3 == NULL)
    return E_NOINTERFACE;

  // validation, returns S_FALSE for valid params, or an error code
  if(ppTexture2D == NULL)
    return m_pDevice3->CreateTexture2D1(pDesc1, pInitialData, NULL);

  ID3D11Texture2D1 *real = NULL;
  ID3D11Texture2D1 *wrapped = NULL;
  HRESULT ret = m_pDevice3->CreateTexture2D1(pDesc1, pInitialData, &real);


    wrapped = new WrappedID3D11Texture2D1((ID3D11Texture2D *)real, this);

    if(m_State >= WRITING)
      Chunk *chunk = NULL;

        Serialise_CreateTexture2D1(pDesc1, pInitialData, &wrapped);

        chunk = scope.Get();

      D3D11ResourceRecord *record =

      WrappedID3D11Texture2D1 *w = (WrappedID3D11Texture2D1 *)wrapped;

      GetResourceManager()->AddLiveResource(w->GetResourceID(), wrapped);

    *ppTexture2D = wrapped;

  return ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: PLSceneNode.cpp プロジェクト: ByeDream/pixellight
*  @brief
*    Saves a chunk
bool PLSceneNode::SaveChunk(const Chunk &cChunk, const String &cAbsFilename) const
	// Create the directory
	Directory cDirectory = Url(cAbsFilename).CutFilename();
	if (cDirectory.CreateRecursive()) {
		// Create the file
		File cFile = cAbsFilename;
		if (cFile.Open(File::FileWrite | File::FileCreate)) {
			// Write the header
			cFile.Write(&ChunkLoaderPL::MAGIC,   sizeof(uint32), 1);
			cFile.Write(&ChunkLoaderPL::VERSION, sizeof(uint32), 1);

			// Write the total size of the following chunk (header + data) in bytes
							//	 Semantic		  Data type		   Components per element	Number of elements
			const uint32 nSize = sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(uint32) +         sizeof(uint32) +     cChunk.GetTotalNumOfBytes();
			cFile.Write(&nSize, sizeof(uint32), 1);

			// Write semantic
			const uint32 nSemantic = cChunk.GetSemantic();
			cFile.Write(&nSemantic, sizeof(uint32), 1);

			// Write element type
			const uint32 nElementType = cChunk.GetElementType();
			cFile.Write(&nElementType, sizeof(uint32), 1);

			// Write number of components per element
			const uint32 nNumOfComponentsPerElement = cChunk.GetNumOfComponentsPerElement();
			cFile.Write(&nNumOfComponentsPerElement, sizeof(uint32), 1);

			// Write number of elements
			const uint32 nNumOfElements = cChunk.GetNumOfElements();
			cFile.Write(&nNumOfElements, sizeof(uint32), 1);

			// Write chunk data
			cFile.Write(cChunk.GetData(), cChunk.GetTotalNumOfBytes(), 1);

			// Done
			return true;

	// Error!
	return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: PLSceneNode.cpp プロジェクト: ByeDream/pixellight
*  @brief
*    Writes the scene node modifiers
void PLSceneNode::WriteModifiers(XmlElement &cSceneElement, const String &sApplicationDrive, const String &sApplicationDir)
	// Is there a 3ds Max node? (no 3ds Max node, no properties)
	INode *pMaxNode = GetMaxNode();
	if (pMaxNode) {
		// Has this 3ds Max node a target?
		if (pMaxNode->GetTarget()) {
			// Write down the scene node modifier
			WriteTargetRotationModifier(cSceneElement, *pMaxNode->GetTarget(), false);

		// Are there any position, rotation, scale keyframes?
		bool bPositionKeyframes = false;
		bool bRotationKeyframes = false;
		bool bScaleKeyframes    = false;

		// Check 3ds Max node controllers
		Control *pTMController = pMaxNode->GetTMController();
		if (pTMController) {
			// Position controller
			Control *pController = pTMController->GetPositionController();
			if (pController) {
				// Are there any position keyframes?
				bPositionKeyframes = PLTools::HasKeyControlInterface(*pController);
				if (!bPositionKeyframes) {
					// Is there a path controller?
					IPathPosition *pPathController = GetIPathConstInterface(pController);
					if (pPathController && pPathController->GetNumTargets() > 0) {
						INode *pTarget = pPathController->GetNode(0);
						if (pTarget) {
							// Get path filename
							const String sPathFilename = PLTools::GetResourceFilename(PLTools::ResourcePath, String(pTarget->GetName()) + ".path");

							// Get the percentage along the path
							float fPercentageAlongPath = 0.0f;
								IParamBlock2 *pIParamBlock2 = pPathController->GetParamBlock(path_params);
								int nRefNum = pIParamBlock2 ? pIParamBlock2->GetControllerRefNum(path_percent) : -1;
								RefTargetHandle cRefTargetHandle = (nRefNum >= 0) ? pIParamBlock2->GetReference(nRefNum) : nullptr;
								if (cRefTargetHandle)
									fPercentageAlongPath = pIParamBlock2->GetFloat(path_percent, 0);

							{ // Add scene node modifier
								XmlElement *pModifierElement = new XmlElement("Modifier");
								pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Class",   "PLScene::SNMPositionPath");
								pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Filename", sPathFilename);
								pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Progress", String::Format("%f", fPercentageAlongPath));

								// [TODO] Any change to setup speed inside 3ds Max?
								static const float fSpeed = 0.03f;
								// Automatic animation playback?
								if (g_SEOptions.bAnimationPlayback)
									pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Speed", String::Format("%f", (pPathController->GetFlip() ? -fSpeed : fSpeed)));
									pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Speed", "0.0");

								// Link modifier element

							// Follow?
							if (pPathController->GetFollow()) {
								// Add scene node modifier
								XmlElement *pModifierElement = new XmlElement("Modifier");
								pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Class",  "PLScene::SNMRotationMoveDirection");

								// Link modifier element

			// Rotation controller
			pController = pTMController->GetRotationController();
			if (pController) {
				// Are there any rotation keyframes?
				bRotationKeyframes = PLTools::HasKeyControlInterface(*pController);
				if (!bRotationKeyframes) {
					// Is there a look at controller?
					ILookAtConstRotation *pLookAtController = GetILookAtConstInterface(pController);
					if (pLookAtController && pLookAtController->GetNumTargets() > 0) {
						INode *pTarget = pLookAtController->GetNode(0);
						if (pTarget) {
							// Check look at controller
							bool bFlip = (pLookAtController->GetTargetAxisFlip() != 0);

							// Write down the scene node modifier
							WriteTargetRotationModifier(cSceneElement, *pTarget, bFlip);

			// Scale controller
			pController = pTMController->GetScaleController();
			if (pController) {
				// Are there any scale keyframes?
				bScaleKeyframes = PLTools::HasKeyControlInterface(*pController);

		// Export keyframes?
		if (bPositionKeyframes || bRotationKeyframes || bScaleKeyframes) {
			// Get timing
			Interval cInterval = GetCOREInterface()->GetAnimRange();
			int nTicksPerFrame = GetTicksPerFrame();
			int nFrameCount    = (cInterval.End() - cInterval.Start()) / nTicksPerFrame + 1;

			// Used to detect whether or not something is animated
			Point3 vFirstPos, vFirstScale;
			Quat qFirstRot;
			bool bUsePosition = false, bUseScale = false, bUseRotation = false;

			// Prepare the position chunk
			Chunk cPositionChunk;
			cPositionChunk.Allocate(Chunk::Float, 3, nFrameCount);
			float *pfPositionData = reinterpret_cast<float*>(cPositionChunk.GetData());

			// Prepare the rotation chunk
			Chunk cRotationChunk;
			cRotationChunk.Allocate(Chunk::Float, 4, nFrameCount);
			float *pfRotationData = reinterpret_cast<float*>(cRotationChunk.GetData());

			// Prepare the scale chunk
			Chunk cScaleChunk;
			cScaleChunk.Allocate(Chunk::Float, 3, nFrameCount);
			float *pfScaleData = reinterpret_cast<float*>(cScaleChunk.GetData());

			// Loop through all frames
			int nTime = cInterval.Start();
			for (int nFrame=0; nFrame<nFrameCount; nFrame++, nTime+=nTicksPerFrame) {
				// Get the position, rotation and scale
				Point3 vPos, vScale;
				Quat qRot;
				GetPosRotScale(vPos, qRot, vScale, nTime);

				// First frame?
				if (!nFrame) {
					vFirstPos   = vPos;
					vFirstScale = vScale;
					qFirstRot   = qRot;
				} else {
					if (!vFirstPos.Equals(vPos))
						bUsePosition = true;
					if (!vFirstScale.Equals(vScale))
						bUseScale = true;
					if (!qFirstRot.Equals(qRot))
						bUseRotation = true;

				// Position
				if (bPositionKeyframes && pfPositionData) {
					// Currently ONLY the center of the container the node is in use used to make it relative
					const Point3 vParentWorldSpaceCenter = GetContainer() ? GetContainer()->GetWorldSpaceCenter() : Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

					// Get the position
					const Point3 vFinalPos = (GetType() != TypeScene && GetType() != TypeCell) ? vPos-vParentWorldSpaceCenter : static_cast<const PLSceneContainer*>(this)->GetWorldSpaceCenter();

					// x
					*pfPositionData = vFinalPos.x;

					// y
					*pfPositionData = vFinalPos.y;

					// z
					*pfPositionData = vFinalPos.z;

				// Rotation
				if (bRotationKeyframes && pfRotationData) {

					// [TODO] Check this (why do we need it?)

					// w
					*pfRotationData = qRot.w;

					// x
					*pfRotationData = qRot.x;

					// y
					*pfRotationData = qRot.y;

					// z
					*pfRotationData = qRot.z;

				// Scale
				if (bScaleKeyframes && pfScaleData) {
					// x
					*pfScaleData = vScale.x;

					// y
					*pfScaleData = vScale.y;

					// z
					*pfScaleData = vScale.z;

			// Create keyframe animation scene node modifiers
			if (bPositionKeyframes && bUsePosition) {
				// [TODO] Better (and safer) filename
				// Save chunk
				const String sPositionKeys = PLTools::GetResourceFilename(PLTools::ResourceKeyframes, String::Format("%s_PositionKeyframes.chunk", GetName().GetASCII()).GetASCII());
				if (SaveChunk(cPositionChunk, sApplicationDrive + sApplicationDir + sPositionKeys)) {
					// Add the modifier
					XmlElement *pModifierElement = new XmlElement("Modifier");

					// Set class attribute
					pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Class", "PLScene::SNMPositionKeyframeAnimation");

					// [TODO] Currently the frame rate is by default always 24
					// Set frames per second attribute
	//				pModifierElement->SetAttribute("FramesPerSecond", GetFrameRate());

					// Automatic animation playback?
					pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Speed", g_SEOptions.bAnimationPlayback ? "1.0" : "0.0");

					// Set keys attribute
					pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Keys", sPositionKeys);

					// Link modifier elements
			if (bRotationKeyframes && bUseRotation) {
				// [TODO] Better (and safer) filename
				// Save chunk
				const String sRotationKeys = PLTools::GetResourceFilename(PLTools::ResourceKeyframes, String::Format("%s_RotationKeyframes.chunk", GetName().GetASCII()).GetASCII());
				if (SaveChunk(cRotationChunk, sApplicationDrive + sApplicationDir + sRotationKeys)) {
					// Add the modifier
					XmlElement *pModifierElement = new XmlElement("Modifier");

					// Set class attribute
					pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Class", "PLScene::SNMRotationKeyframeAnimation");

					// [TODO] Currently the frame rate is by default always 24
					// Set frames per second attribute
	//				pModifierElement->SetAttribute("FramesPerSecond", GetFrameRate());

					// Automatic animation playback?
					pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Speed", g_SEOptions.bAnimationPlayback ? "1.0" : "0.0");

					// Set keys attribute
					pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Keys", sRotationKeys);

					// Link modifier elements
			if (bScaleKeyframes && bUseScale) {
				// [TODO] Better (and safer) filename
				// Save chunk
				const String sScaleKeys = PLTools::GetResourceFilename(PLTools::ResourceKeyframes, String::Format("%s_ScaleKeyframes.chunk", GetName().GetASCII()).GetASCII());
				if (SaveChunk(cScaleChunk, sApplicationDrive + sApplicationDir + sScaleKeys)) {
					// Add the modifier
					XmlElement *pModifierElement = new XmlElement("Modifier");

					// Set class attribute
					pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Class", "PLScene::SNMScaleKeyframeAnimation");

					// [TODO] Currently the frame rate is by default always 24
					// Set frames per second attribute
	//				pModifierElement->SetAttribute("FramesPerSecond", GetFrameRate());

					// Automatic animation playback?
					pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Speed", g_SEOptions.bAnimationPlayback ? "1.0" : "0.0");

					// Set keys attribute
					pModifierElement->SetAttribute("Keys", sScaleKeys);

					// Link modifier elements

		// Use modifiers?
		if (g_SEOptions.bUserPropModifiers) {
			// Check for modifiers
			MSTR sModifier;
			int nIndex = 1;
			TSTR s3dsMaxString;
			sModifier = _T("Mod");
			while (pMaxNode->GetUserPropString(sModifier, s3dsMaxString)) {
				// Add scene node modifier
				XmlElement *pModifierElement = new XmlElement("Modifier");

				// We really NEED a 'Class' attribute!
				bool bClassFound = false;

				// Get all expressions
				static RegEx cExpressionRegEx("\\s*((\\w*\\s*=\\s*\"[^\"]*\")|(\\w*\\s*=\\s*[\\w|]*))");
				const String sString = s3dsMaxString;
				uint32 nExpressionParsePos = 0;
				while (cExpressionRegEx.Match(sString, nExpressionParsePos)) {
					// Get expression
								 nExpressionParsePos = cExpressionRegEx.GetPosition();
					const String sExpression		 = cExpressionRegEx.GetResult(0);

					// Process the found expression
					static RegEx cRegEx("\\s*(\\w*)\\s*=\\s*\"?\\s*([^\"]*)\\s*\"?");
					if (cRegEx.Match(sExpression)) {
						// Get name and value
						const String sName  = cRegEx.GetResult(0);
						const String sValue = cRegEx.GetResult(1);

						// Set attribute
						pModifierElement->SetAttribute(sName, sValue);

						// Class variable already found?
						if (!bClassFound && sName == "Class")
							bClassFound = true;

				// Link modifier element?
				if (bClassFound)
					delete pModifierElement;

				// Get next modifier
				sModifier.printf(_T("Mod%d"), nIndex);