コード例 #1
static const FrameMetrics*
GetFrameMetrics(Layer* aLayer)
  ContainerLayer* container = aLayer->AsContainerLayer();
  return container ? &container->GetFrameMetrics() : nullptr;
コード例 #2
  if (ClientManager()->IsRepeatTransaction()) {

  mPaintData.mLowPrecisionPaintCount = 0;
  mPaintData.mPaintFinished = false;

  // Get the metrics of the nearest scroll container.
  ContainerLayer* scrollParent = nullptr;
  for (ContainerLayer* parent = GetParent(); parent; parent = parent->GetParent()) {
    const FrameMetrics& metrics = parent->GetFrameMetrics();
    if (metrics.mScrollId != FrameMetrics::NULL_SCROLL_ID) {
      scrollParent = parent;

  if (!scrollParent) {
    // XXX I don't think this can happen, but if it does, warn and set the
    //     composition bounds to empty so that progressive updates are disabled.
    NS_WARNING("Tiled Thebes layer with no scrollable container parent");

  const FrameMetrics& metrics = scrollParent->GetFrameMetrics();

  // Calculate the transform required to convert screen space into transformed
  // layout device space.
  gfx::Matrix4x4 effectiveTransform = GetEffectiveTransform();
  for (ContainerLayer* parent = GetParent(); parent; parent = parent->GetParent()) {
    if (parent->UseIntermediateSurface()) {
      effectiveTransform = effectiveTransform * parent->GetEffectiveTransform();
  gfx3DMatrix layoutToScreen;
  gfx::To3DMatrix(effectiveTransform, layoutToScreen);

  mPaintData.mTransformScreenToLayout = layoutToScreen.Inverse();

  // Compute the critical display port in layer space.
  if (!metrics.mCriticalDisplayPort.IsEmpty()) {
    // Convert the display port to screen space first so that we can transform
    // it into layout device space.
    const ScreenRect& criticalDisplayPort = metrics.mCriticalDisplayPort * metrics.mZoom;
    LayoutDeviceRect transformedCriticalDisplayPort =
      ApplyScreenToLayoutTransform(mPaintData.mTransformScreenToLayout, criticalDisplayPort);
    mPaintData.mLayoutCriticalDisplayPort =

  // Calculate the frame resolution. Because this is Gecko-side, before any
  // async transforms have occurred, we can use mZoom for this.
  mPaintData.mResolution = metrics.mZoom;

  // Calculate the scroll offset since the last transaction, and the
  // composition bounds.
  mPaintData.mScrollOffset.MoveTo(0, 0);
  Layer* primaryScrollable = ClientManager()->GetPrimaryScrollableLayer();
  if (primaryScrollable) {
    const FrameMetrics& metrics = primaryScrollable->AsContainerLayer()->GetFrameMetrics();
    mPaintData.mScrollOffset = metrics.mScrollOffset * metrics.mZoom;
    mPaintData.mCompositionBounds =
コード例 #3
// Recursively create a new array of scrollables, preserving any scrollables
// that are still in the layer tree.
// aXScale and aYScale are used to calculate any values that need to be in
// chrome-document CSS pixels and aren't part of the rendering loop, such as
// the initial scroll offset for a new view.
static void
BuildViewMap(ViewMap& oldContentViews, ViewMap& newContentViews,
             nsFrameLoader* aFrameLoader, Layer* aLayer,
             float aXScale = 1, float aYScale = 1,
             float aAccConfigXScale = 1, float aAccConfigYScale = 1)
  ContainerLayer* container = aLayer->AsContainerLayer();
  if (!container)
  const FrameMetrics metrics = container->GetFrameMetrics();
  const ViewID scrollId = metrics.mScrollId;
  const gfx3DMatrix transform = aLayer->GetTransform();
  aXScale *= GetXScale(transform);
  aYScale *= GetYScale(transform);

  if (metrics.IsScrollable()) {
    nscoord auPerDevPixel = aFrameLoader->GetPrimaryFrameOfOwningContent()
    nscoord auPerCSSPixel = auPerDevPixel * metrics.mDevPixelsPerCSSPixel;
    nsContentView* view = FindViewForId(oldContentViews, scrollId);
    if (view) {
      // View already exists. Be sure to propagate scales for any values
      // that need to be calculated something in chrome-doc CSS pixels.
      ViewConfig config = view->GetViewConfig();
      aXScale *= config.mXScale;
      aYScale *= config.mYScale;
      view->mFrameLoader = aFrameLoader;
      // If scale has changed, then we should update
      // current scroll offset to new scaled value
      if (aAccConfigXScale != view->mParentScaleX ||
          aAccConfigYScale != view->mParentScaleY) {
        float xscroll = 0, yscroll = 0;
        xscroll = xscroll * (aAccConfigXScale / view->mParentScaleX);
        yscroll = yscroll * (aAccConfigYScale / view->mParentScaleY);
        view->ScrollTo(xscroll, yscroll);
        view->mParentScaleX = aAccConfigXScale;
        view->mParentScaleY = aAccConfigYScale;
      // Collect only config scale values for scroll compensation
      aAccConfigXScale *= config.mXScale;
      aAccConfigYScale *= config.mYScale;
    } else {
      // View doesn't exist, so generate one. We start the view scroll offset at
      // the same position as the framemetric's scroll offset from the layer.
      // The default scale is 1, so no need to propagate scale down.
      ViewConfig config;
      config.mScrollOffset = nsPoint(
        NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(metrics.mScrollOffset.x, auPerCSSPixel) * aXScale,
        NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(metrics.mScrollOffset.y, auPerCSSPixel) * aYScale);
      view = new nsContentView(aFrameLoader, scrollId, config);
      view->mParentScaleX = aAccConfigXScale;
      view->mParentScaleY = aAccConfigYScale;

    view->mViewportSize = nsSize(
      NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(metrics.mViewport.width, auPerDevPixel) * aXScale,
      NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(metrics.mViewport.height, auPerDevPixel) * aYScale);
    view->mContentSize = nsSize(
      NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(metrics.mContentRect.width, auPerDevPixel) * aXScale,
      NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(metrics.mContentRect.height, auPerDevPixel) * aYScale);

    newContentViews[scrollId] = view;

  for (Layer* child = aLayer->GetFirstChild();
       child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
    BuildViewMap(oldContentViews, newContentViews, aFrameLoader, child,
                 aXScale, aYScale, aAccConfigXScale, aAccConfigYScale);
コード例 #4
  Layer* layer = GetPrimaryScrollableLayer();
  ShadowLayer* shadow = layer->AsShadowLayer();
  ContainerLayer* container = layer->AsContainerLayer();

  const FrameMetrics& metrics = container->GetFrameMetrics();
  const gfx3DMatrix& rootTransform = mLayerManager->GetRoot()->GetTransform();
  const gfx3DMatrix& currentTransform = layer->GetTransform();

  float rootScaleX = rootTransform.GetXScale();
  float rootScaleY = rootTransform.GetYScale();

  if (mIsFirstPaint) {
    mContentRect = metrics.mContentRect;
    mIsFirstPaint = false;
  } else if (!metrics.mContentRect.IsEqualEdges(mContentRect)) {
    mContentRect = metrics.mContentRect;
    SetPageRect(1/rootScaleX, mContentRect, metrics.mCSSContentRect);

  // We synchronise the viewport information with Java after sending the above
  // notifications, so that Java can take these into account in its response.
  // Calculate the absolute display port to send to Java
  nsIntRect displayPort = metrics.mDisplayPort;
  nsIntPoint scrollOffset = metrics.mViewportScrollOffset;
  displayPort.x += scrollOffset.x;
  displayPort.y += scrollOffset.y;

  SyncViewportInfo(displayPort, 1/rootScaleX, mLayersUpdated,
                   mScrollOffset, mXScale, mYScale);
  mLayersUpdated = false;

  // Handle transformations for asynchronous panning and zooming. We determine the
  // zoom used by Gecko from the transformation set on the root layer, and we
  // determine the scroll offset used by Gecko from the frame metrics of the
  // primary scrollable layer. We compare this to the desired zoom and scroll
  // offset in the view transform we obtained from Java in order to compute the
  // transformation we need to apply.
  float tempScaleDiffX = rootScaleX * mXScale;
  float tempScaleDiffY = rootScaleY * mYScale;

  nsIntPoint metricsScrollOffset(0, 0);
  if (metrics.IsScrollable())
    metricsScrollOffset = metrics.mViewportScrollOffset;

  nsIntPoint scrollCompensation(
    (mScrollOffset.x / tempScaleDiffX - metricsScrollOffset.x) * mXScale,
    (mScrollOffset.y / tempScaleDiffY - metricsScrollOffset.y) * mYScale);
  ViewTransform treeTransform(-scrollCompensation, mXScale, mYScale);
  shadow->SetShadowTransform(gfx3DMatrix(treeTransform) * currentTransform);

  // Alter the scroll offset so that fixed position layers remain within
  // the page area.
  float offsetX = mScrollOffset.x / tempScaleDiffX;
  float offsetY = mScrollOffset.y / tempScaleDiffY;
  offsetX = NS_MAX((float)mContentRect.x, NS_MIN(offsetX, (float)(mContentRect.XMost() - mWidgetSize.width)));
  offsetY = NS_MAX((float)mContentRect.y, NS_MIN(offsetY, (float)(mContentRect.YMost() - mWidgetSize.height)));
  gfxPoint reverseViewTranslation(offsetX - metricsScrollOffset.x,
                                  offsetY - metricsScrollOffset.y);

  TranslateFixedLayers(layer, reverseViewTranslation);