コード例 #1
Layer::CalculateScissorRect(const nsIntRect& aCurrentScissorRect,
                            const gfxMatrix* aWorldTransform)
  ContainerLayer* container = GetParent();
  NS_ASSERTION(container, "This can't be called on the root!");

  // Establish initial clip rect: it's either the one passed in, or
  // if the parent has an intermediate surface, it's the extents of that surface.
  nsIntRect currentClip;
  if (container->UseIntermediateSurface()) {
  } else {
    currentClip = aCurrentScissorRect;

  const nsIntRect *clipRect = GetEffectiveClipRect();
  if (!clipRect)
    return currentClip;

  if (clipRect->IsEmpty()) {
    // We might have a non-translation transform in the container so we can't
    // use the code path below.
    return nsIntRect(currentClip.TopLeft(), nsIntSize(0, 0));

  nsIntRect scissor = *clipRect;
  if (!container->UseIntermediateSurface()) {
    gfxMatrix matrix;
    DebugOnly<bool> is2D = container->GetEffectiveTransform().Is2D(&matrix);
    // See DefaultComputeEffectiveTransforms below
    NS_ASSERTION(is2D && matrix.PreservesAxisAlignedRectangles(),
                 "Non preserves axis aligned transform with clipped child should have forced intermediate surface");
    gfxRect r(scissor.x, scissor.y, scissor.width, scissor.height);
    gfxRect trScissor = matrix.TransformBounds(r);
    if (!gfxUtils::GfxRectToIntRect(trScissor, &scissor)) {
      return nsIntRect(currentClip.TopLeft(), nsIntSize(0, 0));

    // Find the nearest ancestor with an intermediate surface
    do {
      container = container->GetParent();
    } while (container && !container->UseIntermediateSurface());
  if (container) {
  } else if (aWorldTransform) {
    gfxRect r(scissor.x, scissor.y, scissor.width, scissor.height);
    gfxRect trScissor = aWorldTransform->TransformBounds(r);
    if (!gfxUtils::GfxRectToIntRect(trScissor, &scissor))
      return nsIntRect(currentClip.TopLeft(), nsIntSize(0, 0));
  return currentClip.Intersect(scissor);