コード例 #1
// static public
// Insert a region in the region map
// returns true if region inserted, false otherwise
bool LLWorldMap::insertRegion(U32 x_world, U32 y_world, U32 x_size, U32 y_size, U32 agent_flags, std::string& name, LLUUID& image_id, U32 accesscode, U32 region_flags)
	// This region doesn't exist
	if (accesscode == 255)
		// Checks if the track point is in it and invalidates it if it is
		if (LLWorldMap::getInstance()->isTrackingInRectangle( x_world, y_world, x_world + REGION_WIDTH_UNITS, y_world + REGION_WIDTH_UNITS))
		// return failure to insert
		return false;
		U64 handle = to_region_handle(x_world, y_world);
	 	//LL_INFOS("World Map") << "Map sim : " << name << ", ID : " << image_id.getString() << LL_ENDL;
		// Insert the region in the region map of the world map
		// Loading the LLSimInfo object with what we got and insert it in the map
		LLSimInfo* siminfo = LLWorldMap::getInstance()->simInfoFromHandle(handle);
		if (siminfo == NULL)
			siminfo = LLWorldMap::getInstance()->createSimInfoFromHandle(handle);

		siminfo->setName( name );
		siminfo->setAccess( accesscode );
		siminfo->setRegionFlags( region_flags );
		//siminfo->setWaterHeight((F32) water_height);
		U32 layer = flagsToLayer(agent_flags);
		if (layer == SIM_LAYER_OVERLAY)
		else if(layer < SIM_LAYER_COUNT)
			siminfo->setMapImageID( image_id, layer );
		siminfo->setSize( x_size, y_size );

		// Handle the location tracking (for teleport, UI feedback and info display)
		if (LLWorldMap::getInstance()->isTrackingInRectangle( x_world, y_world, x_world + REGION_WIDTH_UNITS, y_world + REGION_WIDTH_UNITS))
			if (siminfo->isDown())
				// We were tracking this location, but it's no available
				// We were tracking this location, and it does exist and is available
		// return insert region success
		return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: llworldmap.cpp プロジェクト: Barosonix/AstraViewer
// public static
void LLWorldMap::processMapBlockReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**)
	U32 agent_flags;
	msg->getU32Fast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_Flags, agent_flags);

	if ((S32)agent_flags < 0 || agent_flags >= MAP_SIM_IMAGE_TYPES)
		llwarns << "Invalid map image type returned! " << agent_flags << llendl;

	S32 num_blocks = msg->getNumberOfBlocksFast(_PREHASH_Data);

	bool found_null_sim = false;

	bool use_web_map_tiles = useWebMapTiles();
	BOOL adjust = FALSE;
	for (S32 block=0; block<num_blocks; ++block)
		U16 x_regions;
		U16 y_regions;
		U16 x_size = 256;
		U16 y_size = 256;
		std::string name;
		U8 accesscode;
		U32 region_flags;
		U8 water_height;
		U8 agents;
		LLUUID image_id;
		msg->getU16Fast(_PREHASH_Data, _PREHASH_X, x_regions, block);
		msg->getU16Fast(_PREHASH_Data, _PREHASH_Y, y_regions, block);
		msg->getStringFast(_PREHASH_Data, _PREHASH_Name, name, block);
		msg->getU8Fast(_PREHASH_Data, _PREHASH_Access, accesscode, block);
		msg->getU32Fast(_PREHASH_Data, _PREHASH_RegionFlags, region_flags, block);
		msg->getU8Fast(_PREHASH_Data, _PREHASH_WaterHeight, water_height, block);
		msg->getU8Fast(_PREHASH_Data, _PREHASH_Agents, agents, block);
		msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_Data, _PREHASH_MapImageID, image_id, block);
		if(msg->getNumberOfBlocksFast(_PREHASH_Size) > 0)
			msg->getU16Fast(_PREHASH_Size, _PREHASH_SizeX, x_size, block);
			msg->getU16Fast(_PREHASH_Size, _PREHASH_SizeY, y_size, block);
		if(x_size == 0 || (x_size % 16) != 0|| (y_size % 16) != 0)
			x_size = 256;
			y_size = 256;

		U32 x_meters = x_regions * REGION_WIDTH_UNITS;
 		U32 y_meters = y_regions * REGION_WIDTH_UNITS;

		U64 handle = to_region_handle(x_meters, y_meters);

		if (accesscode == 255)
			// This region doesn't exist
			if (LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mIsTrackingUnknownLocation &&
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mUnknownLocation.mdV[0] >= x_meters &&
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mUnknownLocation.mdV[0] < x_meters + 256 &&
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mUnknownLocation.mdV[1] >= y_meters &&
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mUnknownLocation.mdV[1] < y_meters + 256)
				// We were tracking this location, but it doesn't exist
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mInvalidLocation = TRUE;

			found_null_sim = true;
			adjust = LLWorldMap::getInstance()->extendAABB(x_meters, 
										y_meters+REGION_WIDTH_UNITS) || adjust;
	 		//LL_INFOS("World Map") << "Map sim : " << name << ", ID : " << image_id.getString() << LL_ENDL;
			// Insert the region in the region map of the world map
			// Loading the LLSimInfo object with what we got and insert it in the map
			LLSimInfo* siminfo = LLWorldMap::getInstance()->simInfoFromHandle(handle);
			if (siminfo == NULL)
				siminfo = LLWorldMap::getInstance()->createSimInfoFromHandle(handle);

			siminfo->setName( name );
			siminfo->setAccess( accesscode );
			siminfo->setRegionFlags( region_flags );
			siminfo->setWaterHeight((F32) water_height);
			siminfo->setMapImageID( image_id, agent_flags );
			siminfo->setSize( x_size, y_size );

			if (use_web_map_tiles)
				siminfo->mCurrentImage = loadObjectsTile((U32)x_regions, (U32)y_regions);
				siminfo->mCurrentImage = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(siminfo->mMapImageID[LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mCurrentMap], MIPMAP_TRUE, FALSE);
			if (siminfo->mMapImageID[2].notNull())
				siminfo->mOverlayImage = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureURL(siminfo->mMapImageID[2]);
				siminfo->mOverlayImage = NULL;

			if (LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mIsTrackingUnknownLocation &&
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mUnknownLocation.mdV[0] >= x_meters &&
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mUnknownLocation.mdV[0] < x_meters + 256 &&
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mUnknownLocation.mdV[1] >= y_meters &&
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mUnknownLocation.mdV[1] < y_meters + 256)
				if (siminfo->isDown())
					// We were tracking this location, but it doesn't exist
					LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mInvalidLocation = true;
					// We were tracking this location, and it does exist
					bool is_tracking_dbl = LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mIsTrackingDoubleClick == TRUE;
					if (is_tracking_dbl)
						LLVector3d pos_global = LLTracker::getTrackedPositionGlobal();
						gAgent.teleportViaLocation( pos_global );
		if(LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mSLURLCallback != NULL)
			// Server returns definitive capitalization, SLURL might not have that.
			if ((LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mSLURLRegionName, name)==0)
				|| (LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mSLURLRegionHandle == handle))
				url_callback_t callback = LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mSLURLCallback;

				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mSLURLCallback = NULL;
				LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mSLURLRegionHandle = 0;

				callback(handle, LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mSLURL, image_id, LLWorldMap::getInstance()->mSLURLTeleport);
		if(	gAgent.mPendingLure &&
			(U16)(gAgent.mPendingLure->mPosGlobal.mdV[0] / REGION_WIDTH_UNITS) == x_regions &&
			(U16)(gAgent.mPendingLure->mPosGlobal.mdV[1] / REGION_WIDTH_UNITS) == y_regions )

	if(adjust) gFloaterWorldMap->adjustZoomSliderBounds();