コード例 #1
Handle<Value> AddOne(const Arguments& args) {
  do_check_eq(args.Length(), 1);
  Local<Value> v = args[0];
  Local<Number> n = v->ToNumber();
  return Number::New(n->Value() + 1.0);
コード例 #2
  HandleScope handle_scope;
  Handle<ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
  Handle<FunctionTemplate> fnT = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(AddOne);
  templ->Set("AddOne", fnT);

  Persistent<Context> context = Context::New(NULL, templ);
  Context::Scope context_scope(context);
  Local<Value> addone = context->Global()->Get(String::New("AddOne"));
  Local<Function> fn = addone.As<Function>();
  do_check_eq(fn, fnT->GetFunction());
  Local<Number> n = Number::New(0.5);
  Handle<Value> args[] = { n };
  Local<Value> v = fn->Call(context->Global(), 1, args);
  Local<Number> n2 = v->ToNumber();
  do_check_eq(n2->Value(), 1.5);
コード例 #3
ファイル: vectorTemplate.cpp プロジェクト: boxyoman/jsbots
void vectorTemplate::setVectorY(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo &info){
	Local<External> data = Local<External>::Cast(info.Data());
	vector<double> *vect = reinterpret_cast<vector<double> *>(data->Value());
		vect->y = value->ToNumber()->Value();
コード例 #4
bool JSWrapper::execute( const char *scr, JSWrapperData *data, const char *fileName )
    HandleScope handle_scope( m_isolate );

    Local<String> source = String::NewFromUtf8( m_isolate, scr, NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked();

    ScriptOrigin origin( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( m_isolate, fileName ? fileName : "Unknown" ) );
    MaybeLocal<Script> maybeScript = Script::Compile( m_context, source, &origin );

    bool success=false;

    if ( !maybeScript.IsEmpty() )
        Local<Script> script = maybeScript.ToLocalChecked();        
        MaybeLocal<Value> maybeResult = script->Run(m_context);

        if ( !maybeResult.IsEmpty() )
            Local<Value> result = maybeResult.ToLocalChecked();

            if ( data )
                if ( result->IsNumber() )
                    data->setNumber( result->ToNumber()->Value() );
                if ( result->IsString() )
                    String::Utf8Value utf8( result );
                    data->setString( *utf8 );
                } else
                if ( result->IsBoolean() )
                    data->setBoolean( result->ToBoolean()->Value() );
                if ( result->IsObject() )
                    data->setObject( new JSWrapperObject( m_isolate, result->ToObject() ) );
                if ( result->IsNull() )
                else data->setUndefined();


    return success;
コード例 #5
static Local<Value> convertType(TiAppPropertiesObject::PropertyType type, Local<Value> value) {
    switch (type) {
    case TiAppPropertiesObject::BoolProperty:
        return value->ToBoolean();
    case TiAppPropertiesObject::DoubleProperty:
    case TiAppPropertiesObject::IntProperty:
        return value->ToNumber();
    case TiAppPropertiesObject::ObjectProperty:
        return value->ToObject();
    case TiAppPropertiesObject::ListProperty:
        return value;
    case TiAppPropertiesObject::StringProperty:
        return value->ToString();
        return Local<Value>();
コード例 #6
void ExecuteBaton::GetVectorParam(ExecuteBaton* baton, arrayParam_t* arrParam, Local<Array> arr) {
  // In case the array is empty just initialize the fields as we would need something in Connection::SetValuesOnStatement
  if (arr->Length() < 1) {
    arrParam->value = new int[0];
    arrParam->collectionLength = 0;
    arrParam->elementsSize = 0;
    arrParam->elementLength = new ub2[0];
    arrParam->elementsType = oracle::occi::OCCIINT;
  // Next we create the array buffer that will be used later as the value for the param (in Connection::SetValuesOnStatement)
  // The array type will be derived from the type of the first element.
  Local<Value> val = arr->Get(0);

  // String array
  if (val->IsString()) {
    arrParam->elementsType = oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_STR;

    // Find the longest string, this is necessary in order to create a buffer later.
    int longestString = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < arr->Length(); i++) {
    Local<Value> currVal = arr->Get(i);
    if (currVal->ToString()->Utf8Length() > longestString)
      longestString = currVal->ToString()->Utf8Length();

    // Add 1 for '\0'

    // Create a long char* that will hold the entire array, it is important to create a FIXED SIZE array,
    // meaning all strings have the same allocated length.
    char* strArr = new char[arr->Length() * longestString];
    arrParam->elementLength = new ub2[arr->Length()];

    // loop thru the arr and copy the strings into the strArr
    int bytesWritten = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < arr->Length(); i++) {
      Local<Value> currVal = arr->Get(i);
      if(!currVal->IsString()) {
        std::ostringstream message;
        message << "Input array has object with invalid type at index " << i << ", all object must be of type 'string' which is the type of the first element";
        baton->error = new std::string(message.str());
      String::Utf8Value utfStr(currVal);
      // Copy this string onto the strArr (we put \0 in the beginning as this is what strcat expects).
      strArr[bytesWritten] = '\0';
      strncat(strArr + bytesWritten, *utfStr, longestString);
      bytesWritten += longestString;
      // Set the length of this element, add +1 for the '\0'
      arrParam->elementLength[i] = utfStr.length() + 1;

    arrParam->value = strArr;
    arrParam->collectionLength = arr->Length();
    arrParam->elementsSize = longestString;

  // Integer array.
  else if (val->IsNumber()) {
    arrParam->elementsType = oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_NUM;
    // Allocate memory for the numbers array, Number in Oracle is 21 bytes
    unsigned char* numArr = new unsigned char[arr->Length() * 21];
    arrParam->elementLength = new ub2[arr->Length()];

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < arr->Length(); i++) {
      Local<Value> currVal = arr->Get(i);
      if(!currVal->IsNumber()) {
        std::ostringstream message;
        message << "Input array has object with invalid type at index " << i << ", all object must be of type 'number' which is the type of the first element";
        baton->error = new std::string(message.str());

      // JS numbers can exceed oracle numbers, make sure this is not the case.
      double d = currVal->ToNumber()->Value();
      if (d > 9.99999999999999999999999999999999999999*std::pow(double(10), double(125)) || d < -9.99999999999999999999999999999999999999*std::pow(double(10), double(125))) {
        std::ostringstream message;
        message << "Input array has number that is out of the range of Oracle numbers, check the number at index " << i;
        baton->error = new std::string(message.str());
      // Convert the JS number into Oracle Number and get its bytes representation
      oracle::occi::Number n = d;
      oracle::occi::Bytes b = n.toBytes();
      arrParam->elementLength[i] = b.length ();
      b.getBytes(&numArr[i*21], b.length());

    arrParam->value = numArr;
    arrParam->collectionLength = arr->Length();
    arrParam->elementsSize = 21;

  // Unsupported type
  else {
    baton->error = new std::string("The type of the first element in the input array is not supported");