コード例 #1
ファイル: bson.cpp プロジェクト: w1nk/node-mongodb
encodeArray(bson_buffer *bb, const char *name, const Local<Value> element) {
    Local<Array> a = Array::Cast(*element);
    bson_buffer *arr = bson_append_start_array(bb, name);

    for (int i = 0, l=a->Length(); i < l; i++) {
        Local<Value> val = a->Get(Number::New(i));
        stringstream keybuf;
        string keyval;
        keybuf << i << endl;
        keybuf >> keyval;

        if (val->IsString()) {
            encodeString(arr, keyval.c_str(), val);
        else if (val->IsInt32()) {
            encodeInteger(arr, keyval.c_str(), val);
        else if (val->IsNumber()) {
            encodeNumber(arr, keyval.c_str(), val);
        else if (val->IsBoolean()) {
            encodeBoolean(arr, keyval.c_str(), val);
        else if (val->IsArray()) {
            encodeArray(arr, keyval.c_str(), val);
        else if (val->IsObject()) {
            bson bson(encodeObject(val));
            bson_append_bson(arr, keyval.c_str(), &bson);
コード例 #2
ファイル: binding.cpp プロジェクト: erikjwaxx/node-sass
void prepare_import_results(Local<Value> returned_value, sass_context_wrapper* ctx_w) {

  if (returned_value->IsArray()) {
    Handle<Array> array = Handle<Array>::Cast(returned_value);

    ctx_w->imports = sass_make_import_list(array->Length());

    for (size_t i = 0; i < array->Length(); ++i) {
      Local<Value> value = array->Get(i);

      if (!value->IsObject())

      Local<Object> object = Local<Object>::Cast(value);
      char* path = create_string(object->Get(NanNew<String>("file")));
      char* contents = create_string(object->Get(NanNew<String>("contents")));

      ctx_w->imports[i] = sass_make_import_entry(path, (!contents || contents[0] == '\0') ? 0 : strdup(contents), 0);
  else if (returned_value->IsObject()) {
    ctx_w->imports = sass_make_import_list(1);
    Local<Object> object = Local<Object>::Cast(returned_value);
    char* path = create_string(object->Get(NanNew<String>("file")));
    char* contents = create_string(object->Get(NanNew<String>("contents")));

    ctx_w->imports[0] = sass_make_import_entry(path, (!contents || contents[0] == '\0') ? 0 : strdup(contents), 0);
  else {
    ctx_w->imports = sass_make_import_list(1);
    ctx_w->imports[0] = sass_make_import_entry(ctx_w->file, 0, 0);
コード例 #3
int SerializePart(google::protobuf::Message *message, Handle<Object> subj) {

	// get a reflection
	const Reflection *r = message->GetReflection();
	const Descriptor *d = message->GetDescriptor();
	// build a list of required properties
	vector<string> required;
	for (int i = 0; i < d->field_count(); i++) {
		const FieldDescriptor *field = d->field(i);
		if (field->is_required())

	// build a reflection
	// get properties of passed object
	Local<Array> properties = subj->GetPropertyNames();
	uint32_t len = properties->Length();
	// check that all required properties are present
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < required.size(); i++) {
		Handle<String> key = String::New(required.at(i).c_str());
		if (!subj->Has(key))
			return -1;

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		Local<Value> property = properties->Get(i);
		Local<String> property_s = property->ToString();

		if (*property_s == NULL)

		String::Utf8Value temp(property);
		std::string propertyName = std::string(*temp);

		const FieldDescriptor *field = d->FindFieldByName(propertyName);
		if (field == NULL) continue;

		Local<Value> val = subj->Get(property);

		if (field->is_repeated()) {
			if (!val->IsArray())

			Handle<Array> array = val.As<Array>();
			int len = array->Length();

			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
				SerializeField(message, r, field, array->Get(i));

		} else {
			SerializeField(message, r, field, val);
	return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: book_wrap.cpp プロジェクト: kneth/DemoNodeExtension
void BookWrap::Setter(uint32_t index, Local<Value> value, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info) {
    Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
    HandleScope scope(isolate);
    BookWrap* bw = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<BookWrap>(info.This());
    Book*     b  = bw->m_book;

    if (value->IsArray()) {
        if (index < b->size()) {
            Local<v8::Array> arr = Local<v8::Array>::Cast(value);
            if (arr->Length() == 3) {
                const String::Utf8Value firstname(arr->Get(0)->ToString());
                const String::Utf8Value lastname(arr->Get(1)->ToString());
                const time_t birthday = time_t(0.001*(*arr->Get(2))->NumberValue());
                Person *p = (*b)[index];
            else {
                isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Three elements expected"))); 
        if (index == b->size()) {
            Local<v8::Array> arr = Local<v8::Array>::Cast(value);
            if (arr->Length() == 3) {
                const String::Utf8Value firstname(arr->Get(0)->ToString());
                const String::Utf8Value lastname(arr->Get(1)->ToString());
                const time_t birthday = time_t(0.001*(*arr->Get(2))->NumberValue());
                Person *p = new Person();
            else {
                isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Three elements expected")));
        else {
            isolate->ThrowException(Exception::RangeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Invalid index")));
    else {
        isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Object expected")));
コード例 #5
ファイル: v8_var_policy.cpp プロジェクト: eye3/nkit4nodejs
  void V8BuilderPolicy::AppendToDictKeyList(std::string const & _key,
          type const & var)
    Nan::HandleScope scope;
    Local<Value> object(Nan::New(object_));
    Local<Object> obj = Local<Object>::Cast(object);

    KeyMap::const_iterator k_it = keys_.find(_key);
    if (k_it == keys_.end())
      Nan::Persistent<v8::String> * pers_key =
              new Nan::Persistent<v8::String>(Nan::New(_key).ToLocalChecked());
      keys_[_key] = pers_key;
      k_it = keys_.find(_key);
    Local<String> key = Nan::New(*k_it->second);
//    Local<String> key = Nan::New(_key).ToLocalChecked();

    if (obj->Has(key))
      Local<Value> value = obj->Get(key);
      if (value->IsArray())
        Local<Array> arr = Local<Array>::Cast(value);
        arr->Set(arr->Length(), Nan::New(var));
        Local<Array> arr(Nan::New<Array>());
        arr->Set(0, value);
        arr->Set(1, Nan::New(var));
        obj->Set(key, arr);
      if (options_.explicit_array_)
        Local<Array> arr(Nan::New<Array>());
        arr->Set(0, Nan::New(var));
        obj->Set(key, arr);
        obj->Set(key, Nan::New(var));
コード例 #6
void ContactsPersonProxy::_setEmail(void* userContext, Handle<Value> value)
    ContactsPersonProxy *obj = (ContactsPersonProxy*) userContext;

    if(!value->IsObject()) return;

	Handle<Object> emailObject = value->ToObject();
	Local<Array> emailProperties = emailObject->GetPropertyNames();
	for(int i = 0, len = emailProperties->Length(); i < len; i++)
		Local<String> allEmailsKey = emailProperties->Get(i)->ToString();
		Local<Value> allEmailsValue = emailObject->Get(allEmailsKey);

		AttributeSubKind::Type subKind = AttributeSubKind::Other;

		QString allEmailsKeyString = titanium::V8ValueToQString(allEmailsKey).toLower();
		if(allEmailsKeyString == "work")
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::Work;
		if(allEmailsKeyString == "personal")
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::Personal;
		if(allEmailsKeyString == "home")
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::Home;

		if(!allEmailsValue->IsArray()) return;

		Local<Array> emails = Local<Array>::Cast(allEmailsValue);
		for(int i = 0, len = emails->Length(); i < len; i++)
			Local<Value> emailValue = emails->Get(Number::New(i));
			if(emailValue->IsString() || emailValue->IsNumber())
				 obj->setContactDetails(AttributeKind::Email, subKind, emailValue);
				// Something goes here, throw an error?
コード例 #7
ファイル: PDFPageDriver.cpp プロジェクト: abyr/HummusJS
void PDFPageDriver::SetMediaBox(Local<String> property,Local<Value> value,const AccessorInfo &info)
    HandleScope scope;
    PDFPageDriver* pageDriver = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<PDFPageDriver>(info.Holder());

        ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Media box is set to a value which is not a 4 numbers array")));
    if(value->ToObject()->Get(v8::String::New("length"))->ToObject()->Uint32Value() != 4)
        ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Media box is set to a value which is not a 4 numbers array")));
コード例 #8
ファイル: GNUtil.cpp プロジェクト: joelpurra/getdns-node
static GetdnsType getGetdnsType(Local<Value> value) {
    if (value->IsNumber() || value->IsNumberObject()) {
        return IntType;
    } else if (value->IsBoolean() || value->IsBooleanObject()) {
        return BoolType;
    } else if (value->IsString() || value->IsStringObject()) {
        return StringType;
    } else if (value->IsObject()) {
        // could be a node buffer or array
        if (node::Buffer::HasInstance(value)) {
            return BinDataType;
        } else if (value->IsArray()) {
            return ListType;
        } else if (GNUtil::isDictionaryObject(value)) {
            return DictType;
    return UnknownType;
コード例 #9
ファイル: GNContext.cpp プロジェクト: gmadkat/getdns-node
static void setUpstreams(getdns_context* context, Handle<Value> opt) {
    if (opt->IsArray()) {
        getdns_list* upstreams = getdns_list_create();
        Handle<Array> values = Handle<Array>::Cast(opt);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < values->Length(); ++i) {
            Local<Value> ipOrTuple = values->Get(i);
            getdns_dict* ipDict = NULL;
            if (ipOrTuple->IsArray()) {
                // two tuple - first is IP, 2nd is port
                Handle<Array> tuple = Handle<Array>::Cast(ipOrTuple);
                if (tuple->Length() > 0) {
                    String::AsciiValue asciiStr(tuple->Get(0)->ToString());
                    ipDict = getdns_util_create_ip(*asciiStr);
                    if (ipDict && tuple->Length() > 1 &&
                        tuple->Get(1)->IsNumber()) {
                        // port
                        uint32_t port = tuple->Get(1)->Uint32Value();
                        getdns_dict_set_int(ipDict, "port", port);
            } else {
                String::AsciiValue asciiStr(ipOrTuple->ToString());
                ipDict = getdns_util_create_ip(*asciiStr);
            if (ipDict) {
                size_t len = 0;
                getdns_list_get_length(upstreams, &len);
                getdns_list_set_dict(upstreams, len, ipDict);
            } else {
                Local<String> msg = String::Concat(String::New("Upstream value is invalid: "), ipOrTuple->ToString());
        getdns_return_t r = getdns_context_set_upstream_recursive_servers(context, upstreams);
        if (r != GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD) {
            ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Failed to set upstreams.")));
コード例 #10
void ContactsPersonProxy::_setPhone(void* userContext, Handle<Value> value)
    ContactsPersonProxy *obj = (ContactsPersonProxy*) userContext;

    if(!value->IsObject()) return;

    Handle<Object> phoneObject = value->ToObject();
	Local<Array> phoneProperties = phoneObject->GetPropertyNames();

	for(int i = 0, len = phoneProperties->Length(); i < len; i++)
		Local<String> phoneKey = phoneProperties->Get(i)->ToString();
		Local<Value> phoneValue = phoneObject->Get(phoneKey);

		AttributeSubKind::Type subKind = AttributeSubKind::Other;
		QString phoneStringValue = titanium::V8ValueToQString(phoneKey);

		if(phoneStringValue == "home") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::Home;
		} else
		if(phoneStringValue == "work") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::Work;
		} else
		if(phoneStringValue == "mobile") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::PhoneMobile;

		if(!phoneValue->IsArray()) return;

		Local<Array> phones = Local<Array>::Cast(phoneValue);
		for(int i = 0, len = phones->Length(); i < len; i++)
			Local<Value> currentMessage = phones->Get(Number::New(i));
			if(!currentMessage->IsString()) return;

			obj->setContactDetails(AttributeKind::Phone, subKind, currentMessage);
コード例 #11
ファイル: protobuf.cpp プロジェクト: ftcaicai/GOD
	void SerializePart(google::protobuf::Message *message, Handle<Object> src) {
		Handle<Function> to_array = handle_->GetInternalField(3).As<Function>();
		Handle<Array> properties = to_array->Call(src, 0, NULL).As<Array>();
		const Reflection *r = message->GetReflection();
		for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
			Local<Value> value = properties->Get(i);
			if (value->IsUndefined() || value->IsNull()) 

			const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor->field(i);
			if (field->is_repeated()) {
				if (value->IsArray()) {
					Handle<Array> array = value.As<Array>();
					int length = array->Length();
					for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
						SerializeField(message, r, field, array->Get(j));
				else if (value->IsObject() && 
					field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE && 
					field->message_type()->name().compare(0, 20, "KeyValuePair_String_") == 0) {
					Local<Object> object = value.As<Object>();
					Local<Array> subProperties = object->GetOwnPropertyNames();
					int len = subProperties->Length();
					for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < len; keyIdx++) {
						Local<Object> keyValuePair = Object::New();
						Local<Value> key = subProperties->Get(keyIdx);
						keyValuePair->Set(KeySymbol, key);
						keyValuePair->Set(ValueSymbol, object->Get(key));
						SerializeField(message, r, field, keyValuePair);
			} else {
				SerializeField(message, r, field, value);
コード例 #12
ファイル: blpapijs.cpp プロジェクト: ZJONSSON/node-blpapi
Session::Request(const Arguments& args)
    HandleScope scope;

    if (args.Length() < 1 || !args[0]->IsString()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Service URI string must be provided as first parameter.")));
    if (args.Length() < 2 || !args[1]->IsString()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "String request name must be provided as second parameter.")));
    if (args.Length() < 3 || !args[2]->IsObject()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Object containing request parameters must be provided "
                "as third parameter.")));
    if (args.Length() < 4 || !args[3]->IsInt32()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Integer correlation identifier must be provided "
                "as fourth parameter.")));
    if (args.Length() >= 5 && !args[4]->IsUndefined() && !args[4]->IsString()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Optional request label must be a string.")));
    if (args.Length() > 5) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Function expects at most five arguments.")));

    int cidi = args[3]->Int32Value();

    Session* session = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Session>(args.This());


    Local<String> uri = args[0]->ToString();
    String::AsciiValue uriv(uri);

    blpapi::Service service = session->d_session->getService(*uriv);

    Local<String> name = args[1]->ToString();
    String::Utf8Value namev(name);

    blpapi::Request request = service.createRequest(*namev);

    // Loop over object properties, appending/setting into the request.
    Local<Object> obj = args[2]->ToObject();
    Local<Array> props = obj->GetPropertyNames();

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < props->Length(); ++i) {
        // Process the key.
        Local<Value> keyval = props->Get(i);
        Local<String> key = keyval->ToString();
        String::Utf8Value keyv(key);

        // Process the value.
        // The values present on the outer object are marshalled into the
        // blpapi::Request by setting values using 'set'.  Arrays indicate
        // values which should be marshalled using 'append'.
        Local<Value> val = obj->Get(keyval);
        if (val->IsString()) {
            Local<String> s = val->ToString();
            String::Utf8Value valv(s);
            request.set(*keyv, *valv);
        } else if (val->IsBoolean()) {
            request.set(*keyv, val->BooleanValue());
        } else if (val->IsNumber()) {
            request.set(*keyv, val->NumberValue());
        } else if (val->IsInt32()) {
            request.set(*keyv, val->Int32Value());
        } else if (val->IsUint32()) {
        } else if (val->IsDate()) {
            blpapi::Datetime dt;
            mkdatetime(&dt, val);
            request.set(*keyv, dt);
        } else if (val->IsArray()) {
            // Arrays are marshalled into the blpapi::Request by appending
            // value types using the key of the array in the outer object.
            Local<Object> subarray = val->ToObject();
            int jmax = Array::Cast(*val)->Length();
            for (int j = 0; j < jmax; ++j) {
                Local<Value> subval = subarray->Get(j);
                // Only strings, booleans, and numbers are marshalled.
                if (subval->IsString()) {
                    Local<String> s = subval->ToString();
                    String::Utf8Value subvalv(s);
                    request.append(*keyv, *subvalv);
                } else if (subval->IsBoolean()) {
                    request.append(*keyv, subval->BooleanValue());
                } else if (subval->IsNumber()) {
                    request.append(*keyv, subval->NumberValue());
                } else if (subval->IsInt32()) {
                    request.append(*keyv, subval->Int32Value());
                } else if (subval->IsUint32()) {
                } else if (subval->IsDate()) {
                    blpapi::Datetime dt;
                    mkdatetime(&dt, subval);
                    request.append(*keyv, dt);
                } else {
                    return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                                "Array contains invalid value type.")));
        } else {
            return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                        "Object contains invalid value type.")));

    blpapi::CorrelationId cid(cidi);

    if (args.Length() == 5) {
        String::Utf8Value labelv(args[4]->ToString());
        session->d_session->sendRequest(request, session->d_identity,
                                        cid, 0, *labelv, labelv.length());
    } else {
        session->d_session->sendRequest(request, session->d_identity, cid);


    return scope.Close(Integer::New(cidi));
コード例 #13
ファイル: blpapijs.cpp プロジェクト: ZJONSSON/node-blpapi
Session::subscribe(const Arguments& args, bool resubscribe)
    HandleScope scope;

    if (args.Length() < 1 || !args[0]->IsArray()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Array of subscription information must be provided.")));
    if (args.Length() >= 2 && !args[1]->IsUndefined() && !args[1]->IsString()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Optional subscription label must be a string.")));
    if (args.Length() > 2) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Function expects at most two arguments.")));

    blpapi::SubscriptionList sl;

    Local<Object> o = args[0]->ToObject();
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Array::Cast(*(args[0]))->Length(); ++i) {
        Local<Value> v = o->Get(i);
        if (!v->IsObject()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                        "Array elements must be objects "
                        "containing subscription information.")));
        Local<Object> io = v->ToObject();

        // Process 'security' string
        Local<Value> iv = io->Get(String::New("security"));
        if (!iv->IsString()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                        "Property 'security' must be a string.")));
        String::Utf8Value secv(iv);
        if (0 == secv.length()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                        "Property 'security' must be a string.")));

        // Process 'fields' array
        iv = io->Get(String::New("fields"));
        if (!iv->IsArray()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                        "Property 'fields' must be an array of strings.")));
        std::string fields;
        formFields(&fields, iv->ToObject());

        // Process 'options' array
        iv = io->Get(String::New("options"));
        if (!iv->IsUndefined() && !iv->IsNull() && !iv->IsObject()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                        "Property 'options' must be an object containing "
                        "whose keys and key values will be configured as "
        std::string options;
        formOptions(&options, iv);

        // Process 'correlation' int or string
        iv = io->Get(String::New("correlation"));
        if (!iv->IsInt32()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                        "Property 'correlation' must be an integer.")));
        int correlation = iv->Int32Value();

        sl.add(*secv, fields.c_str(), options.c_str(),

    Session* session = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Session>(args.This());

    if (args.Length() == 2) {
        Local<String> s = args[1]->ToString();
        String::Utf8Value labelv(s);
        if (resubscribe)
            session->d_session->resubscribe(sl, *labelv, labelv.length());
            session->d_session->subscribe(sl, *labelv, labelv.length());
    } else {
        if (resubscribe)

    return scope.Close(args.This());
コード例 #14
DBScanHelper::DBScanHelper(const Arguments &args) : 

  Local<Value> v;

  const Local<Object> spec = args[0]->ToObject();
  int opcode = args[1]->Int32Value();
  tx = unwrapPointer<NdbTransaction *>(args[2]->ToObject());

  lmode = NdbOperation::LM_CommittedRead;
  scan_options = & options;
  options.optionsPresent = 0ULL;

  v = spec->Get(SCAN_TABLE_RECORD);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    Local<Object> o = v->ToObject();
    row_record = unwrapPointer<const Record *>(o);

  v = spec->Get(SCAN_INDEX_RECORD);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    Local<Object> o = v->ToObject();
    isIndexScan = true;
    key_record = unwrapPointer<const Record *>(o);
  v = spec->Get(SCAN_LOCK_MODE);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    int intLockMode = v->Int32Value();
    lmode = static_cast<NdbOperation::LockMode>(intLockMode);

  // SCAN_BOUNDS is an array of BoundHelpers  
  v = spec->Get(SCAN_BOUNDS);
  if(v->IsArray()) {
    Local<Object> o = v->ToObject();
    while(o->Has(nbounds)) {
    bounds = new NdbIndexScanOperation::IndexBound *[nbounds];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nbounds ; i++) {
      Local<Object> b = o->Get(i)->ToObject();
      bounds[i] = unwrapPointer<NdbIndexScanOperation::IndexBound *>(b);

  v = spec->Get(SCAN_OPTION_FLAGS);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    options.scan_flags = v->Uint32Value();
    options.optionsPresent |= NdbScanOperation::ScanOptions::SO_SCANFLAGS;
  v = spec->Get(SCAN_OPTION_BATCH_SIZE);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    options.batch = v->Uint32Value();
    options.optionsPresent |= NdbScanOperation::ScanOptions::SO_BATCH;
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    options.parallel = v->Uint32Value();
    options.optionsPresent |= NdbScanOperation::ScanOptions::SO_PARALLEL;
  v = spec->Get(SCAN_FILTER_CODE);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    Local<Object> o = v->ToObject();
    options.interpretedCode = unwrapPointer<NdbInterpretedCode *>(o);
    options.optionsPresent |= NdbScanOperation::ScanOptions::SO_INTERPRETED;

  /* Scanning delete requires key info */
  if(opcode == OP_SCAN_DELETE) {
    options.scan_flags |= NdbScanOperation::SF_KeyInfo;
    options.optionsPresent |= NdbScanOperation::ScanOptions::SO_SCANFLAGS;    
  /* Done defining the object */
コード例 #15
ファイル: JSZCluster.cpp プロジェクト: paoloach/zdomus
 void JSZCluster::checkArgument(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> &info, unsigned int index,
                                const std::shared_ptr<ClusterCmdParamsBase> &cmdParam) {
     if (info.Length() <= ((int) index + 1)) {
         stringstream stream;
         stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs almost " << index << " arguments where the first is the cmd";
         throw JSException(stream.str());
     Local<v8::Value> arg = info[index + 1];
     switch (cmdParam->getZCLDataType()) {
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt8:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt16:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt24:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt32:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt40:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt48:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt56:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt64:
             if (!arg->IsUint32()) {
                 stringstream stream;
                 stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " an unsigned integer";
                 throw JSException(stream.str());
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt8:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt16:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt24:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt32:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt40:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt48:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt56:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt64:
             if (!arg->IsInt32()) {
                 stringstream stream;
                 stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " an integer";
                 throw JSException(stream.str());
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeIEEEaddress:
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeStringChar:
             if (!arg->IsString()) {
                 stringstream stream;
                 stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " a string";
                 throw JSException(stream.str());
         case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeArray:
             if (!arg->IsUint32Array() && !arg->IsUint32Array()) {
                 if (!arg->IsArray()) {
                     stringstream stream;
                     stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " an array";
                     throw JSException(stream.str());
             stringstream stream;
             stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " a type "
                    << cmdParam->getZCLDataType() << " the it is not managed";
             throw JSException(stream.str());
コード例 #16
ファイル: ScanOperation.cpp プロジェクト: alMysql/mysql-js
ScanOperation::ScanOperation(const Arguments &args) : 

  Local<Value> v;

  const Local<Object> spec = args[0]->ToObject();
  opcode = args[1]->Int32Value();
  ctx = unwrapPointer<TransactionImpl *>(args[2]->ToObject());

  lmode = NdbOperation::LM_CommittedRead;
  scan_options.scan_flags = 0;
  scan_options.optionsPresent = 0ULL;

  v = spec->Get(SCAN_TABLE_RECORD);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    Local<Object> o = v->ToObject();
    row_record = unwrapPointer<const Record *>(o);

  v = spec->Get(SCAN_INDEX_RECORD);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    Local<Object> o = v->ToObject();
    isIndexScan = true;
    key_record = unwrapPointer<const Record *>(o);
  v = spec->Get(SCAN_LOCK_MODE);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    int intLockMode = v->Int32Value();
    DEBUG_PRINT("Scan lock mode %d", intLockMode);
    lmode = static_cast<NdbOperation::LockMode>(intLockMode);

  // SCAN_BOUNDS is an array of BoundHelpers  
  v = spec->Get(SCAN_BOUNDS);
  if(v->IsArray()) {
    Local<Object> o = v->ToObject();
    while(o->Has(nbounds)) {
    DEBUG_PRINT("Index Scan with %d IndexBounds", nbounds);
    bounds = new NdbIndexScanOperation::IndexBound *[nbounds];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nbounds ; i++) {
      Local<Object> b = o->Get(i)->ToObject();
      bounds[i] = unwrapPointer<NdbIndexScanOperation::IndexBound *>(b);

  v = spec->Get(SCAN_OPTION_FLAGS);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    scan_options.scan_flags = v->Uint32Value();
  v = spec->Get(SCAN_OPTION_BATCH_SIZE);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    scan_options.batch = v->Uint32Value();
    scan_options.optionsPresent |= NdbScanOperation::ScanOptions::SO_BATCH;
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    scan_options.parallel = v->Uint32Value();
    scan_options.optionsPresent |= NdbScanOperation::ScanOptions::SO_PARALLEL;
  v = spec->Get(SCAN_FILTER_CODE);
  if(! v->IsNull()) {
    Local<Object> o = v->ToObject();
    scan_options.interpretedCode = unwrapPointer<NdbInterpretedCode *>(o);
    scan_options.optionsPresent |= NdbScanOperation::ScanOptions::SO_INTERPRETED;

  /* Scanning delete requires key info */
  if(opcode == OP_SCAN_DELETE) {
    scan_options.scan_flags |= NdbScanOperation::SF_KeyInfo;

  /* If any flags were set, also set SO_SCANFLAGS options */
  if(scan_options.scan_flags != 0) {
    scan_options.optionsPresent |= NdbScanOperation::ScanOptions::SO_SCANFLAGS;

  /* Done defining the object */
コード例 #17
ファイル: GNUtil.cpp プロジェクト: joelpurra/getdns-node
bool GNUtil::isDictionaryObject(Local<Value> obj) {
    return obj->IsObject() &&
           !(obj->IsRegExp() || obj->IsDate() ||
             obj->IsFunction() || obj->IsArray());
コード例 #18
Handle<Value> Compute(const Arguments& args) {

    HandleScope scope;

    Local<Value> v = args[1];

    //make sure args is an array
    if(v->IsArray()) {

        Local<Array> arr = Local<Array>::Cast(v);

        int length = 0;

        length = arr->Get(String::New("length"))->ToObject()->Uint32Value();

        std::vector<double> myArgs(length);

        //convert the v8::Array to a std::vector<double>
        for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
            //check to make sure each value is a valid number, if not throw exception
                myArgs[i] = arr->Get(Number::New(i))->ToObject()->NumberValue();
            else {
                ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Invalid values in array.")));
                return scope.Close(Undefined());

        //use our new std::vector in our external library
        String::Utf8Value inputString(args[0]->ToString());

        std::string arg1 = *inputString;

        if(!(arg1 == "add" || arg1 == "subtract" || arg1 == "multiply"))
            ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Arg1 must be 'add', 'subtract', 'multiply'")));
            return scope.Close(Undefined());
        else {

            myMath myMathObj;
            double result = 0;

            if(arg1 == "add")
                result = myMathObj.add(myArgs);
            else if(arg1 == "subtract")
                result = myMathObj.subtract(myArgs);
            else if(arg1 == "multiply")
                result = myMathObj.multiply(myArgs);

            //convert result back to v8 number object and return it
            return scope.Close(Number::New(result));
    else {
        //throw exception
        ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("2nd argument must be an array.")));
        return scope.Close(Undefined());

コード例 #19
ファイル: query.hpp プロジェクト: clintharris/node-osrm
Handle<Value> Query::New(Arguments const& args)
    HandleScope scope;
    if (!args.IsConstructCall()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Cannot call constructor as function, you need to use 'new' keyword")));
    try {
        if (args.Length() != 1) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("please provide an object of options for the first argument")));
        if (!args[0]->IsObject()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("first argument must be an object")));
        Local<Object> obj = args[0]->ToObject();
        if (obj->IsNull() || obj->IsUndefined()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("first arg must be an object")));
        if (!obj->Has(String::New("coordinates"))) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("must provide a coordinates property")));
        Local<Value> coordinates = obj->Get(String::New("coordinates"));
        if (!coordinates->IsArray()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));

        // Handle scenario in which caller explicitly specified service
        std::string service;
        if (obj->Has(String::New("service"))) {
            Local<Value> serviceValue = obj->Get(String::New("service"));
            v8::String::Utf8Value serviceUtf8Value(serviceValue->ToString());
            service = std::string(*serviceUtf8Value);

        // Handle 'nearest', otherwise assume 'viaroute' service.
        if (service == "nearest" || service == "locate") {
            Local<Array> coordinates_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinates);
            if (coordinates_array->Length() != 1) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates array should only have one lat/long pair for 'nearest' or 'locate' queries")));
            Local<Value> coordinate = coordinates_array->Get(0);
            if (!coordinate->IsArray()) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));
            Local<Array> coordinate_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinate);
            if (coordinate_array->Length() != 2) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));

            Query* q = new Query();
            q->this_->service = service;

            return args.This();

        Local<Array> coordinates_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinates);
        if (coordinates_array->Length() < 2) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("at least two coordinates must be provided")));

        Query* q = new Query();
        q->this_->zoomLevel = 18; //no generalization
        q->this_->printInstructions = false; //turn by turn instructions
        q->this_->alternateRoute = true; //get an alternate route, too
        q->this_->geometry = true; //retrieve geometry of route
        q->this_->compression = true; //polyline encoding
        q->this_->checkSum = UINT_MAX; //see wiki
        q->this_->service = "viaroute"; //that's routing
        q->this_->outputFormat = "json";
        q->this_->jsonpParameter = ""; //set for jsonp wrapping
        q->this_->language = ""; //unused atm

        if (obj->Has(String::New("alternateRoute"))) {
            q->this_->alternateRoute = obj->Get(String::New("alternateRoute"))->BooleanValue();

        if (obj->Has(String::New("checksum"))) {
            q->this_->checkSum = static_cast<unsigned>(obj->Get(String::New("checksum"))->Uint32Value());

        if (obj->Has(String::New("zoomLevel"))) {
            q->this_->zoomLevel = static_cast<short>(obj->Get(String::New("zoomLevel"))->Int32Value());

        if (obj->Has(String::New("printInstructions"))) {
            q->this_->printInstructions = obj->Get(String::New("printInstructions"))->BooleanValue();

        if (obj->Has(String::New("jsonpParameter"))) {
            q->this_->jsonpParameter = *v8::String::Utf8Value(obj->Get(String::New("jsonpParameter")));

        if (obj->Has(String::New("hints"))) {
            Local<Value> hints = obj->Get(String::New("hints"));
            if (!hints->IsArray()) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("hints must be an array of strings/null")));
            Local<Array> hints_array = Local<Array>::Cast(hints);
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hints_array->Length(); ++i) {
                Local<Value> hint = hints_array->Get(i);
                if (hint->IsString()) {
                } else if(hint->IsNull()){
                    return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("hint must be null or string")));

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < coordinates_array->Length(); ++i) {
            Local<Value> coordinate = coordinates_array->Get(i);
            if (!coordinate->IsArray()) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));
            Local<Array> coordinate_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinate);
            if (coordinate_array->Length() != 2) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));

        return args.This();
    } catch (std::exception const& ex) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New(ex.what())));
    return Undefined();
コード例 #20
ファイル: query.hpp プロジェクト: F4-Group/node-osrm
Handle<Value> Query::New(Arguments const& args)
    HandleScope scope;
    if (!args.IsConstructCall()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Cannot call constructor as function, you need to use 'new' keyword")));
    try {
        if (args.Length() != 1) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("please provide an object of options for the first argument")));
        if (!args[0]->IsObject()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("first argument must be an object")));
        Local<Object> obj = args[0]->ToObject();
        if (obj->IsNull() || obj->IsUndefined()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("first arg must be an object")));
        if (!obj->Has(String::NewSymbol("coordinates"))) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("must provide a coordinates property")));
        Local<Value> coordinates = obj->Get(String::New("coordinates"));
        if (!coordinates->IsArray()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));
        Local<Array> coordinates_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinates);
        if (coordinates_array->Length() < 2) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("at least two coordinates must be provided")));

        Query* q = new Query();
        q->this_->zoomLevel = 18; //no generalization
        q->this_->printInstructions = true; //turn by turn instructions
        q->this_->alternateRoute = true; //get an alternate route, too
        q->this_->geometry = true; //retrieve geometry of route
        q->this_->compression = true; //polyline encoding
        q->this_->checkSum = UINT_MAX; //see wiki
        q->this_->service = "viaroute"; //that's routing
        q->this_->outputFormat = "json";
        q->this_->jsonpParameter = ""; //set for jsonp wrapping
        q->this_->language = ""; //unused atm

        if (obj->Has(String::NewSymbol("alternateRoute"))) {
            q->this_->alternateRoute = obj->Get(String::New("alternateRoute"))->BooleanValue();

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < coordinates_array->Length(); ++i) {
            Local<Value> coordinate = coordinates_array->Get(i);
            if (!coordinate->IsArray()) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));
            Local<Array> coordinate_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinate);
            if (coordinate_array->Length() != 2) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));

        return args.This();
    } catch (std::exception const& ex) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New(ex.what())));
    return Undefined();
コード例 #21
void Layer::set_prop(Local<String> property,
                         Local<Value> value,
                         const AccessorInfo& info)
    HandleScope scope;
    Layer* l = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Layer>(info.Holder());
    std::string a = TOSTR(property);
    if (a == "name")
        if (!value->IsString()) {
               String::New("'name' must be a string")));
        } else {
    else if (a == "srs")
        if (!value->IsString()) {
               String::New("'srs' must be a string")));
        } else {
    else if (a == "styles")
        if (!value->IsArray())
               String::New("Must provide an array of style names")));
        else {
            Local<Array> a = Local<Array>::Cast(value->ToObject());
            // todo - how to check if cast worked?
            uint32_t i = 0;
            uint32_t a_length = a->Length();
            while (i < a_length) {
    else if (a == "datasource")
        Local<Object> obj = value->ToObject();
        if (value->IsNull() || value->IsUndefined()) {
            ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("mapnik.Datasource or mapnik.JSDatasource instance expected")));
        } else {
            if (Datasource::constructor->HasInstance(obj)) {
                JSDatasource *d = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<JSDatasource>(obj);
                // TODO - addLayer should be add_layer in mapnik
            else if (JSDatasource::constructor->HasInstance(obj))
                JSDatasource *d = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<JSDatasource>(obj);
                // TODO - addLayer should be add_layer in mapnik
                ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("mapnik.Datasource or mapnik.JSDatasource instance expected")));
コード例 #22
ファイル: Tervela.cpp プロジェクト: hgokhale/tvanode
 * Parse options
bool ConnectParseOptions(Local<Object> options, ConnectRequest* request)
  // Get options data
  std::vector<std::string> optionNames = cvv8::CastFromJS<std::vector<std::string> >(options->GetPropertyNames());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < optionNames.size(); i++)
    char* optionName = (char*)(optionNames[i].c_str());
    Local<Value> optionValue = options->Get(String::NewSymbol(optionName));

    if (optionValue->IsUndefined())

    if (tva_str_casecmp(optionName, "username") == 0)
      String::AsciiValue val(optionValue->ToString());
      request->username = strdup(*val);
    else if (tva_str_casecmp(optionName, "password") == 0)
      String::AsciiValue val(optionValue->ToString());
      request->password = strdup(*val);
    else if (tva_str_casecmp(optionName, "tmx") == 0)
      if (optionValue->IsString())
        String::AsciiValue val(optionValue->ToString());
        request->primaryTmx = strdup(*val);
      else if (optionValue->IsArray())
        Handle<Array> tmxs = Handle<Array>::Cast(optionValue);
        char** p_tmx = &request->primaryTmx;
        Local<Value> element;
        element = tmxs->Get(0);
        if (!element->IsUndefined())
          String::AsciiValue tmx(element->ToString());
          *p_tmx = strdup(*tmx);
          p_tmx = &request->secondaryTmx;

        if (tmxs->Length() > 1)
          element = tmxs->Get(1);
          if (!element->IsUndefined())
            String::AsciiValue tmx(element->ToString());
            *p_tmx = strdup(*tmx);
    else if (tva_str_casecmp(optionName, "name") == 0)
      String::AsciiValue val(optionValue->ToString());
      request->gdClientName = strdup(*val);
    else if (tva_str_casecmp(optionName, "timeout") == 0)
      request->timeout = optionValue->Int32Value() * 1000;
    else if (tva_str_casecmp(optionName, "gdMaxOut") == 0)
      request->gdMaxOut = optionValue->Int32Value();
    else if (tva_str_casecmp(optionName, "config") == 0)
      if (optionValue->IsObject())
        Local<Object> config = Local<Object>::Cast(optionValue);
        std::vector<std::string> configNames = cvv8::CastFromJS<std::vector<std::string> >(config->GetPropertyNames());
        for (size_t j = 0; j < configNames.size(); j++)
          char* configName = (char*)(configNames[j].c_str());
          Local<Value> configValue = config->Get(String::NewSymbol(configName));

          if (configValue->IsUndefined())

          for (size_t c = 0; c < NUM_PARAMS; c++)
            ConnectConfigParam* cp = &g_connectConfig[c];
            if (tva_str_casecmp(configName, cp->jsName) == 0)
              switch (cp->configType)
              case ConfigTypeBool:
                  bool bVal;
                  if (configValue->IsBoolean())
                    bVal = configValue->BooleanValue();
                  else if (configValue->IsNumber())
                    bVal = (configValue->NumberValue() != 0);
                  else if (configValue->IsString())
                    String::AsciiValue bStrVal(config->ToString());
                    bVal = (tva_str_casecmp(*bStrVal, "true") == 0);

                  tvaAppCfgSet(cp->tvaParam, &bVal, (TVA_INT32)sizeof(bVal));

              case ConfigTypeInt:
                  int intVal = configValue->Int32Value();
                  tvaAppCfgSet(cp->tvaParam, &intVal, (TVA_INT32)sizeof(intVal));

              case ConfigTypeString:
                  String::AsciiValue strVal(configValue->ToString());
                  tvaAppCfgSet(cp->tvaParam, *strVal, (TVA_INT32)strlen(*strVal));

              case ConfigTypeCustom:
                if (cp->tvaParam == TVA_APPCFG_DATA_TRANSPORT_TYPE)

                  if (configValue->IsString())
                    String::AsciiValue strVal(config->ToString());
                    if (tva_str_casecmp(*strVal, "TCP"))
                      transportType = TVA_DATATRANSPORT_TCP;
                    else if (tva_str_casecmp(*strVal, "SSL"))
                      transportType = TVA_DATATRANSPORT_SSL;
                  else if (configValue->IsNumber())
                    int numVal = (int)configValue->NumberValue();
                    if ((numVal == TVA_DATATRANSPORT_TCP) || (numVal == TVA_DATATRANSPORT_SSL))
                      transportType = (TVA_DATATRANSPORT_TYPE)numVal;

                  tvaAppCfgSet(cp->tvaParam, &transportType, (TVA_INT32)sizeof(transportType));


  // Make sure required arguments were specified
  if (!request->username || !request->password || !request->primaryTmx)
    return false;

  return true;
コード例 #23
void ContactsPersonProxy::_setAddress(void* userContext, Handle<Value> value)
    ContactsPersonProxy *obj = (ContactsPersonProxy*) userContext;
    if(!obj->isEditing) {
    	obj->builder_ = obj->contact_.edit();

    // The value passed in *MUST* be an object containing arrays of objects
    // http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.Contacts.Person-property-address
    if(!value->IsObject()) return;

	// Get the JS Object and it's properties
	Local<Object> addressObject = value->ToObject();
	Local<Array> addressProperties = addressObject->GetPropertyNames();

	// Look for properties, such as "work", "home", or "other"
	for(int i = 0, len = addressProperties->Length(); i < len; i++)
		// Get the key and value or each main object
		// { work: [ ... ] }"
		Local<String> addressKey = addressProperties->Get(i)->ToString();
		Local<Value> addressValue = addressObject->Get(addressKey);

		// Create the subkind from the key of the object
		AttributeSubKind::Type subKind = AttributeSubKind::Other;
		QString _key = titanium::V8ValueToQString(addressKey);
		if(_key.toLower() == "work") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::Work;
		if(_key.toLower() == "home") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::Home;

		// The value of the individual address object *MUST* be an array of address objects
		// [ { street: '12 Main St' }, { street: '21 Meh St' } ]
		if(!addressValue->IsArray()) return;
		// Cast the value of the array to a v8 Array and look for addresses
		Local<Array> addresses = Local<Array>::Cast(addressValue);
		for(int i = 0, len = addresses->Length(); i < len; i++)
			// Create the new address builder object and set the subkind
			ContactPostalAddressBuilder addressBuilder;

			// Get the actual address object from the array of address objects
			// This *MUST* be an object with keys and values
			// { street: '12 Main St' }
			Local<Value> currentAddress = addresses->Get(Number::New(i));
			if(!currentAddress->IsObject()) return;
			// Get the individual address object and look for it's properties
			Local<Object> currentAddressObject = currentAddress->ToObject();
			Local<Array> currentAddressProperties = currentAddressObject->GetPropertyNames();

			// Go through the keys and value of this object, one at a time
			for(int i = 0, len = currentAddressProperties->Length(); i < len; i++)
				Local<String> currentAddressKey = currentAddressProperties->Get(i)->ToString();
				Local<Value> currentAddressValue = currentAddressObject->Get(currentAddressKey);

				// The value *MUST* be a string
				if(!currentAddressValue->IsString()) return;

				// Cast it to a String and get the UTF8 strings
				Local<String> currentAddressStringValue = currentAddressValue->ToString();

				// Convert them to QStrings for better manipulation
				QString _key = titanium::V8ValueToQString(currentAddressKey);
				QString _value = titanium::V8ValueToQString(currentAddressStringValue);

				// Start populating the address builder
				if(_key.toLower() == "city"){
				if(_key.toLower() == "label"){
				if(_key.toLower() == "line1"){
				if(_key.toLower() == "line2") {
				if(_key.toLower() == "street") {
					if(_value.contains("\n")) {
						QStringList l = _value.split('\n');
					} else {
				if(_key.toLower() == "zip"){
				if(_key.toLower() == "county"){
				if(_key.toLower() == "country"){
			// Once finished with an address, add it to the contact
    // Once done, update the contact
    if(!obj->isEditing) {
コード例 #24
void ContactsPersonProxy::_setInstantMessage(void* userContext, Handle<Value> value)
    ContactsPersonProxy *obj = (ContactsPersonProxy*) userContext;

    if(!value->IsObject()) return;

    Handle<Object> messageObject = value->ToObject();
	Local<Array> messageProperties = messageObject->GetPropertyNames();

	for(int i = 0, len = messageProperties->Length(); i < len; i++)
		Local<String> messageKey = messageProperties->Get(i)->ToString();
		Local<Value> messageValue = messageObject->Get(messageKey);

		AttributeSubKind::Type subKind = AttributeSubKind::Other;
		QString messageKeyString = titanium::V8ValueToQString(messageKey).toLower();

		if(messageKeyString == "aim") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingAim;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "aliwangwang") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingAliwangwang;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "bbmpin") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingBbmPin;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "googletalk") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingGoogleTalk;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "icq") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingIcq;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "irc") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingIrc;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "jabber") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingJabber;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "msLcs") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingMsLcs;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "msn") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingMsn;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "qq") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingQq;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "sametime") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingSametime;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "skype") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingSkype;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "yahoomessenger") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingYahooMessenger;
		} else
		if(messageKeyString == "yahoomessengerjapan") {
			subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingYahooMessengerJapan;

		if(!messageValue->IsArray()) return;

		Local<Array> messages = Local<Array>::Cast(messageValue);
		for(int i = 0, len = messages->Length(); i < len; i++)
			Local<Value> currentMessage = messages->Get(Number::New(i));
			if(!currentMessage->IsString()) return;

			obj->setContactDetails(AttributeKind::InstantMessaging, subKind, currentMessage);