BOOL CBoneDef::SetInitTM(IPhysiqueExport* pExport, const Matrix3& matMesh) { BOOL bErr = false; R_ASSERT(pBone); R_ASSERT(Helper::IsBone(pBone,U.m_SkinAllowDummy)); Matrix3 tmp; //Log("SetInitTM:",pBone->GetName()); if(Helper::IsBipedBone(pBone)) { Helper::SetBipedUniform(pBone, TRUE, TRUE); bErr = CGINTM(pBone,pExport->GetInitNodeTM(pBone, tmp)); if (bErr) tmp.IdentityMatrix(); Helper::SetBipedUniform(pBone, FALSE, FALSE); } else { bErr = CGINTM(pBone,pExport->GetInitNodeTM(pBone, tmp)); if (bErr) tmp.IdentityMatrix(); } if (1){//!bErr){ Helper::ConvertMatrix(tmp,matInit); matOffset.invert(matInit); //S matMesh // pBone->matOffset = matMesh * Inverse(pBone->matInit); } return 1;//!bErr; }
int SphereObjCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat ) { float r; Point3 p1,center; if (msg == MOUSE_FREEMOVE) { vpt->SnapPreview(m,m,NULL, SNAP_IN_3D); } if (msg==MOUSE_POINT||msg==MOUSE_MOVE) { switch(point) { case 0: // only happens with MOUSE_POINT msg // Find the node and plug in the wire color { ULONG handle; ob->NotifyDependents(FOREVER, (PartID)&handle, REFMSG_GET_NODE_HANDLE); INode *node = GetCOREInterface()->GetINodeByHandle(handle); if (node) node->SetWireColor(RGB(255, 0, 0)); } ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_RADIUS,0,0.0f); ob->suspendSnap = TRUE; sp0 = m; p0 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_3D); mat.SetTrans(p0); break; case 1: mat.IdentityMatrix(); //mat.PreRotateZ(HALFPI); p1 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_3D); r = Length(p1-p0) / 7.0f; mat.SetTrans(p0); ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_RADIUS,0,r); ob->pmapParam->Invalidate(); if (flags&MOUSE_CTRL) { float ang = (float)atan2(p1.y-p0.y,p1.x-p0.x); mat.PreRotateZ(ob->ip->SnapAngle(ang)); } if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { ob->suspendSnap = FALSE; return (Length(m-sp0)<3 || Length(p1-p0)<0.1f)?CREATE_ABORT:CREATE_STOP; } break; } } else if (msg == MOUSE_ABORT) { return CREATE_ABORT; } return TRUE; }
// CAL-05/24/02: TODO: this should really go to core\decomp.cpp, and it should be optimized. // For now, it's defined locally in individual files in the ctrl project. static void comp_affine( const AffineParts &ap, Matrix3 &mat ) { Matrix3 tm; mat.IdentityMatrix(); mat.SetTrans( ap.t ); if ( ap.f != 1.0f ) { // has f component tm.SetScale( Point3( ap.f, ap.f, ap.f ) ); mat = tm * mat; } if ( !ap.q.IsIdentity() ) { // has q rotation component ap.q.MakeMatrix( tm ); mat = tm * mat; } if ( ap.k.x != 1.0f || ap.k.y != 1.0f || ap.k.z != 1.0f ) { // has k scale component tm.SetScale( ap.k ); if ( !ap.u.IsIdentity() ) { // has u rotation component Matrix3 utm; ap.u.MakeMatrix( utm ); mat = Inverse( utm ) * tm * utm * mat; } else { mat = tm * mat; } } }
StretchDeformer::StretchDeformer(TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, float stretch, float amplify, int naxis, float from, float to, int doRegion, Matrix3& modmat, Matrix3& modinv) { Matrix3 mat; Interval valid; // if (from==to) doRegion = FALSE; this->doRegion = doRegion; this->from = from; this->to = to; time = t; tm = modmat; invtm = modinv; mat.IdentityMatrix(); switch ( naxis ) { case 0: mat.RotateY( -HALFPI ); break; //X case 1: mat.RotateX( HALFPI ); break; //Y case 2: break; //Z } SetAxis( mat ); assert (; bbox = *; CalcBulge(naxis, stretch, amplify); }
/* Need store the pose after simulation */ void MxActor::ActionAfterSimulation() { // update pose to max node if(getInteractivity() != RB_DYNAMIC) return; // update rigid body's last pose //ccMaxNode* pn = ccMaxWorld::FindNode(m_node); assert(maxNodeActor); Matrix3 globalPose; globalPose.IdentityMatrix(); if (m_bulletBody) { NxActorDesc& actorDesc = m_desc; btTransform localTrans; max2Bullet(actorDesc.localPose,localTrans); btTransform maxWorldTrans = m_bulletBody->getWorldTransform()*localTrans.inverse(); bullet2Max(maxWorldTrans,globalPose); //@todo: need correction for boxes (off center etc) maxNodeActor->SetSimulatedPose(globalPose); Matrix3 poseTM = maxNodeActor->GetCurrentTM(); SaveLastPose(poseTM); } }
//The display function that is used to display the formation. int FormationBhvr::Display(TimeValue t, ViewExp *vpt) { // setup int i,j; if(DisplayFormation(t)==FALSE) return FALSE; if(GetFollowerCount(t)<=0) return FALSE; if(GetFollowerMatrixCount(t)<=0) return FALSE; INode *leaderNode; leaderNode = GetLeader(t); if(leaderNode==NULL) return FALSE; //check tgo see if we have created a default sphere for drawing yet... //if we haven't then create it.. if (numpts == 0) GetSpherePoints(Point3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), 1.0, SpherePts); GraphicsWindow *gw = vpt->getGW(); //set the identity matrix... Matrix3 idMat; idMat.IdentityMatrix(); gw->setTransform(idMat); gw->setColor(LINE_COLOR,.815f,.976f,1.0f); float scaleRadius = GetDisplayScale(t); //set the drawing radius values based upon what the radius size is. for (i=0; i<NUMAROUND * 3; i++) ScaledPts[i] = ((SpherePts[i] * scaleRadius)); //for each follower we need to increase the bounding box by it's //world position location... for(i =0;i<GetFollowerCount(t);i++) { INode *followerNode = GetFollower(t,i); if(followerNode) //if we have a a node... { Matrix3 leaderMat = GetCurrentMatrix(leaderNode,t); leaderMat.NoScale(); Matrix3 followerMat = GetFollowerMatrix(t,i); Matrix3 worldSpace = followerMat *leaderMat; for (j=0; j<NUMAROUND * 3; j++) CurPts[j] = worldSpace*ScaledPts[j]; //adding the center to the point positions gw->polyline(NUMAROUND,&CurPts[0],NULL,NULL,TRUE,NULL); gw->polyline(NUMAROUND,&CurPts[NUMAROUND],NULL,NULL,TRUE,NULL); gw->polyline(NUMAROUND,&CurPts[NUMAROUND * 2],NULL,NULL,TRUE,NULL); } } return TRUE; }
Matrix3 plStaticEnvLayer::IGetViewTM( int i ) { Matrix3 m; m.IdentityMatrix(); switch( i ) { case kTopFace: m.RotateX( -M_PI ); break; case kBottomFace: break; case kLeftFace: m.RotateX( -.5f * M_PI ); m.RotateY( -.5f * M_PI ); break; case kRightFace: m.RotateX( -.5f * M_PI ); m.RotateY( +.5f * M_PI ); break; case kFrontFace: m.RotateX( -.5f * M_PI ); m.RotateY( M_PI ); break; case kBackFace: m.RotateX( -.5f * M_PI ); break; } return m; }
int WindObjCreateCallback::proc( ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat) { if ( ! vpt || ! vpt->IsAlive() ) { // why are we here DbgAssert(!_T("Invalid viewport!")); return FALSE; } if (msg==MOUSE_POINT||msg==MOUSE_MOVE) { #ifdef _3D_CREATE DWORD snapdim = SNAP_IN_3D; #else DWORD snapdim = SNAP_IN_PLANE; #endif switch(point) { case 0: sp0 = m; p0 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,snapdim); mat.SetTrans(p0); break; case 1: if (ob->ClassID()==Class_ID(GRAVITYOBJECT_CLASS_ID,0)) { mat.IdentityMatrix(); mat.RotateX(PI); mat.SetTrans(p0); } p1 = vpt->GetPointOnCP(m); ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_DISPLENGTH,0,Length(p1-p0)/2.0f); // ob->pmapParam->Invalidate(); wind_param_blk.InvalidateUI(); if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { if (Length(m-sp0)<3) return CREATE_ABORT; else return CREATE_STOP; } break; } } else { if (msg == MOUSE_ABORT) { return CREATE_ABORT; } else if (msg == MOUSE_FREEMOVE) { vpt->SnapPreview(m,m); } } return TRUE; }
BendDeformer::BendDeformer( TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, float angle, float dir, int naxis, float from, float to, int doRegion, Matrix3& modmat, Matrix3& modinv) { this->doRegion = doRegion; this->from = from; this->to = to; Matrix3 mat; Interval valid; time = t; tm = modmat; invtm = modinv; mat.IdentityMatrix(); switch (naxis) { case 0: mat.RotateY( -HALFPI ); break; //X case 1: mat.RotateX( HALFPI ); break; //Y case 2: break; //Z } mat.RotateZ(DegToRad(dir)); SetAxis(mat); assert (; bbox = *; CalcR(naxis,DegToRad(angle)); // Turn this off for a sec. this->doRegion = FALSE; float len = to-from; float rat1, rat2; if (len==0.0f) { rat1 = rat2 = 1.0f; } else { rat1 = to/len; rat2 = from/len; } Point3 pt; tmAbove.IdentityMatrix(); tmAbove.Translate(Point3(0.0f,0.0f,-to)); tmAbove.RotateY(DegToRad(angle * rat1)); tmAbove.Translate(Point3(0.0f,0.0f,to)); pt = Point3(0.0f,0.0f,to); tmAbove.Translate((Map(0,pt*invtm)*tm)-pt); tmBelow.IdentityMatrix(); tmBelow.Translate(Point3(0.0f,0.0f,-from)); tmBelow.RotateY(DegToRad(angle * rat2)); tmBelow.Translate(Point3(0.0f,0.0f,from)); pt = Point3(0.0f,0.0f,from); tmBelow.Translate((Map(0,pt*invtm)*tm)-pt); this->doRegion = doRegion; }
//This will set the formation void FormationBhvr::SetFormation(TimeValue t) { INode *node; Matrix3 tempMatrix; //Make sure that the leader is not part of the follower array.. RemoveLeaderFromFormation(t); INode *leader = GetLeader(t); if(leader==NULL) return; Matrix3 leaderPosition = GetCurrentMatrix(leader,t); leaderPosition.NoScale(); //kill any scale if we have it leaderPosition.Invert(); //it's inverted... int numDelegates = GetFollowerCount(t); //zero out the formation matrix that's used for saving it out. pblock->ZeroCount(follower_matrix1); pblock->ZeroCount(follower_matrix2); pblock->ZeroCount(follower_matrix3); pblock->ZeroCount(follower_matrix4); for(int i =0;i<numDelegates;i++) { node = GetFollower(t,i); if(node) { tempMatrix = GetCurrentMatrix(node,t); tempMatrix.NoScale(); Matrix3 leaderMat =tempMatrix*leaderPosition; AppendFollowerMatrix(t,leaderMat); //killed because matrix3 wasn't working ...pblock->Append(follower_matrix,1,&leaderMat); } else { //we still set up follower_matrix so that the counts //of the follower_matrix tab and the follower tab are equal. tempMatrix.IdentityMatrix(); AppendFollowerMatrix(t,tempMatrix); //pblock->Append(follower_matrix,1,&tempMat); } } }
void VRayCamera::buildMesh(void) { if (meshBuilt) return; int nverts = 16; int nfaces = 24; mesh.setNumVerts(nverts); mesh.setNumFaces(nfaces); float len = (float)5.0; float w = (float)8.0; float d = w*(float).8; float e = d*(float).5; float f = d*(float).8; float l = w*(float).8; mesh.setVert(0, Point3( -d, -d, -len)); mesh.setVert(1, Point3( d, -d, -len)); mesh.setVert(2, Point3( -d, d, -len)); mesh.setVert(3, Point3( d, d, -len)); mesh.setVert(4, Point3( -d, -d, len)); mesh.setVert(5, Point3( d, -d, len)); mesh.setVert(6, Point3( -d, d, len)); mesh.setVert(7, Point3( d, d, len)); MakeQuad(&(mesh.faces[ 0]), 0,2,3,1, 1); MakeQuad(&(mesh.faces[ 2]), 2,0,4,6, 2); MakeQuad(&(mesh.faces[ 4]), 3,2,6,7, 4); MakeQuad(&(mesh.faces[ 6]), 1,3,7,5, 8); MakeQuad(&(mesh.faces[ 8]), 0,1,5,4, 16); MakeQuad(&(mesh.faces[10]), 4,5,7,6, 32); mesh.setVert(8+0, Point3( -e, -e, len)); mesh.setVert(8+1, Point3( e, -e, len)); mesh.setVert(8+2, Point3( -e, e, len)); mesh.setVert(8+3, Point3( e, e, len)); mesh.setVert(8+4, Point3( -f, -f, len+l)); mesh.setVert(8+5, Point3( f, -f, len+l)); mesh.setVert(8+6, Point3( -f, f, len+l)); mesh.setVert(8+7, Point3( f, f, len+l)); Face* fbase = &mesh.faces[12]; MakeQuad(&fbase[0], 0,2,3,1, 1, 8); MakeQuad(&fbase[2], 2,0,4,6, 2, 8); MakeQuad(&fbase[4], 3,2,6,7, 4, 8); MakeQuad(&fbase[6], 1,3,7,5, 8, 8); MakeQuad(&fbase[8], 0,1,5,4, 16, 8); MakeQuad(&fbase[10],4,5,7,6, 32, 8); // whoops- rotate 180 about x to get it facing the right way Matrix3 mat; mat.IdentityMatrix(); mat.RotateX(DegToRad(180.0)); for (int i=0; i<nverts; i++) mesh.getVert(i)=mat*mesh.getVert(i); mesh.buildNormals(); mesh.EnableEdgeList(1); meshBuilt = true; }
int CreateSWrapObjectProc::createmethod( ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat) { Point3 d; #ifdef _3D_CREATE DWORD snapdim = SNAP_IN_3D; #else DWORD snapdim = SNAP_IN_PLANE; #endif #ifdef _OSNAP if (msg == MOUSE_FREEMOVE) { vpt->SnapPreview(m,m,NULL, snapdim); } #endif if (msg==MOUSE_POINT||msg==MOUSE_MOVE) { switch(point) { case 0: sp0 = m; p0 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,snapdim); mat.SetTrans(p0); SWrapObj->pblock->SetValue(PB_ICONSIZE,0,0.01f); SWrapObj->pmapParam->Invalidate(); break; case 1: { mat.IdentityMatrix(); sp1 = m; p1 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,snapdim); Point3 center = (p0+p1)/float(2); mat.SetTrans(center); SWrapObj->pblock->SetValue(PB_ICONSIZE,0,Length(p1-p0)); SWrapObj->pmapParam->Invalidate(); if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { if (Length(m-sp0)<3) { return CREATE_ABORT; } else { ICustButton *iBut = GetICustButton(GetDlgItem(SWrapObj->hParams,IDC_AP_WRAPBUTTON)); iBut->Enable(); ReleaseICustButton(iBut); return CREATE_STOP; } } break; } } } else { if (msg == MOUSE_ABORT) return CREATE_ABORT; } return TRUE; }
void VRayCamera::getTM(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, Matrix3 &tm) { tm=node->GetObjectTM(t); AffineParts ap; decomp_affine(tm, &ap); tm.IdentityMatrix(); tm.SetRotate(ap.q); tm.SetTrans(ap.t); float scaleFactor=vpt->NonScalingObjectSize()*vpt->GetVPWorldWidth(tm.GetTrans())/360.0f; tm.Scale(Point3(scaleFactor,scaleFactor,scaleFactor)); }
int GSphereObjCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt, int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat ) { if ( ! vpt || ! vpt->IsAlive() ) { // why are we here DbgAssert(!_T("Doing proc() on invalid viewport!")); return FALSE; } Point3 p1, center; if (msg == MOUSE_FREEMOVE) { vpt->SnapPreview(m, m, NULL, SNAP_IN_3D); } if (msg==MOUSE_POINT||msg==MOUSE_MOVE) { switch(point) { case 0: // only happens with MOUSE_POINT msg ob->suspendSnap = TRUE; sp0 = m; p0 = vpt->SnapPoint(m, m, NULL, SNAP_IN_3D); mat.SetTrans(p0); break; case 1: mat.IdentityMatrix(); p1 = vpt->SnapPoint(m, m, NULL, SNAP_IN_3D); center = (p0+p1)/float(2); mat.SetTrans(center); mat.SetTrans(center); container_param_blk.InvalidateUI(); if (flags&MOUSE_CTRL) { float ang = (float)atan2(p1.y-p0.y, p1.x-p0.x); mat.PreRotateZ(ob->ip->SnapAngle(ang)); } if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { ob->suspendSnap = FALSE; return (Length(m-sp0)<3)?CREATE_ABORT:CREATE_STOP; } break; } } else { if (msg == MOUSE_ABORT) return CREATE_ABORT; } return TRUE; }
int APITestUtil::MakeTestXFormSurface(NURBSSet &nset, int p) { NURBSXFormSurface *s = new NURBSXFormSurface(); s->SetName(GetString(IDS_XFORM_SURFACE)); s->SetNSet(&nset); s->SetParent(p); Matrix3 mat; mat.IdentityMatrix(); mat.SetTrans(Point3(-150, 150, 0)); s->SetXForm(0, mat); return nset.AppendObject(s); }
void APITestUtil::PointTests() { // now let's build a test object NURBSSet nset; Matrix3 mat; mat.IdentityMatrix(); // 6 types of points... // 1: build an independent point int indPnt = MakeTestPoint(nset); // 2: now a constrained point int ptPnt = MakeTestPointCPoint(nset, indPnt); // build a cv curve int cvCrv = MakeTestCVCurve(nset, mat); // 3: a constrained point on that curve int crvPnt = MakeTestCurveCPoint(nset, cvCrv); // build a cv surface int cvSurf = MakeTestCVSurface(nset, mat); // 4: a constrained point on that surface int srfPnt = MakeTestSurfCPoint(nset, cvSurf); // 5: Curve Curve intersection point int cvCrv1 = MakeTestCVCurve(nset, TransMatrix(Point3(65, 0, 0)) * RotateZMatrix(0.5)); int intPoint = MakeTestCurveCurve(nset, cvCrv, cvCrv1, FALSE); // 6: Curve Surface intersection point. int cvCrv2 = MakeTestCVCurve(nset, RotateXMatrix(PI/2.0f) * TransMatrix(Point3(0, 0, -175))); int srfIntPoint = MakeTestCurveSurface(nset, cvSurf, cvCrv2); Object *obj = CreateNURBSObject(mpIp, &nset, mat); INode *node = mpIp->CreateObjectNode(obj); node->SetName(GetString(IDS_PNT_TEST_OBJECT)); mpIp->RedrawViews(mpIp->GetTime()); }
int FogCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat) { if ( ! vpt || ! vpt->IsAlive() ) { // why are we here? DbgAssert(!"Doing proc() on invalid view port!"); return FALSE; } Point3 p1,center; switch ( msg ) { case MOUSE_POINT: case MOUSE_MOVE: switch ( point ) { case 0: // only happens with MOUSE_POINT msg sp0 = m; p0 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_PLANE); mat.SetTrans(p0); break; case 1: mat.IdentityMatrix(); p1 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_PLANE); mat.SetTrans(p0); float radius = Length(p1-p0); fogObject->pblock->SetValue(PB_FOG_SIZE, fogObject-> iObjParams->GetTime(), radius); fogObject->pmapParam->Invalidate(); if (flags&MOUSE_CTRL) { float ang = (float)atan2(p1.y-p0.y,p1.x-p0.x); mat.PreRotateZ(fogObject->iObjParams->SnapAngle(ang)); } if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { return (Length(m-sp0)<3)?CREATE_ABORT:CREATE_STOP; } break; } break; case MOUSE_ABORT: return CREATE_ABORT; } return TRUE; }
int APITestUtil::MakeTestMirrorSurface(NURBSSet &nset, int p) { NURBSMirrorSurface *s = new NURBSMirrorSurface(); s->SetName(GetString(IDS_MIRROR_SURFACE)); s->SetNSet(&nset); s->SetParent(p); Matrix3 mat; mat.IdentityMatrix(); s->SetXForm(0, mat); s->SetAxis(kMirrorZ); s->SetDistance(0, 100.0); s->FlipNormals(TRUE); return nset.AppendObject(s); }
void ProtHelpObject::BuildMesh() { if(meshBuilt) return; int nverts = 7; int nfaces = 8; mesh.setNumVerts(nverts); mesh.setNumFaces(nfaces); float d = 5.0f; float ds = 0.866f * d; float h = 2.0f * 0.866f * 5.0f; mesh.setVert(0, Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f )); mesh.setVert(1, Point3( -d, -ds, -h )); mesh.setVert(2, Point3( d, -ds, -h )); mesh.setVert(3, Point3(0.0f, ds, -h )); mesh.setVert(4, Point3( -d, -ds, h )); mesh.setVert(5, Point3( d, -ds, h )); mesh.setVert(6, Point3(0.0f, ds, h )); mesh.faces[0].setVerts(0, 1, 2); mesh.faces[0].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[1].setVerts(0, 2, 3); mesh.faces[1].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[2].setVerts(0, 3, 1); mesh.faces[2].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[3].setVerts(3, 2, 1); mesh.faces[3].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[4].setVerts(0, 5, 4); mesh.faces[4].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[5].setVerts(0, 6, 5); mesh.faces[5].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[6].setVerts(0, 4, 6); mesh.faces[6].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[7].setVerts(4, 5, 6); mesh.faces[7].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); #if 1 // whoops- rotate 90 about x to get it facing the right way Matrix3 mat; mat.IdentityMatrix(); mat.RotateX(DegToRad(90.0)); for (int i=0; i<nverts; i++) mesh.getVert(i) = mat*mesh.getVert(i); #endif // mesh.buildNormals(); meshBuilt = 1; }
Matrix3 SGP_MaxInterface::GetNodeTM(INode *pNode, float time) { // initialize matrix with the identity Matrix3 tm; tm.IdentityMatrix(); // only do this for valid nodes if(pNode != NULL) { // get the node transformation tm = pNode->GetNodeTM(SecToTicks(time)); // make the transformation uniform tm.NoScale(); } return tm; }
void APITestUtil::COSTests() { // now let's build a test object NURBSSet nset; Matrix3 mat; mat.IdentityMatrix(); // build a cv surface int cvSurf = MakeTestCVSurface(nset, mat); // Now an Iso Curve on the CV surface int isoCrv1 = MakeTestIsoCurveU(nset, cvSurf); // Now an Iso Curve on the CV surface int isoCrv2 = MakeTestIsoCurveV(nset, cvSurf); // build a CV Curve on Surface int cvCOS = MakeTestCurveOnSurface(nset, cvSurf); // build a Point Curve on Surface int pntCOS = MakeTestPointCurveOnSurface(nset, cvSurf); // build a Surface Normal Offset Curve int cnoCrf = MakeTestSurfaceNormalCurve(nset, cvCOS); // build a surface surface intersection curve int cvSurf1 = MakeTestCVSurface(nset, TransMatrix(Point3(0.0, 0.0, -30.0)) * RotateYMatrix(0.5)); int intCrv = MakeTestSurfSurfIntersectionCurve(nset, cvSurf, cvSurf1); // Vector Projection Curve int cvCrv1 = MakeTestCVCurve(nset, TransMatrix(Point3(-100, -200, 40))); int vecCrv = MakeTestProjectVectorCurve(nset, cvSurf, cvCrv1); // Normal Normal Curve int cvCrv2 = MakeTestCVCurve(nset, TransMatrix(Point3(0, -250, 10))); int nrmCrv = MakeTestProjectNormalCurve(nset, cvSurf1, cvCrv2); Object *obj = CreateNURBSObject(mpIp, &nset, mat); INode *node = mpIp->CreateObjectNode(obj); node->SetName(GetString(IDS_COS_TEST_OBJECT)); mpIp->RedrawViews(mpIp->GetTime()); }
int SwitchCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt, int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3 &mat) { Point3 p1, center; switch (msg) { case MOUSE_POINT: case MOUSE_MOVE: switch (point) { case 0: // only happens with MOUSE_POINT msg sp0 = m; p0 = vpt->SnapPoint(m, m, NULL, SNAP_IN_PLANE); mat.SetTrans(p0); break; case 1: mat.IdentityMatrix(); p1 = vpt->SnapPoint(m, m, NULL, SNAP_IN_PLANE); mat.SetTrans(p0); float radius = Length(p1 - p0); switchSensorObject->pblock->SetValue(PB_S_SIZE, switchSensorObject->iObjParams->GetTime(), radius); switchSensorObject->pmapParam->Invalidate(); if (flags & MOUSE_CTRL) { float ang = (float)atan2(p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x); mat.PreRotateZ(switchSensorObject->iObjParams->SnapAngle(ang)); } if (msg == MOUSE_POINT) { return (Length(m - sp0) < 3) ? CREATE_ABORT : CREATE_STOP; } break; } break; case MOUSE_ABORT: return CREATE_ABORT; } return TRUE; }
void XsiExp::ExportNodeTM( INode * node, int indentLevel) { // dump the full matrix Matrix3 matrix = node->GetNodeTM(GetStaticFrame()); TSTR indent = GetIndent(indentLevel); fprintf(pStream,"%s\t%s {\n\n",, "FrameTransformMatrix"); Object * obj = node->EvalWorldState(0).obj; BOOL isBone = obj && obj->ClassID() == Class_ID(BONE_CLASS_ID, 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (node->GetParentNode() && node->GetParentNode()->IsRootNode()) { // bone chains get grafted into the hierarchy tree // if (!isBone) { // root mesh oTopMatrix = matrix; AffineParts ap; decomp_affine( matrix, &ap); topMatrix.Set( Point3( ap.k.x,0.0f,0.0f), Point3( 0.0f,ap.k.z,0.0f), Point3(0.0f,0.0f,ap.k.y), Point3(0,0,0)); // root transform is controlled by the engine matrix.IdentityMatrix(); } } else { matrix = matrix * Inverse(node->GetParentTM(GetStaticFrame())); if (!isBone) { matrix.SetRow( 3, topMatrix * matrix.GetRow(3)); } } // write the matrix values DumpMatrix3( &matrix, indentLevel+2); // transform close brace fprintf(pStream,"%s\t}\n",; }
void TapeHelpObject::BuildMesh() { if(meshBuilt) return; int nverts = 5; int nfaces = 6; mesh.setNumVerts(nverts); mesh.setNumFaces(nfaces); float d = 5.0f; float h = 10.0f; mesh.setVert(0, Point3( -d, -d, 0.0f )); mesh.setVert(1, Point3( d, -d, 0.0f )); mesh.setVert(2, Point3( d, d, 0.0f )); mesh.setVert(3, Point3( -d, d, 0.0f )); mesh.setVert(4, Point3(0.0f,0.0f, -h )); mesh.faces[0].setVerts(0, 3, 1); mesh.faces[0].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,0); mesh.faces[1].setVerts(3, 2, 1); mesh.faces[1].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,0); mesh.faces[2].setVerts(0, 1, 4); mesh.faces[2].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[3].setVerts(1, 2, 4); mesh.faces[3].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[4].setVerts(2, 3, 4); mesh.faces[4].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); mesh.faces[5].setVerts(3, 0, 4); mesh.faces[5].setEdgeVisFlags(1,1,1); #if 0 // whoops- rotate 180 about x to get it facing the right way Matrix3 mat; mat.IdentityMatrix(); mat.RotateX(DegToRad(180.0)); for (int i=0; i<nverts; i++) mesh.getVert(i) = mat*mesh.getVert(i); #endif mesh.buildNormals(); mesh.EnableEdgeList(1); meshBuilt = 1; }
Matrix3 Jiggle::GetCurrentTM(TimeValue t) { INode* baseNode = NULL; baseNode = selfNode; Matrix3 selfTM; Point3 pos = Point3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); Interval for_ever = FOREVER; posCtrl->GetValue(t, pos, for_ever, CTRL_ABSOLUTE); if (baseNode != NULL ) { selfTM = baseNode->GetNodeTM(t); selfTM.SetTrans(selfTM * pos); } else { selfTM.IdentityMatrix(); selfTM.SetTrans(pos); } return selfTM; }
int OBJImport::DoImport(const TCHAR *filename,ImpInterface *i,Interface *gi, BOOL suppressPrompts) { TriObject *object = CreateNewTriObject(); if(!object) return 0; if(objFileRead(filename, &object->GetMesh())) { ImpNode *node = i->CreateNode(); if(!node) { delete object; return 0; } Matrix3 tm; tm.IdentityMatrix(); node->Reference(object); node->SetTransform(0,tm); i->AddNodeToScene(node); node->SetName(GetString(IDS_TH_WAVE_OBJ_NAME)); i->RedrawViews(); return 1; } return 0; }
int ConeAngleManipCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *pVpt, int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat ) { float r; Point3 p1, center; if (msg == MOUSE_FREEMOVE) { pVpt->SnapPreview(m, m, NULL, SNAP_IN_3D); } if (msg==MOUSE_POINT||msg==MOUSE_MOVE) { switch(point) { case 0: // only happens with MOUSE_POINT msg // ob->suspendSnap = TRUE; sp0 = m; p0 = pVpt->SnapPoint(m, m, NULL, SNAP_IN_3D); mat.SetTrans(p0); break; case 1: mat.IdentityMatrix(); p1 = pVpt->SnapPoint(m, m, NULL, SNAP_IN_3D); r = Length(p1-p0); mat.SetTrans(p0); mpManip->GetPBlock()->SetValue(kConeAngleDistance, 0, r); ConeAngleManipBlock.InvalidateUI(); if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { return (Length(m-sp0)<3)?CREATE_ABORT:CREATE_STOP; } break; } } else { if (msg == MOUSE_ABORT) return CREATE_ABORT; } return TRUE; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This implementation of NfGetLocalTM removes all scales from the returned // Matrix3, but also stores them in the parameter pScaleOut (if specified) // so that they can be pushed down to the geometry level. // Matrix3 U2MaxSceneExport::GetLocalTM(INode* pMaxNode, TimeValue t) { Matrix3 localScaleTM; INode* pParent = pMaxNode->GetParentNode(); if(pParent) { Matrix3 parentTM = pParent->GetNodeTM(t); Matrix3 thisTM = pMaxNode->GetNodeTM(t); localScaleTM = thisTM * Inverse(parentTM); } else localScaleTM.IdentityMatrix(); Matrix3 localNoScaleTM; localNoScaleTM = UniformMatrix(localScaleTM); return localNoScaleTM; }
TwistDeformer::TwistDeformer( TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, float angle, int naxis, float bias, float from, float to, int doRegion, Matrix3& modmat, Matrix3& modinv) { this->doRegion = doRegion; this->from = from; this->to = to; if (bias!=0.0f) { this->bias = 1.0f-(bias+100.0f)/200.0f; if (this->bias < 0.00001f) this->bias = 0.00001f; if (this->bias > 0.99999f) this->bias = 0.99999f; this->bias = float(log(this->bias)/log(0.5)); doBias = TRUE; } else { this->bias = 1.0f; doBias = FALSE; } Matrix3 mat; Interval valid; time = t; tm = modmat; invtm = modinv; mat.IdentityMatrix(); switch ( naxis ) { case 0: mat.RotateY( -HALFPI ); break; //X case 1: mat.RotateX( HALFPI ); break; //Y case 2: break; //Z } SetAxis( mat ); assert (; bbox = *; CalcHeight(naxis,DegToRad(angle)); }
void APITestUtil::CurveTests() { // now let's build a test object NURBSSet nset; Matrix3 mat; mat.IdentityMatrix(); // build a cv curve int cvCrv = MakeTestCVCurve(nset, mat); // now a point curve int ptCrv = MakeTestPointCurve(nset, mat); // Blend the two curves int blendCrv = MakeTestBlendCurve(nset, cvCrv, ptCrv); // make an offset of the CV curve int offCrv = MakeTestOffsetCurve(nset, cvCrv); // make a Transform curve of the point curve int xformCrv = MakeTestXFormCurve(nset, ptCrv); // make a mirror of the blend int mirCrv = MakeTestMirrorCurve(nset, blendCrv); // make a fillet curve (It makes it's own point curves to fillet) int fltCrv = MakeTestFilletCurve(nset); // make a chamfer curve (It makes it's own point curves to fillet) int chmCrv = MakeTestChamferCurve(nset); Object *obj = CreateNURBSObject(mpIp, &nset, mat); INode *node = mpIp->CreateObjectNode(obj); node->SetName(GetString(IDS_CRV_TEST_OBJECT)); mpIp->RedrawViews(mpIp->GetTime()); }