コード例 #1
void MiniGL::setViewport (float pfovy, float pznear, float pzfar, const Vector3f &peyepoint, const Vector3f &plookat)
	fovy = pfovy;
	znear = pznear;
	zfar = pzfar;

	glLoadIdentity ();
	gluLookAt (peyepoint [0], peyepoint [1], peyepoint [2], plookat[0], plookat[1], plookat[2], 0, 1, 0);

	Matrix4f transformation;
	float *lookAtMatrix = transformation.data();
	glGetFloatv (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, &lookAtMatrix[0]);
	Matrix3f rot;
	Vector3f scale;


	rot.row(0) = Vector3f (transformation(0,0), transformation(0,1), transformation(0,2));
	rot.row(1) = Vector3f (transformation(1,0), transformation(1,1), transformation(1,2));
	rot.row(2) = Vector3f (transformation(2,0), transformation(2,1), transformation(2,2));
	scale[0] = rot.col(0).norm();
	scale[1] = rot.col(1).norm();
	scale[2] = rot.col(2).norm();
	m_translation = Vector3f (transformation(3,0), transformation(3,1), transformation(3,2));

	rot.col(0) = 1.0f/scale[0] * rot.col(0);
	rot.col(1) = 1.0f/scale[1] * rot.col(1);
	rot.col(2) = 1.0f/scale[2] * rot.col(2);

	m_zoom = scale[0];
	m_rotation = Quaternionf(rot);

	glLoadIdentity ();
コード例 #2
ファイル: camera.cpp プロジェクト: billbudge/Diagrams
void Camera::SetView(const Vector3f &position, const Vector3f &target,
                     const Vector3f &up) {
  Matrix3f rotation;
  rotation.row(1) = up.normalized();
  rotation.row(2) = (position - target).normalized();
  rotation.row(0) = rotation.row(1).cross(rotation.row(2));
  view_.topLeftCorner<3, 3>() = rotation;
  view_.topRightCorner<3, 1>() = -rotation * position;
  view_(3, 3) = 1.0;
  matrix_dirty_ = true;
コード例 #3
int main(int, char**)
  Matrix3f m;
m.row(0) << 1, 2, 3;
m.block(1,0,2,2) << 4, 5, 7, 8;
m.col(2).tail(2) << 6, 9;		    
std::cout << m;

  return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ConsistencyTest.cpp プロジェクト: Aharobot/mrpt
Eigen::Matrix4f ConsistencyTest::initPose( std::map<unsigned, unsigned> &matched_planes )
  //Calculate rotation
  Matrix3f normalCovariances = Matrix3f::Zero();
  for(map<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator it = matched_planes.begin(); it != matched_planes.end(); it++)
    normalCovariances += PBMTarget.vPlanes[it->second].v3normal * PBMSource.vPlanes[it->first].v3normal.transpose();

  JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(normalCovariances, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
  Matrix3f Rotation = svd.matrixU() * svd.matrixV().transpose();

  if(Rotation.determinant() < 0)
    Rotation.row(2) *= -1;
//    Rotation = -Rotation;

  // Calculate translation
  Vector3f translation;
  Vector3f center_data = Vector3f::Zero(), center_model = Vector3f::Zero();
  Vector3f centerFull_data = Vector3f::Zero(), centerFull_model = Vector3f::Zero();
  unsigned numFull = 0, numNonStruct = 0;
  for(map<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator it = matched_planes.begin(); it != matched_planes.end(); it++)
    if(PBMSource.vPlanes[it->first].bFromStructure) // The certainty in center of structural planes is too low

    center_data += PBMSource.vPlanes[it->first].v3center;
    center_model += PBMTarget.vPlanes[it->second].v3center;
      centerFull_data += PBMSource.vPlanes[it->first].v3center;
      centerFull_model += PBMTarget.vPlanes[it->second].v3center;
  if(numFull > 0)
    translation = (centerFull_model - Rotation * centerFull_data) / numFull;
//    translation = (centerFull_data - Rotation * centerFull_model) / numFull;
    translation = (center_model - Rotation * center_data) / numNonStruct;
//    translation = (center_data - Rotation * center_model) / numNonStruct;

  // Form SE3 transformation matrix. This matrix maps the model into the current data reference frame
  Eigen::Matrix4f rigidTransf;
  rigidTransf.block(0,0,3,3) = Rotation;
  rigidTransf.block(0,3,3,1) = translation;
  rigidTransf.row(3) << 0,0,0,1;
  return rigidTransf;
コード例 #5
void visualizerShowCamera(const Matrix3f& R, const Vector3f& _t, float r, float g, float b, double s = 0.01 /*downscale factor*/, const std::string& name = "") {
	std::string name_ = name,line_name = name + "line";
	if (name.length() <= 0) {
		stringstream ss; ss<<"camera"<<iCamCounter++;
		name_ = ss.str();
		ss << "line";
		line_name = ss.str();
	Vector3f t = -R.transpose() * _t;

	Vector3f vright = R.row(0).normalized() * s;
	Vector3f vup = -R.row(1).normalized() * s;
	Vector3f vforward = R.row(2).normalized() * s;

	Vector3f rgb(r,g,b);

	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> mesh_cld;
	mesh_cld.push_back(Eigen2PointXYZRGB(t + vforward + vright/2.0 + vup/2.0,rgb));
	mesh_cld.push_back(Eigen2PointXYZRGB(t + vforward + vright/2.0 - vup/2.0,rgb));
	mesh_cld.push_back(Eigen2PointXYZRGB(t + vforward - vright/2.0 + vup/2.0,rgb));
	mesh_cld.push_back(Eigen2PointXYZRGB(t + vforward - vright/2.0 - vup/2.0,rgb));

	//TODO Mutex acquire
	pcl::PolygonMesh pm;
	for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
		for(int _v=0;_v<3;_v++)
			pm.polygons[i].vertices.push_back(ipolygon[i*3 + _v]);
	bShowCam = true;
	//TODO mutex release

		AsVector(Eigen2Eigen(t,rgb),Eigen2Eigen(t + vforward*3.0,rgb))
コード例 #6
int main()
    Matrix3f m;
    m << 1, 2, 3,
         4, 5, 6,
         7, 8, 9;
    std::cout << m << std::endl;

    RowVectorXd vec1(3);
    vec1 << 1, 2, 3;
    std::cout << "vec1 = " << vec1 << std::endl;

    RowVectorXd vec2(4);
    vec2 << 1, 4, 9, 16;;
    std::cout << "vec2 = " << vec2 << std::endl;

    RowVectorXd joined(7);
    joined << vec1, vec2;
    std::cout << "joined = " << joined << std::endl;

    MatrixXf matA(2, 2);
    matA << 1, 2, 3, 4;
    MatrixXf matB(4, 4);
    matB << matA, matA/10, matA/10, matA;
    std::cout << matB << std::endl;

    Matrix3f m;
    m.row(0) << 1, 2, 3;
    m.block(1,0,2,2) << 4, 5, 7, 8;
    m.col(2).tail(2) << 6, 9;                   
    std::cout << m << std::endl;

    return 0;