コード例 #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	ListContainer list_container;
	StackContainer stack_container;
	stack_container.all_lists = &list_container;
	TreeContainer tree_container;
	tree_container.all_lists = &list_container;
	HashContainer hash_container;
	hash_container.all_lists = &list_container;
	hash_container.stopword_tree = &tree_container;
	GraphContainer *graph_container[64];
	for(int i = 0; i<64; i++)
		graph_container[i] = NULL;

	if ( argc != 2 )
		list_container.error("No file input or too many arguments, please try again");
		return -1;
	ArgumentManager argMgr(argv[1]);
	string filename = argMgr.get("script");
	//string dict_filename = argMgr.get("dictionary");  

	char* fn = new char[filename.length()+1];
	strcpy(fn, filename.c_str());
	//list_container.initialize("dictionary", dict_filename); //insert the dictionary into a list
	//ListNode* dictionary_list = list_container.find_list("dictionary");
	//tree_container.printLevelOrder(tree_container.root, 6);
	ifstream fin(fn);
		list_container.error("Failure to open script file "+filename+" exiting program...");
		return -1;
	list_container.error("||||||||||||| Start log for script file "+filename+" |||||||||||||");
	OperationQueue opQueue(filename);
		Operation op = opQueue.pop();
		//cout << op;
		if(op.isExpression())	//if true, operation is an expression that needs to be evaluated
			stack_container.convertToPostfix(op.getExpression()); //convert infix to postfix
			stack_container.postfixCalc(op.getName()); //calculte the postfix expression and perform the operations
		else if(op.getName() == "load" || op.getName() == "rank" || op.getName() == "dijkstra" || op.getName() == "topsort" )
			if(op.getName() == "load") //loads a file-list text file into an object of graph_container, that is unique to the graph_container's web_id.
			{							//and then uses the objects initialize_graph function to build a graph based on the given file-list text file.
				string cleaned_filename = list_container.clean_file_name(op.getParameter(1));
				for(int i = 0; i<64; i++)//find the first empty graph_container. (support for up to 64 different load functions)
					if(graph_container[i] == NULL) //once found, create an instance of the object, and initialize the graph with the given file list
						graph_container[i] = new GraphContainer();
						graph_container[i]->web_id = op.getParameter(0);
			else if(op.getName() == "rank")
				string cleaned_filename = list_container.clean_file_name(op.getParameter(1));
				for(int i = 0; i<64; i++)
					if(op.getParameter(0) == graph_container[i]->web_id)
			else if(op.getName() == "dijkstra")//call in script with dijkstra(WEBNAME,'vertexname.html')
				string cleaned_filename = list_container.clean_file_name(op.getParameter(1));
				for(int i = 0; i<64; i++)
					if(op.getParameter(0) == graph_container[i]->web_id)
		else if(op.getName() == "write" || op.getName() == "read")			//if false, the operation could be a simple read or write
			if(op.getName() == "write")
				if(op.parameterCount() == 2)	//this means there is no 'forward' or 'reverse' specification in which we will just assume forward
					list_container.writeForward(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1), "iterative");
				else if(op.getParameter(2) == "forward")
					list_container.writeForward(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1), "iterative");
				else if(op.getParameter(2) == "reverse")
					list_container.writeReverse(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1), "iterative");
					list_container.writeForward(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1), "recursive");
			if(op.getName() == "read")
				list_container.initialize(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1));
		else if(op.getName() == "union" || op.getName() == "intersection" || op.getName() == "check") //if not expression or read/write, it must be a union or intersection command
			if(op.getName() == "union")
				//call union func from list container with op.getParameter(0) 1 and 2
				list_container.union_initialize(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1), op.getParameter(2), "recursive");
			else if(op.getName() == "intersection")
				//call intersection func from list container with op.getParameter(0) 1 and 2
				list_container.intersect_initialize(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1), op.getParameter(2), "recursive");
			else if(op.getName() == "check")
				//call function that checks the op.getParameter(1) list with the dictionary passed earlier and then stores
				//the misspelled words or words that aren't in the dictionary to op.getParameter(0).
				tree_container.check(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1));
		else if(/*op.getName() == "load" ||*/ op.getName() == "filter" || op.getName() == "index" || op.getName() == "search")
			/*if(op.getName() == "load")
				//cout << "op name: " << op.getName() << endl;
				list_container.initialize(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1));
				ListNode* temp;
				temp = list_container.find_list(op.getParameter(0)); //find corpus list
				Node* current;
				current = temp->list.head;
				while(current != NULL)
					list_container.initialize(current->word, current->word);
					current = current->next;
			if(op.getName() == "filter")
				//cout << "op name: " << op.getName() << endl;
				list_container.initialize("stopwordUNIQ", op.getParameter(1)); //insert the stop word dictionary into a list
				ListNode* stopword_list = list_container.find_list("stopwordUNIQ");
				//since hash_container has an object of tree_container given to it earlier, this tree is now created and stored
				//in hash_container for use as a filter.
				//tree_container.printLevelOrder(tree_container.root, 6);
				//hash_container.stopword_tree->printLevelOrder(hash_container.stopword_tree->root, 6);
			else if(op.getName() == "index")
			else if(op.getName() == "search")
				int i = 1;
				for(i; i < op.parameterCount()-1;i++)
					string keyword = list_container.clean_file_name(op.getParameter(i));
					hash_container.search(op.getParameter(0), keyword);
			list_container.error("operation is neither an expression, read/write, or union/intersection and therefore invalid");

	//list_container.armageddon(); //deallocates all memory taken by the various lists and crashes the program currently, after merge was implemented in union_func_iterative
	list_container.error("||||||||||||| End log for script file "+filename+" |||||||||||||");
	return 99;
コード例 #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	ListContainer list_container;
	StackContainer stack_container;
	TimeComplexity time_complexity;				   //TODO: ensure that the below sharing of the same list_container does not interfere with the stack or arithmetic infix to postfix conversions.
	time_complexity.all_lists = &list_container; //gives the TimeComplexity object an address to the listContainer
	stack_container.all_lists = &list_container; //gives the stackContainer an address to the listContainer
	time_actual = 0;
	list_container.initialize("A", "A20.txt");
	ListNode* list = list_container.find_list("A");
	int n_hi = list_container.getN("A");
	int estimate = (n_hi*(6*n_hi))+ 9;
	cout << estimate << " ESTIMATE " << endl;
	cout << time_actual << endl;
	return 99; */
	if ( argc != 2 )
		list_container.error("No file input or too many arguments, please try again");
		return -1;
	ArgumentManager argMgr(argv[1]);
	string filename = argMgr.get("script");
	time_complexity.result_filename = argMgr.get("result");
	time_complexity.output("L1,L2,,,,-----,---,O(g(n)),--------,,", "");
	time_complexity.output("size,size,operation,T(n) estimate,T(n) actual,c,n0,g(n)=n^2", "append");
	char* fn = new char[filename.length()+1];
	strcpy(fn, filename.c_str());
	ifstream fin(fn);
		list_container.error("Failure to open script file "+filename+" exiting program...");
		return -1;
	list_container.error("||||||||||||| Start log for script file "+filename+" |||||||||||||");
	OperationQueue opQueue(filename);
		Operation op = opQueue.pop();
		//cout << op << endl;
		if(op.isExpression())	//if true, operation is an expression that needs to be evaluated
			stack_container.convertToPostfix(op.getExpression()); //convert infix to postfix
			stack_container.postfixCalc(op.getName()); //calculte the postfix expression and perform the operations
		else if(op.getName() == "write" || op.getName() == "read")			//if false, the operation could be a simple read or write
			if(op.getName() == "write")
				if(op.parameterCount() == 2)	//this means there is no 'forward' or 'reverse' specification in which we will just assume forward
					list_container.writeForward(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1));
				else if(op.getParameter(2) == "forward")
					list_container.writeForward(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1));
				else if(op.getParameter(2) == "reverse")
					list_container.writeReverse(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1));
					list_container.writeForward(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1));
			if(op.getName() == "read")
				list_container.initialize(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1));
		else if(op.getName() == "union" || op.getName() == "intersection") //if not expression or read/write, it must be a union or intersection command
			if(op.getName() == "union")
				// call time complex func, and union here using op.getParameter(0) 1 and 2
				time_complexity.union_tracktime(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1), op.getParameter(2));
			else if(op.getName() == "intersection")
				// call time complex func, and intersection here using op.getParameter(0) 1 and 2
				time_complexity.intersection_tracktime(op.getParameter(0), op.getParameter(1), op.getParameter(2));
			list_container.error("operation is neither an expression, read/write, or union/intersection and therefore invalid");

	//list_container.armageddon(); //deallocates all memory taken by the various lists and crashes the program currently, after merge was implemented in union_func_iterative
	list_container.error("||||||||||||| End log for script file "+filename+" |||||||||||||");
	return 99;