HandlerResult DomainProperty::tick_handler(LocatedEntity * entity, const Operation & op, OpVector & res) { if (!op->getArgs().empty() && op->getArgs().front()->getName() == "domain") { Domain* domain = sInstanceState.getState(entity); if (domain) { float timeNow = op->getSeconds(); float timeForNextTick = domain->tick(timeNow, res); if (timeForNextTick > 0) { scheduleTick(*entity, timeForNextTick); } } return OPERATION_BLOCKED; } return OPERATION_IGNORED; }
bool operator>(const OpQueEntry& right) const { return op->getSeconds() > right->getSeconds(); }
HandlerResult UsagesProperty::use_handler(LocatedEntity* e, const Operation& op, OpVector& res) { auto actor = BaseWorld::instance().getEntity(op->getFrom()); if (!actor) { e->error(op, "Could not find 'from' entity.", res, e->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } if (op->isDefaultFrom()) { actor->error(op, "Top op has no 'from' attribute.", res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } if (!op->getArgs().empty()) { auto& arg = op->getArgs().front(); auto argOp = smart_dynamic_cast<Atlas::Objects::Operation::RootOperation>(arg); if (!argOp) { actor->error(op, "First arg wasn't an operation.", res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } if (!argOp->hasAttrFlag(Atlas::Objects::PARENT_FLAG)) { actor->error(op, "Use arg op has malformed parent", res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } auto op_type = argOp->getParent(); debug_print("Got op type " << op_type << " from arg"); auto obj = Atlas::Objects::Factories::instance()->createObject(op_type); if (!obj.isValid()) { log(ERROR, String::compose("Character::UseOperation Unknown op type " "\"%1\".", op_type)); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } auto rop = smart_dynamic_cast<Operation>(obj); if (!rop.isValid()) { log(ERROR, String::compose("Character::UseOperation Op type " "\"%1\" but it is not an operation type. ", op_type)); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } rop->setFrom(actor->getId()); rop->setTo(e->getId()); rop->setSeconds(op->getSeconds()); if (argOp->getArgs().empty()) { actor->error(op, "Use arg op has no arguments; one expected.", res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } auto arguments = argOp->getArgs().front(); //Check that there's an action registered for this operation auto usagesI = m_usages.find(op_type); if (usagesI != m_usages.end()) { auto& usage = usagesI->second; //Check that the tool is ready auto toolReadyAtProp = e->getPropertyType<double>("ready_at"); if (toolReadyAtProp) { if (toolReadyAtProp->data() > BaseWorld::instance().getTime()) { actor->clientError(op, "Tool is not ready yet.", res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } } //Check if the tools is attached, and if so the attachment is ready auto actorReadyAtProp = actor->getPropertyType<MapType>("_ready_at_attached"); if (actorReadyAtProp) { auto plantedOnProp = e->getPropertyClassFixed<PlantedOnProperty>(); //First check if the tool is attached to the actor at an attach point if (plantedOnProp && plantedOnProp->data().entity.get() == actor.get() && plantedOnProp->data().attachment) { auto attachPoint = *plantedOnProp->data().attachment; //Lastly check if there's a value for this attach point. auto attachI = actorReadyAtProp->data().find(attachPoint); if (attachI != actorReadyAtProp->data().end()) { if (attachI->second.isFloat() && attachI->second.Float() > BaseWorld::instance().getTime()) { actor->clientError(op, "Actor is not ready yet.", res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } } } } //Populate the usage arguments std::map<std::string, std::vector<UsageInstance::UsageArg>> usage_instance_args; for (auto& param : usage.params) { Atlas::Message::Element element; if (arguments->copyAttr(param.first, element) != 0 || !element.isList()) { actor->clientError(op, String::compose("Could not find required list argument '%1'.", param.first), res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } auto& argVector = usage_instance_args[param.first]; for (auto& argElement : element.List()) { switch (param.second.type) { case UsageParameter::Type::ENTITY: { if (!argElement.isMap()) { actor->clientError(op, String::compose("Inner argument in list of arguments for '%1' was not a map.", param.first), res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } //The arg is for an RootEntity, expressed as a message. Extract id and pos. auto idI = argElement.Map().find("id"); if (idI == argElement.Map().end() || !idI->second.isString()) { actor->clientError(op, String::compose("Inner argument in list of arguments for '%1' had no id string.", param.first), res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } auto involved = BaseWorld::instance().getEntity(idI->second.String()); if (!involved) { actor->error(op, "Involved entity does not exist", res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } auto posI = argElement.Map().find("pos"); if (posI != argElement.Map().end() && posI->second.isList()) { argVector.emplace_back(EntityLocation(involved, WFMath::Point<3>(posI->second))); } else { argVector.emplace_back(EntityLocation(involved)); } } break; case UsageParameter::Type::ENTITYLOCATION: argVector.emplace_back(WFMath::Point<3>(argElement)); break; case UsageParameter::Type::POSITION: argVector.emplace_back(WFMath::Point<3>(argElement)); break; case UsageParameter::Type::DIRECTION: argVector.emplace_back(WFMath::Vector<3>(argElement)); break; } } } UsageInstance usageInstance{usage, actor, e, std::move(usage_instance_args), rop}; //Check that the usage is valid before continuing auto validRes = usageInstance.isValid(); if (!validRes.first) { actor->clientError(op, validRes.second, res, actor->getId()); } else { auto lastSeparatorPos = usage.handler.find_last_of('.'); if (lastSeparatorPos != std::string::npos) { auto moduleName = usage.handler.substr(0, lastSeparatorPos); auto functionName = usage.handler.substr(lastSeparatorPos + 1); //Py::Module module(moduleName); Py::Module module(PyImport_Import(Py::String(moduleName).ptr())); //PyImport_ReloadModule(module.ptr()); auto functionObject = module.getDict()[functionName]; if (!functionObject.isCallable()) { actor->error(op, String::compose("Could not find Python function %1", usage.handler), res, actor->getId()); return OPERATION_IGNORED; } try { PythonLogGuard logGuard([functionName, actor]() { return String::compose("Usage '%1', entity %2: ", functionName, actor->describeEntity()); }); auto ret = Py::Callable(functionObject).apply(Py::TupleN(UsageInstance::scriptCreator(std::move(usageInstance)))); return ScriptUtils::processScriptResult(usage.handler, ret, res, e); } catch (const Py::BaseException& py_ex) { log(ERROR, String::compose("Python error calling \"%1\" for entity %2", usage.handler, e->describeEntity())); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); } } } } return OPERATION_BLOCKED; } } //We couldn't find any suitable task. return OPERATION_IGNORED; }