コード例 #1
ファイル: ScriptParser.cpp プロジェクト: jy0u/lld
// Split S into linker script tokens.
std::vector<StringRef> ScriptParserBase::tokenize(StringRef S) {
  std::vector<StringRef> Ret;
  for (;;) {
    S = skipSpace(S);
    if (S.empty())
      return Ret;

    // Quoted token
    if (S.startswith("\"")) {
      size_t E = S.find("\"", 1);
      if (E == StringRef::npos) {
        error("unclosed quote");
        return {};
      Ret.push_back(S.substr(1, E - 1));
      S = S.substr(E + 1);

    // Unquoted token
    size_t Pos = S.find_first_not_of(
    // A character that cannot start a word (which is usually a
    // punctuation) forms a single character token.
    if (Pos == 0)
      Pos = 1;
    Ret.push_back(S.substr(0, Pos));
    S = S.substr(Pos);
コード例 #2
ファイル: StringExtras.cpp プロジェクト: 6008/swift
size_t camel_case::findWord(StringRef string, StringRef word) {

  // Scan forward until we find the word as a complete word.
  size_t startingIndex = 0;
  while (true) {
    size_t index = string.find(word, startingIndex);
    if (index == StringRef::npos)
      return StringRef::npos;

    // If any of the following checks fail, we want to start searching
    // past the end of the match.  (This assumes that the word doesn't
    // end with a prefix of itself, e.g. "LikeableLike".)
    startingIndex = index + word.size();

    // We assume that we don't have to check if the match starts a new
    // word in the string.

    // If we find the word, check whether it's a valid match.
    StringRef suffix = string.substr(index);
    if (!suffix.empty() && clang::isLowercase(suffix[0]))

    return index;
コード例 #3
ファイル: PPCAsmParser.cpp プロジェクト: amal029/llvm
/// Parse an instruction mnemonic followed by its operands.
bool PPCAsmParser::
ParseInstruction(ParseInstructionInfo &Info, StringRef Name, SMLoc NameLoc,
                 SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands) {
  // The first operand is the token for the instruction name.
  // If the instruction ends in a '.', we need to create a separate
  // token for it, to match what TableGen is doing.
  size_t Dot = Name.find('.');
  StringRef Mnemonic = Name.slice(0, Dot);
  Operands.push_back(PPCOperand::CreateToken(Mnemonic, NameLoc, isPPC64()));
  if (Dot != StringRef::npos) {
    SMLoc DotLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(NameLoc.getPointer() + Dot);
    StringRef DotStr = Name.slice(Dot, StringRef::npos);
    Operands.push_back(PPCOperand::CreateToken(DotStr, DotLoc, isPPC64()));

  // If there are no more operands then finish
  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
    return false;

  // Parse the first operand
  if (ParseOperand(Operands))
    return true;

  while (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement) &&
         getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
    // Consume the comma token

    // Parse the next operand
    if (ParseOperand(Operands))
      return true;

  return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SymbolTable.cpp プロジェクト: kwitaszczyk/freebsd
// Parses a symbol name in the form of <name>@<version> or <name>@@<version>.
static std::pair<StringRef, uint16_t>
getSymbolVersion(SymbolBody *B, int MaxVersionLen) {
  StringRef S = B->getName();

  // MaxVersionLen was passed so that we don't need to scan
  // all characters in a symbol name. It is effective because
  // versions are usually short and symbol names can be very long.
  size_t Pos = S.find('@', std::max(0, int(S.size()) - MaxVersionLen - 2));
  if (Pos == 0 || Pos == StringRef::npos)
    return {"", 0};

  StringRef Name = S.substr(0, Pos);
  StringRef Verstr = S.substr(Pos + 1);
  if (Verstr.empty())
    return {"", 0};

  // '@@' in a symbol name means the default version.
  // It is usually the most recent one.
  bool IsDefault = (Verstr[0] == '@');
  if (IsDefault)
    Verstr = Verstr.substr(1);

  for (VersionDefinition &V : Config->VersionDefinitions) {
    if (V.Name == Verstr)
      return {Name, IsDefault ? V.Id : (V.Id | VERSYM_HIDDEN)};

  // It is an error if the specified version was not defined.
  error("symbol " + S + " has undefined version " + Verstr);
  return {"", 0};
コード例 #5
/// ParseCStringVector - Break INPUT up wherever one or more
/// whitespace characters are found, and store the resulting tokens in
/// OUTPUT. The tokens stored in OUTPUT are dynamically allocated
/// using strdup(), so it is the caller's responsibility to free()
/// them later.
static void ParseCStringVector(std::vector<char *> &OutputVector,
                               const char *Input) {
  // Characters which will be treated as token separators:
  StringRef Delims = " \v\f\t\r\n";

  StringRef WorkStr(Input);
  while (!WorkStr.empty()) {
    // If the first character is a delimiter, strip them off.
    if (Delims.find(WorkStr[0]) != StringRef::npos) {
      size_t Pos = WorkStr.find_first_not_of(Delims);
      if (Pos == StringRef::npos) Pos = WorkStr.size();
      WorkStr = WorkStr.substr(Pos);

    // Find position of first delimiter.
    size_t Pos = WorkStr.find_first_of(Delims);
    if (Pos == StringRef::npos) Pos = WorkStr.size();

    // Everything from 0 to Pos is the next word to copy.
    char *NewStr = (char*)malloc(Pos+1);
    memcpy(NewStr, WorkStr.data(), Pos);
    NewStr[Pos] = 0;

    WorkStr = WorkStr.substr(Pos);
コード例 #6
ファイル: BinaryHolder.cpp プロジェクト: BNieuwenhuizen/llvm
    StringRef Filename, sys::TimePoint<std::chrono::seconds> Timestamp) {
  StringRef ArchiveFilename = Filename.substr(0, Filename.find('('));

  auto ErrOrBuff = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(ArchiveFilename);
  if (auto Err = ErrOrBuff.getError())
    return Err;

  if (Verbose)
    outs() << "\topened new archive '" << ArchiveFilename << "'\n";

  std::vector<MemoryBufferRef> ArchiveBuffers;
  auto ErrOrFat = object::MachOUniversalBinary::create(
  if (!ErrOrFat) {
    // Not a fat binary must be a standard one.
  } else {
    CurrentFatBinary = std::move(*ErrOrFat);
    CurrentFatBinaryName = ArchiveFilename;
    ArchiveBuffers = getMachOFatMemoryBuffers(
        CurrentFatBinaryName, *CurrentMemoryBuffer, *CurrentFatBinary);

  for (auto MemRef : ArchiveBuffers) {
    auto ErrOrArchive = object::Archive::create(MemRef);
    if (!ErrOrArchive)
      return errorToErrorCode(ErrOrArchive.takeError());
  return GetArchiveMemberBuffers(Filename, Timestamp);
コード例 #7
static std::string ParseCpu0Triple(StringRef TT, StringRef CPU) {
  std::string Cpu0ArchFeature;
  size_t DashPosition = 0;
  StringRef TheTriple;

  // Let's see if there is a dash, like cpu0-unknown-linux.
  DashPosition = TT.find('-');

  if (DashPosition == StringRef::npos) {
    // No dash, we check the string size.
    TheTriple = TT.substr(0);
  } else {
    // We are only interested in substring before dash.
    TheTriple = TT.substr(0,DashPosition);

  if (TheTriple == "cpu0" || TheTriple == "cpu0el") {
    if (CPU.empty() || CPU == "cpu032II") {
      Cpu0ArchFeature = "+cpu032II";
    } else if (CPU == "cpu032I") {
      Cpu0ArchFeature = "+cpu032I";
  return Cpu0ArchFeature;
コード例 #8
ファイル: StringRef.cpp プロジェクト: robotdotnet/ntcore
void StringRef::split(SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &A, char Separator,
                      int MaxSplit, bool KeepEmpty) const {
  StringRef S = *this;

  // Count down from MaxSplit. When MaxSplit is -1, this will just split
  // "forever". This doesn't support splitting more than 2^31 times
  // intentionally; if we ever want that we can make MaxSplit a 64-bit integer
  // but that seems unlikely to be useful.
  while (MaxSplit-- != 0) {
    size_t Idx = S.find(Separator);
    if (Idx == npos)

    // Push this split.
    if (KeepEmpty || Idx > 0)
      A.push_back(S.slice(0, Idx));

    // Jump forward.
    S = S.slice(Idx + 1, npos);

  // Push the tail.
  if (KeepEmpty || !S.empty())
コード例 #9
void TargetLoweringObjectFileELF::emitPersonalityValue(MCStreamer &Streamer,
                                                       const TargetMachine &TM,
                                                       const MCSymbol *Sym) const {
  SmallString<64> NameData("DW.ref.");
  // The dwarf section label should not include the version suffix.
  // Strip it off here.
  StringRef Name = Sym->getName();
  size_t atpos = Name.find("@");
  if (atpos != StringRef::npos)
    Name = Name.substr(0, atpos);
  NameData += Name; // @LOCALMOD
  MCSymbol *Label = getContext().GetOrCreateSymbol(NameData);
  Streamer.EmitSymbolAttribute(Label, MCSA_Hidden);
  Streamer.EmitSymbolAttribute(Label, MCSA_Weak);
  StringRef Prefix = ".data.";
  NameData.insert(NameData.begin(), Prefix.begin(), Prefix.end());
  unsigned Flags = ELF::SHF_ALLOC | ELF::SHF_WRITE | ELF::SHF_GROUP;
  const MCSection *Sec = getContext().getELFSection(NameData,
                                                    0, Label->getName());
  unsigned Size = TM.getDataLayout()->getPointerSize();
  Streamer.EmitSymbolAttribute(Label, MCSA_ELF_TypeObject);
  const MCExpr *E = MCConstantExpr::Create(Size, getContext());
  Streamer.EmitELFSize(Label, E);

  Streamer.EmitSymbolValue(Sym, Size);
コード例 #10
/// ParseDirectiveSymver
///  ::= .symver foo, bar2@zed
bool ELFAsmParser::ParseDirectiveSymver(StringRef, SMLoc) {
  StringRef Name;
  if (getParser().parseIdentifier(Name))
    return TokError("expected identifier in directive");

  if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Comma))
    return TokError("expected a comma");

  // ARM assembly uses @ for a comment...
  // except when parsing the second parameter of the .symver directive.
  // Force the next symbol to allow @ in the identifier, which is
  // required for this directive and then reset it to its initial state.
  const bool AllowAtInIdentifier = getLexer().getAllowAtInIdentifier();

  StringRef AliasName;
  if (getParser().parseIdentifier(AliasName))
    return TokError("expected identifier in directive");

  if (AliasName.find('@') == StringRef::npos)
    return TokError("expected a '@' in the name");

  MCSymbol *Alias = getContext().GetOrCreateSymbol(AliasName);
  MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().GetOrCreateSymbol(Name);
  const MCExpr *Value = MCSymbolRefExpr::Create(Sym, getContext());

  getStreamer().EmitAssignment(Alias, Value);
  return false;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Driver.cpp プロジェクト: Bigcheese/lold
// Find library file from search path.
StringRef LinkerDriver::doFindLib(StringRef Filename) {
  // Add ".lib" to Filename if that has no file extension.
  bool hasExt = (Filename.find('.') != StringRef::npos);
  if (!hasExt)
    Filename = Alloc.save(Filename + ".lib");
  return doFindFile(Filename);
コード例 #12
 IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> getFromYAMLString(
     StringRef Content,
     IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> ExternalFS = new DummyFileSystem()) {
   std::string VersionPlusContent("{\n  'version':0,\n");
   VersionPlusContent += Content.slice(Content.find('{') + 1, StringRef::npos);
   return getFromYAMLRawString(VersionPlusContent, ExternalFS);
コード例 #13
ファイル: MIRParser.cpp プロジェクト: hoangt/NyuziToolchain
SMDiagnostic MIRParserImpl::diagFromLLVMAssemblyDiag(const SMDiagnostic &Error,
                                                     SMRange SourceRange) {

  // Translate the location of the error from the location in the llvm IR string
  // to the corresponding location in the MIR file.
  auto LineAndColumn = SM.getLineAndColumn(SourceRange.Start);
  unsigned Line = LineAndColumn.first + Error.getLineNo() - 1;
  unsigned Column = Error.getColumnNo();
  StringRef LineStr = Error.getLineContents();
  SMLoc Loc = Error.getLoc();

  // Get the full line and adjust the column number by taking the indentation of
  // LLVM IR into account.
  for (line_iterator L(*SM.getMemoryBuffer(SM.getMainFileID()), false), E;
       L != E; ++L) {
    if (L.line_number() == Line) {
      LineStr = *L;
      Loc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(LineStr.data());
      auto Indent = LineStr.find(Error.getLineContents());
      if (Indent != StringRef::npos)
        Column += Indent;

  return SMDiagnostic(SM, Loc, Filename, Line, Column, Error.getKind(),
                      Error.getMessage(), LineStr, Error.getRanges(),
コード例 #14
ファイル: Utils.cpp プロジェクト: phausler/swift
/// \returns true if a placeholder was found.
static bool findPlaceholder(StringRef Input, PlaceholderOccurrence &Occur) {
  while (true) {
    size_t Pos = Input.find("<#");
    if (Pos == StringRef::npos)
      return false;

    const char *Begin = Input.begin() + Pos;
    const char *Ptr = Begin + 2;
    const char *End = Input.end();
    for (; Ptr < End-1; ++Ptr) {
      if (*Ptr == '\n')
      if (Ptr[0] == '<' && Ptr[1] == '#')
      if (Ptr[0] == '#' && Ptr[1] == '>') {
        // Found it.
        Occur.FullPlaceholder = Input.substr(Pos, Ptr-Begin + 2);
        Occur.PlaceholderContent =
        return true;

    // Try again.
    Input = Input.substr(Ptr - Input.begin());
コード例 #15
ファイル: Disassembler.cpp プロジェクト: 2trill2spill/freebsd
static bool ByteArrayFromString(ByteArrayTy &ByteArray,
                                StringRef &Str,
                                SourceMgr &SM) {
  while (SkipToToken(Str)) {
    // Handled by higher level
    if (Str[0] == '[' || Str[0] == ']')
      return false;

    // Get the current token.
    size_t Next = Str.find_first_of(" \t\n\r,#[]");
    StringRef Value = Str.substr(0, Next);

    // Convert to a byte and add to the byte vector.
    unsigned ByteVal;
    if (Value.getAsInteger(0, ByteVal) || ByteVal > 255) {
      // If we have an error, print it and skip to the end of line.
      SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Value.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
                      "invalid input token");
      Str = Str.substr(Str.find('\n'));

    Str = Str.substr(Next);

  return false;
コード例 #16
ファイル: BreakableToken.cpp プロジェクト: acgessler/clang
BreakableToken::Split getCommentSplit(StringRef Text,
                                      unsigned ContentStartColumn,
                                      unsigned ColumnLimit) {
  if (ColumnLimit <= ContentStartColumn + 1)
    return BreakableToken::Split(StringRef::npos, 0);

  unsigned MaxSplit = ColumnLimit - ContentStartColumn + 1;
  StringRef::size_type SpaceOffset = Text.rfind(' ', MaxSplit);
  if (SpaceOffset == StringRef::npos ||
      // Don't break at leading whitespace.
      Text.find_last_not_of(' ', SpaceOffset) == StringRef::npos) {
    // Make sure that we don't break at leading whitespace that
    // reaches past MaxSplit.
    StringRef::size_type FirstNonWhitespace = Text.find_first_not_of(" ");
    if (FirstNonWhitespace == StringRef::npos)
      // If the comment is only whitespace, we cannot split.
      return BreakableToken::Split(StringRef::npos, 0);
    SpaceOffset =
        Text.find(' ', std::max<unsigned>(MaxSplit, FirstNonWhitespace));
  if (SpaceOffset != StringRef::npos && SpaceOffset != 0) {
    StringRef BeforeCut = Text.substr(0, SpaceOffset).rtrim();
    StringRef AfterCut = Text.substr(SpaceOffset).ltrim();
    return BreakableToken::Split(BeforeCut.size(),
                                 AfterCut.begin() - BeforeCut.end());
  return BreakableToken::Split(StringRef::npos, 0);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Disassembler.cpp プロジェクト: ADonut/LLVM-GPGPU
/// \brief Emits the comments that are stored in \p DC comment stream.
/// Each comment in the comment stream must end with a newline.
static void emitComments(LLVMDisasmContext *DC,
                         formatted_raw_ostream &FormattedOS) {
  // Flush the stream before taking its content.
  StringRef Comments = DC->CommentsToEmit.str();
  // Get the default information for printing a comment.
  const MCAsmInfo *MAI = DC->getAsmInfo();
  const char *CommentBegin = MAI->getCommentString();
  unsigned CommentColumn = MAI->getCommentColumn();
  bool IsFirst = true;
  while (!Comments.empty()) {
    if (!IsFirst)
      FormattedOS << '\n';
    // Emit a line of comments.
    size_t Position = Comments.find('\n');
    FormattedOS << CommentBegin << ' ' << Comments.substr(0, Position);
    // Move after the newline character.
    Comments = Comments.substr(Position+1);
    IsFirst = false;

  // Tell the comment stream that the vector changed underneath it.
コード例 #18
ファイル: DiffConsumer.cpp プロジェクト: 32bitmicro/llvm
void DiffConsumer::logf(const LogBuilder &Log) {

  unsigned arg = 0;

  StringRef format = Log.getFormat();
  while (true) {
    size_t percent = format.find('%');
    if (percent == StringRef::npos) {
      out << format;
    assert(format[percent] == '%');

    if (percent > 0) out << format.substr(0, percent);

    switch (format[percent+1]) {
    case '%': out << '%'; break;
    case 'l': printValue(Log.getArgument(arg++), true); break;
    case 'r': printValue(Log.getArgument(arg++), false); break;
    default: llvm_unreachable("unknown format character");

    format = format.substr(percent+2);

  out << '\n';
コード例 #19
static std::string ParseMipsTriple(StringRef TT, StringRef CPU) {
  std::string MipsArchFeature;
  size_t DashPosition = 0;
  StringRef TheTriple;

  // Let's see if there is a dash, like mips-unknown-linux.
  DashPosition = TT.find('-');

  if (DashPosition == StringRef::npos) {
    // No dash, we check the string size.
    TheTriple = TT.substr(0);
  } else {
    // We are only interested in substring before dash.
    TheTriple = TT.substr(0,DashPosition);

  if (TheTriple == "mips" || TheTriple == "mipsel") {
    if (CPU.empty() || CPU == "mips32") {
      MipsArchFeature = "+mips32";
    } else if (CPU == "mips32r2") {
      MipsArchFeature = "+mips32r2";
  } else {
      if (CPU.empty() || CPU == "mips64") {
        MipsArchFeature = "+mips64";
      } else if (CPU == "mips64r2") {
        MipsArchFeature = "+mips64r2";
  return MipsArchFeature;
コード例 #20
// Try to retrieve the function declaration and find the function parameter
// types which are pointers/references to a non-pointer const.
// We do not invalidate the corresponding argument regions.
static void findPtrToConstParams(llvm::SmallSet<unsigned, 1> &PreserveArgs,
                       const CallOrObjCMessage &Call) {
  const Decl *CallDecl = Call.getDecl();
  if (!CallDecl)

  if (const FunctionDecl *FDecl = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CallDecl)) {
    const IdentifierInfo *II = FDecl->getIdentifier();

    // List the cases, where the region should be invalidated even if the
    // argument is const.
    if (II) {
      StringRef FName = II->getName();
      //  - 'int pthread_setspecific(ptheread_key k, const void *)' stores a
      // value into thread local storage. The value can later be retrieved with
      // 'void *ptheread_getspecific(pthread_key)'. So even thought the
      // parameter is 'const void *', the region escapes through the call.
      //  - funopen - sets a buffer for future IO calls.
      //  - ObjC functions that end with "NoCopy" can free memory, of the passed
      // in buffer.
      // - Many CF containers allow objects to escape through custom
      // allocators/deallocators upon container construction.
      // - NSXXInsertXX, for example NSMapInsertIfAbsent, since they can
      // be deallocated by NSMapRemove.
      // - Any call that has a callback as one of the arguments.
      if (FName == "pthread_setspecific" ||
          FName == "funopen" ||
          FName.endswith("NoCopy") ||
          (FName.startswith("NS") &&
            (FName.find("Insert") != StringRef::npos)) ||
          Call.isCFCGAllowingEscape(FName) ||

    for (unsigned Idx = 0, E = Call.getNumArgs(); Idx != E; ++Idx) {
      if (FDecl && Idx < FDecl->getNumParams()) {
        if (isPointerToConst(FDecl->getParamDecl(Idx)))

  if (const ObjCMethodDecl *MDecl = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(CallDecl)) {
    assert(MDecl->param_size() <= Call.getNumArgs());
    unsigned Idx = 0;

    if (Call.hasNonZeroCallbackArg())

    for (clang::ObjCMethodDecl::param_const_iterator
         I = MDecl->param_begin(), E = MDecl->param_end(); I != E; ++I, ++Idx) {
      if (isPointerToConst(*I))
コード例 #21
/// \brief Format the given diagnostic text and place the result in the given
/// buffer.
static void formatDiagnosticText(StringRef InText, 
                                 ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> Args,
                                 llvm::raw_ostream &Out) {
  while (!InText.empty()) {
    size_t Percent = InText.find('%');
    if (Percent == StringRef::npos) {
      // Write the rest of the string; we're done.
      Out.write(InText.data(), InText.size());
    // Write the string up to (but not including) the %, then drop that text
    // (including the %).
    Out.write(InText.data(), Percent);
    InText = InText.substr(Percent + 1);
    // '%%' -> '%'.
    if (InText[0] == '%') {
      InText = InText.substr(1);

    // Parse an optional modifier.
    StringRef Modifier;
      unsigned Length = 0;
      while (isalpha(InText[Length]))
      Modifier = InText.substr(0, Length);
      InText = InText.substr(Length);
    // Parse the optional argument list for a modifier, which is brace-enclosed.
    StringRef ModifierArguments;
    if (InText[0] == '{') {
      InText = InText.substr(1);
      ModifierArguments = skipToDelimiter(InText, '}');
    // Find the digit sequence.
    unsigned Length = 0;
    for (size_t N = InText.size(); Length != N; ++Length) {
      if (!isdigit(InText[Length]))
    // Parse the digit sequence into an argument index.
    unsigned ArgIndex;      
    bool Result = InText.substr(0, Length).getAsInteger(10, ArgIndex);
    assert(!Result && "Unparseable argument index value?");
    assert(ArgIndex < Args.size() && "Out-of-range argument index");
    InText = InText.substr(Length);

    // Convert the argument to a string.
    formatDiagnosticArgument(Modifier, ModifierArguments, Args, ArgIndex, Out);
コード例 #22
ファイル: PassTimingInfo.cpp プロジェクト: MatzeB/llvm
static bool matchPassManager(StringRef PassID) {
  size_t prefix_pos = PassID.find('<');
  if (prefix_pos == StringRef::npos)
    return false;
  StringRef Prefix = PassID.substr(0, prefix_pos);
  return Prefix.endswith("PassManager") || Prefix.endswith("PassAdaptor") ||
コード例 #23
ファイル: gold-plugin.cpp プロジェクト: efcs/llvm
/// Parse the thinlto_prefix_replace option into the \p OldPrefix and
/// \p NewPrefix strings, if it was specified.
static void getThinLTOOldAndNewPrefix(std::string &OldPrefix,
                                      std::string &NewPrefix) {
  StringRef PrefixReplace = options::thinlto_prefix_replace;
  assert(PrefixReplace.empty() || PrefixReplace.find(";") != StringRef::npos);
  std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = PrefixReplace.split(";");
  OldPrefix = Split.first.str();
  NewPrefix = Split.second.str();
コード例 #24
ファイル: MachODump.cpp プロジェクト: Abraham2591/Swiftshader
// Print additional information about an address, if available.
static void DumpAddress(uint64_t Address, ArrayRef<Section> Sections,
                        MachOObject *MachOObj, raw_ostream &OS) {
  for (unsigned i = 0; i != Sections.size(); ++i) {
    uint64_t addr = Address-Sections[i].Address;
    if (Sections[i].Address <= Address &&
        Sections[i].Address + Sections[i].Size > Address) {
      StringRef bytes = MachOObj->getData(Sections[i].Offset,
      // Print constant strings.
      if (!strcmp(Sections[i].Name, "__cstring"))
        OS << '"' << bytes.substr(addr, bytes.find('\0', addr)) << '"';
      // Print constant CFStrings.
      if (!strcmp(Sections[i].Name, "__cfstring"))
        OS << "@\"" << bytes.substr(addr, bytes.find('\0', addr)) << '"';
コード例 #25
ファイル: FileCheck.cpp プロジェクト: Persper/PTMC
/// Match - Match the pattern string against the input buffer Buffer.  This
/// returns the position that is matched or npos if there is no match.  If
/// there is a match, the size of the matched string is returned in MatchLen.
size_t Pattern::Match(StringRef Buffer, size_t &MatchLen,
                      StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable) const {
  // If this is a fixed string pattern, just match it now.
  if (!FixedStr.empty()) {
    MatchLen = FixedStr.size();
    return Buffer.find(FixedStr);

  // Regex match.

  // If there are variable uses, we need to create a temporary string with the
  // actual value.
  StringRef RegExToMatch = RegExStr;
  std::string TmpStr;
  if (!VariableUses.empty()) {
    TmpStr = RegExStr;

    unsigned InsertOffset = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = VariableUses.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      StringMap<StringRef>::iterator it =
      // If the variable is undefined, return an error.
      if (it == VariableTable.end())
        return StringRef::npos;

      // Look up the value and escape it so that we can plop it into the regex.
      std::string Value;
      AddFixedStringToRegEx(it->second, Value);

      // Plop it into the regex at the adjusted offset.
                    Value.begin(), Value.end());
      InsertOffset += Value.size();

    // Match the newly constructed regex.
    RegExToMatch = TmpStr;

  SmallVector<StringRef, 4> MatchInfo;
  if (!Regex(RegExToMatch, Regex::Newline).match(Buffer, &MatchInfo))
    return StringRef::npos;

  // Successful regex match.
  assert(!MatchInfo.empty() && "Didn't get any match");
  StringRef FullMatch = MatchInfo[0];

  // If this defines any variables, remember their values.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = VariableDefs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    assert(VariableDefs[i].second < MatchInfo.size() &&
           "Internal paren error");
    VariableTable[VariableDefs[i].first] = MatchInfo[VariableDefs[i].second];

  MatchLen = FullMatch.size();
  return FullMatch.data()-Buffer.data();
コード例 #26
// Try to find the first match in buffer for any prefix. If a valid match is
// found, return that prefix and set its type and location.  If there are almost
// matches (e.g. the actual prefix string is found, but is not an actual check
// string), but no valid match, return an empty string and set the position to
// resume searching from. If no partial matches are found, return an empty
// string and the location will be StringRef::npos. If one prefix is a substring
// of another, the maximal match should be found. e.g. if "A" and "AA" are
// prefixes then AA-CHECK: should match the second one.
static StringRef FindFirstCandidateMatch(StringRef &Buffer,
                                         Check::CheckType &CheckTy,
                                         size_t &CheckLoc) {
  StringRef FirstPrefix;
  size_t FirstLoc = StringRef::npos;
  size_t SearchLoc = StringRef::npos;
  Check::CheckType FirstTy = Check::CheckNone;

  CheckTy = Check::CheckNone;
  CheckLoc = StringRef::npos;

  for (prefix_iterator I = CheckPrefixes.begin(), E = CheckPrefixes.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    StringRef Prefix(*I);
    size_t PrefixLoc = Buffer.find(Prefix);

    if (PrefixLoc == StringRef::npos)

    // Track where we are searching for invalid prefixes that look almost right.
    // We need to only advance to the first partial match on the next attempt
    // since a partial match could be a substring of a later, valid prefix.
    // Need to skip to the end of the word, otherwise we could end up
    // matching a prefix in a substring later.
    if (PrefixLoc < SearchLoc)
      SearchLoc = SkipWord(Buffer, PrefixLoc);

    // We only want to find the first match to avoid skipping some.
    if (PrefixLoc > FirstLoc)
    // If one matching check-prefix is a prefix of another, choose the
    // longer one.
    if (PrefixLoc == FirstLoc && Prefix.size() < FirstPrefix.size())

    StringRef Rest = Buffer.drop_front(PrefixLoc);
    // Make sure we have actually found the prefix, and not a word containing
    // it. This should also prevent matching the wrong prefix when one is a
    // substring of another.
    if (PrefixLoc != 0 && IsPartOfWord(Buffer[PrefixLoc - 1]))
      FirstTy = Check::CheckNone;
      FirstTy = FindCheckType(Rest, Prefix);

    FirstLoc = PrefixLoc;
    FirstPrefix = Prefix;

  // If the first prefix is invalid, we should continue the search after it.
  if (FirstTy == Check::CheckNone) {
    CheckLoc = SearchLoc;
    return "";

  CheckTy = FirstTy;
  CheckLoc = FirstLoc;
  return FirstPrefix;
コード例 #27
ファイル: GnuLdDriver.cpp プロジェクト: 8l/lld
// Parses an argument of --defsym=<sym>=<sym>
static bool parseDefsymAsAlias(StringRef opt, StringRef &sym,
                               StringRef &target) {
  size_t equalPos = opt.find('=');
  if (equalPos == 0 || equalPos == StringRef::npos)
    return false;
  sym = opt.substr(0, equalPos);
  target = opt.substr(equalPos + 1);
  return !target.empty();
コード例 #28
ファイル: ScriptParser.cpp プロジェクト: jy0u/lld
// Returns the line that the character S[Pos] is in.
static StringRef getLine(StringRef S, size_t Pos) {
  size_t Begin = S.rfind('\n', Pos);
  size_t End = S.find('\n', Pos);
  Begin = (Begin == StringRef::npos) ? 0 : Begin + 1;
  if (End == StringRef::npos)
    End = S.size();
  // rtrim for DOS-style newlines.
  return S.substr(Begin, End - Begin).rtrim();
コード例 #29
bool TaskDebugBranchCheck::instru_fn(StringRef fn_name) {
  std::ifstream infile("functions.txt");
  std::string line;
  while (std::getline(infile, line)) {
    if(fn_name.find(line) != StringRef::npos)
      return true;
  return false;
コード例 #30
ファイル: CommentConversion.cpp プロジェクト: Daford/swift
static void replaceObjcDeclarationsWithSwiftOnes(const Decl *D,
                                                       StringRef Doc,
                                                       raw_ostream &OS) {
  StringRef Open = "<Declaration>";
  StringRef Close = "</Declaration>";
  PrintOptions Options = PrintOptions::printQuickHelpDeclaration();
  std::string S;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream SS(S);
  D->print(SS, Options);
  std::string Signature = SS.str();
  auto OI = Doc.find(Open);
  auto CI = Doc.find(Close);
  if (StringRef::npos != OI && StringRef::npos != CI && CI > OI)
    OS << Doc.substr(0, OI) << Open << Signature << Close <<
      Doc.substr(CI + Close.size());
    OS << Doc;