コード例 #1
ファイル: Job.cpp プロジェクト: 007Indian/swift
static void escapeAndPrintString(llvm::raw_ostream &os, StringRef Str) {
  if (Str.empty()) {
    // Special-case the empty string.
    os << "\"\"";

  bool NeedsEscape = Str.find_first_of(" \"\\$") != StringRef::npos;

  if (!NeedsEscape) {
    // This string doesn't have anything we need to escape, so print it directly
    os << Str;

  // Quote and escape. This isn't really complete, but is good enough, and
  // matches how Clang's Command handles escaping arguments.
  os << '"';
  for (const char c : Str) {
    switch (c) {
    case '"':
    case '\\':
    case '$':
      // These characters need to be escaped.
      os << '\\';
      // Fall-through to the default case, since we still need to print the
      // character.
      os << c;
  os << '"';
コード例 #2
std::string get_line_from_offset(StringRef buffer, std::size_t offset) {
    assert(buffer.size() > offset);

    auto line_start = buffer.find_last_of("\r\n", offset) + 1;
    auto line_end = buffer.find_first_of("\r\n", offset);
    return std::string(buffer.begin() + line_start, buffer.begin() + line_end);
コード例 #3
ファイル: DependencyFile.cpp プロジェクト: 2asoft/freebsd
/// Print the filename, with escaping or quoting that accommodates the three
/// most likely tools that use dependency files: GNU Make, BSD Make, and
/// NMake/Jom.
/// BSD Make is the simplest case: It does no escaping at all.  This means
/// characters that are normally delimiters, i.e. space and # (the comment
/// character) simply aren't supported in filenames.
/// GNU Make does allow space and # in filenames, but to avoid being treated
/// as a delimiter or comment, these must be escaped with a backslash. Because
/// backslash is itself the escape character, if a backslash appears in a
/// filename, it should be escaped as well.  (As a special case, $ is escaped
/// as $$, which is the normal Make way to handle the $ character.)
/// For compatibility with BSD Make and historical practice, if GNU Make
/// un-escapes characters in a filename but doesn't find a match, it will
/// retry with the unmodified original string.
/// GCC tries to accommodate both Make formats by escaping any space or #
/// characters in the original filename, but not escaping backslashes.  The
/// apparent intent is so that filenames with backslashes will be handled
/// correctly by BSD Make, and by GNU Make in its fallback mode of using the
/// unmodified original string; filenames with # or space characters aren't
/// supported by BSD Make at all, but will be handled correctly by GNU Make
/// due to the escaping.
/// A corner case that GCC gets only partly right is when the original filename
/// has a backslash immediately followed by space or #.  GNU Make would expect
/// this backslash to be escaped; however GCC escapes the original backslash
/// only when followed by space, not #.  It will therefore take a dependency
/// from a directive such as
///     #include "a\ b\#c.h"
/// and emit it as
///     a\\\ b\\#c.h
/// which GNU Make will interpret as
///     a\ b\
/// followed by a comment. Failing to find this file, it will fall back to the
/// original string, which probably doesn't exist either; in any case it won't
/// find
///     a\ b\#c.h
/// which is the actual filename specified by the include directive.
/// Clang does what GCC does, rather than what GNU Make expects.
/// NMake/Jom has a different set of scary characters, but wraps filespecs in
/// double-quotes to avoid misinterpreting them; see
/// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd9y37ha.aspx for NMake info,
/// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx
/// for Windows file-naming info.
static void PrintFilename(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Filename,
                          DependencyOutputFormat OutputFormat) {
  if (OutputFormat == DependencyOutputFormat::NMake) {
    // Add quotes if needed. These are the characters listed as "special" to
    // NMake, that are legal in a Windows filespec, and that could cause
    // misinterpretation of the dependency string.
    if (Filename.find_first_of(" #${}^!") != StringRef::npos)
      OS << '\"' << Filename << '\"';
      OS << Filename;
  assert(OutputFormat == DependencyOutputFormat::Make);
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Filename.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    if (Filename[i] == '#') // Handle '#' the broken gcc way.
      OS << '\\';
    else if (Filename[i] == ' ') { // Handle space correctly.
      OS << '\\';
      unsigned j = i;
      while (j > 0 && Filename[--j] == '\\')
        OS << '\\';
    } else if (Filename[i] == '$') // $ is escaped by $$.
      OS << '$';
    OS << Filename[i];
コード例 #4
static void outputReplacementXML(StringRef Text) {
  // FIXME: When we sort includes, we need to make sure the stream is correct
  // utf-8.
  size_t From = 0;
  size_t Index;
  while ((Index = Text.find_first_of("\n\r<&", From)) != StringRef::npos) {
    outs() << Text.substr(From, Index - From);
    switch (Text[Index]) {
    case '\n':
      outs() << "&#10;";
    case '\r':
      outs() << "&#13;";
    case '<':
      outs() << "&lt;";
    case '&':
      outs() << "&amp;";
      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected character encountered!");
    From = Index + 1;
  outs() << Text.substr(From);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Disassembler.cpp プロジェクト: AnachroNia/llvm
static bool ByteArrayFromString(ByteArrayTy &ByteArray,
                                StringRef &Str,
                                SourceMgr &SM) {
  while (SkipToToken(Str)) {
    // Handled by higher level
    if (Str[0] == '[' || Str[0] == ']')
      return false;

    // Get the current token.
    size_t Next = Str.find_first_of(" \t\n\r,#[]");
    StringRef Value = Str.substr(0, Next);

    // Convert to a byte and add to the byte vector.
    unsigned ByteVal;
    if (Value.getAsInteger(0, ByteVal) || ByteVal > 255) {
      // If we have an error, print it and skip to the end of line.
      SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Value.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
                      "invalid input token");
      Str = Str.substr(Str.find('\n'));

    Str = Str.substr(Next);

  return false;
コード例 #6
static bool ByteArrayFromString(ByteArrayTy &ByteArray,
                                StringRef &Str,
                                SourceMgr &SM) {
  while (!Str.empty()) {
    // Strip horizontal whitespace.
    if (size_t Pos = Str.find_first_not_of(" \t\r")) {
      Str = Str.substr(Pos);

    // If this is the end of a line or start of a comment, remove the rest of
    // the line.
    if (Str[0] == '\n' || Str[0] == '#') {
      // Strip to the end of line if we already processed any bytes on this
      // line.  This strips the comment and/or the \n.
      if (Str[0] == '\n') {
        Str = Str.substr(1);
      } else {
        Str = Str.substr(Str.find_first_of('\n'));
        if (!Str.empty())
          Str = Str.substr(1);

    // Get the current token.
    size_t Next = Str.find_first_of(" \t\n\r#");
    StringRef Value = Str.substr(0, Next);

    // Convert to a byte and add to the byte vector.
    unsigned ByteVal;
    if (Value.getAsInteger(0, ByteVal) || ByteVal > 255) {
      // If we have an error, print it and skip to the end of line.
      SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Value.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
                      "invalid input token");
      Str = Str.substr(Str.find('\n'));

    ByteArray.push_back(std::make_pair((unsigned char)ByteVal, Value.data()));
    Str = Str.substr(Next);

  return false;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ScriptParser.cpp プロジェクト: mulichao/freebsd
// Returns a whole line containing the current token.
StringRef ScriptParserBase::getLine() {
  StringRef S = getCurrentMB().getBuffer();
  StringRef Tok = Tokens[Pos - 1];

  size_t Pos = S.rfind('\n', Tok.data() - S.data());
  if (Pos != StringRef::npos)
    S = S.substr(Pos + 1);
  return S.substr(0, S.find_first_of("\r\n"));
コード例 #8
VecString split( const char* chars, StringRef str )
  VecString vs;

  String::size_type n0 = 0;
  String::size_type n1 = str.find_first_of( chars, 0 );
  vs.push_back( str.substr( n0, n1 ) );

  while( n1 != String::npos )
    n0 = n1+1;
    n1 = str.find_first_of( chars, n0 );
    if( n1 != String::npos ) vs.push_back( str.substr( n0, n1-n0 ) );
    else vs.push_back( str.substr( n0 ) );

  return vs;
コード例 #9
ファイル: PassBuilder.cpp プロジェクト: chunseoklee/llvm
// Primary pass pipeline description parsing routine.
// FIXME: Should this routine accept a TargetMachine or require the caller to
// pre-populate the analysis managers with target-specific stuff?
bool PassBuilder::parsePassPipeline(ModulePassManager &MPM,
                                    StringRef PipelineText, bool VerifyEachPass,
                                    bool DebugLogging) {
  // By default, try to parse the pipeline as-if it were within an implicit
  // 'module(...)' pass pipeline. If this will parse at all, it needs to
  // consume the entire string.
  if (parseModulePassPipeline(MPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass, DebugLogging))
    return PipelineText.empty();

  // This isn't parsable as a module pipeline, look for the end of a pass name
  // and directly drop down to that layer.
  StringRef FirstName =
      PipelineText.substr(0, PipelineText.find_first_of(",)"));
  assert(!isModulePassName(FirstName) &&
         "Already handled all module pipeline options.");

  // If this looks like a CGSCC pass, parse the whole thing as a CGSCC
  // pipeline.
  if (PipelineText.startswith("cgscc(") || isCGSCCPassName(FirstName)) {
    CGSCCPassManager CGPM(DebugLogging);
    if (!parseCGSCCPassPipeline(CGPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass,
                                DebugLogging) ||
      return false;
    return true;

  // Similarly, if this looks like a Function pass, parse the whole thing as
  // a Function pipelien.
  if (PipelineText.startswith("function(") || isFunctionPassName(FirstName)) {
    FunctionPassManager FPM(DebugLogging);
    if (!parseFunctionPassPipeline(FPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass,
                                   DebugLogging) ||
      return false;
    return true;

  // If this looks like a Loop pass, parse the whole thing as a Loop pipeline.
  if (PipelineText.startswith("loop(") || isLoopPassName(FirstName)) {
    LoopPassManager LPM(DebugLogging);
    if (!parseLoopPassPipeline(LPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass,
                               DebugLogging) ||
      return false;
    FunctionPassManager FPM(DebugLogging);
    return true;

  return false;
コード例 #10
PassBuilder::parsePipelineText(StringRef Text) {
  std::vector<PipelineElement> ResultPipeline;

  SmallVector<std::vector<PipelineElement> *, 4> PipelineStack = {
  for (;;) {
    std::vector<PipelineElement> &Pipeline = *PipelineStack.back();
    size_t Pos = Text.find_first_of(",()");
    Pipeline.push_back({Text.substr(0, Pos), {}});

    // If we have a single terminating name, we're done.
    if (Pos == Text.npos)

    char Sep = Text[Pos];
    Text = Text.substr(Pos + 1);
    if (Sep == ',')
      // Just a name ending in a comma, continue.

    if (Sep == '(') {
      // Push the inner pipeline onto the stack to continue processing.

    assert(Sep == ')' && "Bogus separator!");
    // When handling the close parenthesis, we greedily consume them to avoid
    // empty strings in the pipeline.
    do {
      // If we try to pop the outer pipeline we have unbalanced parentheses.
      if (PipelineStack.size() == 1)
        return None;

    } while (Text.consume_front(")"));

    // Check if we've finished parsing.
    if (Text.empty())

    // Otherwise, the end of an inner pipeline always has to be followed by
    // a comma, and then we can continue.
    if (!Text.consume_front(","))
      return None;

  if (PipelineStack.size() > 1)
    // Unbalanced paretheses.
    return None;

  assert(PipelineStack.back() == &ResultPipeline &&
         "Wrong pipeline at the bottom of the stack!");
  return {std::move(ResultPipeline)};
コード例 #11
ファイル: Value.cpp プロジェクト: bugsnag/llvm
void Value::setNameImpl(const Twine &NewName) {
  // Fast-path: LLVMContext can be set to strip out non-GlobalValue names
  if (getContext().shouldDiscardValueNames() && !isa<GlobalValue>(this))

  // Fast path for common IRBuilder case of setName("") when there is no name.
  if (NewName.isTriviallyEmpty() && !hasName())

  SmallString<256> NameData;
  StringRef NameRef = NewName.toStringRef(NameData);
  assert(NameRef.find_first_of(0) == StringRef::npos &&
         "Null bytes are not allowed in names");

  // Name isn't changing?
  if (getName() == NameRef)

  assert(!getType()->isVoidTy() && "Cannot assign a name to void values!");

  // Get the symbol table to update for this object.
  ValueSymbolTable *ST;
  if (getSymTab(this, ST))
    return;  // Cannot set a name on this value (e.g. constant).

  if (!ST) { // No symbol table to update?  Just do the change.
    if (NameRef.empty()) {
      // Free the name for this value.

    // NOTE: Could optimize for the case the name is shrinking to not deallocate
    // then reallocated.

    // Create the new name.

  // NOTE: Could optimize for the case the name is shrinking to not deallocate
  // then reallocated.
  if (hasName()) {
    // Remove old name.

    if (NameRef.empty())

  // Name is changing to something new.
  setValueName(ST->createValueName(NameRef, this));
コード例 #12
static SourceLoc findEndOfLine(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc loc,
                               unsigned bufferID) {
  CharSourceRange entireBuffer = SM.getRangeForBuffer(bufferID);
  CharSourceRange rangeFromLoc{SM, loc, entireBuffer.getEnd()};
  StringRef textFromLoc = SM.extractText(rangeFromLoc);
  size_t newlineOffset = textFromLoc.find_first_of({"\r\n\0", 3});
  if (newlineOffset == StringRef::npos)
    return entireBuffer.getEnd();
  return loc.getAdvancedLoc(newlineOffset);
コード例 #13
/// \brief Guess the end-of-line sequence used in the given FileID. If the
/// sequence can't be guessed return an Unix-style newline.
static StringRef guessEOL(SourceManager &SM, FileID ID) {
  StringRef Content = SM.getBufferData(ID);
  StringRef Buffer = Content.substr(Content.find_first_of("\r\n"));

  return llvm::StringSwitch<StringRef>(Buffer)
      .StartsWith("\r\n", "\r\n")
      .StartsWith("\n\r", "\n\r")
      .StartsWith("\r", "\r")
コード例 #14
ファイル: StringExtras.cpp プロジェクト: PeterMitrano/ntcore
/// getToken - This function extracts one token from source, ignoring any
/// leading characters that appear in the Delimiters string, and ending the
/// token at any of the characters that appear in the Delimiters string.  If
/// there are no tokens in the source string, an empty string is returned.
/// The function returns a pair containing the extracted token and the
/// remaining tail string.
std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> llvm::getToken(StringRef Source,
        StringRef Delimiters) {
    // Figure out where the token starts.
    StringRef::size_type Start = Source.find_first_not_of(Delimiters);

    // Find the next occurrence of the delimiter.
    StringRef::size_type End = Source.find_first_of(Delimiters, Start);

    return std::make_pair(Source.slice(Start, End), Source.substr(End));
コード例 #15
static std::string QuoteProgramPathIfNeeded(StringRef Command) {
  if (Command.find_first_of(' ') == StringRef::npos)
    return Command;
  else {
    std::string ret;
    ret.reserve(Command.size() + 3);
    ret.append(Command.begin(), Command.end());
    return ret;
コード例 #16
ファイル: PassBuilder.cpp プロジェクト: chunseoklee/llvm
bool PassBuilder::parseFunctionPassPipeline(FunctionPassManager &FPM,
                                            StringRef &PipelineText,
                                            bool VerifyEachPass,
                                            bool DebugLogging) {
  for (;;) {
    // Parse nested pass managers by recursing.
    if (PipelineText.startswith("function(")) {
      FunctionPassManager NestedFPM(DebugLogging);

      // Parse the inner pipeline inte the nested manager.
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(strlen("function("));
      if (!parseFunctionPassPipeline(NestedFPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass,
                                     DebugLogging) ||
        return false;
      assert(PipelineText[0] == ')');
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);

      // Add the nested pass manager with the appropriate adaptor.
    } else if (PipelineText.startswith("loop(")) {
      LoopPassManager NestedLPM(DebugLogging);

      // Parse the inner pipeline inte the nested manager.
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(strlen("loop("));
      if (!parseLoopPassPipeline(NestedLPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass,
                                 DebugLogging) ||
        return false;
      assert(PipelineText[0] == ')');
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);

      // Add the nested pass manager with the appropriate adaptor.
    } else {
      // Otherwise try to parse a pass name.
      size_t End = PipelineText.find_first_of(",)");
      if (!parseFunctionPassName(FPM, PipelineText.substr(0, End)))
        return false;
      if (VerifyEachPass)

      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(End);

    if (PipelineText.empty() || PipelineText[0] == ')')
      return true;

    assert(PipelineText[0] == ',');
    PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Passes.cpp プロジェクト: IamSpid3r/cheerp-llvm
static bool parseCGSCCPassPipeline(CGSCCPassManager &CGPM,
                                   StringRef &PipelineText, bool VerifyEachPass,
                                   bool DebugLogging) {
  for (;;) {
    // Parse nested pass managers by recursing.
    if (PipelineText.startswith("cgscc(")) {
      CGSCCPassManager NestedCGPM(DebugLogging);

      // Parse the inner pipeline into the nested manager.
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(strlen("cgscc("));
      if (!parseCGSCCPassPipeline(NestedCGPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass,
                                  DebugLogging) ||
        return false;
      assert(PipelineText[0] == ')');
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);

      // Add the nested pass manager with the appropriate adaptor.
    } else if (PipelineText.startswith("function(")) {
      FunctionPassManager NestedFPM(DebugLogging);

      // Parse the inner pipeline inte the nested manager.
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(strlen("function("));
      if (!parseFunctionPassPipeline(NestedFPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass,
                                     DebugLogging) ||
        return false;
      assert(PipelineText[0] == ')');
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);

      // Add the nested pass manager with the appropriate adaptor.
    } else {
      // Otherwise try to parse a pass name.
      size_t End = PipelineText.find_first_of(",)");
      if (!parseCGSCCPassName(CGPM, PipelineText.substr(0, End)))
        return false;
      // FIXME: No verifier support for CGSCC passes!

      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(End);

    if (PipelineText.empty() || PipelineText[0] == ')')
      return true;

    assert(PipelineText[0] == ',');
    PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Passes.cpp プロジェクト: AmesianX/dagger
static bool parseModulePassPipeline(ModulePassManager &MPM,
                                    StringRef &PipelineText,
                                    bool VerifyEachPass) {
  for (;;) {
    // Parse nested pass managers by recursing.
    if (PipelineText.startswith("module(")) {
      ModulePassManager NestedMPM;

      // Parse the inner pipeline into the nested manager.
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(strlen("module("));
      if (!parseModulePassPipeline(NestedMPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass) ||
        return false;
      assert(PipelineText[0] == ')');
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);

      // Now add the nested manager as a module pass.
    } else if (PipelineText.startswith("function(")) {
      FunctionPassManager NestedFPM;

      // Parse the inner pipeline inte the nested manager.
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(strlen("function("));
      if (!parseFunctionPassPipeline(NestedFPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass) ||
        return false;
      assert(PipelineText[0] == ')');
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);

      // Add the nested pass manager with the appropriate adaptor.
    } else {
      // Otherwise try to parse a pass name.
      size_t End = PipelineText.find_first_of(",)");
      if (!parseModulePassName(MPM, PipelineText.substr(0, End)))
        return false;
      if (VerifyEachPass)

      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(End);

    if (PipelineText.empty() || PipelineText[0] == ')')
      return true;

    assert(PipelineText[0] == ',');
    PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);
コード例 #19
ファイル: FileCheck.cpp プロジェクト: agheorghiu/root
/// CountNumNewlinesBetween - Count the number of newlines in the specified
/// range.
static unsigned CountNumNewlinesBetween(StringRef Range) {
  unsigned NumNewLines = 0;
  while (1) {
    // Scan for newline.
    Range = Range.substr(Range.find_first_of("\n\r"));
    if (Range.empty()) return NumNewLines;


    // Handle \n\r and \r\n as a single newline.
    if (Range.size() > 1 &&
        (Range[1] == '\n' || Range[1] == '\r') &&
        (Range[0] != Range[1]))
      Range = Range.substr(1);
    Range = Range.substr(1);
コード例 #20
// Append a #define line to Buf for Macro.  Macro should be of the form XXX,
// in which case we emit "#define XXX 1" or "XXX=Y z W" in which case we emit
// "#define XXX Y z W".  To get a #define with no value, use "XXX=".
static void DefineBuiltinMacro(MacroBuilder &Builder, StringRef Macro,
                               DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) {
  std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> MacroPair = Macro.split('=');
  StringRef MacroName = MacroPair.first;
  StringRef MacroBody = MacroPair.second;
  if (MacroName.size() != Macro.size()) {
    // Per GCC -D semantics, the macro ends at \n if it exists.
    StringRef::size_type End = MacroBody.find_first_of("\n\r");
    if (End != StringRef::npos)
        << MacroName;
    Builder.defineMacro(MacroName, MacroBody.substr(0, End));
  } else {
    // Push "macroname 1".
コード例 #21
ファイル: Driver.cpp プロジェクト: Bigcheese/lold
// Find file from search paths. You can omit ".obj", this function takes
// care of that. Note that the returned path is not guaranteed to exist.
StringRef LinkerDriver::doFindFile(StringRef Filename) {
  bool hasPathSep = (Filename.find_first_of("/\\") != StringRef::npos);
  if (hasPathSep)
    return Filename;
  bool hasExt = (Filename.find('.') != StringRef::npos);
  for (StringRef Dir : SearchPaths) {
    SmallString<128> Path = Dir;
    llvm::sys::path::append(Path, Filename);
    if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(Path.str()))
      return Alloc.save(Path.str());
    if (!hasExt) {
      if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(Path.str()))
        return Alloc.save(Path.str());
  return Filename;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Disassembler.cpp プロジェクト: 2trill2spill/freebsd
static bool SkipToToken(StringRef &Str) {
  for (;;) {
    if (Str.empty())
      return false;

    // Strip horizontal whitespace and commas.
    if (size_t Pos = Str.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n,")) {
      Str = Str.substr(Pos);

    // If this is the start of a comment, remove the rest of the line.
    if (Str[0] == '#') {
        Str = Str.substr(Str.find_first_of('\n'));
    return true;
コード例 #23
ファイル: ClangFormat.cpp プロジェクト: ADonut/LLVM-GPGPU
static void outputReplacementXML(StringRef Text) {
  size_t From = 0;
  size_t Index;
  while ((Index = Text.find_first_of("\n\r", From)) != StringRef::npos) {
    llvm::outs() << Text.substr(From, Index - From);
    switch (Text[Index]) {
    case '\n':
      llvm::outs() << "&#10;";
    case '\r':
      llvm::outs() << "&#13;";
      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected character encountered!");
    From = Index + 1;
  llvm::outs() << Text.substr(From);
コード例 #24
/// \brief Find the end of the end of the directive, either the beginning of a
/// newline or the end of file.
// \return The offset into the file where the directive ends along with a
// boolean value indicating whether the directive ends because the end of file
// was reached or not.
static std::pair<unsigned, bool> findDirectiveEnd(SourceLocation HashLoc,
                                                  SourceManager &SM,
                                                  const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
  FileID FID = SM.getFileID(HashLoc);
  unsigned Offset = SM.getFileOffset(HashLoc);
  StringRef Content = SM.getBufferData(FID);
  Lexer Lex(SM.getLocForStartOfFile(FID), LangOpts, Content.begin(),
            Content.begin() + Offset, Content.end());
  Token Tok;

  // This loop look for the newline after our directive but avoids the ones part
  // of a multi-line comments:
  //     #include <foo> /* long \n comment */\n
  //                            ~~ no        ~~ yes
  for (;;) {
    // find the beginning of the end-of-line sequence
    StringRef::size_type EOLOffset = Content.find_first_of("\r\n", Offset);
    // ends because EOF was reached
    if (EOLOffset == StringRef::npos)
      return std::make_pair(Content.size(), true);

    // find the token that contains our end-of-line
    unsigned TokEnd = 0;
    do {
      TokEnd = SM.getFileOffset(Tok.getLocation()) + Tok.getLength();

      // happens when the whitespaces are eaten after a multiline comment
      if (Tok.is(tok::eof))
        return std::make_pair(EOLOffset, false);
    } while (TokEnd < EOLOffset);

    // the end-of-line is not part of a multi-line comment, return its location
    if (Tok.isNot(tok::comment))
      return std::make_pair(EOLOffset, false);

    // for the next search to start after the end of this token
    Offset = TokEnd;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Formatting.cpp プロジェクト: AlexShiLucky/swift
size_t swift::ide::getOffsetOfLine(unsigned LineIndex, StringRef Text) {
  //  SourceLoc start = SourceLoc(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(Text.begin()));
  // FIXME: We should have a cached line map in EditableTextBuffer, for now
  // we just do the slow naive thing here.
  size_t LineOffset = 0;
  unsigned CurrentLine = 0;
  while (LineOffset < Text.size() && ++CurrentLine < LineIndex) {
    LineOffset = Text.find_first_of("\r\n", LineOffset);
    if (LineOffset != std::string::npos) {
      if (LineOffset < Text.size() &&
          Text[LineOffset - 1] == '\r' && Text[LineOffset] == '\n')

  if (LineOffset == std::string::npos)
    LineOffset = 0;
  return LineOffset;
コード例 #26
void MCMachObjectSymbolizer::
tryAddingPcLoadReferenceComment(raw_ostream &cStream, int64_t Value,
                                uint64_t Address) {
  if (const RelocationRef *R = findRelocationAt(Address)) {
    const MCExpr *RelExpr = RelInfo->createExprForRelocation(*R);
    if (!RelExpr || RelExpr->EvaluateAsAbsolute(Value) == false)
  uint64_t Addr = Value;
  if (const SectionRef *S = findSectionContaining(Addr)) {
    StringRef Name; S->getName(Name);
    uint64_t SAddr; S->getAddress(SAddr);
    if (Name == "__cstring") {
      StringRef Contents;
      Contents = Contents.substr(Addr - SAddr);
      cStream << " ## literal pool for: "
              << Contents.substr(0, Contents.find_first_of(0));
コード例 #27
ファイル: PrimitiveParsing.cpp プロジェクト: asdfeng/swift
swift::trimLeadingWhitespaceFromLines(StringRef RawText,
                                      unsigned WhitespaceToTrim,
                                      SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &OutLines) {
  SmallVector<StringRef, 8> Lines;

  bool IsFirstLine = true;

  while (!RawText.empty()) {
    size_t Pos = RawText.find_first_of("\n\r");
    if (Pos == StringRef::npos)
      Pos = RawText.size();

    StringRef Line = RawText.substr(0, Pos);
    if (!IsFirstLine) {
      size_t NonWhitespacePos = RawText.find_first_not_of(' ');
      if (NonWhitespacePos != StringRef::npos)
        WhitespaceToTrim =
    IsFirstLine = false;

    RawText = RawText.drop_front(Pos);
    unsigned NewlineBytes = measureNewline(RawText);
    RawText = RawText.drop_front(NewlineBytes);

  IsFirstLine = true;
  for (auto &Line : Lines) {
    if (!IsFirstLine) {
      Line = Line.drop_front(WhitespaceToTrim);
    IsFirstLine = false;

  OutLines.append(Lines.begin(), Lines.end());
コード例 #28
ファイル: PassBuilder.cpp プロジェクト: chunseoklee/llvm
bool PassBuilder::parseLoopPassPipeline(LoopPassManager &LPM,
                                        StringRef &PipelineText,
                                        bool VerifyEachPass,
                                        bool DebugLogging) {
  for (;;) {
    // Parse nested pass managers by recursing.
    if (PipelineText.startswith("loop(")) {
      LoopPassManager NestedLPM(DebugLogging);

      // Parse the inner pipeline inte the nested manager.
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(strlen("loop("));
      if (!parseLoopPassPipeline(NestedLPM, PipelineText, VerifyEachPass,
                                 DebugLogging) ||
        return false;
      assert(PipelineText[0] == ')');
      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);

      // Add the nested pass manager with the appropriate adaptor.
    } else {
      // Otherwise try to parse a pass name.
      size_t End = PipelineText.find_first_of(",)");
      if (!parseLoopPassName(LPM, PipelineText.substr(0, End)))
        return false;
      // TODO: Ideally, we would run a LoopVerifierPass() here in the
      // VerifyEachPass case, but we don't have such a verifier yet.

      PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(End);

    if (PipelineText.empty() || PipelineText[0] == ')')
      return true;

    assert(PipelineText[0] == ',');
    PipelineText = PipelineText.substr(1);
コード例 #29
ファイル: InitPreprocessor.cpp プロジェクト: OpenKimono/clang
// Append a #define line to Buf for Macro.  Macro should be of the form XXX,
// in which case we emit "#define XXX 1" or "XXX=Y z W" in which case we emit
// "#define XXX Y z W".  To get a #define with no value, use "XXX=".
static void DefineBuiltinMacro(MacroBuilder &Builder, StringRef Macro,
                               DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) {
  std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> MacroPair = Macro.split('=');
  StringRef MacroName = MacroPair.first;
  StringRef MacroBody = MacroPair.second;
  if (MacroName.size() != Macro.size()) {
    // Per GCC -D semantics, the macro ends at \n if it exists.
    StringRef::size_type End = MacroBody.find_first_of("\n\r");
    if (End != StringRef::npos)
        << MacroName;
    MacroBody = MacroBody.substr(0, End);
    // We handle macro bodies which end in a backslash by appending an extra
    // backslash+newline.  This makes sure we don't accidentally treat the
    // backslash as a line continuation marker.
    if (MacroBodyEndsInBackslash(MacroBody))
      Builder.defineMacro(MacroName, Twine(MacroBody) + "\\\n");
      Builder.defineMacro(MacroName, MacroBody);
  } else {
    // Push "macroname 1".
コード例 #30
/// \brief After the file has been processed, check to see if we got all of
/// the expected diagnostics and check to see if there were any unexpected
/// ones.
bool DiagnosticVerifier::verifyFile(unsigned BufferID,
                                    bool shouldAutoApplyFixes) {
  using llvm::SMLoc;
  const SourceLoc BufferStartLoc = SM.getLocForBufferStart(BufferID);
  CharSourceRange EntireRange = SM.getRangeForBuffer(BufferID);
  StringRef InputFile = SM.extractText(EntireRange);
  StringRef BufferName = SM.getIdentifierForBuffer(BufferID);

  // Queue up all of the diagnostics, allowing us to sort them and emit them in
  // file order.
  std::vector<llvm::SMDiagnostic> Errors;

  unsigned PrevExpectedContinuationLine = 0;

  std::vector<ExpectedDiagnosticInfo> ExpectedDiagnostics;
  auto addError = [&](const char *Loc, std::string message,
                      ArrayRef<llvm::SMFixIt> FixIts = {}) {
    auto loc = SourceLoc(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Loc));
    auto diag = SM.GetMessage(loc, llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, message,
                              {}, FixIts);
  // Scan the memory buffer looking for expected-note/warning/error.
  for (size_t Match = InputFile.find("expected-");
       Match != StringRef::npos; Match = InputFile.find("expected-", Match+1)) {
    // Process this potential match.  If we fail to process it, just move on to
    // the next match.
    StringRef MatchStart = InputFile.substr(Match);
    const char *DiagnosticLoc = MatchStart.data();

    llvm::SourceMgr::DiagKind ExpectedClassification;
    if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-note")) {
      ExpectedClassification = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Note;
      MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-note"));
    } else if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-warning")) {
      ExpectedClassification = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Warning;
      MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-warning"));
    } else if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-error")) {
      ExpectedClassification = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error;
      MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-error"));
    } else

    // Skip any whitespace before the {{.
    MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(MatchStart.find_first_not_of(" \t"));

    size_t TextStartIdx = MatchStart.find("{{");
    if (TextStartIdx == StringRef::npos) {
               "expected {{ in expected-warning/note/error line");

    int LineOffset = 0;
    if (TextStartIdx > 0 && MatchStart[0] == '@') {
      if (MatchStart[1] != '+' && MatchStart[1] != '-') {
        addError(MatchStart.data(), "expected '+'/'-' for line offset");
      StringRef Offs;
      if (MatchStart[1] == '+')
        Offs = MatchStart.slice(2, TextStartIdx).rtrim();
        Offs = MatchStart.slice(1, TextStartIdx).rtrim();

      size_t SpaceIndex = Offs.find(' ');
      if (SpaceIndex != StringRef::npos && SpaceIndex < TextStartIdx) {
        size_t Delta = Offs.size() - SpaceIndex;
        MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(TextStartIdx - Delta);
        TextStartIdx = Delta;
        Offs = Offs.slice(0, SpaceIndex);
      } else {
        MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(TextStartIdx);
        TextStartIdx = 0;

      if (Offs.getAsInteger(10, LineOffset)) {
        addError(MatchStart.data(), "expected line offset before '{{'");

    ExpectedDiagnosticInfo Expected(DiagnosticLoc, ExpectedClassification);

    unsigned Count = 1;
    if (TextStartIdx > 0) {
      StringRef CountStr = MatchStart.substr(0, TextStartIdx).trim();
      if (CountStr == "*") {
        Expected.mayAppear = true;
      } else {
        if (CountStr.getAsInteger(10, Count)) {
          addError(MatchStart.data(), "expected match count before '{{'");
        if (Count == 0) {
                   "expected positive match count before '{{'");

      // Resync up to the '{{'.
      MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(TextStartIdx);

    size_t End = MatchStart.find("}}");
    if (End == StringRef::npos) {
          "didn't find '}}' to match '{{' in expected-warning/note/error line");

    llvm::SmallString<256> Buf;
    Expected.MessageRange = MatchStart.slice(2, End);
    Expected.MessageStr =
      Lexer::getEncodedStringSegment(Expected.MessageRange, Buf);
    if (PrevExpectedContinuationLine)
      Expected.LineNo = PrevExpectedContinuationLine;
      Expected.LineNo = SM.getLineAndColumn(
          BufferStartLoc.getAdvancedLoc(MatchStart.data() - InputFile.data()),
    Expected.LineNo += LineOffset;

    // Check if the next expected diagnostic should be in the same line.
    StringRef AfterEnd = MatchStart.substr(End + strlen("}}"));
    AfterEnd = AfterEnd.substr(AfterEnd.find_first_not_of(" \t"));
    if (AfterEnd.startswith("\\"))
      PrevExpectedContinuationLine = Expected.LineNo;
      PrevExpectedContinuationLine = 0;

    // Scan for fix-its: {{10-14=replacement text}}
    StringRef ExtraChecks = MatchStart.substr(End+2).ltrim(" \t");
    while (ExtraChecks.startswith("{{")) {
      // First make sure we have a closing "}}".
      size_t EndLoc = ExtraChecks.find("}}");
      if (EndLoc == StringRef::npos) {
                 "didn't find '}}' to match '{{' in fix-it verification");
      // Allow for close braces to appear in the replacement text.
      while (EndLoc+2 < ExtraChecks.size() && ExtraChecks[EndLoc+2] == '}')
      StringRef FixItStr = ExtraChecks.slice(2, EndLoc);
      // Check for matching a later "}}" on a different line.
      if (FixItStr.find_first_of("\r\n") != StringRef::npos) {
        addError(ExtraChecks.data(), "didn't find '}}' to match '{{' in "
                 "fix-it verification");
      // Prepare for the next round of checks.
      ExtraChecks = ExtraChecks.substr(EndLoc+2).ltrim();
      // Special case for specifying no fixits should appear.
      if (FixItStr == "none") {
        Expected.noFixitsMayAppear = true;
      // Parse the pieces of the fix-it.
      size_t MinusLoc = FixItStr.find('-');
      if (MinusLoc == StringRef::npos) {
        addError(FixItStr.data(), "expected '-' in fix-it verification");
      StringRef StartColStr = FixItStr.slice(0, MinusLoc);
      StringRef AfterMinus = FixItStr.substr(MinusLoc+1);
      size_t EqualLoc = AfterMinus.find('=');
      if (EqualLoc == StringRef::npos) {
                 "expected '=' after '-' in fix-it verification");
      StringRef EndColStr = AfterMinus.slice(0, EqualLoc);
      StringRef AfterEqual = AfterMinus.substr(EqualLoc+1);
      ExpectedFixIt FixIt;
      FixIt.StartLoc = StartColStr.data()-2;
      FixIt.EndLoc = FixItStr.data()+EndLoc;
      if (StartColStr.getAsInteger(10, FixIt.StartCol)) {
                 "invalid column number in fix-it verification");
      if (EndColStr.getAsInteger(10, FixIt.EndCol)) {
                 "invalid column number in fix-it verification");
      // Translate literal "\\n" into '\n', inefficiently.
      StringRef fixItText = AfterEqual.slice(0, EndLoc);
      for (const char *current = fixItText.begin(), *end = fixItText.end();
           current != end; /* in loop */) {
        if (*current == '\\' && current + 1 < end) {
          if (current[1] == 'n') {
            FixIt.Text += '\n';
            current += 2;
          } else {  // Handle \}, \\, etc.
            FixIt.Text += current[1];
            current += 2;

        } else {
          FixIt.Text += *current++;

    Expected.ExpectedEnd = ExtraChecks.data();
    // Don't include trailing whitespace in the expected-foo{{}} range.
    while (isspace(Expected.ExpectedEnd[-1]))

    // Add the diagnostic the expected number of times.
    for (; Count; --Count)

  // Make sure all the expected diagnostics appeared.
  std::reverse(ExpectedDiagnostics.begin(), ExpectedDiagnostics.end());
  for (unsigned i = ExpectedDiagnostics.size(); i != 0; ) {
    auto &expected = ExpectedDiagnostics[i];
    // Check to see if we had this expected diagnostic.
    auto FoundDiagnosticIter = findDiagnostic(expected, BufferName);
    if (FoundDiagnosticIter == CapturedDiagnostics.end()) {
      // Diagnostic didn't exist.  If this is a 'mayAppear' diagnostic, then
      // we're ok.  Otherwise, leave it in the list.
      if (expected.mayAppear)
    auto &FoundDiagnostic = *FoundDiagnosticIter;

    const char *IncorrectFixit = nullptr;
    // Verify that any expected fix-its are present in the diagnostic.
    for (auto fixit : expected.Fixits) {
      // If we found it, we're ok.
      if (!checkForFixIt(fixit, FoundDiagnostic, InputFile))
        IncorrectFixit = fixit.StartLoc;
    // If we have any expected fixits that didn't get matched, then they are
    // wrong.  Replace the failed fixit with what actually happened.
    if (IncorrectFixit) {
      if (FoundDiagnostic.getFixIts().empty()) {
        addError(IncorrectFixit, "expected fix-it not seen");
      // If we had an incorrect expected fixit, render it and produce a fixit
      // of our own.
      auto actual = renderFixits(FoundDiagnostic.getFixIts(), InputFile);
      auto replStartLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(expected.Fixits[0].StartLoc);
      auto replEndLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(expected.Fixits.back().EndLoc);
      llvm::SMFixIt fix(llvm::SMRange(replStartLoc, replEndLoc), actual);
               "expected fix-it not seen; actual fix-its: " + actual, fix);
    } else if (expected.noFixitsMayAppear &&
               !FoundDiagnostic.getFixIts().empty() &&
               !expected.mayAppear) {
      // If there was no fixit specification, but some were produced, add a
      // fixit to add them in.
      auto actual = renderFixits(FoundDiagnostic.getFixIts(), InputFile);
      auto replStartLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(expected.ExpectedEnd - 8); // {{none}} length
      auto replEndLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(expected.ExpectedEnd - 1);

      llvm::SMFixIt fix(llvm::SMRange(replStartLoc, replEndLoc), actual);
      addError(replStartLoc.getPointer(), "expected no fix-its; actual fix-it seen: " + actual, fix);
    // Actually remove the diagnostic from the list, so we don't match it
    // again. We do have to do this after checking fix-its, though, because
    // the diagnostic owns its fix-its.
    // We found the diagnostic, so remove it... unless we allow an arbitrary
    // number of diagnostics, in which case we want to reprocess this.
    if (expected.mayAppear)
  // Check to see if we have any incorrect diagnostics.  If so, diagnose them as
  // such.
  for (unsigned i = ExpectedDiagnostics.size(); i != 0; ) {
    auto &expected = ExpectedDiagnostics[i];

    // Check to see if any found diagnostics have the right line and
    // classification, but the wrong text.
    auto I = CapturedDiagnostics.begin();
    for (auto E = CapturedDiagnostics.end(); I != E; ++I) {
      // Verify the file and line of the diagnostic.
      if (I->getLineNo() != (int)expected.LineNo ||
          I->getFilename() != BufferName ||
          I->getKind() != expected.Classification)
      // Otherwise, we found it, break out.

    if (I == CapturedDiagnostics.end()) continue;
    auto StartLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(expected.MessageRange.begin());
    auto EndLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(expected.MessageRange.end());
    llvm::SMFixIt fixIt(llvm::SMRange{ StartLoc, EndLoc }, I->getMessage());
    addError(expected.MessageRange.begin(), "incorrect message found", fixIt);

  // Diagnose expected diagnostics that didn't appear.
  std::reverse(ExpectedDiagnostics.begin(), ExpectedDiagnostics.end());
  for (auto const &expected : ExpectedDiagnostics) {
    std::string message = "expected "+getDiagKindString(expected.Classification)
      + " not produced";

    // Get the range of the expected-foo{{}} diagnostic specifier.
    auto StartLoc = expected.ExpectedStart;
    auto EndLoc = expected.ExpectedEnd;

    // A very common case if for the specifier to be the last thing on the line.
    // In this case, eat any trailing whitespace.
    while (isspace(*EndLoc) && *EndLoc != '\n' && *EndLoc != '\r')

    // If we found the end of the line, we can do great things.  Otherwise,
    // avoid nuking whitespace that might be zapped through other means.
    if (*EndLoc != '\n' && *EndLoc != '\r') {
      EndLoc = expected.ExpectedEnd;
    } else {
      // If we hit the end of line, then zap whitespace leading up to it.
      auto FileStart = InputFile.data();
      while (StartLoc-1 != FileStart && isspace(StartLoc[-1]) &&
             StartLoc[-1] != '\n' && StartLoc[-1] != '\r')

      // If we got to the end of the line, and the thing before this diagnostic
      // is a "//" then we can remove it too.
      if (StartLoc-2 >= FileStart && StartLoc[-1] == '/' && StartLoc[-2] == '/')
        StartLoc -= 2;

      // Perform another round of general whitespace nuking to cleanup
      // whitespace before the //.
      while (StartLoc-1 != FileStart && isspace(StartLoc[-1]) &&
             StartLoc[-1] != '\n' && StartLoc[-1] != '\r')

      // If we found a \n, then we can nuke the entire line.
      if (StartLoc-1 != FileStart &&
          (StartLoc[-1] == '\n' || StartLoc[-1] == '\r'))

    // Remove the expected-foo{{}} as a fixit.
    llvm::SMFixIt fixIt(llvm::SMRange{
    }, "");
    addError(expected.ExpectedStart, message, fixIt);
  // Verify that there are no diagnostics (in MemoryBuffer) left in the list.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = CapturedDiagnostics.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    if (CapturedDiagnostics[i].getFilename() != BufferName)

    std::string Message =
      "unexpected "+getDiagKindString(CapturedDiagnostics[i].getKind())+
      " produced: "+CapturedDiagnostics[i].getMessage().str();

  // Sort the diagnostics by their address in the memory buffer as the primary
  // key.  This ensures that an "unexpected diagnostic" and
  // "expected diagnostic" in the same place are emitted next to each other.
  std::sort(Errors.begin(), Errors.end(),
            [&](const llvm::SMDiagnostic &lhs,
                const llvm::SMDiagnostic &rhs) -> bool {
              return lhs.getLoc().getPointer() < rhs.getLoc().getPointer();

  // Emit all of the queue'd up errors.
  for (auto Err : Errors)
    SM.getLLVMSourceMgr().PrintMessage(llvm::errs(), Err);
  // If auto-apply fixits is on, rewrite the original source file.
  if (shouldAutoApplyFixes)
    autoApplyFixes(BufferID, Errors);
  return !Errors.empty();