コード例 #1
std::string get_line_from_offset(StringRef buffer, std::size_t offset) {
    assert(buffer.size() > offset);

    auto line_start = buffer.find_last_of("\r\n", offset) + 1;
    auto line_end = buffer.find_first_of("\r\n", offset);
    return std::string(buffer.begin() + line_start, buffer.begin() + line_end);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Utils.cpp プロジェクト: randomstep/swift
DeclNameViewer::DeclNameViewer(StringRef Text): IsValid(true), HasParen(false) {
  auto ArgStart = Text.find_first_of('(');
  if (ArgStart == StringRef::npos) {
    BaseName = Text;
  HasParen = true;
  BaseName = Text.substr(0, ArgStart);
  auto ArgEnd = Text.find_last_of(')');
  if (ArgEnd == StringRef::npos) {
    IsValid = false;
  StringRef AllArgs = Text.substr(ArgStart + 1, ArgEnd - ArgStart - 1);
  AllArgs.split(Labels, ":");
  if (Labels.empty())
  if ((IsValid = Labels.back().empty())) {
    std::transform(Labels.begin(), Labels.end(), Labels.begin(),
        [](StringRef Label) {
      return Label == "_" ? StringRef() : Label;
コード例 #3
/// \brief Parse \p Input as line sample.
/// \param Input input line.
/// \param IsCallsite true if the line represents an inlined callsite.
/// \param Depth the depth of the inline stack.
/// \param NumSamples total samples of the line/inlined callsite.
/// \param LineOffset line offset to the start of the function.
/// \param Discriminator discriminator of the line.
/// \param TargetCountMap map from indirect call target to count.
/// returns true if parsing is successful.
static bool ParseLine(const StringRef &Input, bool &IsCallsite, unsigned &Depth,
                      unsigned &NumSamples, unsigned &LineOffset,
                      unsigned &Discriminator, StringRef &CalleeName,
                      DenseMap<StringRef, unsigned> &TargetCountMap) {
  for (Depth = 0; Input[Depth] == ' '; Depth++)
  if (Depth == 0)
    return false;

  size_t n1 = Input.find(':');
  StringRef Loc = Input.substr(Depth, n1 - Depth);
  size_t n2 = Loc.find('.');
  if (n2 == StringRef::npos) {
    if (Loc.getAsInteger(10, LineOffset))
      return false;
    Discriminator = 0;
  } else {
    if (Loc.substr(0, n2).getAsInteger(10, LineOffset))
      return false;
    if (Loc.substr(n2 + 1).getAsInteger(10, Discriminator))
      return false;

  StringRef Rest = Input.substr(n1 + 2);
  if (Rest[0] >= '0' && Rest[0] <= '9') {
    IsCallsite = false;
    size_t n3 = Rest.find(' ');
    if (n3 == StringRef::npos) {
      if (Rest.getAsInteger(10, NumSamples))
        return false;
    } else {
      if (Rest.substr(0, n3).getAsInteger(10, NumSamples))
        return false;
    while (n3 != StringRef::npos) {
      n3 += Rest.substr(n3).find_first_not_of(' ');
      Rest = Rest.substr(n3);
      n3 = Rest.find(' ');
      StringRef pair = Rest;
      if (n3 != StringRef::npos) {
        pair = Rest.substr(0, n3);
      int n4 = pair.find(':');
      unsigned count;
      if (pair.substr(n4 + 1).getAsInteger(10, count))
        return false;
      TargetCountMap[pair.substr(0, n4)] = count;
  } else {
    IsCallsite = true;
    int n3 = Rest.find_last_of(':');
    CalleeName = Rest.substr(0, n3);
    if (Rest.substr(n3 + 1).getAsInteger(10, NumSamples))
      return false;
  return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ModuleFile.cpp プロジェクト: Ben-G/swift
std::string ModuleFile::Dependency::getPrettyPrintedPath() const {
  StringRef pathWithoutScope = RawPath;
  if (isScoped()) {
    size_t splitPoint = pathWithoutScope.find_last_of('\0');
    pathWithoutScope = pathWithoutScope.slice(0, splitPoint);
  std::string output = pathWithoutScope.str();
  std::replace(output.begin(), output.end(), '\0', '.');
  return output;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Path.cpp プロジェクト: jacobly0/llvm-z80
StringRef extension(StringRef path, Style style) {
  StringRef fname = filename(path, style);
  size_t pos = fname.find_last_of('.');
  if (pos == StringRef::npos)
    return StringRef();
    if ((fname.size() == 1 && fname == ".") ||
        (fname.size() == 2 && fname == ".."))
      return StringRef();
      return fname.substr(pos);
コード例 #6
static unsigned getColumnNumber(StringRef buffer, llvm::SMLoc loc) {
  assert(loc.getPointer() >= buffer.data());
  assert((size_t)(loc.getPointer() - buffer.data()) <= buffer.size());

  StringRef UpToLoc = buffer.slice(0, loc.getPointer() - buffer.data());

  size_t ColumnNo = UpToLoc.size();
  size_t NewlinePos = UpToLoc.find_last_of("\r\n");
  if (NewlinePos != StringRef::npos)
    ColumnNo -= NewlinePos;

  return static_cast<unsigned>(ColumnNo);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Punycode.cpp プロジェクト: yasirmcs/swift
bool Punycode::decodePunycode(StringRef InputPunycode,
                              std::vector<uint32_t> &OutCodePoints) {

  // -- Build the decoded string as UTF32 first because we need random access.
  uint32_t n = initial_n;
  int i = 0;
  int bias = initial_bias;
  /// let output = an empty string indexed from 0
  // consume all code points before the last delimiter (if there is one)
  //  and copy them to output,
  size_t lastDelimiter = InputPunycode.find_last_of(delimiter);
  if (lastDelimiter != StringRef::npos) {
    for (char c : InputPunycode.slice(0, lastDelimiter)) {
      // fail on any non-basic code point
      if (static_cast<unsigned char>(c) > 0x7f)
        return true;
    // if more than zero code points were consumed then consume one more
    //  (which will be the last delimiter)
    InputPunycode =
        InputPunycode.slice(lastDelimiter + 1, InputPunycode.size());
  while (!InputPunycode.empty()) {
    int oldi = i;
    int w = 1;
    for (int k = base; ; k += base) {
      // consume a code point, or fail if there was none to consume
      if (InputPunycode.empty())
        return true;
      char codePoint = InputPunycode.front();
      InputPunycode = InputPunycode.slice(1, InputPunycode.size());
      // let digit = the code point's digit-value, fail if it has none
      int digit = digit_index(codePoint);
      if (digit < 0)
        return true;
      i = i + digit * w;
      int t = k <= bias ? tmin
            : k >= bias + tmax ? tmax
            : k - bias;
      if (digit < t)
      w = w * (base - t);
    bias = adapt(i - oldi, OutCodePoints.size() + 1, oldi == 0);
    n = n + i / (OutCodePoints.size() + 1);
    i = i % (OutCodePoints.size() + 1);
    // if n is a basic code point then fail
    if (n < 0x80)
      return true;
    // insert n into output at position i
    OutCodePoints.insert(OutCodePoints.begin() + i, n);
  return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ModuleFile.cpp プロジェクト: Ben-G/swift
Status ModuleFile::associateWithFileContext(FileUnit *file,
                                            SourceLoc diagLoc) {
  PrettyModuleFileDeserialization stackEntry(*this);

  assert(getStatus() == Status::Valid && "invalid module file");
  assert(!FileContext && "already associated with an AST module");
  FileContext = file;

  if (file->getParentModule()->getName().str() != Name)
    return error(Status::NameMismatch);

  ASTContext &ctx = getContext();

  llvm::Triple moduleTarget(llvm::Triple::normalize(TargetTriple));
  if (!areCompatibleArchitectures(moduleTarget, ctx.LangOpts.Target) ||
      !areCompatibleOSs(moduleTarget, ctx.LangOpts.Target)) {
    return error(Status::TargetIncompatible);
  if (ctx.LangOpts.EnableTargetOSChecking &&
      isTargetTooNew(moduleTarget, ctx.LangOpts.Target)) {
    return error(Status::TargetTooNew);

  for (const auto &searchPathPair : SearchPaths)
    ctx.addSearchPath(searchPathPair.first, searchPathPair.second);

  auto clangImporter = static_cast<ClangImporter *>(ctx.getClangModuleLoader());

  bool missingDependency = false;
  for (auto &dependency : Dependencies) {
    assert(!dependency.isLoaded() && "already loaded?");

    if (dependency.isHeader()) {
      // The path may be empty if the file being loaded is a partial AST,
      // and the current compiler invocation is a merge-modules step.
      if (!dependency.RawPath.empty()) {
        bool hadError =
        if (hadError)
          return error(Status::FailedToLoadBridgingHeader);
      Module *importedHeaderModule = clangImporter->getImportedHeaderModule();
      dependency.Import = { {}, importedHeaderModule };

    StringRef modulePathStr = dependency.RawPath;
    StringRef scopePath;
    if (dependency.isScoped()) {
      auto splitPoint = modulePathStr.find_last_of('\0');
      assert(splitPoint != StringRef::npos);
      scopePath = modulePathStr.substr(splitPoint+1);
      modulePathStr = modulePathStr.slice(0, splitPoint);

    SmallVector<Identifier, 4> modulePath;
    while (!modulePathStr.empty()) {
      StringRef nextComponent;
      std::tie(nextComponent, modulePathStr) = modulePathStr.split('\0');
      assert(!modulePath.back().empty() &&
             "invalid module name (submodules not yet supported)");
    auto module = getModule(modulePath);
    if (!module) {
      // If we're missing the module we're shadowing, treat that specially.
      if (modulePath.size() == 1 &&
          modulePath.front() == file->getParentModule()->getName()) {
        return error(Status::MissingShadowedModule);

      // Otherwise, continue trying to load dependencies, so that we can list
      // everything that's missing.
      missingDependency = true;

    // This is for backwards-compatibility with modules that still rely on the
    // "HasUnderlyingModule" flag.
    if (Bits.HasUnderlyingModule && module == ShadowedModule)

    if (scopePath.empty()) {
      dependency.Import = { {}, module };
    } else {
      auto scopeID = ctx.getIdentifier(scopePath);
      assert(!scopeID.empty() &&
             "invalid decl name (non-top-level decls not supported)");
      auto path = Module::AccessPathTy({scopeID, SourceLoc()});
      dependency.Import = { ctx.AllocateCopy(path), module };

  if (missingDependency) {
    return error(Status::MissingDependency);

  if (Bits.HasEntryPoint) {

  return getStatus();
コード例 #9
ファイル: InputFiles.cpp プロジェクト: lamproae/lld
// Returns the last element of a path, which is supposed to be a filename.
static StringRef getBasename(StringRef Path) {
  size_t Pos = Path.find_last_of("\\/");
  if (Pos == StringRef::npos)
    return Path;
  return Path.substr(Pos + 1);
コード例 #10
void MCObjectDisassembler::buildCFG(MCModule *Module) {
  typedef std::map<uint64_t, BBInfo> BBInfoByAddrTy;
  BBInfoByAddrTy BBInfos;
  AddressSetTy Splits;
  AddressSetTy Calls;

  error_code ec;
  for (symbol_iterator SI = Obj.begin_symbols(), SE = Obj.end_symbols();
       SI != SE; SI.increment(ec)) {
    if (ec)
    SymbolRef::Type SymType;
    if (SymType == SymbolRef::ST_Function) {
      uint64_t SymAddr;
      SymAddr = getEffectiveLoadAddr(SymAddr);

  assert(Module->func_begin() == Module->func_end()
         && "Module already has a CFG!");

  // First, determine the basic block boundaries and call targets.
  for (MCModule::atom_iterator AI = Module->atom_begin(),
                               AE = Module->atom_end();
       AI != AE; ++AI) {
    MCTextAtom *TA = dyn_cast<MCTextAtom>(*AI);
    if (!TA) continue;
    BBInfos[TA->getBeginAddr()].Atom = TA;
    for (MCTextAtom::const_iterator II = TA->begin(), IE = TA->end();
         II != IE; ++II) {
      if (MIA.isTerminator(II->Inst))
        Splits.push_back(II->Address + II->Size);
      uint64_t Target;
      if (MIA.evaluateBranch(II->Inst, II->Address, II->Size, Target)) {
        if (MIA.isCall(II->Inst))


  // Split text atoms into basic block atoms.
  for (AddressSetTy::const_iterator SI = Splits.begin(), SE = Splits.end();
       SI != SE; ++SI) {
    MCAtom *A = Module->findAtomContaining(*SI);
    if (!A) continue;
    MCTextAtom *TA = cast<MCTextAtom>(A);
    if (TA->getBeginAddr() == *SI)
    MCTextAtom *NewAtom = TA->split(*SI);
    BBInfos[NewAtom->getBeginAddr()].Atom = NewAtom;
    StringRef BBName = TA->getName();
    BBName = BBName.substr(0, BBName.find_last_of(':'));
    NewAtom->setName((BBName + ":" + utohexstr(*SI)).str());

  // Compute succs/preds.
  for (MCModule::atom_iterator AI = Module->atom_begin(),
                               AE = Module->atom_end();
                               AI != AE; ++AI) {
    MCTextAtom *TA = dyn_cast<MCTextAtom>(*AI);
    if (!TA) continue;
    BBInfo &CurBB = BBInfos[TA->getBeginAddr()];
    const MCDecodedInst &LI = TA->back();
    if (MIA.isBranch(LI.Inst)) {
      uint64_t Target;
      if (MIA.evaluateBranch(LI.Inst, LI.Address, LI.Size, Target))
      if (MIA.isConditionalBranch(LI.Inst))
        CurBB.addSucc(BBInfos[LI.Address + LI.Size]);
    } else if (!MIA.isTerminator(LI.Inst))
      CurBB.addSucc(BBInfos[LI.Address + LI.Size]);

  // Create functions and basic blocks.
  for (AddressSetTy::const_iterator CI = Calls.begin(), CE = Calls.end();
       CI != CE; ++CI) {
    BBInfo &BBI = BBInfos[*CI];
    if (!BBI.Atom) continue;

    MCFunction &MCFN = *Module->createFunction(BBI.Atom->getName());

    // Create MCBBs.
    SmallSetVector<BBInfo*, 16> Worklist;
    for (size_t wi = 0; wi < Worklist.size(); ++wi) {
      BBInfo *BBI = Worklist[wi];
      if (!BBI->Atom)
      BBI->BB = &MCFN.createBlock(*BBI->Atom);
      // Add all predecessors and successors to the worklist.
      for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator SI = BBI->Succs.begin(), SE = BBI->Succs.end();
                                 SI != SE; ++SI)
      for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator PI = BBI->Preds.begin(), PE = BBI->Preds.end();
                                 PI != PE; ++PI)

    // Set preds/succs.
    for (size_t wi = 0; wi < Worklist.size(); ++wi) {
      BBInfo *BBI = Worklist[wi];
      MCBasicBlock *MCBB = BBI->BB;
      if (!MCBB)
      for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator SI = BBI->Succs.begin(), SE = BBI->Succs.end();
           SI != SE; ++SI)
        if ((*SI)->BB)
      for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator PI = BBI->Preds.begin(), PE = BBI->Preds.end();
           PI != PE; ++PI)
        if ((*PI)->BB)
コード例 #11
ファイル: Driver.cpp プロジェクト: Bigcheese/lold
// Drop directory components and replace extension with ".exe".
static std::string getOutputPath(StringRef Path) {
  auto P = Path.find_last_of("\\/");
  StringRef S = (P == StringRef::npos) ? Path : Path.substr(P + 1);
  return (S.substr(0, S.rfind('.')) + ".exe").str();
コード例 #12
/// Parse \p Input as line sample.
/// \param Input input line.
/// \param IsCallsite true if the line represents an inlined callsite.
/// \param Depth the depth of the inline stack.
/// \param NumSamples total samples of the line/inlined callsite.
/// \param LineOffset line offset to the start of the function.
/// \param Discriminator discriminator of the line.
/// \param TargetCountMap map from indirect call target to count.
/// returns true if parsing is successful.
static bool ParseLine(const StringRef &Input, bool &IsCallsite, uint32_t &Depth,
                      uint64_t &NumSamples, uint32_t &LineOffset,
                      uint32_t &Discriminator, StringRef &CalleeName,
                      DenseMap<StringRef, uint64_t> &TargetCountMap) {
  for (Depth = 0; Input[Depth] == ' '; Depth++)
  if (Depth == 0)
    return false;

  size_t n1 = Input.find(':');
  StringRef Loc = Input.substr(Depth, n1 - Depth);
  size_t n2 = Loc.find('.');
  if (n2 == StringRef::npos) {
    if (Loc.getAsInteger(10, LineOffset) || !isOffsetLegal(LineOffset))
      return false;
    Discriminator = 0;
  } else {
    if (Loc.substr(0, n2).getAsInteger(10, LineOffset))
      return false;
    if (Loc.substr(n2 + 1).getAsInteger(10, Discriminator))
      return false;

  StringRef Rest = Input.substr(n1 + 2);
  if (Rest[0] >= '0' && Rest[0] <= '9') {
    IsCallsite = false;
    size_t n3 = Rest.find(' ');
    if (n3 == StringRef::npos) {
      if (Rest.getAsInteger(10, NumSamples))
        return false;
    } else {
      if (Rest.substr(0, n3).getAsInteger(10, NumSamples))
        return false;
    // Find call targets and their sample counts.
    // Note: In some cases, there are symbols in the profile which are not
    // mangled. To accommodate such cases, use colon + integer pairs as the
    // anchor points.
    // An example:
    // _M_construct<char *>:1000 string_view<std::allocator<char> >:437
    // ":1000" and ":437" are used as anchor points so the string above will
    // be interpreted as
    // target: _M_construct<char *>
    // count: 1000
    // target: string_view<std::allocator<char> >
    // count: 437
    while (n3 != StringRef::npos) {
      n3 += Rest.substr(n3).find_first_not_of(' ');
      Rest = Rest.substr(n3);
      n3 = Rest.find_first_of(':');
      if (n3 == StringRef::npos || n3 == 0)
        return false;

      StringRef Target;
      uint64_t count, n4;
      while (true) {
        // Get the segment after the current colon.
        StringRef AfterColon = Rest.substr(n3 + 1);
        // Get the target symbol before the current colon.
        Target = Rest.substr(0, n3);
        // Check if the word after the current colon is an integer.
        n4 = AfterColon.find_first_of(' ');
        n4 = (n4 != StringRef::npos) ? n3 + n4 + 1 : Rest.size();
        StringRef WordAfterColon = Rest.substr(n3 + 1, n4 - n3 - 1);
        if (!WordAfterColon.getAsInteger(10, count))

        // Try to find the next colon.
        uint64_t n5 = AfterColon.find_first_of(':');
        if (n5 == StringRef::npos)
          return false;
        n3 += n5 + 1;

      // An anchor point is found. Save the {target, count} pair
      TargetCountMap[Target] = count;
      if (n4 == Rest.size())
      // Change n3 to the next blank space after colon + integer pair.
      n3 = n4;
  } else {
    IsCallsite = true;
    size_t n3 = Rest.find_last_of(':');
    CalleeName = Rest.substr(0, n3);
    if (Rest.substr(n3 + 1).getAsInteger(10, NumSamples))
      return false;
  return true;