コード例 #1
bool UBTCompositeNode::DoDecoratorsAllowExecution(class UBehaviorTreeComponent* OwnerComp, int32 InstanceIdx, int32 ChildIdx) const
	const FBTCompositeChild& ChildInfo = Children[ChildIdx];
	bool bResult = true;

	if (ChildInfo.Decorators.Num() == 0)
		return bResult;

	FBehaviorTreeInstance& MyInstance = OwnerComp->InstanceStack[InstanceIdx];

	if (ChildInfo.DecoratorOps.Num() == 0)
		// simple check: all decorators must agree
		for (int32 i = 0; i < ChildInfo.Decorators.Num(); i++)
			const UBTDecorator* TestDecorator = ChildInfo.Decorators[i];
			const bool bIsAllowed = TestDecorator->CanExecute(OwnerComp, TestDecorator->GetNodeMemory<uint8>(MyInstance));
			OwnerComp->StoreDebuggerSearchStep(TestDecorator, InstanceIdx, bIsAllowed);

			if (!bIsAllowed)
				UE_VLOG(OwnerComp->GetOwner(), LogBehaviorTree, Verbose, TEXT("Child[%d] execution forbidden by %s"),
					ChildIdx, *UBehaviorTreeTypes::DescribeNodeHelper(TestDecorator));

				bResult = false;
		// advanced check: follow decorator logic operations (composite decorator on child link)
		UE_VLOG(OwnerComp->GetOwner(), LogBehaviorTree, Verbose, TEXT("Child[%d] execution test with logic operations"), ChildIdx);

		TArray<FOperationStackInfo> OperationStack;
		FString Indent;

		// debugger data collection:
		// - get index of each decorator from main AND test, they will match graph nodes
		// - if first operator is not AND it means, that there's only single composite decorator on line
		// - while updating top level stack, grab index of first failed node

		int32 NodeDecoratorIdx = INDEX_NONE;
		int32 FailedDecoratorIdx = INDEX_NONE;
		bool bShouldStoreNodeIndex = true;

		for (int32 i = 0; i < ChildInfo.DecoratorOps.Num(); i++)
			const FBTDecoratorLogic& DecoratorOp = ChildInfo.DecoratorOps[i];
			if (IsLogicOp(DecoratorOp))
				Indent += TEXT("  ");
				UE_VLOG(OwnerComp->GetOwner(), LogBehaviorTree, Verbose, TEXT("%spushed %s:%d"), *Indent,
					*DescribeLogicOp(DecoratorOp.Operation), DecoratorOp.Number);
			else if (DecoratorOp.Operation == EBTDecoratorLogic::Test)
				const bool bHasOverride = OperationStack.Num() ? OperationStack.Last().bHasForcedResult : false;
				const bool bCurrentOverride = OperationStack.Num() ? OperationStack.Last().bForcedResult : false;

				// debugger: store first decorator of graph node
				if (bShouldStoreNodeIndex)
					bShouldStoreNodeIndex = false;
					NodeDecoratorIdx = DecoratorOp.Number;

				UBTDecorator* TestDecorator = ChildInfo.Decorators[DecoratorOp.Number];
				const bool bIsAllowed = bHasOverride ? bCurrentOverride : TestDecorator->CanExecute(OwnerComp, TestDecorator->GetNodeMemory<uint8>(MyInstance));
				UE_VLOG(OwnerComp->GetOwner(), LogBehaviorTree, Verbose, TEXT("%s%s %s: %s"), *Indent,
					bHasOverride ? TEXT("skipping") : TEXT("testing"),
					bIsAllowed ? TEXT("allowed") : TEXT("forbidden"));

				bResult = UpdateOperationStack(OwnerComp, Indent, OperationStack, bIsAllowed, FailedDecoratorIdx, NodeDecoratorIdx, bShouldStoreNodeIndex);
				if (OperationStack.Num() == 0)
					UE_VLOG(OwnerComp->GetOwner(), LogBehaviorTree, Verbose, TEXT("finished execution test: %s"),
						bResult ? TEXT("allowed") : TEXT("forbidden"));

					OwnerComp->StoreDebuggerSearchStep(ChildInfo.Decorators[FMath::Max(0, FailedDecoratorIdx)], InstanceIdx, bResult);

	return bResult;