コード例 #1
void forward_propagation(Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived1> const &input,
                         Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived2> const &weight,
                         Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived3> const &bias,
                         Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived4> &output,
                         bool no_overlap = true,
                         UnaryFunc func = UnaryFunc())
    static_assert(std::is_same<Derived1::Scalar, Derived2::Scalar>::value &&
                  std::is_same<Derived2::Scalar, Derived3::Scalar>::value &&
                  std::is_same<Derived4::Scalar, Derived4::Scalar>::value,
                  "Data type of matrix input, weight, bias and output should be the same");

    if(input.rows() != 0 && weight.rows() != 0 &&
            bias.rows() != 0){        
            output.noalias() = weight * input;
            output = weight * input;

        using Scalar = typename Derived3::Scalar;
        using MatType = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>;
        using Mapper = Eigen::Map<const MatType, Eigen::Aligned>;
        Mapper Map(&bias(0, 0), bias.size());
        output.colwise() += Map;