Bottle SpeechRecognizerModule::toBottle(SPPHRASE* pPhrase, const SPPHRASERULE* pRule) { Bottle bCurrentLevelGlobal; const SPPHRASERULE* siblingRule = pRule; while (siblingRule != NULL) { Bottle bCurrentSubLevel; bCurrentSubLevel.addString(ws2s(siblingRule->pszName)); //we backtrack if(siblingRule->pFirstChild != NULL ) { bCurrentSubLevel.addList()=toBottle(pPhrase, siblingRule->pFirstChild); } else { string nodeString = ""; for(unsigned int i=0; i<siblingRule->ulCountOfElements; i++) { nodeString += ws2s(pPhrase->pElements[siblingRule->ulFirstElement + i].pszDisplayText); if (i<siblingRule->ulCountOfElements-1) nodeString += " "; } bCurrentSubLevel.addString(nodeString); } siblingRule = siblingRule->pNextSibling; if (pRule->pNextSibling !=NULL) bCurrentLevelGlobal.addList() = bCurrentSubLevel; else bCurrentLevelGlobal = bCurrentSubLevel; } return bCurrentLevelGlobal; }
/* * Message handler. Just echo all received messages. */ bool respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { cout<<"Got "<<command.toString().c_str()<<endl; if(command.size() < 3) { reply.addString("Command error! example: 'sum 3 4'"); return true; } int a = command.get(1).asInt(); int b = command.get(2).asInt(); if( command.get(0).asString() == "sum") { int c = sum(a, b); reply.addInt(c); return true; } if( command.get(0).asString() == "sub") { int c = sub(a, b); reply.addInt(c); return true; } reply.addString("Unknown command"); reply.addString(command.get(0).asString().c_str()); return true; }
bool SpeechRecognizerModule::respond(const Bottle& cmd, Bottle& reply) { reply.addString("ACK"); string firstVocab = cmd.get(0).asString().c_str(); if (firstVocab == "tts") { string sentence = cmd.get(1).asString().c_str(); say(sentence); reply.addString("OK"); } else if (firstVocab == "RGM" || firstVocab == "rgm" ) { string secondVocab = cmd.get(1).asString().c_str(); if (secondVocab=="vocabulory") handleRGMCmd(cmd.tail().tail(), reply); } else if (firstVocab == "recog") { handleRecognitionCmd(cmd.tail(), reply); } else if (firstVocab == "asyncrecog") { handleAsyncRecognitionCmd(cmd.tail(), reply); } else if (firstVocab == "interrupt") { handleInterrupt(cmd.tail(), reply); } else reply.addString("UNKNOWN"); return true; }
bool PARTICLEModule::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="reset") { cout << "reset has been asked "<< endl; particleManager->shouldSend=false; reply.addString("ok"); } else { cout << "command not known - type help for more info" << endl; } return true; }
/* * Dump in the port DumperPort the human skeleton, and the object of the OPC: sObjectToDump * */ void humanRobotDump::DumpHumanObject() { Agent* ag = iCub->opc->addOrRetrieveEntity<Agent>(sAgentName); Bottle bDump; bDump.addString(sActionName); bDump.addString(sObjectToDump); bDump.addList() = ag->m_body.asBottle(); iCub->opc->checkout(); list<Entity*> lEntity = iCub->opc->EntitiesCacheCopy(); for (list<Entity*>::iterator itEnt = lEntity.begin(); itEnt != lEntity.end(); itEnt++) { if ((*itEnt)->entity_type() == EFAA_OPC_ENTITY_AGENT || (*itEnt)->entity_type() == EFAA_OPC_ENTITY_OBJECT || (*itEnt)->entity_type() == EFAA_OPC_ENTITY_RTOBJECT) { if ((*itEnt)->name() != "icub") { Object* ob = iCub->opc->addOrRetrieveEntity<Object>((*itEnt)->name()); Bottle bObject; bObject.addString(ob->name()); bObject.addDouble(ob->m_ego_position[0]); bObject.addDouble(ob->m_ego_position[1]); bObject.addDouble(ob->m_ego_position[2]); bObject.addInt(ob->m_present); bDump.addList() = bObject; } } } bDump.addInt(m_iterator); DumperPort.write(bDump); }
// rpcPort commands handler bool respond(const Bottle & command, Bottle & reply) { // This method is called when a command string is sent via RPC // Get command string string receivedCmd = command.get(0).asString().c_str(); reply.clear(); // Clear reply bottle if (receivedCmd == "help") { reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addString("Available commands are:"); reply.addString("help"); reply.addString("quit"); } else if (receivedCmd == "quit") { reply.addString("Quitting."); return false; //note also this } else reply.addString("Invalid command, type [help] for a list of accepted commands."); return true; }
Bottle Action::asBottle() { Bottle b = this->Entity::asBottle(); Bottle bSub; bSub.addString("description"); bSub.addList() = initialDescription.asBottle(); b.addList() = bSub; bSub.clear(); bSub.addString("subactions"); Bottle& subs = bSub.addList(); for(list<Action>::iterator sIt = subActions.begin() ; sIt != subActions.end(); sIt++) { subs.addList()=sIt->asBottle(); } b.addList() = bSub; bSub.clear(); bSub.addString("estimatedDriveEffects"); Bottle &subss = bSub.addList(); for(map<string, double>::iterator sIt = estimatedDriveEffects.begin() ; sIt != estimatedDriveEffects.end(); sIt++) { Bottle &ss = subss.addList(); ss.addString(sIt->first.c_str()); ss.addDouble(sIt->second); } b.addList() = bSub; return b; }
Bottle abmReasoning::connectOPC(Bottle bInput) { Bottle bOutput; if (bInput.size() != 2) { bOutput.addString("Error in connect, wrong number of input"); } if (!bInput.get(1).isString()) { bOutput.addString("Error in connect, wrong format of input"); } string sPortTemp = moduleName + "/" + abmReasoningFunction::s_realOPC; realOPC = new OPCClient(sPortTemp.c_str()); int iTry = 0; while (!realOPC->isConnected()) { yInfo() << "\t" << "abmReasoning Connecting to " << abmReasoningFunction::s_realOPC << "..." << realOPC->connect(abmReasoningFunction::s_realOPC); if (!realOPC->isConnected()) Time::delay(0.5); iTry++; if (iTry > 1) { yInfo() << "\t" << "abmReasoning failed to connect to " << abmReasoningFunction::s_realOPC; bOutput.addString("Connection failed, please check your port"); break; } } if (realOPC->isConnected()) { realOPC->checkout(); realOPC->update(); } sPortTemp = moduleName + "/" + abmReasoningFunction::s_mentalOPC; mentalOPC = new OPCClient(sPortTemp.c_str()); iTry = 0; while (!mentalOPC->isConnected()) { yInfo() << "\t" << "abmReasoning Connecting to " << abmReasoningFunction::s_mentalOPC << "..." << mentalOPC->connect(abmReasoningFunction::s_mentalOPC); if (!mentalOPC->isConnected()) Time::delay(0.5); iTry++; if (iTry > 1) { yInfo() << "\t" << "abmReasoning failed to connect to " << abmReasoningFunction::s_mentalOPC; bOutput.addString("Connection failed, please check your port"); return bOutput; } mentalOPC->isVerbose = false; } mentalOPC->checkout(); mentalOPC->update(); bOutput.addString("Connection done"); return bOutput; }
Bottle PMPthread::initHead(Bottle angles) { Bottle reply; reply.clear(); string msg; //check if the connection is established. If not, try to connect to DevDriver input ports if (!Network::exists(("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { //printf("Error: device ports not active\n"); reply.addString("Error: device ports not active"); return reply; } if( !Network::isConnected(rpcPort.getName().c_str(), ("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { if(!Network::connect(rpcPort.getName().c_str(), ("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { //printf("Error: unable to connect to device port %s\n", ("/" + rpcServerName + "/head:i").c_str()); msg = "Error: unable to connect to device port /" + rpcServerName + "/rpc"; reply.addString(msg.c_str()); return reply; } } //cout << "thread: " << angles.toString() << endl; updateSem.wait(); rpcPort.write(angles,reply); //cout << "out of thread!!!!!!!" << endl;; return reply; }
bool ImageSource::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n" + "set noise <n> ... set the noise level \n" + "(where <n> is an integer number in the range 0-255) \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="set") { if (command.get(1).asString()=="noise") { noiseLevel = command.get(2).asInt(); // set parameter value reply.addString("ok"); } } return true; }
Bottle SimSBox::makeObjectBottle(vector<int>& ind, bool collision) { Bottle cmd; cmd.addString("world"); cmd.addString("mk"); cmd.addString("sbox"); cmd.addDouble(sizeX); cmd.addDouble(sizeY); cmd.addDouble(sizeZ); cmd.addDouble(positionX); cmd.addDouble(positionY); cmd.addDouble(positionZ); cmd.addDouble(colorR); cmd.addDouble(colorG); cmd.addDouble(colorB); if (collision == false) { cmd.addString("false"); cout << "Collision with Static box set to False" << endl; } ind[SBOX]++; objSubIndex=ind[SBOX]; return cmd; }
void requestTopic(NodeArgs& na) { std::string topic = na.args.get(0).asString(); topic = fromRosName(topic); std::vector<Contact> contacts = query(topic, "+"); if (contacts.size() < 1) {"Cannot find topic"); return; } for (std::vector<Contact>::iterator it = contacts.begin(); it != contacts.end(); ++it) { Contact &c = *it; if (!c.isValid()) { continue; } Value v; Bottle* lst = v.asList(); lst->addString("TCPROS"); lst->addString(c.getHost()); lst->addInt32(c.getPort()); na.reply = v; na.success(); return; }"Cannot find topic"); }
bool demoModule::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n" + "set thr <n> ... set the threshold \n" + "(where <n> is an integer number) \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="set") { if (command.get(1).asString()=="thr") { thresholdValue = command.get(2).asInt(); // set parameter value reply.addString("ok"); } } return true; }
bool respond(const Bottle &command, Bottle &reply) { int cmd0=command.get(0).asVocab(); if (cmd0==Vocab::encode("stat")) { reply.addString(speaker.isSpeaking()?"speaking":"quiet"); return true; } if (command.size()>1) { int cmd1=command.get(1).asVocab(); if (cmd1==Vocab::encode("opt")) { if (cmd0==Vocab::encode("get")) { reply.addString(speaker.get_package_options().c_str()); return true; } if (cmd0==Vocab::encode("set")) { string cmd2=command.get(2).asString().c_str(); speaker.set_package_options(cmd2); reply.addString("ack"); return true; } } } return RFModule::respond(command,reply); }
void GuiUpdaterModule::addObject(Object* o, const string &opcTag) { //Get the position of the object in the current reference frame of the robot (not the initial one) Vector inCurrentRootReference = iCub->getSelfRelativePosition(o->m_ego_position); //cout<<o->name()<<" init Root: \t \t"<<o->m_ego_position.toString(3,3)<<endl // <<o->name()<<" current Root: \t \t"<<inCurrentRootReference.toString(3,3)<<endl; Bottle cmd; cmd.addString("object"); cmd.addString(opcTag.c_str()); cmd.addDouble(o->m_dimensions[0] *1000.0); // dimX in [mm] cmd.addDouble(o->m_dimensions[1] *1000.0); // dimY in [mm] cmd.addDouble(o->m_dimensions[2] *1000.0); // dimZ in [mm] cmd.addDouble(inCurrentRootReference[0] *1000.0); // posX in [mm] cmd.addDouble(inCurrentRootReference[1] *1000.0); // posY in [mm] cmd.addDouble(inCurrentRootReference[2] *1000.0); // posZ in [mm] cmd.addDouble(o->m_ego_orientation[0] - iCub->m_ego_orientation[0]); // Deal with the object orientation that is moving with the base cmd.addDouble(o->m_ego_orientation[1] - iCub->m_ego_orientation[1]); // " cmd.addDouble(o->m_ego_orientation[2] - iCub->m_ego_orientation[2]); // " cmd.addInt((int)o->m_color[0]); // color R cmd.addInt((int)o->m_color[1]); // color G cmd.addInt((int)o->m_color[2]); // color B cmd.addDouble(1); // alpha coefficient [0,1] toGui.write(cmd); }
void utManagerThread::sendGuiTarget() { if (outPortGui.getOutputCount()>0) { Bottle obj; obj.addString("object"); obj.addString("utTarget"); // size obj.addDouble(50.0); obj.addDouble(50.0); obj.addDouble(50.0); // positions obj.addDouble(1000.0*kalOut[0]); obj.addDouble(1000.0*kalOut[1]); obj.addDouble(1000.0*kalOut[2]); // orientation obj.addDouble(0.0); obj.addDouble(0.0); obj.addDouble(0.0); // color obj.addInt(255); obj.addInt(125); obj.addInt(125); // transparency obj.addDouble(0.9); outPortGui.write(obj); } }
bool visualFilterModule::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n" + "par <n> <d> ... set parameter's value \n" + "(where <n> and <d> are an integer and a double respectively) \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="par") { int p = command.get(1).asInt(); double v = command.get(2).asDouble(); if(p>0 && p<8 && v>=0){ vfThread->setPar(p,v); reply.addString("New kernel generated with updated parameters."); } else { reply.addString("Invalid values"); } } return true; }
/* Connect the opc client to an OPC */ Bottle opcManager::connect(Bottle bInput) { Bottle bOutput; if (bInput.size() != 2) { bOutput.addString("Error in connect, wrong number of input"); } if (!bInput.get(1).isString()){ bOutput.addString("Error in connect, wrong format of input"); } realOPC = new OPCClient(moduleName.c_str()); int iTry = 0; while (!realOPC->isConnected()) { cout << "Connecting to realOPC..." << realOPC->connect("OPC") << endl; Time::delay(0.5); iTry++; if (iTry > 20) { bOutput.addString("Connection failed, please check your port"); return bOutput; } } realOPC->update(); bOutput.addString("Connection done"); return bOutput; }
bool TouchingOrder::handleSearch(string type, string target) { // look if the object (from human order) exist and if not, trigger proactivetagging iCub->opc->checkout(); yInfo() << " [handleSearch] : opc checkout"; Object *o = dynamic_cast<Object*>(iCub->opc->getEntity(target)); if(o!=NULL) { yInfo() << "I found the entity in the opc: " << target << " and thus I'll leave handleSearch"; return true; } yInfo() << "I need to call proactiveTagging!";// << endl; //If there is an unknown object (to see with agents and rtobjects), add it to the rpc_command bottle, and return true Bottle cmd; Bottle rply; cmd.addString("searchingEntity"); cmd.addString(type); cmd.addString(target); yDebug() << "Send to proactiveTagging: " << cmd.toString(); rpc_out_port.write(cmd,rply); yDebug() << rply.toString(); //<< endl; return true; }
void CB::YARPConfigurationVariables::setVelocityControlMode(bool mode, string portName) { bool ok = true; // specify the local port names that connect to the velocityControl module string velocityOutputPortName = "/cb/configuration" + deviceName + "/vel:o"; string velocityRPCOutputPortName = "/cb/configuration" + deviceName + "/vel/rpc:o"; // velocityPortName = portName + "/command"; velocityPortName = portName + "/fastCommand"; velocityRPCPortName = portName + "/input"; Bottle b; if(mode && !velocityControlMode) { // if we're turning on the velocityControlMode (and it wasnt previously on) // open and connect the data and config portsport ok &=; ok &= Network::connect(velocityOutputPortName.c_str(),velocityPortName.c_str(),"tcp"); Time::delay(0.5); ok &=; ok &= Network::connect(velocityRPCOutputPortName.c_str(),velocityRPCPortName.c_str(),"tcp"); // send gain and maxVel paramaters to the vc module for(int i=0; i<mask.size(); i++) { if(mask[i]) { cout << "setting vc params joint[" << i << "]: gain=" << velocityGain << ", svel=" << maxSetVal << endl; b.clear(); b.addString("gain"); b.addInt(i); b.addDouble(velocityGain); velocityRPCPort.write(b); Time::delay(0.1); b.clear(); b.addString("svel"); b.addInt(i); b.addDouble(maxSetVal); velocityRPCPort.write(b); Time::delay(0.1); } } } else if(!mode && velocityControlMode) { // turning off velocity control mode by disconnecting and closing ports ok &= Network::disconnect(velocityOutputPortName.c_str(),velocityPortName.c_str()); ok &= Network::disconnect(velocityRPCOutputPortName.c_str(),velocityRPCPortName.c_str()); velocityRPCPort.close(); velocityPort.close(); } // set the current mode velocityControlMode = mode; }
bool SpeechRecognizerModule::handleAsyncRecognitionCmd(const Bottle& cmd, Bottle& reply) { HRESULT hr; string firstVocab = cmd.get(0).asString().c_str(); if (firstVocab == "getGrammar") { reply.addString("NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); return true; } if (firstVocab == "clear") { bool everythingIsFine=true; SPSTATEHANDLE rootRule; everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED(m_cpGrammarFromFile->SetGrammarState(SPGS_DISABLED)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED(m_cpGrammarFromFile->GetRule(L"rootRule", NULL, SPRAF_TopLevel | SPRAF_Active, TRUE, &rootRule)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED(m_cpGrammarFromFile->ClearRule(rootRule)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED(hr = m_cpGrammarFromFile->Commit(NULL)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED(m_cpGrammarFromFile->SetGrammarState(SPGS_ENABLED)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED(m_cpGrammarFromFile->SetRuleState(NULL, NULL, SPRS_ACTIVE)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED(m_cpRecoCtxt->Resume(0)); reply.addString("Cleared"); return true; } if (firstVocab == "addGrammar") { string grammar = cmd.get(1).asString().c_str(); bool everythingIsFine = setGrammarCustom(m_cpGrammarFromFile,grammar,true); reply.addString("Added"); return true; } if (firstVocab == "loadXML") { string xml = cmd.get(1).asString().c_str(); ofstream fileTmp("grammarTmp.grxml"); fileTmp<<xml; fileTmp.close(); std::wstring tmp = s2ws("grammarTmp.grxml"); LPCWSTR cwgrammarfile = tmp.c_str(); bool everythingIsFine =true; //everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED( m_cpRecoCtxt->CreateGrammar( 1, &m_cpGrammarFromFile )); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED( m_cpGrammarFromFile->SetGrammarState(SPGS_DISABLED)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED( m_cpGrammarFromFile->LoadCmdFromFile(cwgrammarfile, SPLO_DYNAMIC)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED( m_cpGrammarFromFile->SetGrammarState(SPGS_ENABLED)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED(m_cpGrammarFromFile->SetRuleState(NULL, NULL, SPRS_ACTIVE)); everythingIsFine &= SUCCEEDED(m_cpRecoCtxt->Resume(0)); refreshFromVocabulories(m_cpGrammarFromFile); reply.addString("Loaded"); return true; } return false; }
void SimoxHandEyeCalibrationWindow::processAllBlobs() { cout << "processing image (search all blobs)..." << endl; Bottle cmd; cmd.addString("process"); cmd.addString("blobs"); sendToHandTracker(cmd); }
yarp::os::Bottle NameServer::ncmdVersion(int argc, char *argv[]) { YARP_UNUSED(argc); YARP_UNUSED(argv); Bottle response; response.addString("version"); response.addString(YARP_VERSION); return response; }
Bottle PMPthread::initTorso(Bottle angles) { Bottle reply; reply.clear(); string msg; //check if the connection is established. If not, try to connect to DevDriver input ports if (!Network::exists(("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { //printf("Error: device ports not active\n"); reply.addString("Error: device ports not active"); return reply; } if( !Network::isConnected(rpcPort.getName().c_str(), ("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { if(!Network::connect(rpcPort.getName().c_str(), ("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { //printf("Error: unable to connect to device port %s\n", ("/" + rpcServerName + "/head:i").c_str()); msg = "Error: unable to connect to device port /" + rpcServerName + "/rpc"; reply.addString(msg.c_str()); return reply; } } double t[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // default initialization if (angles.size() == 1) { for (int i=0; i<3; i++) angles.addDouble(t[i]); } // else user defined initialization updateSem.wait(); rpcPort.write(angles,reply); // update PMP joint angles if (reply.get(0).asString() == "Done") { PMP->q_rightArm(0) = PMP->q_leftArm(0) = angles.get(0).asDouble()*M_PI/180; PMP->q_rightArm(1) = PMP->q_leftArm(1) = angles.get(1).asDouble()*M_PI/180; PMP->q_rightArm(2) = PMP->q_leftArm(2) = angles.get(2).asDouble()*M_PI/180; PMP->Rchain->setAng(PMP->q_rightArm); PMP->Lchain->setAng(PMP->q_leftArm); PMP->x_0R = PMP->get_EEPose("right"); PMP->x_0L = PMP->get_EEPose("left"); //update VTGS starting position VTGS_r->setStartingPoint(PMP->x_0R); VTGS_l->setStartingPoint(PMP->x_0L); }; return reply; }
void MainWindow::stepFromCommand(Bottle &reply) { if (subDirCnt > 0){ utilities->stepThread(); reply.addString("ok"); } else { reply.addString("error"); } }
Bottle SimWorld::deleteAll() { Bottle cmd; cmd.addString("world"); cmd.addString("del"); cmd.addString("all"); resetSimObjectIndex(); return cmd; }
void rndMove() { Bottle cmd; Bottle response; cmd.addString("go"); cmd.addString(randomDirection()); port.write(cmd, response); }
void rndShoot() { Bottle cmd; Bottle response; cmd.addString("fire"); cmd.addString(randomDirection()); port.write(cmd, response); }
void testClear() { report(0,"testing clear..."); Bottle b; b.addString("hello"); checkEqual(1,b.size(),"size ok"); b.clear(); b.addString("there"); checkEqual(1,b.size(),"size ok"); }
Bottle learnPrimitive::actionCommand(string sActionName, string sArg){ Bottle bOutput; //1. check if primitive is known // vPrimitiveActionBottle = // open (hand) ( (unfold thumb) (unfold index) (unfold middle) (unfold ring) ) // close (hand) ( (fold thumb) (fold index) (fold middle) (fold ring) ) // b.get(1) b.get(2) b.get(3) // name arg list of proto-action Bottle bSubActionList; for(std::vector<yarp::os::Bottle>::iterator it = vActionBottle.begin(); it < vActionBottle.end(); it++){ string currentName = it->get(0).toString(); //yInfo() << "Current name of the knwon actions : " << currentName ; if(currentName == sActionName){ yInfo() << "found " << currentName << "as a known complex action"; string currentArg = it->get(1).toString(); if(currentArg == sArg){ yInfo() << "and we have a corresponding argument " << currentArg ; for(int i = 0; i < it->get(2).asList()->size(); i++){ bSubActionList.addList() = *it->get(2).asList()->get(i).asList() ; } break; } else { yInfo() << " BUT argument " << currentArg << " does NOT match" ; } } } if (bSubActionList.size() == 0){ yError() << " error in learnPrimitive::actionCommand | action '" << sActionName << " " << sArg << "' is NOT known"; bOutput.addString("error"); bOutput.addString("action is NOT known"); return bOutput ; } yInfo() << "Actions to do : " << bSubActionList.toString() ; for(int i = 0; i < bSubActionList.size(); i++){ yInfo() << "action #" << i << " : "<< bSubActionList.get(i).asList()->get(0).toString() << " the " << bSubActionList.get(i).asList()->get(1).asList()->get(0).toString() ; //1. check if subaction is a proto if ( mProtoActionEnd.find(bSubActionList.get(i).asList()->get(0).toString()) != mProtoActionEnd.end() ) { //proto-action bOutput.addList() = protoCommand(bSubActionList.get(i).asList()->get(0).toString(), bSubActionList.get(i).asList()->get(1).asList()->get(0).toString()); } else { //primitive bOutput.addList() = primitiveCommand(bSubActionList.get(i).asList()->get(0).toString(), bSubActionList.get(i).asList()->get(1).asList()->get(0).toString()); yarp::os::Time::delay(2); } //else { //another action //} } bOutput.addString("ack"); return bOutput; }