Bottle Action::asBottle() { Bottle b = this->Entity::asBottle(); Bottle bSub; bSub.addString("description"); bSub.addList() = initialDescription.asBottle(); b.addList() = bSub; bSub.clear(); bSub.addString("subactions"); Bottle& subs = bSub.addList(); for(list<Action>::iterator sIt = subActions.begin() ; sIt != subActions.end(); sIt++) { subs.addList()=sIt->asBottle(); } b.addList() = bSub; bSub.clear(); bSub.addString("estimatedDriveEffects"); Bottle &subss = bSub.addList(); for(map<string, double>::iterator sIt = estimatedDriveEffects.begin() ; sIt != estimatedDriveEffects.end(); sIt++) { Bottle &ss = subss.addList(); ss.addString(sIt->first.c_str()); ss.addDouble(sIt->second); } b.addList() = bSub; return b; }
bool utManagerThread::getPointFromStereo() { Bottle cmdSFM; Bottle respSFM; cmdSFM.clear(); respSFM.clear(); cmdSFM.addString("Root"); cmdSFM.addInt(int(templatePFTrackerPos(0))); cmdSFM.addInt(int(templatePFTrackerPos(1))); SFMrpcPort.write(cmdSFM, respSFM); // Read the 3D coords and compute the distance to the set reference frame origin if (respSFM.size() == 3) { Vector SFMtmp(3,0.0); SFMtmp(0) = respSFM.get(0).asDouble(); // Get the X coordinate SFMtmp(1) = respSFM.get(1).asDouble(); // Get the Y coordinate SFMtmp(2) = respSFM.get(2).asDouble(); // Get the Z coordinate if (SFMtmp(0) == 0.0 && SFMtmp(1) == 0.0 && SFMtmp(2) == 0.0) { return false; } SFMPos = SFMtmp; return true; } return false; }
void CB::YARPConfigurationVariables::setVelocityControlMode(bool mode, string portName) { bool ok = true; // specify the local port names that connect to the velocityControl module string velocityOutputPortName = "/cb/configuration" + deviceName + "/vel:o"; string velocityRPCOutputPortName = "/cb/configuration" + deviceName + "/vel/rpc:o"; // velocityPortName = portName + "/command"; velocityPortName = portName + "/fastCommand"; velocityRPCPortName = portName + "/input"; Bottle b; if(mode && !velocityControlMode) { // if we're turning on the velocityControlMode (and it wasnt previously on) // open and connect the data and config portsport ok &=; ok &= Network::connect(velocityOutputPortName.c_str(),velocityPortName.c_str(),"tcp"); Time::delay(0.5); ok &=; ok &= Network::connect(velocityRPCOutputPortName.c_str(),velocityRPCPortName.c_str(),"tcp"); // send gain and maxVel paramaters to the vc module for(int i=0; i<mask.size(); i++) { if(mask[i]) { cout << "setting vc params joint[" << i << "]: gain=" << velocityGain << ", svel=" << maxSetVal << endl; b.clear(); b.addString("gain"); b.addInt(i); b.addDouble(velocityGain); velocityRPCPort.write(b); Time::delay(0.1); b.clear(); b.addString("svel"); b.addInt(i); b.addDouble(maxSetVal); velocityRPCPort.write(b); Time::delay(0.1); } } } else if(!mode && velocityControlMode) { // turning off velocity control mode by disconnecting and closing ports ok &= Network::disconnect(velocityOutputPortName.c_str(),velocityPortName.c_str()); ok &= Network::disconnect(velocityRPCOutputPortName.c_str(),velocityRPCPortName.c_str()); velocityRPCPort.close(); velocityPort.close(); } // set the current mode velocityControlMode = mode; }
void testSequence(char *seq, size_t len, const char *fmt, Bottle ref, bool testWrite = true) { char err[1024]; printf("\n"); printf("================================================\n"); printf(" READ %s\n", fmt); Bytes b1(seq, len); WireTwiddler tt; tt.configure(fmt, fmt); printf(">>> %s\n", tt.toString().c_str()); Bottle bot; checkTrue(, b1), "Read failed"); snprintf(err, 1024, "%s: read %s, expected %s", fmt, bot.toString().c_str(), ref.toString().c_str()); checkTrue(bot == ref, err); printf("[1] %s: read %s as expected\n", fmt, bot.toString().c_str()); StringInputStream sis; sis.add(b1); sis.add(b1); WireTwiddlerReader twiddled_input(sis, tt); Route route; bot.clear(); twiddled_input.reset(); ConnectionReader::readFromStream(bot, twiddled_input); snprintf(err, 1024, "%s: read %s, expected %s", fmt, bot.toString().c_str(), ref.toString().c_str()); checkTrue(bot == ref, err); printf("[2] %s: read %s as expected\n", fmt, bot.toString().c_str()); bot.clear(); twiddled_input.reset(); ConnectionReader::readFromStream(bot, twiddled_input); snprintf(err, 1024, "%s: read %s, expected %s", fmt, bot.toString().c_str(), ref.toString().c_str()); checkTrue(bot == ref, err); printf("[3] %s: read %s as expected\n", fmt, bot.toString().c_str()); if (testWrite) { printf("\n"); printf("================================================\n"); printf(" WRITE %s\n", fmt); ManagedBytes output; checkTrue(tt.write(ref, output), "WRITE FAILED"); snprintf(err, 1024, "WRITE MISMATCH, length %zd, expected %zd", output.length(), len); checkTrue(output.length() == len, err); for (size_t i = 0; i < output.length(); i++) { snprintf(err, 1024, "WRITE MISMATCH, at %zd, have [%d:%c] expected [%d:%c]\n", i, output.get()[i], output.get()[i], seq[i], seq[i]); checkTrue(output.get()[i] == seq[i], err); } printf("[4] %s: wrote %s as expected\n", fmt, bot.toString().c_str()); } }
bool demoModule::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n" + "set thr <n> ... set the threshold \n" + "(where <n> is an integer number) \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="set") { if (command.get(1).asString()=="thr") { thresholdValue = command.get(2).asInt(); // set parameter value reply.addString("ok"); } } return true; }
bool visualFilterModule::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n" + "par <n> <d> ... set parameter's value \n" + "(where <n> and <d> are an integer and a double respectively) \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="par") { int p = command.get(1).asInt(); double v = command.get(2).asDouble(); if(p>0 && p<8 && v>=0){ vfThread->setPar(p,v); reply.addString("New kernel generated with updated parameters."); } else { reply.addString("Invalid values"); } } return true; }
bool PARTICLEModule::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="reset") { cout << "reset has been asked "<< endl; particleManager->shouldSend=false; reply.addString("ok"); } else { cout << "command not known - type help for more info" << endl; } return true; }
// rpcPort commands handler bool respond(const Bottle & command, Bottle & reply) { // This method is called when a command string is sent via RPC // Get command string string receivedCmd = command.get(0).asString().c_str(); reply.clear(); // Clear reply bottle if (receivedCmd == "help") { reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addString("Available commands are:"); reply.addString("help"); reply.addString("quit"); } else if (receivedCmd == "quit") { reply.addString("Quitting."); return false; //note also this } else reply.addString("Invalid command, type [help] for a list of accepted commands."); return true; }
//************************************************************************************************************************* MotorFrictionExcitationThread::MotorFrictionExcitationThread(string _name, string _robotName, int _period, ParamHelperServer *_ph, wholeBodyInterface *_wbi, ResourceFinder &rf, ParamHelperClient *_identificationModule) : RateThread(_period), name(_name), robotName(_robotName), paramHelper(_ph), robot(_wbi), identificationModule(_identificationModule) { status = EXCITATION_OFF; sendCmdToMotors = SEND_COMMANDS_TO_MOTORS; printCountdown = 0; freeExcCounter = 0; contactExcCounter = 0; fricStdDevThrMonitor = 0.0; ktStdDevThrMonitor = 0.0; _n = robot->getDoFs(); isFrictionStdDevBelowThreshold = false; Bottle reply; if(!contactExc.readFromConfigFile(rf, reply)) printf("Error while reading contact excitation from config file: \n%s\n", reply.toString().c_str()); printf("Results of contact excitation reading: %s\n", reply.toString().c_str()); printf("Contact excitation value read:\n%s\n", contactExc.toString().c_str()); reply.clear(); if(!freeMotionExc.readFromConfigFile(rf, reply)) printf("Error while reading free motion excitation from config file: \n%s\n", reply.toString().c_str()); printf("Results of free motion excitation reading: %s\n", reply.toString().c_str()); printf("Free motion excitation value read:\n%s\n", freeMotionExc.toString().c_str()); }
bool updateModule() { if (imgOutPort.getOutputCount()>0) { if (ImageOf<PixelBgr> * { Vector xa,oa; iarm->getPose(xa,oa); Matrix Ha=axis2dcm(oa); Ha.setSubcol(xa,0,3); Vector v(4,0.0); v[3]=1.0; Vector c=Ha*v; v=0.0; v[0]=0.05; v[3]=1.0; Vector x=Ha*v; v=0.0; v[1]=0.05; v[3]=1.0; Vector y=Ha*v; v=0.0; v[2]=0.05; v[3]=1.0; Vector z=Ha*v; v=solution; v.push_back(1.0); Vector t=Ha*v; Vector pc,px,py,pz,pt; int camSel=(eye=="left")?0:1; igaze->get2DPixel(camSel,c,pc); igaze->get2DPixel(camSel,x,px); igaze->get2DPixel(camSel,y,py); igaze->get2DPixel(camSel,z,pz); igaze->get2DPixel(camSel,t,pt); CvPoint point_c=cvPoint((int)pc[0],(int)pc[1]); CvPoint point_x=cvPoint((int)px[0],(int)px[1]); CvPoint point_y=cvPoint((int)py[0],(int)py[1]); CvPoint point_z=cvPoint((int)pz[0],(int)pz[1]); CvPoint point_t=cvPoint((int)pt[0],(int)pt[1]); cvCircle(pImgBgrIn->getIplImage(),point_c,4,cvScalar(0,255,0),4); cvCircle(pImgBgrIn->getIplImage(),point_t,4,cvScalar(255,0,0),4); cvLine(pImgBgrIn->getIplImage(),point_c,point_x,cvScalar(0,0,255),2); cvLine(pImgBgrIn->getIplImage(),point_c,point_y,cvScalar(0,255,0),2); cvLine(pImgBgrIn->getIplImage(),point_c,point_z,cvScalar(255,0,0),2); cvLine(pImgBgrIn->getIplImage(),point_c,point_t,cvScalar(255,255,255),2); tip.clear(); tip.addInt(point_t.x); tip.addInt(point_t.y); imgOutPort.prepare()=*pImgBgrIn; imgOutPort.write(); } } return true; }
Bottle PMPthread::initHead(Bottle angles) { Bottle reply; reply.clear(); string msg; //check if the connection is established. If not, try to connect to DevDriver input ports if (!Network::exists(("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { //printf("Error: device ports not active\n"); reply.addString("Error: device ports not active"); return reply; } if( !Network::isConnected(rpcPort.getName().c_str(), ("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { if(!Network::connect(rpcPort.getName().c_str(), ("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { //printf("Error: unable to connect to device port %s\n", ("/" + rpcServerName + "/head:i").c_str()); msg = "Error: unable to connect to device port /" + rpcServerName + "/rpc"; reply.addString(msg.c_str()); return reply; } } //cout << "thread: " << angles.toString() << endl; updateSem.wait(); rpcPort.write(angles,reply); //cout << "out of thread!!!!!!!" << endl;; return reply; }
bool ImageSource::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n" + "set noise <n> ... set the noise level \n" + "(where <n> is an integer number in the range 0-255) \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="set") { if (command.get(1).asString()=="noise") { noiseLevel = command.get(2).asInt(); // set parameter value reply.addString("ok"); } } return true; }
bool threadInit() { fprintf(stdout,"init \n");"/simCOM0:i").c_str());"/simCOM1:i").c_str());"/simCOM2:i").c_str());"/simCOM3:i").c_str());"/simCOM4:i").c_str());"/simCOM5:i").c_str());"/simCOM6:i").c_str());"/simCOM7:i").c_str());"/simCOM8:i").c_str());"/simCOM:o").c_str()); yarp::os::Network::connect("/wholeBodyDynamics/com:o","/simCOM0:i"); yarp::os::Network::connect("/wholeBodyDynamics/left_leg/com:o","/simCOM1:i"); yarp::os::Network::connect("/wholeBodyDynamics/left_arm/com:o","/simCOM2:i"); yarp::os::Network::connect("/wholeBodyDynamics/right_leg/com:o","/simCOM3:i"); yarp::os::Network::connect("/wholeBodyDynamics/right_arm/com:o","/simCOM4:i"); yarp::os::Network::connect("/wholeBodyDynamics/head/com:o","/simCOM5:i"); yarp::os::Network::connect("/wholeBodyDynamics/torso/com:o","/simCOM6:i"); yarp::os::Network::connect("/wholeBodyDynamics/upper_body/com:o","/simCOM7:i"); yarp::os::Network::connect("/wholeBodyDynamics/lower_body/com:o","/simCOM8:i"); yarp::os::Network::connect("/simCOM:o","/iCubGui/objects"); Bottle a; a.clear(); a.addString("reset"); port_out.prepare() = a; port_out.write(); return true; }
void getObjectList(Bottle &reply) { double t0=Time::now(); int max_size=0; vector<Blob> max_blobs; while(Time::now()-t0<0.5) { mutex.wait(); reply.clear(); int size=0; for(unsigned int i=0; i<blobs.size(); i++) if(blobs[i].getBest()!="") size++; if(max_size<size) { max_size=size; max_blobs=blobs; }; Time::delay(0.05); } reply.addInt(max_size); for(unsigned int i=0; i<max_blobs.size(); i++) if(max_blobs[i].getBest()!="") reply.addString(max_blobs[i].getBest().c_str()); }
bool LRH::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "production objectFocus \n" + "meaning sentence \n" + "quit \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString() == "quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString() == "help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } else if (command.get(0).asString() == "production" && command.size() == 2) { reply.addString("ack"); reply.addString("OK, send the language production"); cout << "command.get(1).asString() : " << command.get(1).asString() << endl; spatialRelation(command.get(1).asString()); } else if (command.get(0).asString() == "meaning" && command.size() == 2) { reply.addString("ack"); reply.addString("OK, send the language comprehension"); sentenceToMeaning(command.get(1).asString()); } yInfo("sending reply from rpc"); handlerPort.reply(reply); return true; }
void skinEventsAggregThread::run() { int indexOfBiggestContact = -1; skinContact biggestContactInSkinPart; Vector geoCenter(3,0.0), normalDir(3,0.0); double activation = 0.0; Bottle & out = skinEvAggregPortOut.prepare(); out.clear(); Bottle b; b.clear(); ts.update(); skinContactList *scl =; if(scl) { if(!(scl->empty())) { //Probably source of crazy inefficiencies, here just to reach a working state as soon as possible \todo TODO map<SkinPart, skinContactList> contactsPerSkinPart = scl->splitPerSkinPart(); for(map<SkinPart,skinContactList>::iterator it=contactsPerSkinPart.begin(); it!=contactsPerSkinPart.end(); it++) { indexOfBiggestContact = getIndexOfBiggestContactInList(it->second); if (indexOfBiggestContact != -1) { b.clear(); biggestContactInSkinPart = (it->second)[indexOfBiggestContact]; //the output prepared should have identical format to the one prepared in void vtRFThread::manageSkinEvents() b.addInt(biggestContactInSkinPart.getSkinPart()); vectorIntoBottle(biggestContactInSkinPart.getGeoCenter(),b); vectorIntoBottle(biggestContactInSkinPart.getNormalDir(),b); //we add dummy geoCenter and normalDir in Root frame to keep same format as vtRFThread manageSkinEvents b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(std::max(1.0,(biggestContactInSkinPart.getPressure()/SKIN_ACTIVATION_MAX))); // % pressure "normalized" with ad hoc constant b.addString(biggestContactInSkinPart.getSkinPartName()); //this one just for readability out.addList().read(b); } } skinEvAggregPortOut.setEnvelope(ts); skinEvAggregPortOut.write(); // send something anyway (if there is no contact the bottle is empty) } } }
bool respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { fprintf(stdout,"rpc respond\n"); Bottle cmd; reply.clear(); return true; }
Bottle PMPthread::initTorso(Bottle angles) { Bottle reply; reply.clear(); string msg; //check if the connection is established. If not, try to connect to DevDriver input ports if (!Network::exists(("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { //printf("Error: device ports not active\n"); reply.addString("Error: device ports not active"); return reply; } if( !Network::isConnected(rpcPort.getName().c_str(), ("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { if(!Network::connect(rpcPort.getName().c_str(), ("/" + rpcServerName + "/rpc").c_str()) ) { //printf("Error: unable to connect to device port %s\n", ("/" + rpcServerName + "/head:i").c_str()); msg = "Error: unable to connect to device port /" + rpcServerName + "/rpc"; reply.addString(msg.c_str()); return reply; } } double t[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // default initialization if (angles.size() == 1) { for (int i=0; i<3; i++) angles.addDouble(t[i]); } // else user defined initialization updateSem.wait(); rpcPort.write(angles,reply); // update PMP joint angles if (reply.get(0).asString() == "Done") { PMP->q_rightArm(0) = PMP->q_leftArm(0) = angles.get(0).asDouble()*M_PI/180; PMP->q_rightArm(1) = PMP->q_leftArm(1) = angles.get(1).asDouble()*M_PI/180; PMP->q_rightArm(2) = PMP->q_leftArm(2) = angles.get(2).asDouble()*M_PI/180; PMP->Rchain->setAng(PMP->q_rightArm); PMP->Lchain->setAng(PMP->q_leftArm); PMP->x_0R = PMP->get_EEPose("right"); PMP->x_0L = PMP->get_EEPose("left"); //update VTGS starting position VTGS_r->setStartingPoint(PMP->x_0R); VTGS_l->setStartingPoint(PMP->x_0L); }; return reply; }
bool respond(const Bottle &command, Bottle &reply) { /* This method is called when a command string is sent via RPC */ reply.clear(); // Clear reply bottle /* Get command string */ string receivedCmd = command.get(0).asString().c_str(); int responseCode; //Will contain Vocab-encoded response if (receivedCmd == "merge") { int ok = MergePointclouds(); if (ok>=0) { responseCode = Vocab::encode("ack"); } else { fprintf(stdout,"Couldnt merge pointclouds. \n"); responseCode = Vocab::encode("nack"); return false; } reply.addVocab(responseCode); return true; } else if (receivedCmd == "save") { saving = true; responseCode = Vocab::encode("ack"); reply.addVocab(responseCode); return true; } else if (receivedCmd == "view") { visualizing = true; responseCode = Vocab::encode("ack"); reply.addVocab(responseCode); return true; }else if (receivedCmd == "help"){ reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addString("Available commands are:"); reply.addString("merge - Merges all pointclouds on the path folder, or the new ones if 'cloud_merged' already exists."); reply.addString("view - Activates visualization. (XXX visualizer does not close). Default off"); reply.addString("save - Activates saving the resulting merged point cloud."); //reply.addString("verbose ON/OFF - Sets active the printouts of the program, for debugging or visualization."); reply.addString("help - produces this help."); reply.addString("quit - closes the module."); responseCode = Vocab::encode("ack"); reply.addVocab(responseCode); return true; } else if (receivedCmd == "quit") { responseCode = Vocab::encode("ack"); reply.addVocab(responseCode); closing = true; return true; } reply.addString("Invalid command, type [help] for a list of accepted commands."); return true; }
void testClear() { report(0,"testing clear..."); Bottle b; b.addString("hello"); checkEqual(1,b.size(),"size ok"); b.clear(); b.addString("there"); checkEqual(1,b.size(),"size ok"); }
bool respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).isInt()) { if (command.get(0).asInt()==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Asking recalibration...\n"); if (inv_dyn) { inv_dyn->suspend(); inv_dyn->calibrateOffset(); inv_dyn->resume(); } fprintf(stderr,"Recalibration complete.\n"); reply.addString("Recalibrated"); return true; } } if (command.get(0).isString()) { if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addString("Available commands:"); reply.addString("calib all"); reply.addString("calib arms"); reply.addString("calib legs"); reply.addString("calib feet"); return true; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="calib") { fprintf(stderr,"Asking recalibration...\n"); if (inv_dyn) { calib_enum calib_code=CALIB_ALL; if (command.get(1).asString()=="all") calib_code=CALIB_ALL; else if (command.get(1).asString()=="arms") calib_code=CALIB_ARMS; else if (command.get(1).asString()=="legs") calib_code=CALIB_LEGS; else if (command.get(1).asString()=="feet") calib_code=CALIB_FEET; inv_dyn->suspend(); inv_dyn->calibrateOffset(calib_code); inv_dyn->resume(); } fprintf(stderr,"Recalibration complete.\n"); reply.addString("Recalibrated"); return true; } } reply.addString("Unknown command"); return true; }
void remove_cog(string text) { Bottle obj; obj.clear(); obj.addString("delete"); // command to add/update an object obj.addString(text.c_str()); port_out.prepare() = obj; port_out.write(); Time::delay(0.1); }
void utManagerThread::sendData() { Bottle b; b.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { b.addDouble(kalOut(i)); } outPortEvents.write(b); }
bool SCSPMClassifier::getOPCList(Bottle &names) { names.clear(); if (opcPort.getOutputCount()>0) { Bottle opcCmd,opcReply,opcReplyProp; opcCmd.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ask")); Bottle &content=opcCmd.addList().addList(); content.addString("entity"); content.addString("=="); content.addString("object"); opcPort.write(opcCmd,opcReply); if (opcReply.size()>1) { if (opcReply.get(0).asVocab()==Vocab::encode("ack")) { if (Bottle *idField=opcReply.get(1).asList()) { if (Bottle *idValues=idField->get(1).asList()) { // cycle over items for (int i=0; i<idValues->size(); i++) { int id=idValues->get(i).asInt(); // get the relevant properties // [get] (("id" <num>) ("propSet" ("name"))) opcCmd.clear(); opcCmd.addVocab(Vocab::encode("get")); Bottle &content=opcCmd.addList(); Bottle &list_bid=content.addList(); list_bid.addString("id"); list_bid.addInt(id); Bottle &list_propSet=content.addList(); list_propSet.addString("propSet"); list_propSet.addList().addString("name"); opcPort.write(opcCmd,opcReplyProp); // append the name (if any) if (opcReplyProp.get(0).asVocab()==Vocab::encode("ack")) if (Bottle *propField=opcReplyProp.get(1).asList()) if (propField->check("name")) names.addString(propField->find("name").asString().c_str()); } } } } } return true; } else return false; }
void GuiUpdaterModule::deleteObject(const string &opcTag, Object* o) { Bottle cmd; cmd.addString("delete"); cmd.addString(opcTag.c_str()); toGui.write(cmd); //Delete all the body parts if (o != NULL && o->entity_type() == EFAA_OPC_ENTITY_AGENT && displaySkeleton) { int i = 0; Agent* a = dynamic_cast<Agent*>(o); for(map<string,Vector>::iterator part=a->m_body.m_parts.begin(); part != a->m_body.m_parts.end(); part++) { ostringstream opcTagPart; opcTagPart<<o->opc_id() << "_" << i; cmd.clear(); cmd.addString("delete"); cmd.addString(opcTagPart.str().c_str()); toGui.write(cmd); i++; } } //delete all the drives if (o != NULL && o->entity_type() == EFAA_OPC_ENTITY_AGENT) { Agent* a = dynamic_cast<Agent*>(o); for(map<string,Drive>::iterator drive = a->m_drives.begin(); drive != a->m_drives.end(); drive++) { ostringstream opcTagDrive; opcTagDrive<<a->name()<<"_"<<drive->; cmd.clear(); cmd.addString("delete"); cmd.addString(opcTagDrive.str().c_str()); toGui.write(cmd); } } }
bool TactileLearning::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { stringstream temp; // reply contains a "command not recognized" by default reply.clear(); TactileLearningCommand com; Bottle params; if(command.get(0).isInt()) { // if first value is int then it is the id of the command com = (TactileLearningCommand)command.get(0).asInt(); params = command.tail(); } else if(!identifyCommand(command, com, params)) { reply.addString("Unknown command. Input 'help' to get a list of the available commands."); return true; } // external declarations vector<Vector> referenceTrajectory; vector<Vector> tactileState; switch(com) { case get_optimal_trajectory: reply.addString("Module should provide the optimal trajectory if computation is finished"); //thread->getState(tactileState); //addToBottle(reply, tactileState); return true; case get_info: reply.addString("Sorry but there is no info available for the moment!"); return true; case get_help: reply.addString("Sorry but there is no help available for the moment!"); return true; case quit: reply.addString("quitting..."); return false; default: reply.addString("ERROR: This command is known but it is not managed in the code."); return true; } return true; }
void AgentDetector::setIdentity(Player p, string name) { if (useFaceRecognition) { Bottle bFeed; bFeed.clear(); bFeed.addString("acquire"); bFeed.addString(name.c_str()); faceRecognizerModule.write(bFeed); } this->skeletonPatterns[name.c_str()] = getSkeletonPattern(p); }
void StdoutCallback::onRead(Bottle &bot, const yarp::os::TypedReader<yarp::os::Bottle> &reader){ _mutex.wait(); for(int i = 0; i < bot.size(); i++){ if(bot.get(i).isString()){ _vecStdout.push_back(std::string(bot.get(i).asString().c_str())); } } bot.clear(); while(_vecStdout.size() > 3000){ _vecStdout.pop_back(); }; }
int Manager::processHumanCmd(const Bottle &cmd, Bottle &b) { int ret=Vocab::encode(cmd.get(0).asString().c_str()); b.clear(); if (cmd.size()>1) { if (cmd.get(1).isList()) b=*cmd.get(1).asList(); else b=cmd.tail(); } return ret; }
string PMPthread::PropertyGroup2String(Bottle group) { Bottle bot; bot.clear(); for (int i = 1; i < group.size(); i++) { bot.add(group.get(i)); } string s = bot.toString().c_str(); return s; }