int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Network yarp; Carriers::addCarrierPrototype(new HumanCarrier); if (argc<2) { printf("Please run in two terminals as:\n"); printf(" carrier_human --server\n"); printf(" carrier_human --client\n"); exit(1); } string mode = argv[1]; if (mode == "--server") { Port out;"/test/out"); bool connected = false; while (!connected) { connected = Network::connect("/test/out","/test/in","human"); if (!connected) Time::delay(1); } Bottle bot; bot.fromString("1 2 3"); out.write(bot); out.close(); } if (mode == "--client") { Port in;"/test/in"); Bottle bot;; printf("Got message %s\n", bot.toString().c_str()); in.close(); } return 0; }
bool yarp::os::impl::HttpCarrier::expectSenderSpecifier(Protocol& proto) { proto.setRoute(proto.getRoute().addFromName("web")); String remainder = NetType::readLine(; if (!urlDone) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<remainder.length(); i++) { if (remainder[i]!=' ') { url += remainder[i]; } else { break; } } } bool done = false; expectPost = false; contentLength = 0; while (!done) { String result = NetType::readLine(; if (result == "") { done = true; } else { //printf(">>> %s\n", result.c_str()); Bottle b; b.fromString(result.c_str()); if (b.get(0).asString()=="Content-Length:") { //printf("]]] got length %d\n", b.get(1).asInt()); contentLength = b.get(1).asInt(); } if (b.get(0).asString()=="Content-Type:") { //printf("]]] got type %s\n", b.get(1).asString()); if (b.get(1).asString()=="application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { expectPost = true; } } } } if (expectPost) { //printf("[[[this is a post message of length %d]]]\n", contentLength); ManagedBytes blk(contentLength+1); Bytes start(blk.get(),contentLength); NetType::readFull(,start); blk.get()[contentLength] = '\0'; //printf("message: %s\n", blk.get()); input = blk.get(); } else { //printf("message: %s\n", url.c_str()); input = url; } prop.fromQuery(input.c_str()); prop.put("REQUEST_URI",url.c_str()); //printf("Property %s\n",prop.toString().c_str()); Contact chome = NetworkBase::getNameServerContact(); Address home = Address::fromContact(chome); Address me = proto.getStreams().getLocalAddress(); String from = "<html><head><link href=\"http://"; from += home.getName(); from += ":"; from += NetType::toString(home.getPort()); from += "/web/main.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"/></head><body bgcolor='#ffffcc'><h1>yarp port "; from += proto.getRoute().getToName(); from += "</h1>\n"; from += "<p>(<a href=\"http://"; from += home.getName(); from += ":"; from += NetType::toString(home.getPort()); from += "/data=list\">All ports</a>) \n"; from += "(<a href=\"http://"; from += me.getName(); from += ":"; from += NetType::toString(me.getPort()); from += "/\">connections</a>) \n"; from += "(<a href=\"http://"; from += me.getName(); from += ":"; from += NetType::toString(me.getPort()); from += "/data=help\">help</a>) \n"; from += "(<a href=\"http://"; from += me.getName(); from += ":"; from += NetType::toString(me.getPort()); from += "/r\">read</a>) \n"; from += "</p>\n"; from += "<p>\n"; from += "<form method=\"post\" action=\"http://"; from += me.getName(); from += ":"; from += NetType::toString(me.getPort()); from += "/form\">"; prefix = from; //Bytes b2((char*)from.c_str(),from.length()); //proto.os().write(b2); //proto.os().flush(); // Message gets finished by the stream return proto.os().isOk(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc<=1) { show_usage(); return 0; } if (std::string("help")==argv[1] || std::string("--help")==argv[1]) { show_usage(); return 0; } Property p; p.fromCommand(argc,argv); if (!(p.check("name")||p.check("cmd"))) { return generate_cpp(argc,argv); } if (!p.check("soft")) { p.put("soft",1); } if (!p.check("web")) { p.put("web",1); } bool has_cmd = p.check("cmd"); bool verbose = p.check("verbose"); RosTypeSearch env; configure_search(env,p); Network yarp; Port port; if (!has_cmd) { // Borrow an accidentally-available service type on ROS, in // order to avoid adding build dependencies for now. port.promiseType(Type::byNameOnWire("test_roscpp/TestStringString")); port.setRpcServer(); if (!"name").asString())) { return 1; } } while (true) { Bottle req; if (has_cmd) { req = p.findGroup("cmd").tail(); } else { if (!,true)) { continue; } } if (req.size()==1) { req.fromString(req.get(0).asString()); } if (verbose) { printf("Request: %s\n", req.toString().c_str()); } Bottle resp; ConstString tag = req.get(0).asString(); string fname0 = req.get(1).asString().c_str(); string fname = env.findFile(fname0.c_str()); string txt = ""; if (tag=="raw") { txt = env.readFile(fname.c_str()); resp.addString(txt); } else if (tag=="twiddle") { RosTypeCodeGenYarp gen; RosType t; if (,env,gen)) { ConstString txt; generateTypeMap(t,txt); resp.addString(txt); } else { resp.addString("?"); } } else { resp.addString("?"); } if (!has_cmd) port.reply(resp); if (verbose||has_cmd) { printf("Response: %s\n", resp.toString().c_str()); } if (has_cmd) break; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // just list the devices if no argument given if (argc <= 2) { printf("You can call %s like this:\n", argv[0]); printf(" %s --robot ROBOTNAME --OPTION VALUE ...\n", argv[0]); printf("For example:\n"); printf(" %s --robot icub --local /talkto/james --remote /controlboard/rpc\n", argv[0]); printf("Here are devices listed for your system:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); return 0; } // get command line options Property options; options.fromCommand(argc, argv); if (!options.check("robot") || !options.check("part")) { printf("Missing either --robot or --part options\n"); return 0; } Network::init(); Time::turboBoost(); std::string name; Value& v = options.find("robot"); Value& part = options.find("part"); Value *val; if (!options.check("device", val)) { options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); } if (!options.check("local", val)) { name="/"+std::string(v.asString().c_str())+"/"+std::string(part.asString().c_str())+"/simpleclient"; //sprintf(&name[0], "/%s/%s/client", v.asString().c_str(), part.asString().c_str()); options.put("local", name.c_str()); } if (!options.check("remote", val)) { name="/"+std::string(v.asString().c_str())+"/"+std::string(part.asString().c_str()); //sprintf(&name[0], "/%s/%s", v.asString().c_str(), part.asString().c_str()); options.put("remote", name.c_str()); } fprintf(stderr, "%s", options.toString().c_str()); // create a device PolyDriver dd(options); if (!dd.isValid()) { printf("Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); Network::fini(); return 1; } IPositionControl *pos; IPositionDirect *posDir; IVelocityControl *vel; IEncoders *enc; IPidControl *pid; IAmplifierControl *amp; IControlLimits *lim; // IControlMode *icm; IControlMode2 *iMode2; ITorqueControl *itorque; IOpenLoopControl *iopenloop; IImpedanceControl *iimp; IInteractionMode *iInteract; bool ok; ok = dd.view(pos); ok &= dd.view(vel); ok &= dd.view(enc); ok &= dd.view(pid); ok &= dd.view(amp); ok &= dd.view(lim); // ok &= dd.view(icm); ok &= dd.view(itorque); ok &= dd.view(iopenloop); ok &= dd.view(iimp); ok &= dd.view(posDir); ok &= dd.view(iMode2); ok &= dd.view(iInteract); if (!ok) { printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return 1; } pos->getAxes(&jnts); printf("Working with %d axes\n", jnts); double *tmp = new double[jnts]; printf("Device active...\n"); while (dd.isValid()) { std::string s; s.resize(1024); printf("-> "); char c = 0; int i = 0; while (c != '\n') { c = (char)fgetc(stdin); s[i++] = c; } s[i-1] = s[i] = 0; Bottle p; Bottle response; bool ok=false; bool rec=false; p.fromString(s.c_str()); printf("Bottle: %s\n", p.toString().c_str()); switch(p.get(0).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_HELP: printf("\n\n"); printf("Available commands:\n"); printf("-------------------\n\n"); printf("IOpenLoop:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IOPENLOOP).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <int> <float>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUT).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUT).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s]\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); printf("IControlMode:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ICONTROLMODE).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s][%s]|[%s]\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_POSITION).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_VELOCITY).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_MIXED).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_TORQUE).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_OPENLOOP).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_IDLE).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_FORCE_IDLE).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_POS).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_VEL).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODE).c_str()); printf("ITorqueControl:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_TORQUE).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int> to read the measured torque for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_TRQ).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] to read the measured torque for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_TRQS).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <int> <float> to set the reference torque for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <float list> to set the reference torque for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFS).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int> to read the reference torque for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] to read the reference torque for all axes\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFS).c_str()); printf("IImpedanceControl:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMPEDANCE).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <int> <float> <float> \n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMP_PARAM).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <int> <float>\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMP_OFFSET).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMP_PARAM).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMP_OFFSET).c_str()); printf("IInteractionMode:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_INTERFACE_INTERACTION_MODE).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s]|[%s] <int>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IM_STIFF).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODE).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] \n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODES).c_str()); printf("Standard Interfaces:\n"); printf("type [get] and one of the following:\n"); printf(" [%s] to read the number of controlled axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AXES).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the encoder value for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the PID values for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PIDS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the PID values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the limit values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the PID error for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ERRS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the PID output for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the reference position for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCES).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the reference position for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the reference speed for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the reference speed for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the reference acceleration for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the reference acceleration for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the current consumption for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS).c_str()); printf("\n"); printf("type [set] and one of the following:\n"); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to move a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to accelerate a single axis to a given speed\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to set the reference speed for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to set the reference acceleration for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to move multiple axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to accelerate multiple axes to a given speed\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to set the reference speed for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to set the reference acceleration for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to stop a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOP).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to stop all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOPS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <list> to set the PID values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <list> to set the limits for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to disable the PID control for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_DISABLE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to enable the PID control for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENABLE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to set the encoder value for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODER).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to set the encoder value for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); printf("\n"); printf("NOTES: - A list is a sequence of numbers in parenthesis, e.g. (10 2 1 10)\n"); printf(" - Pids are expressed as a list of 7 numbers, type get pid <int> to see an example\n"); printf("\n"); break; case VOCAB_QUIT: goto ApplicationCleanQuit; break; case VOCAB_ICONTROLMODE: { handleControlModeMsg(iMode2, p, response, &rec, &ok); printf("%s\n", response.toString().c_str()); break; } case VOCAB_IMPEDANCE: { handleImpedanceMsg(iimp, p, response, &rec, &ok); printf("%s\n", response.toString().c_str()); break; } case VOCAB_TORQUE: { handleTorqueMsg(itorque, p, response, &rec, &ok); printf("%s\n", response.toString().c_str()); break; } case VOCAB_INTERFACE_INTERACTION_MODE: { handleInteractionModeMsg(iInteract, p, response, &rec, &ok); printf("%s\n", response.toString().c_str()); break; } case VOCAB_GET: switch(p.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_AXES: { int nj = 0; enc->getAxes(&nj); printf ("%s: %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AXES).c_str(), nj); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODERS: { enc->getEncoders(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid pd; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pid->getPid(j, &pd); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf("kp %.2f ",; printf("kd %.2f ", pd.kd); printf("ki %.2f ",; printf("maxi %.2f ", pd.max_int); printf("maxo %.2f ", pd.max_output); printf("off %.2f ", pd.offset); printf("scale %.2f ", pd.scale); printf("\n"); } break; case VOCAB_PIDS: { Pid *p = new Pid[jnts]; ok = pid->getPids(p); Bottle& b = response.addList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { Bottle& c = b.addList(); c.addDouble(p[i].kp); c.addDouble(p[i].kd); c.addDouble(p[i].ki); c.addDouble(p[i].max_int); c.addDouble(p[i].max_output); c.addDouble(p[i].offset); c.addDouble(p[i].scale); } printf("%s\n", b.toString().c_str()); delete[] p; } break; case VOCAB_LIMITS: { double min, max; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); lim->getLimits(j, &min, &max); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf("limits: (%.2f %.2f)\n", min, max); } break; case VOCAB_ERRS: { pid->getErrors(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ERRS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUTS: { iopenloop->getOutputs(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUT: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double v; iopenloop->getOutput(j, &v); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUT).c_str()); printf("%.2f ", v); printf("\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REFERENCE: { double ref_pos; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pid->getReference(j,&ref_pos); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCE).c_str()); printf ("%.2f ", ref_pos); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REFERENCES: { pid->getReferences(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCES).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS: { pos->getRefSpeeds(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEED: { double ref_speed; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pos->getRefSpeed(j,&ref_speed); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str()); printf ("%.2f ", ref_speed); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION: { double ref_acc; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pos->getRefAcceleration(j,&ref_acc); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str()); printf ("%.2f ", ref_acc); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS: { pos->getRefAccelerations(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS: { amp->getCurrents(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; } break; case VOCAB_SET: switch(p.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: moving %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE).c_str(), j, ref); pos->positionMove(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: accelerating %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE).c_str(), j, ref); vel->velocityMove(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEED: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting speed for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str(), j, ref); pos->setRefSpeed(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting acceleration for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str(), j, ref); pos->setRefAcceleration(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: moving all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES).c_str()); pos->positionMove(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: moving all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES).c_str()); vel->velocityMove(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting speed for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); pos->setRefSpeeds(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting acceleration for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); pos->setRefAccelerations(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_STOP: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: stopping axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOP).c_str(), j); pos->stop(j); } break; case VOCAB_STOPS: { printf("%s: stopping all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOPS).c_str()); pos->stop(); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODER: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting the encoder value for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODER).c_str(), j, ref); enc->setEncoder(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODERS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting the encoder value for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); enc->setEncoders(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid pd; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); Bottle *l = p.get(3).asList(); if (l==0) { printf("Check you specify a 7 elements list, e.g. set pid 0 (2000 20 1 300 300 0 0)\n"); } else { int elems=l->size(); if (elems>=3) { = l->get(0).asDouble(); pd.kd = l->get(1).asDouble(); = l->get(2).asDouble(); if (elems>=7) { pd.max_int = l->get(3).asDouble(); pd.max_output = l->get(4).asDouble(); pd.offset = l->get(5).asDouble(); pd.scale = l->get(6).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting PID values for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str(), j); pid->setPid(j, pd); } else { printf("Error, check you specify at least 7 elements, e.g. set pid 0 (2000 20 1 300 300 0 0)\n"); } } } break; case VOCAB_DISABLE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: disabling control for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_DISABLE).c_str(), j); pid->disablePid(j); amp->disableAmp(j); } break; case VOCAB_ENABLE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: enabling control for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENABLE).c_str(), j); amp->enableAmp(j); pid->enablePid(j); } break; case VOCAB_LIMITS: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: setting limits for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str(), j); Bottle *l = p.get(3).asList(); lim->setLimits(j, l->get(0).asDouble(), l->get(1).asDouble()); } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUT: { int j=p.get(2).asInt(); double v=p.get(3).asDouble(); iopenloop->setRefOutput(j,v); printf("%s: setting output for axis %d to %f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUT).c_str(), j, v); } break; } break; } /* switch get(0) */ } /* while () */ ApplicationCleanQuit: dd.close(); delete[] tmp; Network::fini(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // just list the devices if no argument given if (argc <= 2) { printf("You can call %s like this:\n", argv[0]); printf(" %s --robot ROBOTNAME --OPTION VALUE ...\n", argv[0]); printf("For example:\n"); printf(" %s --robot icub --part any --remote /controlboard\n", argv[0]); printf("Here are devices listed for your system:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); return 0; } // get command line options Property options; options.fromCommand(argc, argv); if (!options.check("robot") || !options.check("part")) { printf("Missing either --robot or --part options\n"); return 0; } Network yarp; Time::turboBoost(); char name[1024]; Value& v = options.find("robot"); Value& part = options.find("part"); Value *val; if (!options.check("device", val)) { options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); } if (!options.check("local", val)) { sprintf(name, "/%s/%s/client", v.asString().c_str(), part.asString().c_str()); options.put("local", name); } if (!options.check("remote", val)) { sprintf(name, "/%s/%s", v.asString().c_str(), part.asString().c_str()); options.put("remote", name); } fprintf(stderr, "%s", options.toString().c_str()); // create a device PolyDriver dd(options); if (!dd.isValid()) { printf("Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); return 1; } IPositionControl *pos; IVelocityControl *vel; IEncoders *enc; IPidControl *pid; IAmplifierControl *amp; IControlLimits *lim; bool ok; ok = dd.view(pos); ok &= dd.view(vel); ok &= dd.view(enc); ok &= dd.view(pid); ok &= dd.view(amp); ok &= dd.view(lim); if (!ok) { printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return 1; } int jnts = 0; pos->getAxes(&jnts); printf("Working with %d axes\n", jnts); double *tmp = new double[jnts]; assert (tmp != NULL); printf("Device active...\n"); while (dd.isValid()) { char s[1024]; printf("-> "); char c = 0; int i = 0; while (c != '\n') { c = (char)fgetc(stdin); s[i++] = c; } s[i-1] = s[i] = 0; Bottle p; p.fromString(s); printf("Bottle: %s\n", p.toString().c_str()); switch(p.get(0).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_HELP: printf("\n\n"); printf("Available commands:\n\n"); printf("type [get] and one of the following:\n"); printf("[%s] to read the number of controlled axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AXES).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the encoder value for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to read the PID values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to read the limit values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the PID error for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ERRS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the PID output for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the reference position for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCES).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the reference speed for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the reference acceleration for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the current consumption for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS).c_str()); printf("\n"); printf("type [set] and one of the following:\n"); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to move a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to accelerate a single axis to a given speed\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to set the reference speed for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to set the reference acceleration for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to move multiple axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to accelerate multiple axes to a given speed\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to set the reference speed for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to set the reference acceleration for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to stop a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOP).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to stop all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOPS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <list> to set the PID values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <list> to set the limits for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to disable the PID control for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_DISABLE).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to enable the PID control for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENABLE).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to set the encoder value for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODER).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to set the encoder value for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); printf("\n"); break; case VOCAB_QUIT: goto ApplicationCleanQuit; break; case VOCAB_GET: switch(p.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_AXES: { int nj = 0; enc->getAxes(&nj); printf ("%s: %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AXES).c_str(), nj); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODERS: { enc->getEncoders(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid pd; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pid->getPid(j, &pd); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf("kp %.2f ",; printf("kd %.2f ", pd.kd); printf("ki %.2f ",; printf("maxi %.2f ", pd.max_int); printf("maxo %.2f ", pd.max_output); printf("off %.2f ", pd.offset); printf("scale %.2f ", pd.scale); printf("\n"); } break; case VOCAB_LIMITS: { double min, max; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); lim->getLimits(j, &min, &max); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf("limits: (%.2f %.2f)\n", min, max); } break; case VOCAB_ERRS: { pid->getErrorLimits(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ERRS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUTS: { pid->getErrors(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REFERENCES: { pid->getReferences(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCES).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS: { pos->getRefSpeeds(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS: { pos->getRefAccelerations(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS: { amp->getCurrents(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; } break; case VOCAB_SET: switch(p.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: moving %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE).c_str(), j, ref); pos->positionMove(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: accelerating %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE).c_str(), j, ref); vel->velocityMove(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEED: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting speed for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str(), j, ref); pos->setRefSpeed(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting acceleration for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str(), j, ref); pos->setRefAcceleration(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: moving all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES).c_str()); pos->positionMove(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: moving all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES).c_str()); vel->velocityMove(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting speed for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); pos->setRefSpeeds(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting acceleration for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); pos->setRefAccelerations(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_STOP: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: stopping axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOP).c_str()); pos->stop(j); } break; case VOCAB_STOPS: { printf("%s: stopping all axes %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOPS).c_str()); pos->stop(); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODER: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting the encoder value for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODER).c_str(), j, ref); enc->setEncoder(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODERS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting the encoder value for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); enc->setEncoders(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid pd; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); Bottle *l = p.get(3).asList(); = l->get(0).asDouble(); pd.kd = l->get(1).asDouble(); = l->get(2).asDouble(); pd.max_int = l->get(3).asDouble(); pd.max_output = l->get(4).asDouble(); pd.offset = l->get(5).asDouble(); pd.scale = l->get(6).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting PID values for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str(), j); pid->setPid(j, pd); } break; case VOCAB_DISABLE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: disabling control for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_DISABLE).c_str(), j); pid->disablePid(j); amp->disableAmp(j); } break; case VOCAB_ENABLE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: enabling control for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENABLE).c_str(), j); amp->enableAmp(j); pid->enablePid(j); } break; case VOCAB_LIMITS: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: setting limits for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str(), j); Bottle *l = p.get(3).asList(); lim->setLimits(j, l->get(0).asDouble(), l->get(1).asDouble()); } break; } break; } /* switch get(0) */ } /* while () */ ApplicationCleanQuit: dd.close(); delete[] tmp; return 0; }
bool XmlRpcCarrier::write(Protocol& proto, SizedWriter& writer) { //XmlRpc::setVerbosity(10); StringOutputStream sos; StringInputStream sis; writer.write(sos); sis.reset(sos.toString()); String header; if (sender) { header = NetType::readLine(sis); } String body = NetType::readLine(sis); //printf("Asked to write: hdr %s body %s\n", // header.c_str(), body.c_str()); Value v; //printf("HEADER %s\n", header.c_str()); if (header[0]=='q') { body = "yarp.quit"; // XMLRPC does not need a quit message, this should get stripped return false; } Bottle *bot = v.asList(); //Bottle aux; bot->fromString(body.c_str()); ConstString methodName; if (sender) { methodName = bot->get(0).toString(); *bot = bot->tail(); } XmlRpcValue args; if (bot->size()==1) { toXmlRpcValue(bot->get(0),args); } else { toXmlRpcValue(v,args); } //printf("xmlrpc block to write is %s\n", args.toXml().c_str()); std::string req; if (sender) { const Address& addr = host.isValid()?host:proto.getStreams().getRemoteAddress(); XmlRpcClient c(addr.getName().c_str(),(addr.getPort()>0)?addr.getPort():80); c.generateRequest(methodName.c_str(),args); req = c.getRequest(); } else { XmlRpcServerConnection c(0,NULL); c.generateResponse(args.toXml()); req = c.getResponse(); } int start = 0; //printf("converts to %s\n", req.c_str()); if (sender) { if (req.length()<8) { fprintf(stderr, "XmlRpcCarrier fail, %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } for (int i=0; i<(int)req.length(); i++) { if (req[i] == '\n') { start++; break; } start++; } if (!firstRound) { Bytes b((char*)http.c_str(),http.length()); proto.os().write(b); } firstRound = false; } Bytes b((char*)req.c_str()+start,req.length()-start); //printf("WRITING [%s]\n", req.c_str()+start); proto.os().write(b); return proto.os().isOk(); }
void fromString(const ConstString& txt,bool wipe=true) { Bottle bot; bot.fromString(txt); fromBottle(bot,wipe); }
void fromConfig(const char *txt,Searchable& env, bool wipe=true) { StringInputStream sis; sis.add(txt); sis.add("\n"); if (wipe) { clear(); } String tag = ""; Bottle accum; bool done = false; do { bool isTag = false; bool including = false; String buf; bool good = true; buf = sis.readLine('\n',&good); while (good && !BottleImpl::isComplete(buf.c_str())) { buf += sis.readLine('\n',&good); } if (!good) { done = true; } if (!done) { including = false; if (buf.find("//")!=String::npos) { bool quoted = false; int comment = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<buf.length(); i++) { char ch = buf[i]; if (ch=='\"') { quoted = !quoted; } if (!quoted) { if (ch=='/') { comment++; if (comment==2) { //buf = buf.substr(0,buf.strstr("//")); buf = buf.substr(0,i); break; } } else { comment = 0; } } else { comment = 0; } } } // expand any environment references buf = expand(buf.c_str(),env,owner).c_str(); if (buf.length()>0 && buf[0]=='[') { size_t stop = buf.find("]"); if (stop!=String::npos) { buf = buf.substr(1,stop-1); size_t space = buf.find(" "); if (space!=String::npos) { Bottle bot(buf.c_str()); if (bot.size()>1) { if (bot.get(0).toString() == "include") { including = true; if (bot.size()>2) { if (tag!="") { if (accum.size()>=1) { putBottleCompat(tag.c_str(), accum); } tag = ""; } ConstString subName, fname; if (bot.size()==3) { // [include section "filename"] subName = bot.get(1).toString(); fname = bot.get(2).toString(); } else if (bot.size()==4) { // [include type section "filename"] ConstString key; key = bot.get(1).toString(); subName = bot.get(2).toString(); fname = bot.get(3).toString(); Bottle *target = getBottle(key.c_str()); if (target==NULL) { Bottle init; init.addString(key.c_str()); init.addString(subName.c_str()); putBottleCompat(key.c_str(), init); } else { target->addString(subName.c_str()); } } else { YARP_ERROR(Logger::get(), String("bad include")); return; } Property p; if (getBottle(subName)!=NULL) { p.fromString(getBottle(subName)->tail().toString()); //printf(">>> prior p %s\n", // p.toString().c_str()); } p.fromConfigFile(fname.c_str(), env, false); accum.fromString(p.toString()); tag = subName.c_str(); //printf(">>> tag %s accum %s\n", // tag.c_str(), // accum.toString().c_str()); if (tag!="") { if (accum.size()>=1) { Bottle b; b.addString(tag.c_str()); //Bottle& subList = b.addList(); //subList.copy(accum); b.append(accum); putBottleCompat(tag.c_str(), b); } tag = ""; } } else { tag = ""; ConstString fname = bot.get(1).toString(); //printf("Including %s\n", fname.c_str()); fromConfigFile(fname.c_str(), env, false); } } } if (bot.size()==2 && !including) { buf = bot.get(1).toString().c_str(); String key = bot.get(0).toString().c_str(); Bottle *target = getBottle(key.c_str()); if (target==NULL) { Bottle init; init.addString(key.c_str()); init.addString(buf.c_str()); putBottleCompat(key.c_str(),init); } else { target->addString(buf.c_str()); } } } if (!including) { isTag = true; } } } } if (!isTag && !including) { Bottle bot; bot.fromString(buf.c_str()); if (bot.size()>=1) { if (tag=="") { putBottleCompat(bot.get(0).toString().c_str(),bot); } else { if (bot.get(1).asString()=="=") { Bottle& b = accum.addList(); for (int i=0; i<bot.size(); i++) { if (i!=1) { b.add(bot.get(i)); } } } else { accum.addList().copy(bot); } } } } if (isTag||done) { if (tag!="") { if (accum.size()>=1) { putBottleCompat(tag.c_str(),accum); } tag = ""; } tag = buf; accum.clear(); accum.addString(tag.c_str()); if (tag!="") { if (getBottle(tag.c_str())!=NULL) { // merge data accum.append(getBottle(tag.c_str())->tail()); //printf("MERGE %s, got %s\n", tag.c_str(), // accum.toString().c_str()); } } } } while (!done); }
int main(int ntargets, char *targets[]) { Network yarp; Port port; string hist_file(getenv("HOME") ); hist_file += "/.yarp_write_history"; read_history(hist_file.c_str()); if (companion_active_port==NULL) { companion_install_handler(); } ntargets--; targets++; if (![0])) { printf("\nCould not open write port.\n"); return 1; } ntargets--; targets++; if (adminMode) { port.setAdminMode(); } bool raw = false; for (int i=0; i<ntargets; i++) { if (string(targets[i])=="verbatim") { raw = true; } else { if (!yarp.connect(port.getName().c_str(),targets[i])) { printf("\nCould not connect ports\n"); return 1; } } } printf("\nTo stop: CTRL+C ENTER\n\n"); rl_catch_signals = 1; rl_set_signals(); while (!done) { rl_on_new_line(); string txt(rl_gets()); if (!done) { if (txt[0]<32 && txt[0]!='\n' && txt[0]!='\r' && txt[0]!='\0' && txt[0]!='\t') { break; // for example, horrible windows ^D } Bottle bot; if (raw) { bot.addInt(0); bot.addString(txt.c_str()); } else { bot.fromString(txt.c_str()); } //core.send(bot); port.write(bot); } } write_history(hist_file.c_str()); companion_active_port = NULL; if (raw) { Bottle bot; bot.addInt(1); bot.addString("<EOF>"); //core.send(bot); port.write(bot); } port.close(); return 0; }
ICubClient::ICubClient(const std::string &moduleName, const std::string &context, const std::string &clientConfigFile, bool isRFVerbose) { yarp::os::ResourceFinder rfClient; rfClient.setVerbose(isRFVerbose); rfClient.setDefaultContext(context.c_str()); rfClient.setDefaultConfigFile(clientConfigFile.c_str()); rfClient.configure(0,NULL); yarp::os::ResourceFinder rfPostures; rfPostures.setVerbose(isRFVerbose); rfPostures.setDefaultContext(context.c_str()); rfPostures.setDefaultConfigFile(rfClient.check("posturesFile",Value("postures.ini")).asString().c_str()); rfPostures.configure(0,NULL); yarp::os::ResourceFinder rfChoregraphies; rfChoregraphies.setVerbose(isRFVerbose); rfChoregraphies.setDefaultContext(context.c_str()); rfChoregraphies.setDefaultConfigFile(rfClient.check("choregraphiesFile",Value("choregraphies.ini")).asString().c_str()); rfChoregraphies.configure(0,NULL); LoadPostures(rfPostures); LoadChoregraphies(rfChoregraphies); //Reaching range Bottle defaultRangeMin ;defaultRangeMin.fromString("-0.5 -0.3 -0.15"); Bottle defaultRangeMax;defaultRangeMax.fromString("-0.1 0.3 0.5"); Bottle *rangeMin = rfClient.find("reachingRangeMin").asList(); Bottle *rangeMax = rfClient.find("reachingRangeMax").asList(); if (rangeMin == NULL) rangeMin = new Bottle(defaultRangeMin); if (rangeMax == NULL) rangeMax = new Bottle(defaultRangeMax); xRangeMin = defaultRangeMin.get(0).asDouble(); xRangeMax =defaultRangeMax.get(0).asDouble(); yRangeMin = defaultRangeMin.get(1).asDouble(); yRangeMax =defaultRangeMax.get(1).asDouble(); zRangeMin = defaultRangeMin.get(2).asDouble(); zRangeMax =defaultRangeMax.get(2).asDouble(); icubAgent = NULL; //OPC string fullName = moduleName + "/icubClient"; opc = new OPCClient(fullName); opc->isVerbose = false; //Susbsystems if (Bottle* bSubsystems = rfClient.find("subsystems").asList()) { for (int s=0; s<bSubsystems->size(); s++) { std::string currentSS = bSubsystems->get(s).asString(); cout<<"Trying to open subsystem : "<<currentSS<<endl; if (currentSS == SUBSYSTEM_ATTENTION) subSystems[SUBSYSTEM_ATTENTION] = new SubSystem_Attention(fullName); else if (currentSS == SUBSYSTEM_EXPRESSION) subSystems[SUBSYSTEM_EXPRESSION] = new SubSystem_Expression(fullName); else if (currentSS == SUBSYSTEM_POSTURES) subSystems[SUBSYSTEM_POSTURES] = new SubSystem_Postures(fullName); else if (currentSS == SUBSYSTEM_REACTABLE) subSystems[SUBSYSTEM_REACTABLE] = new SubSystem_Reactable(fullName); else if (currentSS == SUBSYSTEM_IKART) subSystems[SUBSYSTEM_IKART] = new SubSystem_iKart(fullName); else if (currentSS == SUBSYSTEM_ABM) subSystems[SUBSYSTEM_ABM] = new SubSystem_ABM(fullName); else if (currentSS == SUBSYSTEM_SPEECH) subSystems[SUBSYSTEM_SPEECH] = new SubSystem_Speech(fullName); else if (currentSS == SUBSYSTEM_SLIDING_CONTROLLER) subSystems[SUBSYSTEM_SLIDING_CONTROLLER] = new SubSystem_SlidingController(fullName); else if (currentSS == SUBSYSTEM_ARE) subSystems[SUBSYSTEM_ARE] = new SubSystem_ARE(fullName); } } closed=false; }
Bottle autobiographicalMemory::snapshot(const Bottle &bInput) { /* format of input bottle : snapshot (action name_action type_action) (time t_time) (arguments (arg1) (arg2, role) ... argN) (begin 0/1) (mental) Arguments are from 2 types: - something from the OPC : just argN is enough - something external : argN + role is mandatory */ // run only one snapshot at a time LockGuard lg(mutexSnapshot); //get Instance of the next opc string sRequest_instance; // get the OPC to check en bois bool bMental = bInput.check("mental"); if (bMental) { // change the providers !! } if (isconnected2reasoning) { Bottle b2reasoning; b2reasoning.addString("updateObjectLocation"); b2reasoning.addString(s_real_OPC.c_str()); abm2reasoning.write(b2reasoning); } sRequest_instance = "SELECT instance FROM main ORDER BY instance DESC LIMIT 1;"; Bottle bRequest, bTemp; bRequest.addString("request"); bRequest.addString(sRequest_instance.c_str()); bRequest = request(bRequest); int instance; if (bRequest.toString() != "NULL") { instance = atoi(bRequest.get(0).asList()->get(0).toString().c_str()) + 1; } else { instance = 0; } OPCEARS.setInstance(instance); currentInstance = instance; // Filling table main: Bottle bMain; bMain.addString("request"); ostringstream osMain; osMain << "INSERT INTO main(activityname, activitytype, time, instance, begin, opcname) VALUES ('"; string sName; //for streaming image bool isStreamActivity = false; string fullSentence = "defaultLabel"; string activityType; //Action bool done = false; for (int i = 1; i < bInput.size(); i++) { bTemp = *(bInput.get(i).asList()); if (bTemp.get(0) == "action" && !done) { osMain << bTemp.get(1).asString() << "' , '"; // activityname sName = bTemp.get(1).asString(); imgLabel = bTemp.get(1).asString(); //used to name the single image ostringstream labelImg; labelImg << imgLabel << "_" << instance; fullSentence = labelImg.str(); activityType = bTemp.get(2).asString(); //if activity is an action -> stream if (activityType == "action") { isStreamActivity = true; } osMain << bTemp.get(2).asString() << "' , '"; // activitytype done = true; } } if (!done) { osMain << "unknown' , 'unknown', '"; } // Time string sTime = getCurrentTime(); osMain << sTime << "' , " << instance << " , "; // time + instance //Begin done = false; bool bBegin = false; //yDebug() << "bInput has a size of " << bInput.size() << " and is : " << bInput.toString().c_str(); for (int i = 1; i < bInput.size(); i++) { bTemp = *(bInput.get(i).asList()); if (bTemp.get(0) == "begin" && !done) { if (bTemp.get(1).asInt() == 1) { osMain << "TRUE "; bBegin = true; } else { osMain << "FALSE "; bBegin = false; } done = true; } } if (!done) { osMain << "FALSE"; } if (isStreamActivity == true && !bBegin) { //just stop stream images stores when relevant activity yDebug() << "[mutexChangeover] try locking in snapshot end"; mutexChangeover.lock(); yDebug() << "[mutexChangeover] locked in snapshot end"; streamStatus = "end"; //is done here (before the OPC snapshot), because the snapshot is slowing everything down } if(bMental) { osMain << " , '" << s_mental_OPC << "' ) ; "; } else { osMain << " , '" << s_real_OPC << "' ) ; "; } bMain.addString(string(osMain.str()).c_str()); request(bMain); OPCClient *opcWorld; //Connection to the OPC (bMental) ? opcWorld = opcWorldMental : opcWorld = opcWorldReal; Bottle bOPCEearsResponse = OPCEARS.snapshot(bInput, opcWorld); if(bOPCEearsResponse.get(0).asString() == "nack") { return bOPCEearsResponse; } ostringstream osName; osName << sName << instance; sName += osName.str(); //I dont understand this Gregoire : you concatenate the name with nameInstance with itself, producing namenameinstance //yDebug() << "OPCEARS: " << sName; Bottle bSnapShot = OPCEARS.insertOPC(sName); if(bSnapShot.get(0).asString() == "nack") { return bSnapShot; } ostringstream osAllArg; Bottle bRecogSemantic; bool bShouldSend = true; // Filling contentArg if (opcWorld->isConnected()) { for (int i = 1; i < bInput.size(); i++) { bTemp = *(bInput.get(i).asList()); if (bTemp.get(0) == "arguments" && bTemp.size() > 1) { for (int j = 1; j < bTemp.size(); j++) { ostringstream osArg; string cArgArgument, cArgType, cArgSubtype, cArgRole; //check if the argument is an entity in OPC Entity* currentEntity = opcWorld->getEntity(bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(0).toString().c_str()); if (currentEntity == NULL) { cArgArgument = bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(0).asString(); cArgType = "external"; cArgSubtype = "default"; } else { cArgArgument = currentEntity->name(); cArgType = "entity"; cArgSubtype = currentEntity->entity_type(); } if (bTemp.get(j).asList()->size() > 1) { cArgRole = bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(1).asString(); //add sentence for single img label if (cArgRole == "sentence"){ fullSentence = cArgArgument; } if (cArgRole == "semantic"){ yInfo() << " " << bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(0).toString(); bRecogSemantic.fromString(bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(0).toString()); yInfo() << " " << bRecogSemantic.toString(); yInfo() << " bRecog size: " << bRecogSemantic.size(); bShouldSend = false; } } else { cArgRole = "unknown"; } std::replace( cArgArgument.begin(), cArgArgument.end(), '\'', ' '); if (bShouldSend){ osArg << "INSERT INTO contentarg(instance, argument, type, subtype, role) VALUES ( " << instance << ", '" << cArgArgument << "', " << "'" << cArgType << "', '" << cArgSubtype << "', '" << cArgRole << "') ; "; } else{ bShouldSend = true; } // one stringstream with all argments osAllArg << osArg.str().c_str(); } } } // add the snapshot of the OPC osAllArg << bSnapShot.get(0).asString(); bRequest.clear(); if(osAllArg.str() != "") { bRequest.addString("request"); bRequest.addString(osAllArg.str().c_str()); request(bRequest); } } if ((!bBegin) && isconnected2reasoning) { Bottle b2reasoning; b2reasoning.addString("addLastActivity"); b2reasoning.addString("action"); abm2reasoning.write(b2reasoning); } if (isStreamActivity == true) { //just launch stream images stores when relevant activity if (bBegin) { while(!mutexStreamRecord.tryLock()) { yDebug() << "[mutexStreamRecord] tryLock"; yarp::os::Time::delay(0.1); } yDebug() << "[mutexStreamRecord] unlock"; mutexStreamRecord.unlock(); yDebug() << "[mutexChangeover] try locking in snapshot begin"; mutexChangeover.lock(); yDebug() << "[mutexChangeover] locked in snapshot begin"; streamStatus = "begin"; //streamStatus = "end" is done before the OPC snapshot, because the snapshot is slowing everything down } } else { //just one image (sentence?) while(streamStatus == "send") { // when it's sending, don't record new images! yarp::os::Time::delay(0.1); } if(streamStatus != "record") { // only change instance number if we are not recording already imgInstance = currentInstance; } string synchroTime = getCurrentTime(); frameNb = 0; storeImagesAndData(synchroTime, true, fullSentence); //if activity = say, we have to take one image/data + the sound that is coming from another port and catch in the update method of ABM (store in /tmp/sound/default.wav if (activityType == "recog") { string sndName; //take the full sentence, replace space by _ to have the sound name replace(fullSentence.begin(), fullSentence.end(), ' ', '_'); sndName = fullSentence + ".wav"; //read sound from file and put data in yarp::sig::Sound to store properly with semantic/instance that we are now aware of yarp::sig::Sound s; string defaultSoundFullPath = storingPath + "/" + storingTmpSuffix + "/sound/" + "default.wav"; yDebug() << "opening sound file " << defaultSoundFullPath.c_str(); if (yarp::sig::file::read(s, defaultSoundFullPath.c_str()) == false) { yWarning() << "Cannot open the default sound file: check " << defaultSoundFullPath; } else { yInfo() << "Default sound file loaded from " << defaultSoundFullPath; stringstream sInstance; sInstance << currentInstance; //build the path and the name of the sound according to the instance and sentence said string relativePath = sInstance.str() + "/" + sndName; string fullPath = storingPath + "/" + relativePath; if (yarp::sig::file::write(s, fullPath.c_str()) == false) { yError() << "Cannot save the default sound file to " << fullPath; } else { yInfo() << "Default sound file renamed and moved to " << fullPath; database_mutex.lock(); //add the sound into the large_objects table of ABM unsigned int snd_oid = ABMDataBase->lo_import(fullPath.c_str()); database_mutex.unlock(); Bottle bRequest; ostringstream osArg; //Populate the sounddata table with the infos bRequest.addString("request"); osArg << "INSERT INTO sounddata(instance, relative_path, time, snd_provider_port, snd_oid) VALUES ('" << currentInstance << "', '" << relativePath << "', '" << synchroTime << "', '" << portSoundStreamInput.getName() << "', '" << snd_oid << "');"; bRequest.addString(osArg.str()); request(bRequest); } } osInsertTemp.str(""); recogFromGrammarSemantic(bRecogSemantic, "", 1, currentInstance); requestFromString(osInsertTemp.str()); } } bSnapShot.addInt(instance); return bSnapShot; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Network yarp; Port output; string from_port; string to_port; string fn; if (argc >=4) { from_port = string(argv[1]); to_port = string(argv[2]); fn = string(argv[3]); } else { if (argc < 2) { cout<<"usage: port_playback /thisPort /destPort filename"<<endl; return 0; } } //parse input file // ...; yarp::os::Network::connect(from_port.c_str(),to_port.c_str()); std::clock_t start; std::clock_t elapsed; ifstream file(fn.c_str()); string line; if (file.is_open()) { start = std::clock(); while (cont) { while (getline(file, line)) { cout<<"read line: "<<line<<endl; Bottle bot; bot.fromString(line.c_str()); long t = bot.get(bot.size()-1).asInt(); //last value is timestamp cout<<"t="<<t<<endl; elapsed = std::clock() - start; while (elapsed <= t) { elapsed = std::clock() - start; }; bot.pop(); //remove that timestamp! //wait, until we get past time. // of course, we should handle cases where there is nothing, in which case // it will hang! cout<<"sending! t="<<t<<endl; output.write(bot); } cont = false; } } output.close(); return 0; }
bool XmlRpcCarrier::write(ConnectionState& proto, SizedWriter& writer) { StringOutputStream sos; StringInputStream sis; writer.write(sos); sis.reset(sos.toString()); ConstString header; if (sender) { header = sis.readLine(); } ConstString body = sis.readLine(); Value v; if (header.length()>0 && header[0]=='q') { body = "yarp.quit"; // XMLRPC does not need a quit message, this should get stripped return false; } Bottle *bot = v.asList(); bot->fromString(body.c_str()); ConstString methodName; if (sender) { methodName = bot->get(0).toString(); *bot = bot->tail(); } XmlRpcValue args; if (bot->size()==1) { toXmlRpcValue(bot->get(0),args); } else { toXmlRpcValue(v,args); } std::string req; if (sender) { const Contact& addr = host.isValid()?host:proto.getStreams().getRemoteAddress(); XmlRpcClient c(addr.getHost().c_str(),(addr.getPort()>0)?addr.getPort():80); c.generateRequest(methodName.c_str(),args); req = c.getRequest(); } else { XmlRpcServerConnection c(0,NULL); c.generateResponse(args.toXml()); req = c.getResponse(); } int start = 0; if (sender) { if (req.length()<8) { fprintf(stderr, "XmlRpcCarrier fail, %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } for (int i=0; i<(int)req.length(); i++) { if (req[i] == '\n') { start++; break; } start++; } if (!firstRound) { Bytes b((char*)http.c_str(),http.length()); proto.os().write(b); } firstRound = false; } Bytes b((char*)req.c_str()+start,req.length()-start); proto.os().write(b); return proto.os().isOk(); }