예제 #1
void conschk_exists_notu_dlg::InitDialog(wxInitDialogEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) // InitDialog is method of wxWindow
	//InitDialog() is not virtual, no call needed to a base class
	m_bDoAutoFix = FALSE; // default

	m_pStatTxtMsg = (wxStaticText*)FindWindowById(ID_TEXT_EXISTS_STR);
	wxASSERT(m_pStatTxtMsg != NULL);
	wxString itsLabel = m_pStatTxtMsg->GetLabel();
	wxString s;
	if (m_msgNumber == 1)
		s = gpApp->m_consCheck_msg1;
		s = gpApp->m_consCheck_msg2;
		s = s.Format(s, gpApp->m_strNotInKB.c_str());
	wxString finalLabel;
	finalLabel = finalLabel.Format(itsLabel,s.c_str());
	m_pStatTxtMsg->SetLabel(finalLabel); // get the appropriate message shown

	m_pAutoFixChkBox = (wxCheckBox*)FindWindowById(ID_CHECK_DO_SAME2);
	wxASSERT(m_pAutoFixChkBox != NULL);
	m_pAutoFixChkBox->SetValue(FALSE); // start with it turned off

	actionTaken = no_GUI_needed; // temporary default, OnOK() will set it

	m_pTextCtrlSrcText = (wxTextCtrl*)FindWindowById(ID_TEXTCTRL_SOURCE_PHRASE_2);
	wxASSERT(m_pTextCtrlSrcText != NULL);
	// put the passed in source phrase value into the wxTextCtrl, then make it read only
	m_pTextCtrlSrcText->SetEditable(FALSE); // now it's read-only

	m_pTextCtrlTgtText = (wxTextCtrl*)FindWindowById(ID_TEXTCTRL_TARGET_PHRASE_2);
	wxASSERT(m_pTextCtrlTgtText != NULL);
	// put the passed in source phrase value into the wxTextCtrl, then make it read only
	m_pTextCtrlTgtText->SetEditable(FALSE); // now it's read-only

	m_pStaticCtrl = (wxStaticText*)FindWindowById(ID_TEXT_EXISTS_STR);
	wxASSERT(m_pStaticCtrl != NULL);

	m_pStoreNormallyRadioBtn = (wxRadioButton*)FindWindowById(ID_RADIO_STORE_NORMALLY);
	wxASSERT(m_pStoreNormallyRadioBtn != NULL);

	m_pNotInKBRadioBtn = (wxRadioButton*)FindWindowById(ID_RADIO_NOT_IN_KB_LEAVEINDOC);
	wxASSERT(m_pNotInKBRadioBtn != NULL);
	// put in the correct string, for this radio button label;  "<Not In KB>" 
	wxString msg2 = m_pNotInKBRadioBtn->GetLabel();
	m_radioNotInKBLabelStr = m_radioNotInKBLabelStr.Format(msg2, m_notInKBStr.c_str());
	// get the pixel difference in the label's changed text
	int difference = CalcLabelWidthDifference(msg2, m_radioNotInKBLabelStr, m_pNotInKBRadioBtn);

	// make the fonts show user-defined font point size in the dialog
	#ifdef _RTL_FLAGS
	gpApp->SetFontAndDirectionalityForDialogControl(gpApp->m_pSourceFont, m_pTextCtrlSrcText, NULL,
								NULL, NULL, gpApp->m_pDlgSrcFont, gpApp->m_bSrcRTL);
	gpApp->SetFontAndDirectionalityForDialogControl(gpApp->m_pTargetFont, m_pTextCtrlTgtText, NULL,
								NULL, NULL, gpApp->m_pDlgTgtFont, gpApp->m_bTgtRTL);
	#else // Regular version, only LTR scripts supported, so use default FALSE for last parameter
	gpApp->SetFontAndDirectionalityForDialogControl(gpApp->m_pSourceFont, m_pTextCtrlSrcText, NULL, 
								NULL, NULL, gpApp->m_pDlgSrcFont);
	gpApp->SetFontAndDirectionalityForDialogControl(gpApp->m_pTargetFont, m_pTextCtrlTgtText, NULL, 
								NULL, NULL, gpApp->m_pDlgTgtFont);

	// get the dialog to resize to the new label string lengths
	int width = 0;
	int myheight = 0;
	this->GetSize(&width, &myheight);
	// use the difference value calculated above to widen the dialog window and then call
	// Layout() to get the attached sizer hierarchy recalculated and laid out
	int sizeFlags = 0;
	sizeFlags |= wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING;
	int clientWidth = 0;
	int clientHeight = 0;
	CMainFrame *pFrame = gpApp->GetMainFrame();
    // ensure the adjusted width of the dialog won't exceed the client area's width for the
    // frame window
    if (difference < clientWidth - width)
		this->SetSize(wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord, width + difference, wxDefaultCoord);
		this->SetSize(wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord, clientWidth - 2, wxDefaultCoord);
	this->Layout(); // automatically calls Layout() on top level sizer

	if (m_bShowItCentered)

	{ // reused local var names here, so need a new scope in order to hide them
	// get the dialog to resize to the new label string lengths
	int width = 0;
	int myheight = 0;
	this->GetSize(&width, &myheight);
	// use the difference value calculated above to widen the dialog window and then call
	// Layout() to get the attached sizer hierarchy recalculated and laid out
	int sizeFlags = 0;
	sizeFlags |= wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING;
	int clientWidth = 0;
	int clientHeight = 0;
	CMainFrame *pFrame = gpApp->GetMainFrame();
    // ensure the adjusted width of the dialog won't exceed the client area's width for the
    // frame window
    if (difference < clientWidth - width)
		this->SetSize(wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord, width + difference, wxDefaultCoord);
		this->SetSize(wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord, clientWidth - 2, wxDefaultCoord);
	this->Layout(); // automatically calls Layout() on top level sizer

	if (m_bShowItCentered)
	// work out where to place the dialog window
	int myTopCoord, myLeftCoord, newXPos, newYPos;
	wxRect rectDlg;
	GetSize(&rectDlg.width, &rectDlg.height); // dialog's window frame
	wxClientDC dc(gpApp->GetMainFrame()->canvas);
	gpApp->GetMainFrame()->canvas->DoPrepareDC(dc);// adjust origin
	// wxWidgets' drawing.cpp sample calls PrepareDC on the owning frame
	// CalcScrolledPosition translates logical coordinates to device ones, m_ptBoxTopLeft
	// has been initialized to the topleft of the cell (from m_pActivePile) where the
	// phrase box currently is
	gpApp->GetMainFrame()->canvas->CalcScrolledPosition(m_ptBoxTopLeft.x, m_ptBoxTopLeft.y,&newXPos,&newYPos);
	gpApp->GetMainFrame()->canvas->ClientToScreen(&newXPos, &newYPos); // now it's screen coords
	RepositionDialogToUncoverPhraseBox(gpApp, 0, 0, rectDlg.width, rectDlg.height,
										newXPos, newYPos, myTopCoord, myLeftCoord);
	SetSize(myLeftCoord, myTopCoord, wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
	// It's a simple dialog, I'm not bothering with validators and TransferDataTo/FromWindow calls