예제 #1
void IsisMain() {
  //Set up ProcessBySpectra
  ProcessBySpectra p;

  //Obtain input cube, get bands dimension from input cube and user input number bands
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
  int cubeBands = icube->Bands();
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  bands = ui.GetInteger("BANDS");

  //Check for cases of too many bands
  if (bands >= (2 * cubeBands)) {
    iString msg = "Parameter bands [" + iString(bands) + "] exceeds maximum allowable size "
      + "of [" + iString((cubeBands * 2) - 1) + "] for cube [" + icube->Filename() + "]";
    throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg, _FILEINFO_);
  //Set the Boxcar Parameters
  low = -DBL_MAX;
  high = DBL_MAX;

  if (ui.WasEntered("LOW")) {
    low = ui.GetDouble("LOW");
  if (ui.WasEntered("HIGH")) {
    high = ui.GetDouble("HIGH");
  //Obtain output cube

  //Start the filter method
예제 #2
void IsisMain(){

  const std::string hical_program = "hicalbeta";
  const std::string hical_version = "3.5";
  const std::string hical_revision = "$Revision: 1.14 $";
  const std::string hical_runtime = Application::DateTime();

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  string procStep("prepping phase");
  try {
//  The output from the last processing is the input into subsequent processing
    ProcessByLine p;

    Cube *hifrom = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
    int nsamps = hifrom->Samples();
    int nlines = hifrom->Lines();

//  Initialize the configuration file
    string conf(ui.GetAsString("CONF"));
    HiCalConf hiconf(*(hifrom->Label()), conf);
    DbProfile hiprof = hiconf.getMatrixProfile();

// Check for label propagation and set the output cube
    Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO");
    if ( !IsTrueValue(hiprof,"PropagateTables", "TRUE") ) {

//  Set specified profile if entered by user
    if (ui.WasEntered("PROFILE")) {

//  Add OPATH parameter to profiles
    if (ui.WasEntered("OPATH")) {
    else {
      //  Set default to output directory
      hiconf.add("OPATH", Filename(ocube->Filename()).Path());

//  Do I/F output DN conversions
    string units = ui.GetString("UNITS");

    //  Allocate the calibration list
    calVars = new MatrixList;

//  Set up access to HiRISE ancillary data (tables, blobs) here.  Note it they
//  are gone, this will error out. See PropagateTables in conf file.
    HiCalData caldata(*hifrom);

//  FixGaps (Z_f) Get buffer pixels and compute coefficients for equation
//     y = a[0] + a[1]*x + a[2] * exp(a[3] * x)
//        where y is the average of the buffer pixel region,
//          and x is the time at each line in electrons/sec/pixel
    procStep = "Zf module";
    hiprof = hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    HiHistory ZfHist;
    ZfHist.add("Profile["+ hiprof.Name()+"]");
    if ( !SkipModule(hiprof) ) {
      DriftBuffer driftB(caldata, hiconf);
      calVars->add("Zf", driftB.ref());
      ZfHist = driftB.History();
      if ( hiprof.exists("DumpModuleFile") ) {
    else {
      //  NOT RECOMMENDED!  This is required for the next step!
      //  SURELY must be skipped with Z_d step as well!
      calVars->add("Zf", HiVector(nlines, 0.0));
      ZfHist.add("Debug::SkipModule invoked!");

// DriftCorrect (Z_d)
//  Now compute the equation of fit
    procStep = "Zd module";
    HiHistory ZdHist;
    hiprof = hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    ZdHist.add("Profile["+ hiprof.Name()+"]");
    if (!SkipModule(hiconf.getMatrixProfile("Zd")) ) { 
      DriftCorrect driftC(hiconf);
      calVars->add("Zd", driftC.Normalize(driftC.Solve(calVars->get("Zf"))));
      ZdHist = driftC.History();
      if ( hiprof.exists("DumpModuleFile") ) {
    else {
      calVars->add("Zd", HiVector(nlines, 0.0));
      ZdHist.add("Debug::SkipModule invoked!");

 //  ZeroCorrect (Z_z)  Get reverse clock 
    procStep = "Zz module";
    hiprof = hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    HiHistory ZzHist;
    ZzHist.add("Profile["+ hiprof.Name()+"]");
    if ( !SkipModule(hiprof) ) {
      OffsetCorrect zoff(caldata, hiconf);
      calVars->add("Zz", zoff.ref());
      ZzHist = zoff.History();
      if ( hiprof.exists("DumpModuleFile") ) {
    else {
      calVars->add("Zz", HiVector(nsamps, 0.0));
      ZzHist.add("Debug::SkipModule invoked!");

// DarkSubtract (Z_b) Remove dark current
    procStep = "Zb module";
    hiprof =  hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    HiHistory ZbHist;
    ZbHist.add("Profile["+ hiprof.Name()+"]");
    if ( !SkipModule(hiprof) ) {
      DarkSubtractComp dark(hiconf);
      calVars->add("Zb", dark.ref());
      ZbHist = dark.History();
      if ( hiprof.exists("DumpModuleFile") ) {
    else {
      calVars->add("Zb", HiVector(nsamps, 0.0));
      ZbHist.add("Debug::SkipModule invoked!");

// GainVLineCorrect (Z_g) Correct for gain-based drift
    procStep = "Zg module";
    hiprof = hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    HiHistory ZgHist;
    ZgHist.add("Profile["+ hiprof.Name()+"]");
    if ( !SkipModule(hiprof) ) {
      GainVLineComp gainV(hiconf);
      calVars->add("Zg", gainV.ref());
      ZgHist = gainV.History();
      if ( hiprof.exists("DumpModuleFile") ) {
    else {
      calVars->add("Zg", HiVector(nlines, 1.0));
      ZgHist.add("Debug::SkipModule invoked!");

//  GainCorrect (Z_gg)  Correct for gain with the G matrix 
    procStep = "Zgg module";
    hiprof =  hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    HiHistory ZggHist;
    ZggHist.add("Profile["+ hiprof.Name()+"]");
    if ( !SkipModule(hiprof) ) {
      double bin = ToDouble(hiprof("Summing"));
      double tdi = ToDouble(hiprof("Tdi"));
      double factor = 128.0 / tdi / (bin*bin);
      HiVector zgg =  hiconf.getMatrix("G", hiprof);
      for ( int i = 0 ; i < zgg.dim() ; i++ ) { zgg[i] *= factor; }
      calVars->add("Zgg", zgg);;
      ZggHist.add("LoadMatrix(G[" + hiconf.getMatrixSource("G",hiprof) +
                  "],Band[" + ToString(hiconf.getMatrixBand(hiprof)) + 
                  "],Factor[" + ToString(factor) + "])"); 
      if ( hiprof.exists("DumpModuleFile") ) { 
        Component zg("GMatrix", ZggHist);
    else {
      calVars->add("Zgg", HiVector(nsamps, 1.0));
      ZggHist.add("Debug::SkipModule invoked!");

//  FlatField (Z_a)  Flat field correction with A matrix
    procStep = "Za module";
    hiprof =  hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    HiHistory ZaHist;
    ZaHist.add("Profile["+ hiprof.Name()+"]");
    if ( !SkipModule(hiprof) ) {
      FlatFieldComp flat(hiconf);
      calVars->add("Za", flat.ref());
      ZaHist = flat.History();
      if ( hiprof.exists("DumpModuleFile") ) {
    else {
      calVars->add("Za", HiVector(nsamps, 1.0));
      ZaHist.add("Debug::SkipModule invoked!");

//  FlatField (Z_t)  Temperature-dependant gain correction
    procStep = "Zt module";
    hiprof =  hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    HiHistory ZtHist;
    ZtHist.add("Profile["+ hiprof.Name()+"]");
    if ( !SkipModule(hiprof) ) {
      TempGainCorrect tcorr(hiconf);
      calVars->add("Zt", tcorr.ref());
      ZtHist = tcorr.History();
      if ( hiprof.exists("DumpModuleFile") ) {
    else {
      calVars->add("Zt", HiVector(nsamps, 1.0));
      ZtHist.add("Debug::SkipModule invoked!");

//  I/FCorrect (Z_iof) Conversion to I/F
    procStep = "Ziof module";
    hiprof = hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    HiHistory ZiofHist;
    ZiofHist.add("Profile["+ hiprof.Name()+"]");
    if ( !SkipModule(hiprof) ) {
      double sed = ToDouble(hiprof("ScanExposureDuration"));  // units = us
      if ( IsEqual(units, "IOF") ) {
        //  Add solar I/F correction parameters
        double au = hiconf.sunDistanceAU();
        ZiofHist.add("SunDist[" + ToString(au) + " (AU)]");
        double suncorr =  1.5 / au;
        suncorr *= suncorr;

        double zbin  = ToDouble(hiprof("ZiofBinFactor"));
        ZiofHist.add("ZiofBinFactor[" + ToString(zbin) + "]");

        double zgain = ToDouble(hiprof("FilterGainCorrection"));
        ZiofHist.add("FilterGainCorrection[" + ToString(zgain) + "]");
        ZiofHist.add("ScanExposureDuration[" + ToString(sed) + "]");
        double ziof = (zbin * zgain) * (sed * 1.0e-6)  * suncorr; 

        calVars->add("Ziof", HiVector(1, ziof));
        ZiofHist.add("I/F_Factor[" + ToString(ziof) + "]");
        ZiofHist.add("Units[I/F Reflectance]");
      else if (  IsEqual(units, "DN/US") ) {
        // Ziof is a divisor in calibration equation
        double ziof = sed;
        calVars->add("Ziof", HiVector(1, ziof));
        ZiofHist.add("ScanExposureDuration[" + ToString(sed) + "]");
        ZiofHist.add("DN/US_Factor[" + ToString(ziof) + "]");
      else {
        // Units are already in DN
        double ziof = 1.0;
        calVars->add("Ziof", HiVector(1, ziof));
        ZiofHist.add("DN_Factor[" + ToString(ziof) + "]");
    else {
      calVars->add("Ziof", HiVector(1,1.0));
      ZiofHist.add("Debug::SkipModule invoked!");

    //  Reset the profile selection to default

//  Call the processing function
    procStep = "calibration phase";

    // Get the default profile for logging purposes
    hiprof = hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    const std::string conf_file = hiconf.filepath(conf);

    // Quitely dumps parameter history to alternative format file.  This
    // is completely controlled by the configuration file
    if ( hiprof.exists("DumpHistoryFile") ) {
      procStep = "logging/reporting phase";
      Filename hdump(hiconf.getMatrixSource("DumpHistoryFile",hiprof));
      string hdumpFile = hdump.Expanded();
      ofstream ofile(hdumpFile.c_str(), ios::out);
      if (!ofile) {
        string mess = "Unable to open/create history dump file " + 
        iException::Message(iException::User, mess, _FILEINFO_).Report();
      else {
        ofile << "Program:  " << hical_program << endl;
        ofile << "RunTime:  " << hical_runtime << endl;
        ofile << "Version:  " << hical_version << endl;
        ofile << "Revision: " << hical_revision << endl << endl;

        ofile << "FROM:     " << hifrom->Filename() << endl;
        ofile << "TO:       " << ocube->Filename()  << endl;
        ofile << "CONF:     " << conf_file  << endl << endl;

        ofile << "/* " << hical_program << " application equation */" << endl
              << "/* hdn = (idn - Zd(Zf) - Zz - Zb) */"
              << endl << "/* odn = hdn / Zg * Zgg * Za * Zt / Ziof */" 
              << endl << endl;

        ofile << "****** PARAMETER GENERATION HISTORY *******" << endl;
        ofile << "\nZf   = " << ZfHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZd   = " << ZdHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZz   = " << ZzHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZb   = " << ZbHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZg   = " << ZgHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZgg  = " << ZggHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZa   = " << ZaHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZt   = " << ZtHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZiof = " << ZiofHist << endl;


//  Ensure the RadiometricCalibration group is out there
    const std::string rcalGroup("RadiometricCalibration");
    if (!ocube->HasGroup(rcalGroup)) {
      PvlGroup temp(rcalGroup);

    PvlGroup &rcal = ocube->GetGroup(rcalGroup);
    rcal += PvlKeyword("Program", hical_program);
    rcal += PvlKeyword("RunTime", hical_runtime);
    rcal += PvlKeyword("Version",hical_version);
    rcal += PvlKeyword("Revision",hical_revision);

    PvlKeyword key("Conf", conf_file);
    key.AddCommentWrapped("/* " + hical_program + " application equation */");
    key.AddComment("/* hdn = (idn - Zd(Zf) - Zz - Zb) */");
    key.AddComment("/* odn = hdn / Zg * Zgg * Za * Zt / Ziof */");
    rcal += key;

    //  Record parameter generation history.  Controllable in configuration
    //  file.  Note this is optional because of a BUG!! in the ISIS label
    //  writer as this application was initially developed
    if ( IsEqual(ConfKey(hiprof,"LogParameterHistory",string("TRUE")),"TRUE")) { 
      rcal += ZfHist.makekey("Zf");
      rcal += ZdHist.makekey("Zd");
      rcal += ZzHist.makekey("Zz");
      rcal += ZbHist.makekey("Zb");
      rcal += ZgHist.makekey("Zg");
      rcal += ZggHist.makekey("Zgg");
      rcal += ZaHist.makekey("Za");
      rcal += ZiofHist.makekey("Ziof");

  catch (iException &ie) {
    delete calVars;
    calVars = 0;
    string mess = "Failed in " + procStep;
    ie.Message(iException::User, mess.c_str(), _FILEINFO_);
// Clean up parameters
  delete calVars;
  calVars = 0;
예제 #3
파일: unitTest.cpp 프로젝트: assutech/isis3
int main () {

 * @brief Test ImagePolygon object for accuracy and correct behavior.
 * @author 2005-11-22 Tracie Sucharski
 * @history 2007-01-19  Tracie Sucharski, Removed ToGround method (for now)
 *          because of round off problems going back and forth between
 *          lat/lon,line/samp.
 * @history 2007-01-31  Tracie Sucharski,  Added WKT method to return polygon
 *                           in string as WKT.
 * @history 2007-11-09  Tracie Sucharski,  Remove WKT method, geos now has
 *                            a method to return a WKT string.
 * @history 2007-11-20  Tracie Sucharski,  Added test for sub-polys 

  //   simple MOC image
  string inFile = "/usgs/cpkgs/isis3/data/mgs/testData/ab102401.cub";
  //string inFile = "/work1/tsucharski/poly/I17621017RDR_lev2.cub";
  //  same MOC image, but sinusoidal projection
  //string inFile = "/farm/prog1/tsucharski/isis3/ab102401.lev2.cub";

  //  same MOC image, but sinusoidal projection , doctored left edge
  //string inFile = "/farm/prog1/tsucharski/isis3/ab102401.lev2.leftTrim.cub";

  //   MOC north pole image
  //string inFile = "/work1/tsucharski/isis3/poly/e0202226.lev1.cub";

  //  MOC image with 0/360 boundary
  //  orkin
  //string inFile = "/farm/prog1/tsucharski/isis3/cubes/m0101631.lev1.cub";
  // blackflag
  //string inFile = "/work1/tsucharski/isis3/poly/m0101631.lev1.cub";
  // galileo ssi image
  //string inFile = "/farm/prog1/tsucharski/isis3/6700r.cub";

  // Open the cube
  Cube cube;
  Cube cube1;

  ImagePolygon poly;
  try {
  catch (iException &e) {
    std::string msg = "Cannot create polygon for [" + cube.Filename() + "]";
    throw iException::Message(iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  //  write poly as WKT
  std::cout<< poly.Polys()->toString()<<std::endl;

  //  Test sub-poly option
  try {
  catch (iException &e) {
    std::string msg = "Cannot create sub-polygon for [" + cube.Filename() + "]";
    throw iException::Message(iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  //  write poly as WKT
  std::cout<< poly.Polys()->toString()<<std::endl;

  //  Test lower quality option
  try {
  catch (iException &e) {
    std::string msg = "Cannot create lower quality polygon for [" + cube.Filename() + "]";
    throw iException::Message(iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  //  write poly as WKT
  std::cout<< poly.Polys()->toString()<<std::endl;

예제 #4
 *  @brief Cube based constructor for HiRISE image cleaner
  HiImageClean::HiImageClean(Cube &cube) {
    _filename = cube.Filename();
    _lines =  _samples = 0;
    _totalMaskNulled = _totalDarkNulled = 0;