예제 #1
void Scene::CreateTestScene()
    Material* lambert1 = new LambertMaterial(glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));
    Material* lambert2 = new LambertMaterial(glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));

    Cube* c = new Cube();
    c->material = lambert1;
    c->transform = Transform(glm::vec3(1,0,0), glm::vec3(40,20,45), glm::vec3(1,1,1));

    Sphere* s = new Sphere();
    s->material = lambert2;
    s->transform = Transform(glm::vec3(-1,0,0), glm::vec3(30,50,30), glm::vec3(1,2,1));

    unsigned int w = 400, h = 400;
    camera = Camera(w, h);
    camera.near_clip = 0.1f;
    camera.far_clip = 100.0f;
    film = Film(w, h);
예제 #2
파일: vims2isis.cpp 프로젝트: corburn/ISIS
 *   We created a method to manually skip the suffix and corner
 *   data for this image to avoid implementing it in
 *   ProcessImport and ProcessImportPds. To fully support this
 *   file format, we would have to re-implement the ISIS2 Cube
 *   IO plus add prefix data features to it. This is a shortcut;
 *   because we know these files have one sideplane and four
 *   backplanes, we know how much data to skip when. This should
 *   be fixed if we ever decide to fully support suffix and
 *   corner data, which would require extensive changes to
 *   ProcessImport/ProcessImportPds. Method written by Steven
 *   Lambright.
 * @param inFileName FileName of the input file
 * @param outFile FileName of the output file
void ReadVimsBIL(QString inFileName, const PvlKeyword &suffixItems, QString outFile) {
  Isis::PvlGroup &dataDir = Isis::Preference::Preferences().findGroup("DataDirectory");
  QString transDir = (QString) dataDir["Base"];

  Pvl pdsLabel(inFileName);
  Isis::FileName transFile(transDir + "/" + "translations/pdsQube.trn");
  Isis::PvlTranslationManager pdsXlater(pdsLabel, transFile.expanded());

  TableField sideplaneLine("Line", Isis::TableField::Integer);
  TableField sideplaneBand("Band", Isis::TableField::Integer);
  TableField sideplaneValue("Value", Isis::TableField::Integer);

  TableRecord record;
  record += sideplaneLine;
  record += sideplaneBand;
  record += sideplaneValue;
  Table sideplaneVisTable("SideplaneVis", record);
  Table sideplaneIrTable("SideplaneIr", record);


  QString str;
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreBitsPerPixel");
  int bitsPerPixel = toInt(str);
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CorePixelType");
  PixelType pixelType = Isis::Real;

  if((str == "Real") && (bitsPerPixel == 32)) {
    pixelType = Isis::Real;
  else if((str == "Integer") && (bitsPerPixel == 8)) {
    pixelType = Isis::UnsignedByte;
  else if((str == "Integer") && (bitsPerPixel == 16)) {
    pixelType = Isis::SignedWord;
  else if((str == "Integer") && (bitsPerPixel == 32)) {
    pixelType = Isis::SignedInteger;
  else if((str == "Natural") && (bitsPerPixel == 8)) {
    pixelType = Isis::UnsignedByte;
  else if((str == "Natural") && (bitsPerPixel == 16)) {
    pixelType = Isis::UnsignedWord;
  else if((str == "Natural") && (bitsPerPixel == 16)) {
    pixelType = Isis::SignedWord;
  else if((str == "Natural") && (bitsPerPixel == 32)) {
    pixelType = Isis::UnsignedInteger;
  else {
    QString msg = "Invalid PixelType and BitsPerPixel combination [" + str +
                 ", " + toString(bitsPerPixel) + "]";
    throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreByteOrder");
  Isis::ByteOrder byteOrder = Isis::ByteOrderEnumeration(str);

  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreSamples", 0);
  int ns = toInt(str);
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreLines", 2);
  int nl = toInt(str);
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreBands", 1);
  int nb = toInt(str);

  std::vector<double> baseList;
  std::vector<double> multList;

  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreBase");
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreMultiplier");

  Cube outCube;
  outCube.setDimensions(ns, nl, nb);

  // Figure out the number of bytes to read for a single line
  int readBytes = Isis::SizeOf(pixelType);
  readBytes = readBytes * ns;
  char *in = new char [readBytes];

  // Set up an Isis::EndianSwapper object
  QString tok(Isis::ByteOrderName(byteOrder));
  tok = tok.toUpper();
  Isis::EndianSwapper swapper(tok);

  ifstream fin;
  // Open input file
  Isis::FileName inFile(inFileName);
  fin.open(inFileName.toAscii().data(), ios::in | ios::binary);
  if(!fin.is_open()) {
    QString msg = "Cannot open input file [" + inFileName + "]";
    throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // Handle the file header
  streampos pos = fin.tellg();
  int fileHeaderBytes = (int)(IString)pdsXlater.Translate("DataFileRecordBytes") *
                        ((int)(IString)pdsXlater.Translate("DataStart", 0) - 1);

  fin.seekg(fileHeaderBytes, ios_base::beg);

  // Check the last io
  if(!fin.good()) {
    QString msg = "Cannot read file [" + inFileName + "]. Position [" +
                 toString((int)pos) + "]. Byte count [" +
                 toString(fileHeaderBytes) + "]" ;
    throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // Construct a line buffer manager
  Isis::Brick out(ns, 1, 1, Isis::Real);

  // Loop for each line
  for(int line = 0; line < nl; line++) {
    // Loop for each band
    for(int band = 0; band < nb; band++) {
      // Set the base multiplier
      double base, mult;
      if(baseList.size() > 1) {
        base = baseList[band];
        mult = multList[band];
      else {
        base = baseList[0];
        mult = multList[0];

      // Get a line of data from the input file
      pos = fin.tellg();
      fin.read(in, readBytes);

      if(!fin.good()) {
        QString msg = "Cannot read file [" + inFileName + "]. Position [" +
                     toString((int)pos) + "]. Byte count [" +
                     toString(readBytes) + "]" ;
        throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

      // Swap the bytes if necessary and convert any out of bounds pixels
      // to special pixels
      for(int samp = 0; samp < ns; samp++) {
        switch(pixelType) {
          case Isis::UnsignedByte:
            out[samp] = (double)((unsigned char *)in)[samp];
          case Isis::UnsignedWord:
            out[samp] = (double)swapper.UnsignedShortInt((unsigned short int *)in + samp);
          case Isis::SignedWord:
            out[samp] = (double)swapper.ShortInt((short int *)in + samp);
          case Isis::Real:
            out[samp] = (double)swapper.Float((float *)in + samp);

        // Sets out to isis special pixel or leaves it if valid
        out[samp] = TestPixel(out[samp]);

        if(Isis::IsValidPixel(out[samp])) {
          out[samp] = mult * out[samp] + base;
      } // End sample loop

      //Set the buffer position and write the line to the output file
      out.SetBasePosition(1, line + 1, band + 1);

      if(toInt(suffixItems[0]) != 0) {
        pos = fin.tellg();
        char *sideplaneData = new char[4*toInt(suffixItems[0])];
        fin.read(sideplaneData, 4 * toInt(suffixItems[0]));
        int suffixData = (int)swapper.Int((int *)sideplaneData);
        record[0] = line + 1;
        record[1] = band + 1;
        record[2] = suffixData;

        if(band < 96) {
          sideplaneVisTable += record;

          // set HIS pixels appropriately
          for(int samp = 0; samp < ns; samp++) {
            if(out[samp] >= 4095) {
              out[samp] = Isis::His;
        else {
          record[1] = (band + 1) - 96;
          sideplaneIrTable += record;

          // set HIS pixels appropriately
          for(int samp = 0; samp < ns; samp++) {
            if(out[samp] + suffixData >= 4095) {
              out[samp] = Isis::His;

        delete [] sideplaneData;

        // Check the last io
        if(!fin.good()) {
          QString msg = "Cannot read file [" + inFileName + "]. Position [" +
                       toString((int)pos) + "]. Byte count [" +
                       toString(4) + "]" ;
          throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);
    } // End band loop

    int backplaneSize = toInt(suffixItems[1]) * (4 * (ns + toInt(suffixItems[0])));
    fin.seekg(backplaneSize, ios_base::cur);

    // Check the last io
    if(!fin.good()) {
      QString msg = "Cannot read file [" + inFileName + "]. Position [" +
                   toString((int)pos) + "]. Byte count [" +
                   toString(4 * (4 * ns + 4)) + "]" ;
      throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  } // End line loop


  // Close the file and clean up
  delete [] in;