예제 #1
void SymmetryModeCommand::onExecute(Context* ctx)
  auto& enabled = Preferences::instance().symmetryMode.enabled;
  // When the m_mode is NONE, it toggles the whole symmetry controls in
  // the context bar.
  if (m_mode == app::gen::SymmetryMode::NONE) {
  // In other case it toggles the specific document symmetry specified
  // in m_mode.
  else {
    Doc* doc = ctx->activeDocument();
    DocumentPreferences& docPref = Preferences::instance().document(doc);
    const app::gen::SymmetryMode actual = docPref.symmetry.mode();

    // If the symmetry options are hidden, we'll always show them and
    // activate the m_mode symmetry. We cannot just toggle the
    // symmetry when the options aren't visible in the context bar,
    // because if m_mode is checked, this would cause to show the
    // symmetry options in the context bar but with a unchecked m_mode
    // symmetry.
    if (!enabled()) {
      docPref.symmetry.mode(app::gen::SymmetryMode(int(m_mode) | int(actual)));
    // If the symmetry options are visible, we just switch the m_mode
    // symmetry.
    else {
      docPref.symmetry.mode(app::gen::SymmetryMode(int(m_mode) ^ int(actual)));

    // Redraw all editors
    // TODO It looks like only the current editor shows the symmetry,
    //      so it's not necessary to invalidate all editors (only the
    //      current one).

    // Redraw the buttons in the context bar.
    // TODO Same with context bar, in the future the context bar could
    //      be listening the DocPref changes to be automatically
    //      invalidated (like it already does with symmetryMode.enabled)