예제 #1
파일: hidden.hpp 프로젝트: jiyfeng/drlm
   * Sample particles for a given document
   * doc: 
  LatentSeq DecodeGraph(const Doc doc){
    // ----------------------------------------
    // init
    int nsent = doc.size();
    LatentSeq latseq;
    // ----------------------------------------
    // for each sentence in doc, each latval, compute
    // the posterior prob p(R|cvec, sent)
    vector<float> U;
    for (unsigned sidx = 0; sidx < nsent; sidx ++){
      for (int val = 0; val < nlatvar; val ++){
	ComputationGraph cg;
	BuildSentGraph(doc[sidx], sidx, cg, val);
	float prob = as_scalar(cg.forward());
      // normalize and get the argmax
      // greedy decoding
      int max_idx = argmax(U);
      // get the corresponding context vector
      final_h = final_hlist[max_idx];
      // cerr << "max_latval = " << max_idx << endl;
    // cerr << "====" << endl;
    return latseq;
예제 #2
void matchDocument() {
    Doc d = generateDoc();
    auto id=nextDocId++;
    ErrorCode ret = MatchDocument(id, join(d.begin(), d.end()).c_str());
    //cerr << "MatchDocument(" << id << ",size=" << d.size() << ")" << endl;
    if (ret!=EC_SUCCESS)
        throw runtime_error("match document error in Doc "+toStr(id));
예제 #3
  Expression BuildGraph(const Doc doc, ComputationGraph& cg){
    // reset RNN builder for new graph
    // define expression
    Expression i_R = parameter(cg, p_R);
    Expression i_R2 = parameter(cg, p_R2);
    Expression i_bias = parameter(cg, p_bias);
    Expression i_context = parameter(cg, p_context);
    Expression cvec, i_x_t, i_h_t, i_y_t, i_err, ccpb;
    // -----------------------------------------
    // build CG for the doc
    vector<Expression> errs;
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < doc.size(); k++){
      // for each sentence in this doc
      auto sent = doc[k];
      unsigned slen = sent.size() - 1;
      // start a new sequence for each sentence
      if (k == 0) cvec = i_context;
      // build RNN for the current sentence
      ccpb = (i_R2 * cvec) + i_bias;
      for (unsigned t = 0; t < slen; t++){
	// get word representation
	i_x_t = lookup(cg, p_c, sent[t]);
	// compute hidden state
	i_h_t = builder.add_input(i_x_t);
	// compute prediction
	i_y_t = (i_R * i_h_t) + ccpb;
	// get prediction error
	i_err = pickneglogsoftmax(i_y_t, sent[t+1]);
	// add back
      // update context vector
      cvec = i_h_t;
    Expression i_nerr = sum(errs);
    return i_nerr;
예제 #4
파일: hidden.hpp 프로젝트: jiyfeng/drlm
   * Build CG of a given doc with a latent sequence
   * doc: 
   * cg: computation graph
   * latseq: latent sequence from decoding
   * obsseq: latent sequence from observation
   * flag: what we expected to get from this function
  Expression BuildGraph(const Doc& doc, ComputationGraph& cg,
			LatentSeq latseq, LatentSeq obsseq,
			const string& flag){
    // define expression
    Expression i_R = parameter(cg, p_R);
    Expression i_bias = parameter(cg, p_bias);
    Expression i_context = parameter(cg, p_context);
    Expression i_L = parameter(cg, p_L);
    Expression i_lbias = parameter(cg, p_lbias);
    vector<Expression> negloglik, neglogprob;
    // -----------------------------------------
    // check hidden variable list
    assert(latseq.size() <= doc.size());
    // -----------------------------------------
    // iterate over latent sequences
    // get LV-related transformation matrix
    Expression i_h_t;
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < doc.size(); k++){
      // using latent size as constraint
      // for each sentence in this doc
      Expression cvec;
      auto& sent = doc[k];
      // start a new sequence for each sentence
      if (k == 0){
	cvec = i_context;
      } else {
	cvec = input(cg, {(unsigned)final_h.size()}, final_h);
      // latent variable distribution
      int latval = 0;
      if (obsseq[k] >=0){
      	latval = obsseq[k];
	Expression k_neglogprob = pickneglogsoftmax((i_L * cvec) + i_lbias, latval);
      } else {
      	latval = latseq[k];
      // build RNN for the current sentence
      Expression i_x_t, i_h_t, i_y_t, i_negloglik;
      Expression i_Tk = lookup(cg, p_T, latval);
      unsigned slen = sent.size() - 1;
      for (unsigned t = 0; t < slen; t++){
	// get word representation
	i_x_t = lookup(cg, p_W, sent[t]);
	vector<Expression> vecexp;
	i_x_t = concatenate(vecexp);
	// compute hidden state
	i_h_t = builder.add_input(i_Tk * i_x_t);
	// compute prediction
	i_y_t = (i_R * i_h_t) + i_bias;
	// get prediction error
	i_negloglik = pickneglogsoftmax(i_y_t, sent[t+1]);
	// add back
      final_h = as_vector(i_h_t.value());
    // get result
    Expression res;
    if ((flag != "INFER") && (flag != "OBJ")){
      cerr << "Unrecognized flag: " << flag << endl;
    } else if ((neglogprob.size() > 0) && (flag == "OBJ")){
      res = sum(negloglik) + sum(neglogprob);
    } else {
      res = sum(negloglik);
    return res;
예제 #5
파일: hidden.hpp 프로젝트: jiyfeng/drlm
   * Build CG of a given doc with a latent sequence
   * doc: 
   * cg: computation graph
   * latseq: latent sequence from decoding
   * obsseq: latent sequence from observation
   * flag: what we expected to get from this function
   *       "PROB": compute the probability of the last sentence 
   *               given the latent value
   *       "ERROR": compute the prediction error of entire doc
   *       "INFER": compute prediction error on words with 
   *                inferred latent variables
  Expression BuildRelaGraph(const Doc& doc, ComputationGraph& cg,
			    LatentSeq latseq, LatentSeq obsseq){
    // define expression
    Expression i_R = parameter(cg, p_R);
    Expression i_bias = parameter(cg, p_bias);
    Expression i_context = parameter(cg, p_context);
    Expression i_L = parameter(cg, p_L);
    Expression i_lbias = parameter(cg, p_lbias);
    vector<Expression> negloglik, neglogprob;
    // -----------------------------------------
    // check hidden variable list
    assert(latseq.size() <= doc.size());
    // -----------------------------------------
    // iterate over latent sequences
    // get LV-related transformation matrix
    Expression i_h_t;
    vector<Expression> obj;
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < doc.size(); k++){
      auto& sent = doc[k];
      // start a new sequence for each sentence
      Expression cvec;
      if (k == 0){
	cvec = i_context;
      } else {
	cvec = input(cg, {(unsigned)final_h.size()}, final_h);
      // two parts of the objective function
      Expression sent_objpart1;
      vector<Expression> sent_objpart2;
      for (int latval = 0; latval < nlatvar; latval ++){
	// latent variable distribution
	vector<Expression> l_negloglik;
	Expression l_neglogprob = pickneglogsoftmax((i_L * cvec) + i_lbias, latval); 
	// build RNN for the current sentence
	Expression i_x_t, i_h_t, i_y_t, i_negloglik;
	Expression i_Tk = lookup(cg, p_T, latval);
	// for each word
	unsigned slen = sent.size() - 1;
	for (unsigned t = 0; t < slen; t++){
	  // get word representation
	  i_x_t = const_lookup(cg, p_W, sent[t]);
	  vector<Expression> vecexp;
	  i_x_t = concatenate(vecexp);
	  // compute hidden state
	  i_h_t = builder.add_input(i_Tk * i_x_t);
	  // compute prediction
	  i_y_t = (i_R * i_h_t) + i_bias;
	  // get prediction error
	  i_negloglik = pickneglogsoftmax(i_y_t, sent[t+1]);
	  // add back
	// update context vector
	if (latval == (nlatvar - 1)){
	  final_h = as_vector(i_h_t.value());
	// - log P(Y, Z) given Y and a specific Z value
	Expression pxz = sum(l_negloglik) + l_neglogprob;
	sent_objpart2.push_back(pxz * (-1.0));
	if (obsseq[k] == latval){
	  sent_objpart1 = pxz * (-1.0);
      // if the latent variable is observed
      if (obsseq[k] >= 0){
	Expression sent_obj = logsumexp(sent_objpart2) - sent_objpart1;
	// cout << as_scalar(sent_obj.value()) << endl;
    // get the objectve for entire doc
    if (obj.size() > 0){
      // if at least one observed latent value
      return sum(obj);
    } else {
      // otherwise
      Expression zero = input(cg, 0.0);
      return zero;