예제 #1
bool VrmlScene::load(const char *url, const char *localCopy)
  // Look for '#Viewpoint' syntax. There ought to be a current
  // scene if this format is used.
  VrmlSFBool flag(true);
  if (*url == '#')
      VrmlNode *vp = d_namespace ? d_namespace->findNode(url+1) : 0;

      // spec: ignore if named viewpoint not found
      if (vp)
	  vp->eventIn( theSystem->time(), "set_bind", &flag );

      return true;

  // Try to load a file. Prefer a local copy if available.
  Doc *tryUrl;
  if (localCopy)
    tryUrl = new Doc( localCopy, 0 );
    tryUrl = new Doc( url, d_url);

  VrmlNamespace *newScope = new VrmlNamespace();
  VrmlMFNode *newNodes = readWrl( tryUrl, newScope );
  if ( newNodes )
      Doc *sourceUrl = tryUrl, *urlLocal = 0;
      if (localCopy)
	  sourceUrl = new Doc( url );
	  urlLocal = tryUrl;
      replaceWorld( *newNodes, newScope, sourceUrl, urlLocal );
      delete newNodes;

      // Look for '#Viewpoint' syntax
      if ( sourceUrl->urlModifier() )
	  VrmlNode *vp = d_namespace->findNode( sourceUrl->urlModifier()+1 );
	  double timeNow = theSystem->time();
	  if (vp)
	    vp->eventIn( timeNow, "set_bind", &flag );

      return true;      // Success.

  delete tryUrl;
  return false;
예제 #2
VrmlNodeType* VrmlScene::readPROTO( VrmlMFString *urls, Doc *relative )
  // This is a problem. The nodeType of the EXTERNPROTO has a namespace
  // that refers back to this namespace (protos), which will be invalid
  // after we exit this function. I guess it needs to be allocated and
  // ref counted too...
  VrmlNamespace protos;
  Doc urlDoc;
  VrmlNodeType* def = 0;
  int i, n = urls->size();


  for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
      //theSystem->debug("Trying to read url '%s'\n", urls->get(i));
      urlDoc.seturl( urls->get(i), relative );
      VrmlMFNode *kids = VrmlScene::readWrl( &urlDoc, &protos );
      if ( kids ) delete kids;

      // Grab the specified PROTO, or the first one.
      const char *whichProto = urlDoc.urlModifier();
      if (*whichProto)
	def = (VrmlNodeType*) protos.findType( whichProto+1 );
	def = (VrmlNodeType*) protos.firstType();

      if (def)
	  def->setActualUrl( urlDoc.url() );
      else if (i < n-1 && strncmp(urls->get(i),"urn:",4))
        theSystem->warn("Couldn't read EXTERNPROTO url '%s': %s\n",
			urls->get(i), strerror( errno));

  return def;