예제 #1
/** Tests shape components more efficiently than the with-adjustment case, but does less-efficient ppr-poly collision for meshes. */
static bool ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment(UWorld const* World, AActor const* TestActor, UPrimitiveComponent const* PrimComp, FTransform const& TestWorldTransform)
	float const Epsilon = CVarEncroachEpsilon.GetValueOnGameThread();
	if (World && PrimComp)
		bool bFoundBlockingHit = false;
		static FName NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment = FName(TEXT("ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment"));
		ECollisionChannel const BlockingChannel = PrimComp->GetCollisionObjectType();
		FCollisionShape const CollisionShape = PrimComp->GetCollisionShape(-Epsilon);

		if (CollisionShape.IsBox() && (Cast<UBoxComponent>(PrimComp) == nullptr))
			// we have a bounding box not for a box component, which means this was the fallback aabb
			// since we don't need the penetration info, go ahead and test the component itself for overlaps, which is more accurate
			if (PrimComp->IsRegistered())
				// must be registered
				TArray<FOverlapResult> Overlaps;
				FComponentQueryParams Params(NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment, TestActor);
				return World->ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel(Overlaps, PrimComp, TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation(), BlockingChannel, Params);
				UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("Components must be registered in order to be used in a ComponentOverlapMulti call. PriComp: %s TestActor: %s"), *PrimComp->GetName(), *TestActor->GetName());
				return false;
			FCollisionQueryParams Params(NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment, false, TestActor);
			return World->OverlapAnyTestByChannel(TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation(), BlockingChannel, CollisionShape, Params);

	return false;
예제 #2
/** Tests shape components less efficiently than the no-adjustment case, but does quicker aabb collision for meshes. */
static bool ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_WithAdjustment(UWorld const* World, AActor const* TestActor, UPrimitiveComponent const* PrimComp, FTransform const& TestWorldTransform, FVector& OutProposedAdjustment)
	// init our output
	OutProposedAdjustment = FVector::ZeroVector;

	float const Epsilon = CVarEncroachEpsilon.GetValueOnGameThread();

	if (World && PrimComp)
		bool bFoundBlockingHit = false;
		bool bComputePenetrationAdjustment = true;
		TArray<FOverlapResult> Overlaps;
		static FName NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_WithAdjustment = FName(TEXT("ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_WithAdjustment"));
		ECollisionChannel const BlockingChannel = PrimComp->GetCollisionObjectType();
		FCollisionShape const CollisionShape = PrimComp->GetCollisionShape(-Epsilon);

		if (CollisionShape.IsBox() && (Cast<UBoxComponent>(PrimComp) == nullptr))
			// we have a bounding box not for a box component, which means this was the fallback aabb
			// so lets test the actual component instead of it's aabb
			// note we won't get penetration adjustment but that's ok
			if (PrimComp->IsRegistered())
				// must be registered
				FComponentQueryParams Params(NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_WithAdjustment, TestActor);
				bFoundBlockingHit = World->ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel(Overlaps, PrimComp, TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation(), BlockingChannel, Params);
				bComputePenetrationAdjustment = false;
				UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("Components must be registered in order to be used in a ComponentOverlapMulti call. PriComp: %s TestActor: %s"), *PrimComp->GetName(), *TestActor->GetName());
			// overlap our shape
			FCollisionQueryParams Params(NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_WithAdjustment, false, TestActor);
			bFoundBlockingHit = World->OverlapMultiByChannel(Overlaps, TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation(), BlockingChannel, CollisionShape, Params);

		// compute adjustment
		if (bFoundBlockingHit && bComputePenetrationAdjustment)
			// if encroaching, add up all the MTDs of overlapping shapes
			FMTDResult MTDResult;
			for (int32 HitIdx = 0; HitIdx < Overlaps.Num(); HitIdx++)
				UPrimitiveComponent* const OverlapComponent = Overlaps[HitIdx].Component.Get();
				// first determine closest impact point along each axis
				if (OverlapComponent && OverlapComponent->GetCollisionResponseToChannel(BlockingChannel) == ECR_Block)
					FCollisionShape const NonShrunkenCollisionShape = PrimComp->GetCollisionShape();
					bool bSuccess = OverlapComponent->ComputePenetration(MTDResult, NonShrunkenCollisionShape, TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation());
					if (bSuccess)
						OutProposedAdjustment += MTDResult.Direction * MTDResult.Distance;
						UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("OverlapTest says we are overlapping, yet MTD says we're not. Something is wrong"));

					// #hack: sometimes for boxes, physx returns a 0 MTD even though it reports a contact (returns true)
					// to get around this, let's go ahead and test again with the epsilon-shrunken collision shape to see if we're really in 
					// the clear.  if so, we'll say we have no contact (despite what OverlapMultiByChannel said -- it uses a different algorithm)
					if (FMath::IsNearlyZero(MTDResult.Distance))
						FCollisionShape const ShrunkenCollisionShape = PrimComp->GetCollisionShape(-Epsilon);
						bSuccess = OverlapComponent->ComputePenetration(MTDResult, ShrunkenCollisionShape, TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation());
						if (bSuccess)
							OutProposedAdjustment += MTDResult.Direction * MTDResult.Distance;
							// let's call this "no contact" and be done
							return false;

		return bFoundBlockingHit;

	return false;