예제 #1
void RenderMathMLRoot::paint(PaintInfo& info, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    RenderMathMLRow::paint(info, paintOffset);

    if (!firstChild() || info.context().paintingDisabled() || style().visibility() != VISIBLE || !isValid())

    // We draw the radical operator.
    LayoutPoint radicalOperatorTopLeft = paintOffset + location();
    LayoutUnit horizontalOffset = 0;
    if (m_kind == RootWithIndex)
        horizontalOffset = m_kernBeforeDegree + getIndex().logicalWidth() + m_kernAfterDegree;
    radicalOperatorTopLeft.move(mirrorIfNeeded(horizontalOffset, m_radicalOperator.width()), m_radicalOperatorTop);
    m_radicalOperator.paint(style(), info, radicalOperatorTopLeft);

    // We draw the radical line.
    if (!m_ruleThickness)
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(info.context());

    LayoutPoint ruleOffsetFrom = paintOffset + location() + LayoutPoint(0, m_radicalOperatorTop + m_ruleThickness / 2);
    LayoutPoint ruleOffsetTo = ruleOffsetFrom;
    horizontalOffset += m_radicalOperator.width();
    ruleOffsetFrom.move(mirrorIfNeeded(horizontalOffset), 0);
    horizontalOffset += m_baseWidth;
    ruleOffsetTo.move(mirrorIfNeeded(horizontalOffset), 0);
    info.context().drawLine(ruleOffsetFrom, ruleOffsetTo);
LayoutSize RenderMultiColumnFlowThread::physicalTranslationOffsetFromFlowToRegion(const RenderRegion* renderRegion, const LayoutUnit logicalOffset) const
    // Now that we know which multicolumn set we hit, we need to get the appropriate translation offset for the column.
    const RenderMultiColumnSet* columnSet = toRenderMultiColumnSet(renderRegion);
    LayoutPoint translationOffset = columnSet->columnTranslationForOffset(logicalOffset);

    // Now we know how we want the rect to be translated into the region. At this point we're converting
    // back to physical coordinates.
    if (style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        LayoutRect portionRect(columnSet->flowThreadPortionRect());
        LayoutRect columnRect = columnSet->columnRectAt(0);
        LayoutUnit physicalDeltaFromPortionBottom = logicalHeight() - columnSet->logicalBottomInFlowThread();
        if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
        if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
            translationOffset.move(0, columnRect.y() - portionRect.y() - physicalDeltaFromPortionBottom);
            translationOffset.move(columnRect.x() - portionRect.x() - physicalDeltaFromPortionBottom, 0);

    return LayoutSize(translationOffset.x(), translationOffset.y());
void RenderSnapshottedPlugIn::paintSnapshot(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    Image* image = m_snapshotResource->image().get();
    if (!image || image->isNull())

    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    if (!cWidth || !cHeight)

    GraphicsContext& context = paintInfo.context();

    LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
    LayoutPoint contentLocation = location() + paintOffset;
    contentLocation.move(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop());

    LayoutRect rect(contentLocation, contentSize);
    IntRect alignedRect = snappedIntRect(rect);
    if (alignedRect.width() <= 0 || alignedRect.height() <= 0)

    bool useLowQualityScaling = shouldPaintAtLowQuality(context, *image, image, alignedRect.size());

    ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription(shouldRespectImageOrientation());
    context.drawImage(*image, alignedRect, ImagePaintingOptions(orientationDescription, useLowQualityScaling));
예제 #4
void RenderSnapshottedPlugIn::paintSnapshot(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    Image* image = m_snapshotResource->image().get();
    if (!image || image->isNull())

    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    if (!cWidth || !cHeight)

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
    if (style()->highlight() != nullAtom && !context->paintingDisabled())
        paintCustomHighlight(toPoint(paintOffset - location()), style()->highlight(), true);

    LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
    LayoutPoint contentLocation = location() + paintOffset;
    contentLocation.move(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop());

    LayoutRect rect(contentLocation, contentSize);
    IntRect alignedRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(rect);
    if (alignedRect.width() <= 0 || alignedRect.height() <= 0)

    bool useLowQualityScaling = shouldPaintAtLowQuality(context, image, image, alignedRect.size());

    ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription;
    context->drawImage(image, style()->colorSpace(), alignedRect, CompositeSourceOver, orientationDescription, useLowQualityScaling);
예제 #5
void RenderSnapshottedPlugIn::paintSnapshot(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    Image* image = m_snapshotResource->image().get();
    if (!image || image->isNull())

    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    if (!cWidth || !cHeight)

    GraphicsContext& context = paintInfo.context();

    LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
    LayoutPoint contentLocation = location() + paintOffset;
    contentLocation.move(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop());

    LayoutRect rect(contentLocation, contentSize);
    IntRect alignedRect = snappedIntRect(rect);
    if (alignedRect.width() <= 0 || alignedRect.height() <= 0)

    InterpolationQuality interpolation = chooseInterpolationQuality(context, *image, image, alignedRect.size());
    ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription(shouldRespectImageOrientation(), style().imageOrientation());
    context.drawImage(*image, alignedRect, ImagePaintingOptions(orientationDescription, interpolation));
예제 #6
void EllipsisBox::paintMarkupBox(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom, const RenderStyle& style)
    InlineBox* markupBox = this->markupBox();
    if (!markupBox)

    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset;
    adjustedPaintOffset.move(x() + m_logicalWidth - markupBox->x(),
        y() + style.fontMetrics().ascent() - (markupBox->y() + markupBox->lineStyle().fontMetrics().ascent()));
    markupBox->paint(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset, lineTop, lineBottom);
예제 #7
void EllipsisBoxPainter::paintMarkupBox(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom, RenderStyle* style)
    InlineBox* markupBox = m_ellipsisBox.markupBox();
    if (!markupBox)

    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset;
    adjustedPaintOffset.move(m_ellipsisBox.x() + m_ellipsisBox.logicalWidth() - markupBox->x(),
        m_ellipsisBox.y() + style->fontMetrics().ascent() - (markupBox->y() + markupBox->renderer().style(m_ellipsisBox.isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().ascent()));
    markupBox->paint(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset, lineTop, lineBottom);
예제 #8
LayoutPoint RenderBoxModelObject::adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(const LayoutPoint& startPoint) const
    // If the element is the HTML body element or doesn't have a parent
    // return 0 and stop this algorithm.
    if (isBody() || !parent())
        return LayoutPoint();

    LayoutPoint referencePoint = startPoint;

    // If the offsetParent of the element is null, or is the HTML body element,
    // return the distance between the canvas origin and the left border edge
    // of the element and stop this algorithm.
    Element* element = offsetParent();
    if (!element)
        return referencePoint;

    if (const RenderBoxModelObject* offsetParent = element->renderBoxModelObject()) {
        if (offsetParent->isBox() && !offsetParent->isBody())
            referencePoint.move(-toRenderBox(offsetParent)->borderLeft(), -toRenderBox(offsetParent)->borderTop());
        if (!isOutOfFlowPositioned() || flowThreadContainingBlock()) {
            if (isRelPositioned())

            RenderObject* current;
            for (current = parent(); current != offsetParent && current->parent(); current = current->parent()) {
                // FIXME: What are we supposed to do inside SVG content?
                if (!isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
                    if (current->isBox() && !current->isTableRow())

            if (offsetParent->isBox() && offsetParent->isBody() && !offsetParent->isPositioned())

    return referencePoint;
예제 #9
void RenderEmbeddedObject::paintSnapshotImage(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, Image* image)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    if (!cWidth || !cHeight)

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
    LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
    LayoutPoint contentLocation = location() + paintOffset;
    contentLocation.move(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop());

    LayoutRect rect(contentLocation, contentSize);
    IntRect alignedRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(rect);
    if (alignedRect.width() <= 0 || alignedRect.height() <= 0)

    bool useLowQualityScaling = shouldPaintAtLowQuality(context, image, image, alignedRect.size());
    context->drawImage(image, style()->colorSpace(), alignedRect, CompositeSourceOver, shouldRespectImageOrientation(), useLowQualityScaling);
void RenderEmbeddedObject::paintSnapshotImage(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, Image& image)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    if (!cWidth || !cHeight)

    GraphicsContext& context = paintInfo.context();
    LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
    LayoutPoint contentLocation = location() + paintOffset;
    contentLocation.move(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop());

    LayoutRect rect(contentLocation, contentSize);
    IntRect alignedRect = snappedIntRect(rect);
    if (alignedRect.width() <= 0 || alignedRect.height() <= 0)

    InterpolationQuality interpolation = chooseInterpolationQuality(context, image, &image, alignedRect.size());
    ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription(shouldRespectImageOrientation(), style().imageOrientation());
    context.drawImage(image, alignedRect, ImagePaintingOptions(orientationDescription, interpolation));
void RenderEmbeddedObject::paintSnapshotImage(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, Image* image)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    if (!cWidth || !cHeight)

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
    LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
    LayoutPoint contentLocation = location() + paintOffset;
    contentLocation.move(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop());

    LayoutRect rect(contentLocation, contentSize);
    IntRect alignedRect = snappedIntRect(rect);
    if (alignedRect.width() <= 0 || alignedRect.height() <= 0)

    bool useLowQualityScaling = shouldPaintAtLowQuality(context, image, image, alignedRect.size());
    ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription(shouldRespectImageOrientation());
    context->drawImage(image, style().colorSpace(), alignedRect, ImagePaintingOptions(orientationDescription, useLowQualityScaling));
void RenderImage::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    LayoutUnit leftBorder = borderLeft();
    LayoutUnit topBorder = borderTop();
    LayoutUnit leftPad = paddingLeft();
    LayoutUnit topPad = paddingTop();

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;

    Page* page = 0;
    if (Frame* frame = this->frame())
        page = frame->page();

    if (!m_imageResource->hasImage() || m_imageResource->errorOccurred()) {
        if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)

        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

        if (cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2) {
            const int borderWidth = 1;

            // Draw an outline rect where the image should be.
            context->drawRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + leftBorder + leftPad, paintOffset.y() + topBorder + topPad, cWidth, cHeight)));

            bool errorPictureDrawn = false;
            LayoutSize imageOffset;
            // When calculating the usable dimensions, exclude the pixels of
            // the ouline rect so the error image/alt text doesn't draw on it.
            LayoutUnit usableWidth = cWidth - 2 * borderWidth;
            LayoutUnit usableHeight = cHeight - 2 * borderWidth;

            RefPtr<Image> image = m_imageResource->image();

            if (m_imageResource->errorOccurred() && !image->isNull() && usableWidth >= image->width() && usableHeight >= image->height()) {
                float deviceScaleFactor = WebCore::deviceScaleFactor(frame());
                // Call brokenImage() explicitly to ensure we get the broken image icon at the appropriate resolution.
                pair<Image*, float> brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor = m_imageResource->cachedImage()->brokenImage(deviceScaleFactor);
                image = brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.first;
                IntSize imageSize = image->size();
                imageSize.scale(1 / brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.second);
                // Center the error image, accounting for border and padding.
                LayoutUnit centerX = (usableWidth - imageSize.width()) / 2;
                if (centerX < 0)
                    centerX = 0;
                LayoutUnit centerY = (usableHeight - imageSize.height()) / 2;
                if (centerY < 0)
                    centerY = 0;
                imageOffset = LayoutSize(leftBorder + leftPad + centerX + borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + centerY + borderWidth);
                context->drawImage(image.get(), pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset + imageOffset, imageSize)), CompositeSourceOver, shouldRespectImageOrientation());
                errorPictureDrawn = true;

            if (!m_altText.isEmpty()) {
                String text = document()->displayStringModifiedByEncoding(m_altText);
                const Font& font = style()->font();
                const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics();
                LayoutUnit ascent = fontMetrics.ascent();
                LayoutPoint textRectOrigin = paintOffset;
                textRectOrigin.move(leftBorder + leftPad + (paddingWidth / 2) - borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + (paddingHeight / 2) - borderWidth);
                LayoutPoint textOrigin(textRectOrigin.x(), textRectOrigin.y() + ascent);

                // Only draw the alt text if it'll fit within the content box,
                // and only if it fits above the error image.
                TextRun textRun = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(this, font, text, style());
                LayoutUnit textWidth = font.width(textRun);
                TextRunPaintInfo textRunPaintInfo(textRun);
                textRunPaintInfo.bounds = FloatRect(textRectOrigin, FloatSize(textWidth, fontMetrics.height()));
                if (errorPictureDrawn) {
                    if (usableWidth >= textWidth && fontMetrics.height() <= imageOffset.height())
                        context->drawText(font, textRunPaintInfo, textOrigin);
                } else if (usableWidth >= textWidth && usableHeight >= fontMetrics.height())
                    context->drawText(font, textRunPaintInfo, textOrigin);
    } else if (m_imageResource->hasImage() && cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
        RefPtr<Image> img = m_imageResource->image(cWidth, cHeight);
        if (!img || img->isNull()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

        LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
        LayoutPoint contentLocation = paintOffset;
        contentLocation.move(leftBorder + leftPad, topBorder + topPad);
        paintIntoRect(context, LayoutRect(contentLocation, contentSize));

        if (cachedImage() && page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            // For now, count images as unpainted if they are still progressively loading. We may want
            // to refine this in the future to account for the portion of the image that has painted.
            if (cachedImage()->isLoading())
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, LayoutRect(contentLocation, contentSize));
                page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, LayoutRect(contentLocation, contentSize));
예제 #13
void ImagePainter::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = m_renderImage.contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = m_renderImage.contentHeight();

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;

    if (!m_renderImage.imageResource()->hasImage() || m_renderImage.imageResource()->errorOccurred()) {
        if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)

        if (cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2) {
            const int borderWidth = 1;

            LayoutUnit leftBorder = m_renderImage.borderLeft();
            LayoutUnit topBorder = m_renderImage.borderTop();
            LayoutUnit leftPad = m_renderImage.paddingLeft();
            LayoutUnit topPad = m_renderImage.paddingTop();

            // Draw an outline rect where the image should be.
            IntRect paintRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + leftBorder + leftPad, paintOffset.y() + topBorder + topPad, cWidth, cHeight));
            DrawingRecorder recorder(context, &m_renderImage, paintInfo.phase, paintRect);

            bool errorPictureDrawn = false;
            LayoutSize imageOffset;
            // When calculating the usable dimensions, exclude the pixels of
            // the ouline rect so the error image/alt text doesn't draw on it.
            LayoutUnit usableWidth = cWidth - 2 * borderWidth;
            LayoutUnit usableHeight = cHeight - 2 * borderWidth;

            RefPtr<Image> image = m_renderImage.imageResource()->image();

            if (m_renderImage.imageResource()->errorOccurred() && !image->isNull() && usableWidth >= image->width() && usableHeight >= image->height()) {
                float deviceScaleFactor = blink::deviceScaleFactor(m_renderImage.frame());
                // Call brokenImage() explicitly to ensure we get the broken image icon at the appropriate resolution.
                pair<Image*, float> brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor = ImageResource::brokenImage(deviceScaleFactor);
                image = brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.first;
                IntSize imageSize = image->size();
                imageSize.scale(1 / brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.second);
                // Center the error image, accounting for border and padding.
                LayoutUnit centerX = (usableWidth - imageSize.width()) / 2;
                if (centerX < 0)
                    centerX = 0;
                LayoutUnit centerY = (usableHeight - imageSize.height()) / 2;
                if (centerY < 0)
                    centerY = 0;
                imageOffset = LayoutSize(leftBorder + leftPad + centerX + borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + centerY + borderWidth);
                context->drawImage(image.get(), pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset + imageOffset, imageSize)), CompositeSourceOver, m_renderImage.shouldRespectImageOrientation());
                errorPictureDrawn = true;

            if (!m_renderImage.altText().isEmpty()) {
                const Font& font = m_renderImage.style()->font();
                const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics();
                LayoutUnit ascent = fontMetrics.ascent();
                LayoutPoint textRectOrigin = paintOffset;
                textRectOrigin.move(leftBorder + leftPad + (RenderImage::paddingWidth / 2) - borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + (RenderImage::paddingHeight / 2) - borderWidth);
                LayoutPoint textOrigin(textRectOrigin.x(), textRectOrigin.y() + ascent);

                // Only draw the alt text if it'll fit within the content box,
                // and only if it fits above the error image.
                TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(&m_renderImage, font, m_renderImage.altText(), m_renderImage.style(), TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion | TextRun::ForbidLeadingExpansion, DefaultTextRunFlags | RespectDirection);
                float textWidth = font.width(textRun);
                TextRunPaintInfo textRunPaintInfo(textRun);
                textRunPaintInfo.bounds = FloatRect(textRectOrigin, FloatSize(textWidth, fontMetrics.height()));
                if (textRun.direction() == RTL) {
                    int availableWidth = cWidth - static_cast<int>(RenderImage::paddingWidth);
                    textOrigin.move(availableWidth - ceilf(textWidth), 0);
                if (errorPictureDrawn) {
                    if (usableWidth >= textWidth && fontMetrics.height() <= imageOffset.height())
                        context->drawBidiText(font, textRunPaintInfo, textOrigin);
                } else if (usableWidth >= textWidth && usableHeight >= fontMetrics.height()) {
                    context->drawBidiText(font, textRunPaintInfo, textOrigin);
    } else if (m_renderImage.imageResource()->hasImage() && cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
        LayoutRect contentRect = m_renderImage.contentBoxRect();
        LayoutRect paintRect = m_renderImage.replacedContentRect();
        DrawingRecorder recorder(context, &m_renderImage, paintInfo.phase, contentRect);
        bool clip = !contentRect.contains(paintRect);
        if (clip) {

        paintIntoRect(context, paintRect);

        if (clip)
예제 #14
void EllipsisBox::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom)
    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
    RenderStyle* style = m_renderer->style(isFirstLineStyle());

    const Font& font = style->font();
    FloatPoint boxOrigin = locationIncludingFlipping();
    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset;
    if (!isHorizontal())
        adjustedPaintOffset.move(0, -virtualLogicalHeight());
    boxOrigin.move(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y());
    FloatRect boxRect(boxOrigin, LayoutSize(logicalWidth(), virtualLogicalHeight()));
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context);
    if (!isHorizontal())
        context->concatCTM(InlineTextBox::rotation(boxRect, InlineTextBox::Clockwise));
    FloatPoint textOrigin = FloatPoint(boxOrigin.x(), boxOrigin.y() + font.fontMetrics().ascent());

    Color styleTextColor = m_renderer->resolveColor(style, CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor);
    if (styleTextColor != context->fillColor())

    if (selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone) {
        paintSelection(context, boxOrigin, style, font);

        // Select the correct color for painting the text.
        Color foreground = paintInfo.forceBlackText() ? Color::black : renderer()->selectionForegroundColor();
        if (foreground.isValid() && foreground != styleTextColor)

    // Text shadows are disabled when printing. http://crbug.com/258321
    const ShadowList* shadowList = context->printing() ? 0 : style->textShadow();
    bool hasShadow = shadowList;
    if (hasShadow) {
        DrawLooper drawLooper;
        for (size_t i = shadowList->shadows().size(); i--; ) {
            const ShadowData& shadow = shadowList->shadows()[i];
            int shadowX = isHorizontal() ? shadow.x() : shadow.y();
            int shadowY = isHorizontal() ? shadow.y() : -shadow.x();
            FloatSize offset(shadowX, shadowY);
            drawLooper.addShadow(offset, shadow.blur(), m_renderer->resolveColor(shadow.color()),
                DrawLooper::ShadowRespectsTransforms, DrawLooper::ShadowIgnoresAlpha);

    // FIXME: Why is this always LTR? Fix by passing correct text run flags below.
    TextRun textRun = RenderBlockFlow::constructTextRun(renderer(), font, m_str, style, TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion);
    TextRunPaintInfo textRunPaintInfo(textRun);
    textRunPaintInfo.bounds = boxRect;
    context->drawText(font, textRunPaintInfo, textOrigin);

    // Restore the regular fill color.
    if (styleTextColor != context->fillColor())

    if (hasShadow)

    paintMarkupBox(paintInfo, paintOffset, lineTop, lineBottom, style);
예제 #15
void RenderImage::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    LayoutUnit leftBorder = borderLeft();
    LayoutUnit topBorder = borderTop();
    LayoutUnit leftPad = paddingLeft();
    LayoutUnit topPad = paddingTop();

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;

    if (!m_imageResource->hasImage() || m_imageResource->errorOccurred()) {
        if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)

        if (cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2) {
            // Draw an outline rect where the image should be.
            context->setStrokeColor(Color::lightGray, style()->colorSpace());
            context->setFillColor(Color::transparent, style()->colorSpace());
            context->drawRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + leftBorder + leftPad, paintOffset.y() + topBorder + topPad, cWidth, cHeight));

            bool errorPictureDrawn = false;
            LayoutSize imageOffset;
            // When calculating the usable dimensions, exclude the pixels of
            // the ouline rect so the error image/alt text doesn't draw on it.
            LayoutUnit usableWidth = cWidth - 2;
            LayoutUnit usableHeight = cHeight - 2;

            RefPtr<Image> image = m_imageResource->image();

            if (m_imageResource->errorOccurred() && !image->isNull() && usableWidth >= image->width() && usableHeight >= image->height()) {
                float deviceScaleFactor = Page::deviceScaleFactor(frame());
                // Call brokenImage() explicitly to ensure we get the broken image icon at the appropriate resolution.
                pair<Image*, float> brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor = m_imageResource->cachedImage()->brokenImage(deviceScaleFactor);
                image = brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.first;
                IntSize imageSize = image->size();
                imageSize.scale(1 / brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.second);
                // Center the error image, accounting for border and padding.
                LayoutUnit centerX = (usableWidth - imageSize.width()) / 2;
                if (centerX < 0)
                    centerX = 0;
                LayoutUnit centerY = (usableHeight - imageSize.height()) / 2;
                if (centerY < 0)
                    centerY = 0;
                imageOffset = LayoutSize(leftBorder + leftPad + centerX + 1, topBorder + topPad + centerY + 1);
                context->drawImage(image.get(), style()->colorSpace(), IntRect(paintOffset + imageOffset, imageSize));
                errorPictureDrawn = true;

            if (!m_altText.isEmpty()) {
                String text = document()->displayStringModifiedByEncoding(m_altText);
                context->setFillColor(style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), style()->colorSpace());
                const Font& font = style()->font();
                const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics();
                LayoutUnit ascent = fontMetrics.ascent();
                LayoutPoint altTextOffset = paintOffset;
                altTextOffset.move(leftBorder + leftPad, topBorder + topPad + ascent);

                // Only draw the alt text if it'll fit within the content box,
                // and only if it fits above the error image.
                TextRun textRun = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(this, font, text, style());
                LayoutUnit textWidth = font.width(textRun);
                if (errorPictureDrawn) {
                    if (usableWidth >= textWidth && fontMetrics.height() <= imageOffset.height())
                        context->drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
                } else if (usableWidth >= textWidth && cHeight >= fontMetrics.height())
                    context->drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
    } else if (m_imageResource->hasImage() && cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
        RefPtr<Image> img = m_imageResource->image(cWidth, cHeight);
        if (!img || img->isNull())

        if (style()->highlight() != nullAtom && !paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())
            paintCustomHighlight(toPoint(paintOffset - location()), style()->highlight(), true);

        LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
        LayoutPoint contentLocation = paintOffset;
        contentLocation.move(leftBorder + leftPad, topBorder + topPad);
        paintIntoRect(context, LayoutRect(contentLocation, contentSize));
예제 #16
void InlineTextBox::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit /*lineTop*/, LayoutUnit /*lineBottom*/)
    if (isLineBreak() || !paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(&renderer()) || renderer().style()->visibility() != VISIBLE
        || m_truncation == cFullTruncation || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || !m_len)

    ASSERT(paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfOutline && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseChildOutlines);

    LayoutUnit logicalLeftSide = logicalLeftVisualOverflow();
    LayoutUnit logicalRightSide = logicalRightVisualOverflow();
    LayoutUnit logicalStart = logicalLeftSide + (isHorizontal() ? paintOffset.x() : paintOffset.y());
    LayoutUnit logicalExtent = logicalRightSide - logicalLeftSide;

    LayoutUnit paintEnd = isHorizontal() ? paintInfo.rect.maxX() : paintInfo.rect.maxY();
    LayoutUnit paintStart = isHorizontal() ? paintInfo.rect.x() : paintInfo.rect.y();

    // When subpixel font scaling is enabled text runs are positioned at
    // subpixel boundaries on the x-axis and thus there is no reason to
    // snap the x value. We still round the y-axis to ensure consistent
    // line heights.
    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = RuntimeEnabledFeatures::subpixelFontScalingEnabled()
        ? LayoutPoint(paintOffset.x(), paintOffset.y().round())
        : roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);

    if (logicalStart >= paintEnd || logicalStart + logicalExtent <= paintStart)

    bool isPrinting = textRenderer().document().printing();

    // Determine whether or not we're selected.
    bool haveSelection = !isPrinting && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseTextClip && selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone;
    if (!haveSelection && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)
        // When only painting the selection, don't bother to paint if there is none.

    if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation) {
        if (renderer().containingBlock()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() != isLeftToRightDirection()) {
            // Make the visible fragment of text hug the edge closest to the rest of the run by moving the origin
            // at which we start drawing text.
            // e.g. In the case of LTR text truncated in an RTL Context, the correct behavior is:
            // |Hello|CBA| -> |...He|CBA|
            // In order to draw the fragment "He" aligned to the right edge of it's box, we need to start drawing
            // farther to the right.
            // NOTE: WebKit's behavior differs from that of IE which appears to just overlay the ellipsis on top of the
            // truncated string i.e.  |Hello|CBA| -> |...lo|CBA|
            LayoutUnit widthOfVisibleText = toRenderText(renderer()).width(m_start, m_truncation, textPos(), isLeftToRightDirection() ? LTR : RTL, isFirstLineStyle());
            LayoutUnit widthOfHiddenText = m_logicalWidth - widthOfVisibleText;
            // FIXME: The hit testing logic also needs to take this translation into account.
            LayoutSize truncationOffset(isLeftToRightDirection() ? widthOfHiddenText : -widthOfHiddenText, 0);
            adjustedPaintOffset.move(isHorizontal() ? truncationOffset : truncationOffset.transposedSize());

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;

    RenderObject& rendererToUse = renderer();
    RenderStyle* styleToUse = rendererToUse.style(isFirstLineStyle());

    adjustedPaintOffset.move(0, styleToUse->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? 0 : -logicalHeight());

    FloatPoint boxOrigin = locationIncludingFlipping();
    boxOrigin.move(adjustedPaintOffset.x().toFloat(), adjustedPaintOffset.y().toFloat());
    FloatRect boxRect(boxOrigin, LayoutSize(logicalWidth(), logicalHeight()));

    RenderCombineText* combinedText = styleToUse->hasTextCombine() && textRenderer().isCombineText() && toRenderCombineText(textRenderer()).isCombined() ? &toRenderCombineText(textRenderer()) : 0;

    bool shouldRotate = !isHorizontal() && !combinedText;
    if (shouldRotate)
        context->concatCTM(rotation(boxRect, Clockwise));

    // Determine whether or not we have composition underlines to draw.
    bool containsComposition = renderer().node() && renderer().frame()->inputMethodController().compositionNode() == renderer().node();
    bool useCustomUnderlines = containsComposition && renderer().frame()->inputMethodController().compositionUsesCustomUnderlines();

    // Determine the text colors and selection colors.
    Color textFillColor;
    Color textStrokeColor;
    Color emphasisMarkColor;
    float textStrokeWidth = styleToUse->textStrokeWidth();

    // Text shadows are disabled when printing. http://crbug.com/258321
    const ShadowList* textShadow = (context->printing() || paintInfo.forceBlackText()) ? 0 : styleToUse->textShadow();

    if (paintInfo.forceBlackText()) {
        textFillColor = Color::black;
        textStrokeColor = Color::black;
        emphasisMarkColor = Color::black;
    } else {
        textFillColor = rendererToUse.resolveColor(styleToUse, CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor);

        bool forceBackgroundToWhite = false;
        if (isPrinting) {
            if (styleToUse->printColorAdjust() == PrintColorAdjustEconomy)
                forceBackgroundToWhite = true;
            if (textRenderer().document().settings() && textRenderer().document().settings()->shouldPrintBackgrounds())
                forceBackgroundToWhite = false;

        // Make the text fill color legible against a white background
        if (forceBackgroundToWhite)
            textFillColor = correctedTextColor(textFillColor, Color::white);

        textStrokeColor = rendererToUse.resolveColor(styleToUse, CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor);

        // Make the text stroke color legible against a white background
        if (forceBackgroundToWhite)
            textStrokeColor = correctedTextColor(textStrokeColor, Color::white);

        emphasisMarkColor = rendererToUse.resolveColor(styleToUse, CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisColor);

        // Make the text stroke color legible against a white background
        if (forceBackgroundToWhite)
            emphasisMarkColor = correctedTextColor(emphasisMarkColor, Color::white);

    bool paintSelectedTextOnly = (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection);
    bool paintSelectedTextSeparately = false;

    Color selectionFillColor = textFillColor;
    Color selectionStrokeColor = textStrokeColor;
    Color selectionEmphasisMarkColor = emphasisMarkColor;
    float selectionStrokeWidth = textStrokeWidth;
    const ShadowList* selectionShadow = textShadow;
    if (haveSelection) {
        // Check foreground color first.
        Color foreground = paintInfo.forceBlackText() ? Color::black : renderer().selectionForegroundColor();
        if (foreground != selectionFillColor) {
            if (!paintSelectedTextOnly)
                paintSelectedTextSeparately = true;
            selectionFillColor = foreground;

        Color emphasisMarkForeground = paintInfo.forceBlackText() ? Color::black : renderer().selectionEmphasisMarkColor();
        if (emphasisMarkForeground != selectionEmphasisMarkColor) {
            if (!paintSelectedTextOnly)
                paintSelectedTextSeparately = true;
            selectionEmphasisMarkColor = emphasisMarkForeground;

        if (RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = renderer().getCachedPseudoStyle(SELECTION)) {
            // Text shadows are disabled when printing. http://crbug.com/258321
            const ShadowList* shadow = (context->printing() || paintInfo.forceBlackText()) ? 0 : pseudoStyle->textShadow();
            if (shadow != selectionShadow) {
                if (!paintSelectedTextOnly)
                    paintSelectedTextSeparately = true;
                selectionShadow = shadow;

            float strokeWidth = pseudoStyle->textStrokeWidth();
            if (strokeWidth != selectionStrokeWidth) {
                if (!paintSelectedTextOnly)
                    paintSelectedTextSeparately = true;
                selectionStrokeWidth = strokeWidth;

            Color stroke = paintInfo.forceBlackText() ? Color::black : rendererToUse.resolveColor(pseudoStyle, CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor);
            if (stroke != selectionStrokeColor) {
                if (!paintSelectedTextOnly)
                    paintSelectedTextSeparately = true;
                selectionStrokeColor = stroke;

    // Set our font.
    const Font& font = styleToUse->font();

    FloatPoint textOrigin = FloatPoint(boxOrigin.x(), boxOrigin.y() + font.fontMetrics().ascent());

    if (combinedText)
        combinedText->adjustTextOrigin(textOrigin, boxRect);

    // 1. Paint backgrounds behind text if needed. Examples of such backgrounds include selection
    // and composition highlights.
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseTextClip && !isPrinting) {
        if (containsComposition) {
            paintCompositionBackgrounds(context, boxOrigin, styleToUse, font, useCustomUnderlines);

        paintDocumentMarkers(context, boxOrigin, styleToUse, font, true);

        if (haveSelection && !useCustomUnderlines)
            paintSelection(context, boxOrigin, styleToUse, font, selectionFillColor);

    // 2. Now paint the foreground, including text and decorations like underline/overline (in quirks mode only).
    int length = m_len;
    int maximumLength;
    StringView string;
    if (!combinedText) {
        string = textRenderer().text().createView();
        if (static_cast<unsigned>(length) != string.length() || m_start)
            string.narrow(m_start, length);
        maximumLength = textRenderer().textLength() - m_start;
    } else {
        combinedText->getStringToRender(m_start, string, length);
        maximumLength = length;

    StringBuilder charactersWithHyphen;
    TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(styleToUse, font, string, maximumLength, hasHyphen() ? &charactersWithHyphen : 0);
    if (hasHyphen())
        length = textRun.length();

    int sPos = 0;
    int ePos = 0;
    if (paintSelectedTextOnly || paintSelectedTextSeparately)
        selectionStartEnd(sPos, ePos);

    if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation) {
        sPos = min<int>(sPos, m_truncation);
        ePos = min<int>(ePos, m_truncation);
        length = m_truncation;

    int emphasisMarkOffset = 0;
    TextEmphasisPosition emphasisMarkPosition;
    bool hasTextEmphasis = getEmphasisMarkPosition(styleToUse, emphasisMarkPosition);
    const AtomicString& emphasisMark = hasTextEmphasis ? styleToUse->textEmphasisMarkString() : nullAtom;
    if (!emphasisMark.isEmpty())
        emphasisMarkOffset = emphasisMarkPosition == TextEmphasisPositionOver ? -font.fontMetrics().ascent() - font.emphasisMarkDescent(emphasisMark) : font.fontMetrics().descent() + font.emphasisMarkAscent(emphasisMark);

    if (!paintSelectedTextOnly) {
        // For stroked painting, we have to change the text drawing mode.  It's probably dangerous to leave that mutated as a side
        // effect, so only when we know we're stroking, do a save/restore.
        GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context, textStrokeWidth > 0);

        updateGraphicsContext(context, textFillColor, textStrokeColor, textStrokeWidth);
        if (!paintSelectedTextSeparately || ePos <= sPos) {
            // FIXME: Truncate right-to-left text correctly.
            paintTextWithShadows(context, rendererToUse, font, textRun, nullAtom, 0, 0, length, length, textOrigin, boxRect, textShadow, textStrokeWidth > 0, isHorizontal());
        } else {
            paintTextWithShadows(context, rendererToUse, font, textRun, nullAtom, 0, ePos, sPos, length, textOrigin, boxRect, textShadow, textStrokeWidth > 0, isHorizontal());

        if (!emphasisMark.isEmpty()) {
            updateGraphicsContext(context, emphasisMarkColor, textStrokeColor, textStrokeWidth);

            DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(TextRun, objectReplacementCharacterTextRun, (&objectReplacementCharacter, 1));
            TextRun& emphasisMarkTextRun = combinedText ? objectReplacementCharacterTextRun : textRun;
            FloatPoint emphasisMarkTextOrigin = combinedText ? FloatPoint(boxOrigin.x() + boxRect.width() / 2, boxOrigin.y() + font.fontMetrics().ascent()) : textOrigin;
            if (combinedText)
                context->concatCTM(rotation(boxRect, Clockwise));

            int startOffset = 0;
            int endOffset = length;
            int paintRunLength = length;
            if (combinedText) {
                startOffset = 0;
                endOffset = objectReplacementCharacterTextRun.length();
                paintRunLength = endOffset;
            } else if (paintSelectedTextSeparately && ePos > sPos) {
                startOffset = ePos;
                endOffset = sPos;
            // FIXME: Truncate right-to-left text correctly.
            paintTextWithShadows(context, rendererToUse, combinedText ? combinedText->originalFont() : font, emphasisMarkTextRun, emphasisMark, emphasisMarkOffset, startOffset, endOffset, paintRunLength, emphasisMarkTextOrigin, boxRect, textShadow, textStrokeWidth > 0, isHorizontal());

            if (combinedText)
                context->concatCTM(rotation(boxRect, Counterclockwise));

    if ((paintSelectedTextOnly || paintSelectedTextSeparately) && sPos < ePos) {
        // paint only the text that is selected
        GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context, selectionStrokeWidth > 0);

        updateGraphicsContext(context, selectionFillColor, selectionStrokeColor, selectionStrokeWidth);
        paintTextWithShadows(context, rendererToUse, font, textRun, nullAtom, 0, sPos, ePos, length, textOrigin, boxRect, selectionShadow, selectionStrokeWidth > 0, isHorizontal());
        if (!emphasisMark.isEmpty()) {
            updateGraphicsContext(context, selectionEmphasisMarkColor, textStrokeColor, textStrokeWidth);

            DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(TextRun, objectReplacementCharacterTextRun, (&objectReplacementCharacter, 1));
            TextRun& emphasisMarkTextRun = combinedText ? objectReplacementCharacterTextRun : textRun;
            FloatPoint emphasisMarkTextOrigin = combinedText ? FloatPoint(boxOrigin.x() + boxRect.width() / 2, boxOrigin.y() + font.fontMetrics().ascent()) : textOrigin;
            if (combinedText)
                context->concatCTM(rotation(boxRect, Clockwise));

            int startOffset = combinedText ? 0 : sPos;
            int endOffset = combinedText ? objectReplacementCharacterTextRun.length() : ePos;
            int paintRunLength = combinedText ? endOffset : length;
            paintTextWithShadows(context, rendererToUse, combinedText ? combinedText->originalFont() : font, emphasisMarkTextRun, emphasisMark, emphasisMarkOffset, startOffset, endOffset, paintRunLength, emphasisMarkTextOrigin, boxRect, selectionShadow, selectionStrokeWidth > 0, isHorizontal());

            if (combinedText)
                context->concatCTM(rotation(boxRect, Counterclockwise));

    // Paint decorations
    TextDecoration textDecorations = styleToUse->textDecorationsInEffect();
    if (textDecorations != TextDecorationNone && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection) {
        updateGraphicsContext(context, textFillColor, textStrokeColor, textStrokeWidth);
        if (combinedText)
            context->concatCTM(rotation(boxRect, Clockwise));
        paintDecoration(context, boxOrigin, textDecorations, textShadow);
        if (combinedText)
            context->concatCTM(rotation(boxRect, Counterclockwise));

    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
        paintDocumentMarkers(context, boxOrigin, styleToUse, font, false);

        // Paint custom underlines for compositions.
        if (useCustomUnderlines) {
            const Vector<CompositionUnderline>& underlines = renderer().frame()->inputMethodController().customCompositionUnderlines();
            CompositionUnderlineRangeFilter filter(underlines, start(), end());
            for (CompositionUnderlineRangeFilter::ConstIterator it = filter.begin(); it != filter.end(); ++it) {
                if (it->color == Color::transparent)
                paintCompositionUnderline(context, boxOrigin, *it);

    if (shouldRotate)
        context->concatCTM(rotation(boxRect, Counterclockwise));
예제 #17
PaintLayerPainter::PaintResult PaintLayerPainter::paintLayerContentsInternal(GraphicsContext* context, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfoArg, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags, FragmentPolicy fragmentPolicy)
    ASSERT(m_paintLayer.isSelfPaintingLayer() || m_paintLayer.hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant());
    ASSERT(!(paintFlags & PaintLayerAppliedTransform));

    bool isSelfPaintingLayer = m_paintLayer.isSelfPaintingLayer();
    bool isPaintingOverlayScrollbars = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingOverlayScrollbars;
    bool isPaintingScrollingContent = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingCompositingScrollingPhase;
    bool isPaintingCompositedForeground = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingCompositingForegroundPhase;
    bool isPaintingCompositedBackground = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingCompositingBackgroundPhase;
    bool isPaintingOverflowContents = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingOverflowContents;
    // Outline always needs to be painted even if we have no visible content. Also,
    // the outline is painted in the background phase during composited scrolling.
    // If it were painted in the foreground phase, it would move with the scrolled
    // content. When not composited scrolling, the outline is painted in the
    // foreground phase. Since scrolled contents are moved by paint invalidation in this
    // case, the outline won't get 'dragged along'.
    bool shouldPaintOutline = isSelfPaintingLayer && !isPaintingOverlayScrollbars
        && ((isPaintingScrollingContent && isPaintingCompositedBackground)
        || (!isPaintingScrollingContent && isPaintingCompositedForeground));
    bool shouldPaintContent = m_paintLayer.hasVisibleContent() && isSelfPaintingLayer && !isPaintingOverlayScrollbars;

    PaintResult result = FullyPainted;

    if (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingRootBackgroundOnly && !m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->isLayoutView() && !m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->isDocumentElement())
        return result;

    PaintLayerPaintingInfo paintingInfo = paintingInfoArg;

    // Ensure our lists are up-to-date.

    LayoutPoint offsetFromRoot;
    m_paintLayer.convertToLayerCoords(paintingInfo.rootLayer, offsetFromRoot);

    if (m_paintLayer.compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking)

    LayoutRect bounds = m_paintLayer.physicalBoundingBox(offsetFromRoot);
    if (!paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect.contains(bounds))
        result = MaybeNotFullyPainted;

    LayoutRect rootRelativeBounds;
    bool rootRelativeBoundsComputed = false;

    if (paintingInfo.ancestorHasClipPathClipping && m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->style()->position() != StaticPosition)
        UseCounter::count(m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->document(), UseCounter::ClipPathOfPositionedElement);

    // These helpers output clip and compositing operations using a RAII pattern. Stack-allocated-varibles are destructed in the reverse order of construction,
    // so they are nested properly.
    ClipPathHelper clipPathHelper(context, m_paintLayer, paintingInfo, rootRelativeBounds, rootRelativeBoundsComputed, offsetFromRoot, paintFlags);

    Optional<CompositingRecorder> compositingRecorder;
    // Blending operations must be performed only with the nearest ancestor stacking context.
    // Note that there is no need to composite if we're painting the root.
    // FIXME: this should be unified further into PaintLayer::paintsWithTransparency().
    bool shouldCompositeForBlendMode = (!m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->isDocumentElement() || m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->isSVGRoot()) && m_paintLayer.stackingNode()->isStackingContext() && m_paintLayer.hasNonIsolatedDescendantWithBlendMode();
    if (shouldCompositeForBlendMode || m_paintLayer.paintsWithTransparency(paintingInfo.globalPaintFlags())) {
        FloatRect compositingBounds = FloatRect(m_paintLayer.paintingExtent(paintingInfo.rootLayer, paintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, paintingInfo.globalPaintFlags()));
        compositingRecorder.emplace(*context, *m_paintLayer.layoutObject(),
            WebCoreCompositeToSkiaComposite(CompositeSourceOver, m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->style()->blendMode()),
            m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->opacity(), &compositingBounds);

    PaintLayerPaintingInfo localPaintingInfo(paintingInfo);
    if (m_paintLayer.compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking)
        localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation = m_paintLayer.subpixelAccumulation();

    PaintLayerFragments layerFragments;
    if (shouldPaintContent || shouldPaintOutline || isPaintingOverlayScrollbars) {
        // Collect the fragments. This will compute the clip rectangles and paint offsets for each layer fragment.
        ClipRectsCacheSlot cacheSlot = (paintFlags & PaintLayerUncachedClipRects) ? UncachedClipRects : PaintingClipRects;
        ShouldRespectOverflowClip respectOverflowClip = shouldRespectOverflowClip(paintFlags, m_paintLayer.layoutObject());
        if (fragmentPolicy == ForceSingleFragment)
            m_paintLayer.appendSingleFragmentIgnoringPagination(layerFragments, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, cacheSlot, IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize, respectOverflowClip, &offsetFromRoot, localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation);
            m_paintLayer.collectFragments(layerFragments, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, cacheSlot, IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize, respectOverflowClip, &offsetFromRoot, localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation);
        if (shouldPaintContent) {
            // TODO(wangxianzhu): This is for old slow scrolling. Implement similar optimization for slimming paint v2.
            shouldPaintContent = atLeastOneFragmentIntersectsDamageRect(layerFragments, localPaintingInfo, paintFlags, offsetFromRoot);
            if (!shouldPaintContent)
                result = MaybeNotFullyPainted;

    bool selectionOnly = localPaintingInfo.globalPaintFlags() & GlobalPaintSelectionOnly;
    // If this layer's layoutObject is a child of the paintingRoot, we paint unconditionally, which
    // is done by passing a nil paintingRoot down to our layoutObject (as if no paintingRoot was ever set).
    // Else, our layout tree may or may not contain the painting root, so we pass that root along
    // so it will be tested against as we descend through the layoutObjects.
    LayoutObject* paintingRootForLayoutObject = 0;
    if (localPaintingInfo.paintingRoot && !m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->isDescendantOf(localPaintingInfo.paintingRoot))
        paintingRootForLayoutObject = localPaintingInfo.paintingRoot;

    { // Begin block for the lifetime of any filter.
        FilterPainter filterPainter(m_paintLayer, context, offsetFromRoot, layerFragments.isEmpty() ? ClipRect() : layerFragments[0].backgroundRect, localPaintingInfo, paintFlags,
            rootRelativeBounds, rootRelativeBoundsComputed);

        bool shouldPaintBackground = isPaintingCompositedBackground && shouldPaintContent && !selectionOnly;
        bool shouldPaintNegZOrderList = (isPaintingScrollingContent && isPaintingOverflowContents) || (!isPaintingScrollingContent && isPaintingCompositedBackground);
        bool shouldPaintOwnContents = isPaintingCompositedForeground && shouldPaintContent;
        bool shouldPaintNormalFlowAndPosZOrderLists = isPaintingCompositedForeground;
        bool shouldPaintOverlayScrollbars = isPaintingOverlayScrollbars;

        if (shouldPaintBackground) {
            paintBackgroundForFragments(layerFragments, context, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect,
                localPaintingInfo, paintingRootForLayoutObject, paintFlags);

        if (shouldPaintNegZOrderList) {
            if (paintChildren(NegativeZOrderChildren, context, paintingInfo, paintFlags) == MaybeNotFullyPainted)
                result = MaybeNotFullyPainted;

        if (shouldPaintOwnContents) {
            paintForegroundForFragments(layerFragments, context, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect,
                localPaintingInfo, paintingRootForLayoutObject, selectionOnly, paintFlags);

        if (shouldPaintOutline)
            paintOutlineForFragments(layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, paintingRootForLayoutObject, paintFlags);

        if (shouldPaintNormalFlowAndPosZOrderLists) {
            if (paintChildren(NormalFlowChildren | PositiveZOrderChildren, context, paintingInfo, paintFlags) == MaybeNotFullyPainted)
                result = MaybeNotFullyPainted;

        if (shouldPaintOverlayScrollbars)
            paintOverflowControlsForFragments(layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, paintFlags);
    } // FilterPainter block

    bool shouldPaintMask = (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingCompositingMaskPhase) && shouldPaintContent && m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->hasMask() && !selectionOnly;
    bool shouldPaintClippingMask = (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingChildClippingMaskPhase) && shouldPaintContent && !selectionOnly;

    if (shouldPaintMask)
        paintMaskForFragments(layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, paintingRootForLayoutObject, paintFlags);
    if (shouldPaintClippingMask) {
        // Paint the border radius mask for the fragments.
        paintChildClippingMaskForFragments(layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, paintingRootForLayoutObject, paintFlags);


    return result;
예제 #18
void RenderImage::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    LayoutUnit leftBorder = borderLeft();
    LayoutUnit topBorder = borderTop();
    LayoutUnit leftPad = paddingLeft();
    LayoutUnit topPad = paddingTop();

    GraphicsContext& context = paintInfo.context();
    float deviceScaleFactor = document().deviceScaleFactor();

    Page* page = frame().page();

    if (!imageResource().hasImage() || imageResource().errorOccurred()) {
        if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)

        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

        if (cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2) {
            LayoutUnit borderWidth = LayoutUnit(1 / deviceScaleFactor);

            // Draw an outline rect where the image should be.
            context.setStrokeColor(Color::lightGray, style().colorSpace());
            context.setFillColor(Color::transparent, style().colorSpace());
            context.drawRect(snapRectToDevicePixels(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + leftBorder + leftPad, paintOffset.y() + topBorder + topPad, cWidth, cHeight), deviceScaleFactor), borderWidth);

            bool errorPictureDrawn = false;
            LayoutSize imageOffset;
            // When calculating the usable dimensions, exclude the pixels of
            // the ouline rect so the error image/alt text doesn't draw on it.
            LayoutUnit usableWidth = cWidth - 2 * borderWidth;
            LayoutUnit usableHeight = cHeight - 2 * borderWidth;

            RefPtr<Image> image = imageResource().image();

            if (imageResource().errorOccurred() && !image->isNull() && usableWidth >= image->width() && usableHeight >= image->height()) {
                // Call brokenImage() explicitly to ensure we get the broken image icon at the appropriate resolution.
                std::pair<Image*, float> brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor = imageResource().cachedImage()->brokenImage(document().deviceScaleFactor());
                image = brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.first;
                FloatSize imageSize = image->size();
                imageSize.scale(1 / brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.second);
                // Center the error image, accounting for border and padding.
                LayoutUnit centerX = (usableWidth - imageSize.width()) / 2;
                if (centerX < 0)
                    centerX = 0;
                LayoutUnit centerY = (usableHeight - imageSize.height()) / 2;
                if (centerY < 0)
                    centerY = 0;
                imageOffset = LayoutSize(leftBorder + leftPad + centerX + borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + centerY + borderWidth);

                ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription(shouldRespectImageOrientation());
                context.drawImage(*image, style().colorSpace(), snapRectToDevicePixels(LayoutRect(paintOffset + imageOffset, imageSize), deviceScaleFactor), orientationDescription);
                errorPictureDrawn = true;

            if (!m_altText.isEmpty()) {
                String text = document().displayStringModifiedByEncoding(m_altText);
                context.setFillColor(style().visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), style().colorSpace());
                const FontCascade& font = style().fontCascade();
                const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics();
                LayoutUnit ascent = fontMetrics.ascent();
                LayoutPoint altTextOffset = paintOffset;
                altTextOffset.move(leftBorder + leftPad + (paddingWidth / 2) - borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + ascent + (paddingHeight / 2) - borderWidth);

                // Only draw the alt text if it'll fit within the content box,
                // and only if it fits above the error image.
                TextRun textRun = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(this, font, text, style());
                LayoutUnit textWidth = font.width(textRun);
                if (errorPictureDrawn) {
                    if (usableWidth >= textWidth && fontMetrics.height() <= imageOffset.height())
                        context.drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
                } else if (usableWidth >= textWidth && usableHeight >= fontMetrics.height())
                    context.drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
    } else if (imageResource().hasImage() && cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
        RefPtr<Image> img = imageResource().image(cWidth, cHeight);
        if (!img || img->isNull()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

        LayoutRect contentBoxRect = this->contentBoxRect();
        LayoutRect replacedContentRect = this->replacedContentRect(intrinsicSize());
        bool clip = !contentBoxRect.contains(replacedContentRect);
        GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(context, clip);
        if (clip)

        paintIntoRect(context, snapRectToDevicePixels(replacedContentRect, deviceScaleFactor));
        if (cachedImage() && page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            // For now, count images as unpainted if they are still progressively loading. We may want 
            // to refine this in the future to account for the portion of the image that has painted.
            LayoutRect visibleRect = intersection(replacedContentRect, contentBoxRect);
            if (cachedImage()->isLoading())
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visibleRect);
                page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visibleRect);
예제 #19
LayoutPoint RenderFlowThread::adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(const RenderBoxModelObject& boxModelObject, const LayoutPoint& startPoint)
    LayoutPoint referencePoint = startPoint;

    // FIXME: This needs to be adapted for different writing modes inside the flow thread.
    RenderMultiColumnSet* startColumnSet = columnSetAtBlockOffset(referencePoint.y());
    if (startColumnSet) {
        // Take into account the offset coordinates of the columnSet.
        RenderObject* currObject = startColumnSet;
        RenderObject* currOffsetParentRenderer;
        Element* currOffsetParentElement;
        while ((currOffsetParentElement = currObject->offsetParent()) && (currOffsetParentRenderer = currOffsetParentElement->renderer())) {
            if (currObject->isBoxModelObject())
                referencePoint.move(toRenderBoxModelObject(currObject)->offsetLeft(), toRenderBoxModelObject(currObject)->offsetTop());

            // Since we're looking for the offset relative to the body, we must also
            // take into consideration the borders of the columnSet's offsetParent.
            if (currOffsetParentRenderer->isBox() && !currOffsetParentRenderer->isBody())
                referencePoint.move(toRenderBox(currOffsetParentRenderer)->borderLeft(), toRenderBox(currOffsetParentRenderer)->borderTop());

            currObject = currOffsetParentRenderer;

        // We need to check if any of this box's containing blocks start in a different columnSet
        // and if so, drop the object's top position (which was computed relative to its containing block
        // and is no longer valid) and recompute it using the columnSet in which it flows as reference.
        bool wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion = false;
        const RenderBlock* objContainingBlock = boxModelObject.containingBlock();
        while (objContainingBlock) {
            // Check if this object is in a different columnSet.
            RenderMultiColumnSet* parentStartRegion = 0;
            RenderMultiColumnSet* parentEndRegion = 0;
            getRegionRangeForBox(objContainingBlock, parentStartRegion, parentEndRegion);
            if (parentStartRegion && parentStartRegion != startColumnSet) {
                wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion = true;
            objContainingBlock = objContainingBlock->containingBlock();

        if (wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion) {
            // Get the logical top coordinate of the current object.
            LayoutUnit top = 0;
            if (boxModelObject.isRenderBlock()) {
                top = toRenderBlock(&boxModelObject)->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();
            } else {
                if (boxModelObject.containingBlock())
                    top = boxModelObject.containingBlock()->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();

                if (boxModelObject.isBox())
                    top += toRenderBox(&boxModelObject)->topLeftLocation().y();
                else if (boxModelObject.isRenderInline())
                    top -= toRenderInline(&boxModelObject)->borderTop();

            // Get the logical top of the columnSet this object starts in
            // and compute the object's top, relative to the columnSet's top.
            LayoutUnit regionLogicalTop = startColumnSet->pageLogicalTopForOffset(top);
            LayoutUnit topRelativeToRegion = top - regionLogicalTop;
            referencePoint.setY(startColumnSet->offsetTop() + topRelativeToRegion);

            // Since the top has been overriden, check if the
            // relative positioning must be reconsidered.
            if (boxModelObject.isRelPositioned())
                referencePoint.move(0, boxModelObject.relativePositionOffset().height());

        // Since we're looking for the offset relative to the body, we must also
        // take into consideration the borders of the columnSet.
        referencePoint.move(startColumnSet->borderLeft(), startColumnSet->borderTop());

    return referencePoint;