예제 #1
bool RenderReplaced::shouldPaint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseOutline && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfOutline 
            && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask)
        return false;

    if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(this))
        return false;
    // if we're invisible or haven't received a layout yet, then just bail.
    if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
        return false;

    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();

    // Early exit if the element touches the edges.
    LayoutUnit top = adjustedPaintOffset.y() + visualOverflowRect().y();
    LayoutUnit bottom = adjustedPaintOffset.y() + visualOverflowRect().maxY();
    if (isSelected() && m_inlineBoxWrapper) {
        LayoutUnit selTop = paintOffset.y() + m_inlineBoxWrapper->root()->selectionTop();
        LayoutUnit selBottom = paintOffset.y() + selTop + m_inlineBoxWrapper->root()->selectionHeight();
        top = min(selTop, top);
        bottom = max(selBottom, bottom);
    LayoutRect localRepaintRect = paintInfo.rect;
    if (adjustedPaintOffset.x() + visualOverflowRect().x() >= localRepaintRect.maxX() || adjustedPaintOffset.x() + visualOverflowRect().maxX() <= localRepaintRect.x())
        return false;

    if (top >= localRepaintRect.maxY() || bottom <= localRepaintRect.y())
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #2
void RenderMathMLBlock::paint(PaintInfo& info, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    RenderBlock::paint(info, paintOffset);

    if (info.context->paintingDisabled() || info.phase != PaintPhaseForeground)

    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();

    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*info.context);

    info.context->setStrokeColor(Color(0, 0, 255), ColorSpaceSRGB);

    info.context->drawLine(adjustedPaintOffset, LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + offsetWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()));
    info.context->drawLine(LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + offsetWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()), LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + offsetWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + offsetHeight()));
    info.context->drawLine(LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + offsetHeight()), LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + offsetWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + offsetHeight()));
    info.context->drawLine(adjustedPaintOffset, LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + offsetHeight()));

    int topStart = paddingTop();

    info.context->setStrokeColor(Color(0, 255, 0), ColorSpaceSRGB);

    info.context->drawLine(LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + topStart), LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + offsetWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + topStart));

    int baseline = baselinePosition(AlphabeticBaseline, true, HorizontalLine);

    info.context->setStrokeColor(Color(255, 0, 0), ColorSpaceSRGB);

    info.context->drawLine(LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + baseline), LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + offsetWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + baseline));
예제 #3
VisiblePosition RenderReplaced::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point, const RenderRegion* region)
    // FIXME: This code is buggy if the replaced element is relative positioned.
    InlineBox* box = inlineBoxWrapper();
    const RootInlineBox* rootBox = box ? &box->root() : 0;
    LayoutUnit top = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionTop() : logicalTop();
    LayoutUnit bottom = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionBottom() : logicalBottom();
    LayoutUnit blockDirectionPosition = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? point.y() + y() : point.x() + x();
    LayoutUnit lineDirectionPosition = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? point.x() + x() : point.y() + y();
    if (blockDirectionPosition < top)
        return createVisiblePosition(caretMinOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are above
    if (blockDirectionPosition >= bottom)
        return createVisiblePosition(caretMaxOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are below
    if (element()) {
        if (lineDirectionPosition <= logicalLeft() + (logicalWidth() / 2))
            return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);
        return createVisiblePosition(1, DOWNSTREAM);

    return RenderBox::positionForPoint(point, region);
예제 #4
void FrameSetPainter::paintBorders(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& adjustedPaintOffset)
    LayoutRect adjustedFrameRect(adjustedPaintOffset, m_layoutFrameSet.size());
    LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutFrameSet, paintInfo.phase, adjustedFrameRect);
    if (recorder.canUseCachedDrawing())

    LayoutObject* child = m_layoutFrameSet.firstChild();
    size_t rows = m_layoutFrameSet.rows().m_sizes.size();
    size_t cols = m_layoutFrameSet.columns().m_sizes.size();
    LayoutUnit borderThickness = m_layoutFrameSet.frameSet()->border();
    LayoutUnit yPos = 0;
    for (size_t r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        LayoutUnit xPos = 0;
        for (size_t c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
            xPos += m_layoutFrameSet.columns().m_sizes[c];
            if (borderThickness && m_layoutFrameSet.columns().m_allowBorder[c + 1]) {
                paintColumnBorder(paintInfo, pixelSnappedIntRect(
                    LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + xPos, adjustedPaintOffset.y() + yPos, borderThickness, m_layoutFrameSet.size().height())));
                xPos += borderThickness;
            child = child->nextSibling();
            if (!child)
        yPos += m_layoutFrameSet.rows().m_sizes[r];
        if (borderThickness && m_layoutFrameSet.rows().m_allowBorder[r + 1]) {
            paintRowBorder(paintInfo, pixelSnappedIntRect(
                LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + yPos, m_layoutFrameSet.size().width(), borderThickness)));
            yPos += borderThickness;
예제 #5
PositionWithAffinity LayoutReplaced::positionForPoint(
    const LayoutPoint& point) {
    // FIXME: This code is buggy if the replaced element is relative positioned.
    InlineBox* box = inlineBoxWrapper();
    RootInlineBox* rootBox = box ? &box->root() : 0;

    LayoutUnit top = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionTop() : logicalTop();
    LayoutUnit bottom = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionBottom() : logicalBottom();

    LayoutUnit blockDirectionPosition = isHorizontalWritingMode()
                                        ? point.y() + location().y()
                                        : point.x() + location().x();
    LayoutUnit lineDirectionPosition = isHorizontalWritingMode()
                                       ? point.x() + location().x()
                                       : point.y() + location().y();

    if (blockDirectionPosition < top)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(
                   caretMinOffset());  // coordinates are above

    if (blockDirectionPosition >= bottom)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(
                   caretMaxOffset());  // coordinates are below

    if (node()) {
        if (lineDirectionPosition <= logicalLeft() + (logicalWidth() / 2))
            return createPositionWithAffinity(0);
        return createPositionWithAffinity(1);

    return LayoutBox::positionForPoint(point);
예제 #6
bool LineBoxList::hitTest(LayoutBoxModelObject* renderer, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction) const
    if (hitTestAction != HitTestForeground)
        return false;

    ASSERT(renderer->isLayoutBlock() || (renderer->isLayoutInline() && renderer->hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could hit test like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())
        return false;

    LayoutPoint point = locationInContainer.point();
    LayoutRect rect(firstLineBox()->isHorizontal() ?
                    IntRect(point.x(), point.y() - locationInContainer.topPadding(), 1, locationInContainer.topPadding() + locationInContainer.bottomPadding() + 1) :
                    IntRect(point.x() - locationInContainer.leftPadding(), point.y(), locationInContainer.rightPadding() + locationInContainer.leftPadding() + 1, 1));

    if (!anyLineIntersectsRect(renderer, rect, accumulatedOffset))
        return false;

    // See if our root lines contain the point.  If so, then we hit test
    // them further.  Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
    // based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = lastLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox()) {
        RootInlineBox& root = curr->root();
        if (rangeIntersectsRect(renderer, curr->logicalTopVisualOverflow(root.lineTop()), curr->logicalBottomVisualOverflow(root.lineBottom()), rect, accumulatedOffset)) {
            bool inside = curr->nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, root.lineTop(), root.lineBottom());
            if (inside) {
                renderer->updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset));
                return true;

    return false;
void FileUploadControlPainter::paintObject(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (m_layoutFileUploadControl.style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)

    // Push a clip.
    Optional<ClipRecorder> clipRecorder;
    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseDescendantBlockBackgroundsOnly) {
        IntRect clipRect = enclosingIntRect(LayoutRect(
            LayoutPoint(paintOffset.x() + m_layoutFileUploadControl.borderLeft(), paintOffset.y() + m_layoutFileUploadControl.borderTop()),
            m_layoutFileUploadControl.size() + LayoutSize(0, -m_layoutFileUploadControl.borderWidth() + buttonShadowHeight)));
        if (clipRect.isEmpty())
        clipRecorder.emplace(paintInfo.context, m_layoutFileUploadControl, DisplayItem::ClipFileUploadControlRect, clipRect);

    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground && !LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(paintInfo.context, m_layoutFileUploadControl, paintInfo.phase)) {
        const String& displayedFilename = m_layoutFileUploadControl.fileTextValue();
        const Font& font = m_layoutFileUploadControl.style()->font();
        TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(font, displayedFilename, m_layoutFileUploadControl.styleRef(), RespectDirection | RespectDirectionOverride);

        // Determine where the filename should be placed
        LayoutUnit contentLeft = paintOffset.x() + m_layoutFileUploadControl.borderLeft() + m_layoutFileUploadControl.paddingLeft();
        Node* button = m_layoutFileUploadControl.uploadButton();
        if (!button)

        int buttonWidth = (button && button->layoutBox()) ? button->layoutBox()->pixelSnappedWidth() : 0;
        LayoutUnit buttonAndSpacingWidth(buttonWidth + LayoutFileUploadControl::afterButtonSpacing);
        float textWidth = font.width(textRun);
        LayoutUnit textX;
        if (m_layoutFileUploadControl.style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            textX = contentLeft + buttonAndSpacingWidth;
            textX = LayoutUnit(contentLeft + m_layoutFileUploadControl.contentWidth() - buttonAndSpacingWidth - textWidth);

        LayoutUnit textY;
        // We want to match the button's baseline
        // FIXME: Make this work with transforms.
        if (LayoutButton* buttonLayoutObject = toLayoutButton(button->layoutObject()))
            textY = paintOffset.y() + m_layoutFileUploadControl.borderTop() + m_layoutFileUploadControl.paddingTop() + buttonLayoutObject->baselinePosition(AlphabeticBaseline, true, HorizontalLine, PositionOnContainingLine);
            textY = LayoutUnit(m_layoutFileUploadControl.baselinePosition(AlphabeticBaseline, true, HorizontalLine, PositionOnContainingLine));
        TextRunPaintInfo textRunPaintInfo(textRun);
        // FIXME: Shouldn't these offsets be rounded? crbug.com/350474
        textRunPaintInfo.bounds = FloatRect(textX.toFloat(), textY.toFloat() - m_layoutFileUploadControl.style()->getFontMetrics().ascent(),
            textWidth, m_layoutFileUploadControl.style()->getFontMetrics().height());

        // Draw the filename.
        LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(paintInfo.context, m_layoutFileUploadControl, paintInfo.phase, textRunPaintInfo.bounds);
        paintInfo.context.drawBidiText(font, textRunPaintInfo, FloatPoint(roundToInt(textX), roundToInt(textY)));

    // Paint the children.
    m_layoutFileUploadControl.LayoutBlockFlow::paintObject(paintInfo, paintOffset);
void SliderThumbElement::setPositionFromPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLInputElement> input(hostInput());
    Element* trackElement = input->closedShadowRoot()->getElementById(ShadowElementNames::sliderTrack());

    if (!input->layoutObject() || !layoutBox() || !trackElement->layoutBox())

    LayoutPoint offset = roundedLayoutPoint(input->layoutObject()->absoluteToLocal(FloatPoint(point), UseTransforms));
    bool isVertical = hasVerticalAppearance(input.get());
    bool isLeftToRightDirection = layoutBox()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection();
    LayoutUnit trackSize;
    LayoutUnit position;
    LayoutUnit currentPosition;
    // We need to calculate currentPosition from absolute points becaue the
    // renderer for this node is usually on a layer and layoutBox()->x() and
    // y() are unusable.
    // FIXME: This should probably respect transforms.
    LayoutPoint absoluteThumbOrigin = layoutBox()->absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms().location();
    LayoutPoint absoluteSliderContentOrigin = roundedLayoutPoint(input->layoutObject()->localToAbsolute());
    IntRect trackBoundingBox = trackElement->layoutObject()->absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms();
    IntRect inputBoundingBox = input->layoutObject()->absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms();
    if (isVertical) {
        trackSize = trackElement->layoutBox()->contentHeight() - layoutBox()->size().height();
        position = offset.y() - layoutBox()->size().height() / 2 - trackBoundingBox.y() + inputBoundingBox.y() - layoutBox()->marginBottom();
        currentPosition = absoluteThumbOrigin.y() - absoluteSliderContentOrigin.y();
    } else {
        trackSize = trackElement->layoutBox()->contentWidth() - layoutBox()->size().width();
        position = offset.x() - layoutBox()->size().width() / 2 - trackBoundingBox.x() + inputBoundingBox.x();
        position -= isLeftToRightDirection ? layoutBox()->marginLeft() : layoutBox()->marginRight();
        currentPosition = absoluteThumbOrigin.x() - absoluteSliderContentOrigin.x();
    position = std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, std::min(position, trackSize));
    const Decimal ratio = Decimal::fromDouble(static_cast<double>(position) / trackSize);
    const Decimal fraction = isVertical || !isLeftToRightDirection ? Decimal(1) - ratio : ratio;
    StepRange stepRange(input->createStepRange(RejectAny));
    Decimal value = stepRange.clampValue(stepRange.valueFromProportion(fraction));

    Decimal closest = input->findClosestTickMarkValue(value);
    if (closest.isFinite()) {
        double closestFraction = stepRange.proportionFromValue(closest).toDouble();
        double closestRatio = isVertical || !isLeftToRightDirection ? 1.0 - closestFraction : closestFraction;
        LayoutUnit closestPosition = trackSize * closestRatio;
        const LayoutUnit snappingThreshold = 5;
        if ((closestPosition - position).abs() <= snappingThreshold)
            value = closest;

    String valueString = serializeForNumberType(value);
    if (valueString == input->value())

    // FIXME: This is no longer being set from renderer. Consider updating the method name.
    if (layoutObject())
예제 #9
SliderContainerElement::Direction SliderContainerElement::getDirection(
    LayoutPoint& point1,
    LayoutPoint& point2) {
  if (point1 == point2) {
    return NoMove;
  if ((point1.x() - point2.x()).abs() >= (point1.y() - point2.y()).abs()) {
    return Horizontal;
  return Vertical;
예제 #10
LayoutPoint InlineBox::logicalPositionToPhysicalPoint(const LayoutPoint& point, const LayoutSize& size) const
    if (!UNLIKELY(lineLayoutItem().hasFlippedBlocksWritingMode()))
        return LayoutPoint(point.x(), point.y());

    LayoutBlockFlow& block = root().block();
    if (block.style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
        return LayoutPoint(point.x(), block.size().height() - size.height() - point.y());

    return LayoutPoint(block.size().width() - size.width() - point.x(), point.y());
예제 #11
void distanceDataForNode(FocusType type, const FocusCandidate& current, FocusCandidate& candidate)
    if (areElementsOnSameLine(current, candidate)) {
        if ((type == FocusTypeUp && current.rect.y() > candidate.rect.y()) || (type == FocusTypeDown && candidate.rect.y() > current.rect.y())) {
            candidate.distance = 0;
            candidate.alignment = Full;

    LayoutRect nodeRect = candidate.rect;
    LayoutRect currentRect = current.rect;
    deflateIfOverlapped(currentRect, nodeRect);

    if (!isRectInDirection(type, currentRect, nodeRect))

    LayoutPoint exitPoint;
    LayoutPoint entryPoint;
    entryAndExitPointsForDirection(type, currentRect, nodeRect, exitPoint, entryPoint);

    LayoutUnit xAxis = exitPoint.x() - entryPoint.x();
    LayoutUnit yAxis = exitPoint.y() - entryPoint.y();

    LayoutUnit navigationAxisDistance;
    LayoutUnit orthogonalAxisDistance;

    switch (type) {
    case FocusTypeLeft:
    case FocusTypeRight:
        navigationAxisDistance = xAxis.abs();
        orthogonalAxisDistance = yAxis.abs();
    case FocusTypeUp:
    case FocusTypeDown:
        navigationAxisDistance = yAxis.abs();
        orthogonalAxisDistance = xAxis.abs();

    double euclidianDistancePow2 = (xAxis * xAxis + yAxis * yAxis).toDouble();
    LayoutRect intersectionRect = intersection(currentRect, nodeRect);
    double overlap = (intersectionRect.width() * intersectionRect.height()).toDouble();

    // Distance calculation is based on http://www.w3.org/TR/WICD/#focus-handling
    candidate.distance = sqrt(euclidianDistancePow2) + navigationAxisDistance+ orthogonalAxisDistance * 2 - sqrt(overlap);

    LayoutSize viewSize = candidate.visibleNode->document().page()->deprecatedLocalMainFrame()->view()->visibleContentRect().size();
    candidate.alignment = alignmentForRects(type, currentRect, nodeRect, viewSize);
예제 #12
void BlockFlowPainter::paintFloats(const PaintInfo& paintInfo,
                                   const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) {
  if (!m_layoutBlockFlow.floatingObjects())

  DCHECK(paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseFloat ||
         paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection ||
         paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseTextClip);
  PaintInfo floatPaintInfo(paintInfo);
  if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseFloat)
    floatPaintInfo.phase = PaintPhaseForeground;

  for (const auto& floatingObject :
       m_layoutBlockFlow.floatingObjects()->set()) {
    if (!floatingObject->shouldPaint())

    const LayoutBox* floatingLayoutObject = floatingObject->layoutObject();
    // FIXME: LayoutPoint version of xPositionForFloatIncludingMargin would make
    // this much cleaner.
    LayoutPoint childPoint = m_layoutBlockFlow.flipFloatForWritingModeForChild(
        LayoutPoint(paintOffset.x() +
                            *floatingObject) -
                    paintOffset.y() +
                            *floatingObject) -
        .paintAllPhasesAtomically(floatPaintInfo, childPoint);
void RenderMultiColumnFlowThread::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
    // First get the transform state's point into the block flow thread's physical coordinate space.
    parent()->mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(mode, transformState);
    LayoutPoint transformPoint = roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint());

    // Now walk through each region.
    const RenderMultiColumnSet* candidateColumnSet = nullptr;
    LayoutPoint candidatePoint;
    LayoutSize candidateContainerOffset;

    for (const auto& columnSet : childrenOfType<RenderMultiColumnSet>(*parent())) {
        candidateContainerOffset = columnSet.offsetFromContainer(parent(), LayoutPoint());

        candidatePoint = transformPoint - candidateContainerOffset;
        candidateColumnSet = &columnSet;

        // We really have no clue what to do with overflow. We'll just use the closest region to the point in that case.
        LayoutUnit pointOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? candidatePoint.y() : candidatePoint.x();
        LayoutUnit regionOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? columnSet.topLeftLocation().y() : columnSet.topLeftLocation().x();
        if (pointOffset < regionOffset + columnSet.logicalHeight())

    // Once we have a good guess as to which region we hit tested through (and yes, this was just a heuristic, but it's
    // the best we could do), then we can map from the region into the flow thread.
    LayoutSize translationOffset = physicalTranslationFromRegionToFlow(candidateColumnSet, candidatePoint) + candidateContainerOffset;
    bool preserve3D = mode & UseTransforms && (parent()->style().preserves3D() || style().preserves3D());
    if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(parent())) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(parent(), translationOffset, t);
        transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
    } else
        transformState.move(translationOffset.width(), translationOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
unsigned MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::columnIndexAtVisualPoint(
    const LayoutPoint& visualPoint) const {
  bool isColumnProgressionInline =
  bool isHorizontalWritingMode = m_columnSet.isHorizontalWritingMode();
  LayoutUnit columnLengthInColumnProgressionDirection =
      isColumnProgressionInline ? m_columnSet.pageLogicalWidth()
                                : logicalHeight();
  LayoutUnit offsetInColumnProgressionDirection =
      isHorizontalWritingMode == isColumnProgressionInline ? visualPoint.x()
                                                           : visualPoint.y();
  if (!m_columnSet.style()->isLeftToRightDirection() &&
    offsetInColumnProgressionDirection =
        m_columnSet.logicalWidth() - offsetInColumnProgressionDirection;
  LayoutUnit columnGap = m_columnSet.columnGap();
  if (columnLengthInColumnProgressionDirection + columnGap <= 0)
    return 0;
  // Column boundaries are in the middle of the column gap.
  int index = ((offsetInColumnProgressionDirection + columnGap / 2) /
               (columnLengthInColumnProgressionDirection + columnGap))
  if (index < 0)
    return 0;
  return std::min(unsigned(index), actualColumnCount() - 1);
예제 #15
bool RenderSVGRoot::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& pointInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
    LayoutPoint pointInParent = pointInContainer - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset);
    LayoutPoint pointInBorderBox(pointInParent.x() - x(), pointInParent.y() - y());

    // Note: For now, we're ignoring hits to border and padding for <svg>
    if (!contentBoxRect().contains(pointInBorderBox))
        return false;

    FloatPoint localPoint = localToParentTransform().inverse().mapPoint(FloatPoint(pointInParent));

    for (RenderObject* child = lastChild(); child; child = child->previousSibling()) {
        if (child->nodeAtFloatPoint(request, result, localPoint, hitTestAction)) {
            // FIXME: CSS/HTML assumes the local point is relative to the border box, right?
            updateHitTestResult(result, pointInBorderBox);
            // FIXME: nodeAtFloatPoint() doesn't handle rect-based hit tests yet.
            result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(child->node(), pointInContainer);
            return true;

    // If we didn't early exit above, we've just hit the container <svg> element. Unlike SVG 1.1, 2nd Edition allows container elements to be hit.
    if (hitTestAction == HitTestBlockBackground && style()->pointerEvents() != PE_NONE) {
        // Only return true here, if the last hit testing phase 'BlockBackground' is executed. If we'd return true in the 'Foreground' phase,
        // hit testing would stop immediately. For SVG only trees this doesn't matter. Though when we have a <foreignObject> subtree we need
        // to be able to detect hits on the background of a <div> element. If we'd return true here in the 'Foreground' phase, we are not able 
        // to detect these hits anymore.
        updateHitTestResult(result, roundedLayoutPoint(localPoint));
        return true;

    return false;
예제 #16
void RenderWidget::paintContents(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();

    Widget* widget = this->widget();

    // Tell the widget to paint now. This is the only time the widget is allowed
    // to paint itself. That way it will composite properly with z-indexed layers.
    IntPoint widgetLocation = widget->frameRect().location();
    IntPoint paintLocation(roundToInt(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft()),
        roundToInt(adjustedPaintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop()));
    IntRect paintRect = paintInfo.rect;

    IntSize widgetPaintOffset = paintLocation - widgetLocation;
    // When painting widgets into compositing layers, tx and ty are relative to the enclosing compositing layer,
    // not the root. In this case, shift the CTM and adjust the paintRect to be root-relative to fix plug-in drawing.
    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero()) {
        paintInfo.context->translate(widgetPaintOffset.width(), widgetPaintOffset.height());
    widget->paint(paintInfo.context, paintRect);

    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero())
        paintInfo.context->translate(-widgetPaintOffset.width(), -widgetPaintOffset.height());
예제 #17
bool EllipsisBox::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom)
    LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + roundedLayoutPoint(topLeft());

    // Hit test the markup box.
    if (InlineBox* markupBox = this->markupBox()) {
        RenderStyle* style = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle());
        LayoutUnit mtx = adjustedLocation.x() + m_logicalWidth - markupBox->x();
        LayoutUnit mty = adjustedLocation.y() + style->fontMetrics().ascent() - (markupBox->y() + markupBox->renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().ascent());
        if (markupBox->nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, LayoutPoint(mtx, mty), lineTop, lineBottom)) {
            renderer().updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - LayoutSize(mtx, mty));
            return true;

    FloatPoint boxOrigin = locationIncludingFlipping();
    FloatRect boundsRect(boxOrigin, size());
    if (visibleToHitTestRequest(request) && boundsRect.intersects(HitTestLocation::rectForPoint(locationInContainer.point(), 0, 0, 0, 0))) {
        renderer().updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(adjustedLocation));
        if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(renderer().node(), request, locationInContainer, boundsRect))
            return true;

    return false;
예제 #18
// FIXME: This should take a RenderBoxModelObject&.
bool RenderLineBoxList::rangeIntersectsRect(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, const LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutPoint& offset) const
    LayoutUnit physicalStart = logicalTop;
    LayoutUnit physicalEnd = logicalBottom;
    if (renderer->view().frameView().hasFlippedBlockRenderers()) {
        RenderBox* block;
        if (is<RenderBox>(*renderer))
            block = downcast<RenderBox>(renderer);
            block = renderer->containingBlock();
        physicalStart = block->flipForWritingMode(logicalTop);
        physicalEnd = block->flipForWritingMode(logicalBottom);

    LayoutUnit physicalExtent = absoluteValue(physicalEnd - physicalStart);
    physicalStart = std::min(physicalStart, physicalEnd);
    if (renderer->style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        physicalStart += offset.y();
        if (physicalStart >= rect.maxY() || physicalStart + physicalExtent <= rect.y())
            return false;
    } else {
        physicalStart += offset.x();
        if (physicalStart >= rect.maxX() || physicalStart + physicalExtent <= rect.x())
            return false;
    return true;
예제 #19
LayoutRect InlineFlowBoxPainter::paintRectForImageStrip(const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, const LayoutSize& frameSize, TextDirection direction) const
    // We have a fill/border/mask image that spans multiple lines.
    // We need to adjust the offset by the width of all previous lines.
    // Think of background painting on inlines as though you had one long line, a single continuous
    // strip. Even though that strip has been broken up across multiple lines, you still paint it
    // as though you had one single line. This means each line has to pick up the background where
    // the previous line left off.
    LayoutUnit logicalOffsetOnLine = 0;
    LayoutUnit totalLogicalWidth;
    if (direction == LTR) {
        for (const InlineFlowBox* curr = m_inlineFlowBox.prevLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox())
            logicalOffsetOnLine += curr->logicalWidth();
        totalLogicalWidth = logicalOffsetOnLine;
        for (const InlineFlowBox* curr = &m_inlineFlowBox; curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
            totalLogicalWidth += curr->logicalWidth();
    } else {
        for (const InlineFlowBox* curr = m_inlineFlowBox.nextLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
            logicalOffsetOnLine += curr->logicalWidth();
        totalLogicalWidth = logicalOffsetOnLine;
        for (const InlineFlowBox* curr = &m_inlineFlowBox; curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox())
            totalLogicalWidth += curr->logicalWidth();
    LayoutUnit stripX = paintOffset.x() - (m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? logicalOffsetOnLine : LayoutUnit());
    LayoutUnit stripY = paintOffset.y() - (m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? LayoutUnit() : logicalOffsetOnLine);
    LayoutUnit stripWidth = m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? totalLogicalWidth : frameSize.width();
    LayoutUnit stripHeight = m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? frameSize.height() : totalLogicalWidth;
    return LayoutRect(stripX, stripY, stripWidth, stripHeight);
예제 #20
void BackgroundImageGeometry::useFixedAttachment(
    const LayoutPoint& attachmentPoint) {
  LayoutPoint alignedPoint = attachmentPoint;
  m_phase.move(std::max(alignedPoint.x() - m_destRect.x(), LayoutUnit()),
               std::max(alignedPoint.y() - m_destRect.y(), LayoutUnit()));
예제 #21
void RenderMathMLFraction::paint(PaintInfo& info, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    RenderMathMLBlock::paint(info, paintOffset);
    if (info.context->paintingDisabled() || info.phase != PaintPhaseForeground)
    if (!firstChild() ||!m_lineThickness)

    LayoutUnit verticalOffset = 0;
    // The children are always RenderMathMLBlock instances
    if (firstChild()->isRenderMathMLBlock()) {
        int adjustForThickness = m_lineThickness > 1 ? int(m_lineThickness / 2) : 1;
        if (int(m_lineThickness) % 2 == 1)
        RenderMathMLBlock* numerator = toRenderMathMLBlock(firstChild());
        if (numerator->isRenderMathMLRow())
            verticalOffset = numerator->offsetHeight() + adjustForThickness;
            verticalOffset = numerator->offsetHeight();        
    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();
    adjustedPaintOffset.setY(adjustedPaintOffset.y() + verticalOffset);
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*info.context);
    info.context->setStrokeColor(style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), ColorSpaceSRGB);
    info.context->drawLine(adjustedPaintOffset, IntPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + offsetWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()));
LayoutSize RenderMultiColumnFlowThread::physicalTranslationOffsetFromFlowToRegion(const RenderRegion* renderRegion, const LayoutUnit logicalOffset) const
    // Now that we know which multicolumn set we hit, we need to get the appropriate translation offset for the column.
    const RenderMultiColumnSet* columnSet = toRenderMultiColumnSet(renderRegion);
    LayoutPoint translationOffset = columnSet->columnTranslationForOffset(logicalOffset);

    // Now we know how we want the rect to be translated into the region. At this point we're converting
    // back to physical coordinates.
    if (style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        LayoutRect portionRect(columnSet->flowThreadPortionRect());
        LayoutRect columnRect = columnSet->columnRectAt(0);
        LayoutUnit physicalDeltaFromPortionBottom = logicalHeight() - columnSet->logicalBottomInFlowThread();
        if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
        if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
            translationOffset.move(0, columnRect.y() - portionRect.y() - physicalDeltaFromPortionBottom);
            translationOffset.move(columnRect.x() - portionRect.x() - physicalDeltaFromPortionBottom, 0);

    return LayoutSize(translationOffset.x(), translationOffset.y());
예제 #23
Path RenderDetailsMarker::getPath(const LayoutPoint& origin) const
    Path result = getCanonicalPath();
    result.transform(AffineTransform().scale(contentWidth().toFloat(), contentHeight().toFloat()));
    result.translate(FloatSize(origin.x().toFloat(), origin.y().toFloat()));
    return result;
예제 #24
bool RenderFlowThread::hitTestRegion(RenderRegion* region, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& pointInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset)
    LayoutRect regionRect(region->regionRect());
    LayoutRect regionOverflowRect = region->regionOverflowRect();
    LayoutRect regionClippingRect(accumulatedOffset + (regionOverflowRect.location() - regionRect.location()), regionOverflowRect.size());
    if (!regionClippingRect.contains(pointInContainer))
        return false;
    LayoutPoint renderFlowThreadOffset;
    if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        LayoutRect flippedRegionRect(regionRect);
        renderFlowThreadOffset = LayoutPoint(accumulatedOffset - flippedRegionRect.location());
    } else
        renderFlowThreadOffset = LayoutPoint(accumulatedOffset - regionRect.location());

    LayoutPoint transformedPoint(pointInContainer.x() - renderFlowThreadOffset.x(), pointInContainer.y() - renderFlowThreadOffset.y());
    // Always ignore clipping, since the RenderFlowThread has nothing to do with the bounds of the FrameView.
    HitTestRequest newRequest(request.type() | HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping);

    RenderRegion* oldRegion = result.region();
    LayoutPoint oldPoint = result.point();
    bool isPointInsideFlowThread = layer()->hitTest(newRequest, result);

    // FIXME: Should we set result.m_localPoint back to the RenderRegion's coordinate space or leave it in the RenderFlowThread's coordinate
    // space? Right now it's staying in the RenderFlowThread's coordinate space, which may end up being ok. We will know more when we get around to
    // patching positionForPoint.
    return isPointInsideFlowThread;
예제 #25
MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, PassRefPtr<AbstractView> abstractView,
                                     int detail, const LayoutPoint& screenLocation, const LayoutPoint& windowLocation,
                                     bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, bool isSimulated)
    : UIEventWithKeyState(eventType, canBubble, cancelable, abstractView, detail, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey)
    , m_screenLocation(screenLocation)
    , m_isSimulated(isSimulated)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPageLocation;
    LayoutPoint scrollPosition;

    Frame* frame = view() ? view()->frame() : 0;
    if (frame && !isSimulated) {
        if (FrameView* frameView = frame->view()) {
            scrollPosition = frameView->scrollPosition();
            adjustedPageLocation = frameView->windowToContents(windowLocation);
            float pageZoom = frame->pageZoomFactor();
            if (pageZoom != 1.0f) {
                // Adjust our pageX and pageY to account for the page zoom.
                adjustedPageLocation.scale(1 / pageZoom, 1 / pageZoom);

                // FIXME: Change this to use float math and proper rounding (or
                // better yet, use LayoutPoint::scale).
                scrollPosition.setX(scrollPosition.x() / pageZoom);
                scrollPosition.setY(scrollPosition.y() / pageZoom);

    m_clientLocation = adjustedPageLocation - toSize(scrollPosition);
    m_pageLocation = adjustedPageLocation;

예제 #26
LayoutPoint RenderGrid::findChildLogicalPosition(RenderBox* child, const Vector<GridTrack>& columnTracks, const Vector<GridTrack>& rowTracks)
    Length column = child->style()->gridItemColumn();
    Length row = child->style()->gridItemRow();

    // FIXME: What does a non-positive integer mean for a column/row?
    if (!column.isPositive() || !row.isPositive())
        return LayoutPoint();

    // FIXME: Handle other values for grid-{row,column} like ranges or line names.
    if (!column.isFixed() || !row.isFixed())
        return LayoutPoint();

    size_t columnTrack = static_cast<size_t>(column.intValue()) - 1;
    size_t rowTrack = static_cast<size_t>(row.intValue()) - 1;

    LayoutPoint offset;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < columnTrack && i < columnTracks.size(); ++i)
        offset.setX(offset.x() + columnTracks[i].m_usedBreadth);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rowTrack && i < rowTracks.size(); ++i)
        offset.setY(offset.y() + rowTracks[i].m_usedBreadth);

    // FIXME: Handle margins on the grid item.
    return offset;
예제 #27
void RenderWidget::paintContents(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();

    // Tell the widget to paint now. This is the only time the widget is allowed
    // to paint itself. That way it will composite properly with z-indexed layers.
    IntPoint widgetLocation = m_widget->frameRect().location();
    IntPoint paintLocation(roundToInt(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft()),
        roundToInt(adjustedPaintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop()));
    IntRect paintRect = paintInfo.rect;

    IntSize widgetPaintOffset = paintLocation - widgetLocation;
    // When painting widgets into compositing layers, tx and ty are relative to the enclosing compositing layer,
    // not the root. In this case, shift the CTM and adjust the paintRect to be root-relative to fix plug-in drawing.
    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero()) {
    m_widget->paint(paintInfo.context, paintRect);

    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero())

    if (m_widget->isFrameView()) {
        FrameView* frameView = toFrameView(m_widget.get());
        bool runOverlapTests = !frameView->useSlowRepaintsIfNotOverlapped() || frameView->hasCompositedContentIncludingDescendants();
        if (paintInfo.overlapTestRequests && runOverlapTests) {
            paintInfo.overlapTestRequests->set(this, m_widget->frameRect());
void RenderFileUploadControl::paintObject(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)

    // Push a clip.
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*paintInfo.context, false);
    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseChildBlockBackgrounds) {
        IntRect clipRect = enclosingIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + borderLeft(), paintOffset.y() + borderTop(),
                         width() - borderLeft() - borderRight(), height() - borderBottom() - borderTop() + buttonShadowHeight));
        if (clipRect.isEmpty())

    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
        const String& displayedFilename = fileTextValue();
        const Font& font = style()->font();
        TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(this, font, displayedFilename, style(), TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion, RespectDirection | RespectDirectionOverride);

        // Determine where the filename should be placed
        LayoutUnit contentLeft = paintOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
        HTMLInputElement* button = uploadButton();
        if (!button)

        LayoutUnit buttonWidth = nodeWidth(button);
        LayoutUnit buttonAndSpacingWidth = buttonWidth + afterButtonSpacing;
        float textWidth = font.width(textRun);
        LayoutUnit textX;
        if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            textX = contentLeft + buttonAndSpacingWidth;
            textX = contentLeft + contentWidth() - buttonAndSpacingWidth - textWidth;

        LayoutUnit textY = 0;
        // We want to match the button's baseline
        // FIXME: Make this work with transforms.
        if (RenderButton* buttonRenderer = toRenderButton(button->renderer()))
            textY = paintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop() + buttonRenderer->baselinePosition(AlphabeticBaseline, true, HorizontalLine, PositionOnContainingLine);
            textY = baselinePosition(AlphabeticBaseline, true, HorizontalLine, PositionOnContainingLine);
        TextRunPaintInfo textRunPaintInfo(textRun);
        textRunPaintInfo.bounds = FloatRect(textX,
                                            textY - style()->fontMetrics().ascent(),


        // Draw the filename
        paintInfo.context->drawBidiText(font, textRunPaintInfo, IntPoint(roundToInt(textX), roundToInt(textY)));

    // Paint the children.
    RenderBlockFlow::paintObject(paintInfo, paintOffset);
예제 #29
void RenderView::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // If we ever require layout but receive a paint anyway, something has gone horribly wrong.
    // RenderViews should never be called to paint with an offset not on device pixels.
    ASSERT(LayoutPoint(IntPoint(paintOffset.x(), paintOffset.y())) == paintOffset);
    paintObject(paintInfo, paintOffset);
LayoutRect RenderMenuList::controlClipRect(const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset) const
    // Clip to the intersection of the content box and the content box for the inner box
    // This will leave room for the arrows which sit in the inner box padding,
    // and if the inner box ever spills out of the outer box, that will get clipped too.
    LayoutRect outerBox(additionalOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(),
                   additionalOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop(),

    LayoutRect innerBox(additionalOffset.x() + m_innerBlock->x() + m_innerBlock->paddingLeft(),
                   additionalOffset.y() + m_innerBlock->y() + m_innerBlock->paddingTop(),

    return intersection(outerBox, innerBox);