예제 #1
    int laneOffset,
    const MSLane* targetLane,
    const std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal>& leader,
    const std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal>& neighLead,
    const std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal>& neighFollow,
    const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb) const {

    MSVehicle* vehicle = veh(myCandi);

    // Debug (Leo)
    if (DEBUG_COND) {
                << "\n" << SIMTIME << " checkChange() for vehicle '" << vehicle->getID() << "'"
                << std::endl;

    int blocked = 0;
    int blockedByLeader = (laneOffset == -1 ? LCA_BLOCKED_BY_RIGHT_LEADER : LCA_BLOCKED_BY_LEFT_LEADER);
    int blockedByFollower = (laneOffset == -1 ? LCA_BLOCKED_BY_RIGHT_FOLLOWER : LCA_BLOCKED_BY_LEFT_FOLLOWER);
    // overlap
    if (neighFollow.first != 0 && neighFollow.second < 0) {
        blocked |= (blockedByFollower | LCA_OVERLAPPING);

        // Debug (Leo)
        if (DEBUG_COND) {
            std::cout << SIMTIME
                      << " overlapping with follower..."
                      << std::endl;

    if (neighLead.first != 0 && neighLead.second < 0) {
        blocked |= (blockedByLeader | LCA_OVERLAPPING);

        // Debug (Leo)
        if (DEBUG_COND) {
            std::cout << SIMTIME
                      <<  " overlapping with leader..."
                      << std::endl;


    // safe back gap
    if ((blocked & blockedByFollower) == 0 && neighFollow.first != 0) {
        // !!! eigentlich: vsafe braucht die Max. Geschwindigkeit beider Spuren
        if (neighFollow.second < neighFollow.first->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(neighFollow.first->getSpeed(), vehicle->getSpeed(), vehicle->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())) {
            blocked |= blockedByFollower;

            // Debug (Leo)
            if (DEBUG_COND) {
                std::cout << SIMTIME
                          << " back gap unsafe: "
                          << "gap = " << neighFollow.second
                          << ", secureGap = "
                          << neighFollow.first->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(neighFollow.first->getSpeed(),
                                  vehicle->getSpeed(), vehicle->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())
                          << std::endl;


    // safe front gap
    if ((blocked & blockedByLeader) == 0 && neighLead.first != 0) {
        // !!! eigentlich: vsafe braucht die Max. Geschwindigkeit beider Spuren
        if (neighLead.second < vehicle->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(vehicle->getSpeed(), neighLead.first->getSpeed(), neighLead.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())) {
            blocked |= blockedByLeader;

            // Debug (Leo)
            if (DEBUG_COND) {
                std::cout << SIMTIME
                          << " front gap unsafe: "
                          << "gap = " << neighLead.second
                          << ", secureGap = "
                          << vehicle->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(vehicle->getSpeed(),
                                  neighLead.first->getSpeed(), neighLead.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())
                          << std::endl;


    MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager msg(leader.first, neighLead.first, neighFollow.first);
    int state = blocked | vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().wantsChange(
                    laneOffset, msg, blocked, leader, neighLead, neighFollow, *targetLane, preb, &(myCandi->lastBlocked), &(myCandi->firstBlocked));

    if (blocked == 0 && (state & LCA_WANTS_LANECHANGE) != 0 && neighLead.first != 0) {
        // do are more carefull (but expensive) check to ensure that a
        // safety-critical leader is not being overloocked
        const SUMOReal seen = myCandi->lane->getLength() - vehicle->getPositionOnLane();
        const SUMOReal speed = vehicle->getSpeed();
        const SUMOReal dist = vehicle->getCarFollowModel().brakeGap(speed) + vehicle->getVehicleType().getMinGap();
        if (seen < dist) {
            std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> neighLead2 = targetLane->getCriticalLeader(dist, seen, speed, *vehicle);
            if (neighLead2.first != 0 && neighLead2.first != neighLead.first
                    && (neighLead2.second < vehicle->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(
                            vehicle->getSpeed(), neighLead2.first->getSpeed(), neighLead2.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()))) {
                state |= blockedByLeader;
    if (blocked == 0 && (state & LCA_WANTS_LANECHANGE)) {
        // ensure that merging is safe for any upcoming zipper links after changing
        if (vehicle->unsafeLinkAhead(targetLane)) {
            state |= blockedByLeader;

    if ((state & LCA_BLOCKED) == 0 && (state & LCA_WANTS_LANECHANGE) != 0 && MSGlobals::gLaneChangeDuration > DELTA_T) {
        // ensure that a continuous lane change manoeuvre can be completed
        // before the next turning movement
        SUMOReal seen = myCandi->lane->getLength() - vehicle->getPositionOnLane();
        const SUMOReal decel = vehicle->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel() * STEPS2TIME(MSGlobals::gLaneChangeDuration);
        const SUMOReal avgSpeed = 0.5 * (
                                      MAX2((SUMOReal)0, vehicle->getSpeed() - ACCEL2SPEED(vehicle->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())) +
                                      MAX2((SUMOReal)0, vehicle->getSpeed() - decel));
        const SUMOReal space2change = avgSpeed * STEPS2TIME(MSGlobals::gLaneChangeDuration);
        // for finding turns it doesn't matter whether we look along the current lane or the target lane
        const std::vector<MSLane*>& bestLaneConts = vehicle->getBestLanesContinuation();
        int view = 1;
        MSLane* nextLane = vehicle->getLane();
        MSLinkCont::const_iterator link = MSLane::succLinkSec(*vehicle, view, *nextLane, bestLaneConts);
        while (!nextLane->isLinkEnd(link) && seen <= space2change) {
            if ((*link)->getDirection() == LINKDIR_LEFT || (*link)->getDirection() == LINKDIR_RIGHT
                    // the lanes after an internal junction are on different
                    // edges and do not allow lane-changing
                    || (nextLane->getEdge().isInternal() && (*link)->getViaLaneOrLane()->getEdge().isInternal())
               ) {
                state |= LCA_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE;
            if ((*link)->getViaLane() == 0) {
            nextLane = (*link)->getViaLaneOrLane();
            seen += nextLane->getLength();
            // get the next link used
            link = MSLane::succLinkSec(*vehicle, view, *nextLane, bestLaneConts);
        if (nextLane->isLinkEnd(link) && seen < space2change) {
            if (DEBUG_COND) {
                std::cout << SIMTIME << " checkChange insufficientSpace: seen=" << seen << " space2change=" << space2change << "\n";
            state |= LCA_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE;

        if ((state & LCA_BLOCKED) == 0) {
            // check for dangerous leaders in case the target lane changes laterally between
            // now and the lane-changing midpoint
            const SUMOReal speed = vehicle->getSpeed();
            seen = myCandi->lane->getLength() - vehicle->getPositionOnLane();
            nextLane = vehicle->getLane();
            view = 1;
            const SUMOReal dist = vehicle->getCarFollowModel().brakeGap(speed) + vehicle->getVehicleType().getMinGap();
            MSLinkCont::const_iterator link = MSLane::succLinkSec(*vehicle, view, *nextLane, bestLaneConts);
            while (!nextLane->isLinkEnd(link) && seen <= space2change && seen <= dist) {
                nextLane = (*link)->getViaLaneOrLane();
                MSLane* targetLane = nextLane->getParallelLane(laneOffset);
                if (targetLane == 0) {
                    state |= LCA_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE;
                } else {
                    std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> neighLead2 = targetLane->getLeader(vehicle, -seen, std::vector<MSLane*>());
                    if (neighLead2.first != 0 && neighLead2.first != neighLead.first
                            && (neighLead2.second < vehicle->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(
                                    vehicle->getSpeed(), neighLead2.first->getSpeed(), neighLead2.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()))) {
                        state |= blockedByLeader;
                if ((*link)->getViaLane() == 0) {
                seen += nextLane->getLength();
                // get the next link used
                link = MSLane::succLinkSec(*vehicle, view, *nextLane, bestLaneConts);
#ifndef NO_TRACI
    const int oldstate = state;
    // let TraCI influence the wish to change lanes and the security to take
    state = vehicle->influenceChangeDecision(state);
    if (DEBUG_COND) {
        std::cout << SIMTIME
                  << " veh=" << vehicle->getID()
                  << " oldState=" << toString((LaneChangeAction)oldstate)
                  << " newState=" << toString((LaneChangeAction)state)
                  << ((blocked & LCA_BLOCKED) ? " (blocked)" : "")
                  << ((blocked & LCA_OVERLAPPING) ? " (overlap)" : "")
                  << "\n";
    return state;