Particle::Particle(Maze const& maze, int seed) { srand(seed); _x = rand() % (int)maze.getWidth(); _y = rand() % (int)maze.getHeight(); _theta = (float) (rand() % 31416)/10000; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ while ((argc<3) || (argc>4)) { cout << "Run the program as ./graphTest -m maze-file.txt (-Astar)" << endl; return 1; } Maze maze; Graph graph; bool aStar = false; int i = 1; while (i<argc) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-m")==0){ if ((i+1)>=argc){ cout << "Run the program as ./graphTest -m maze-file.txt (-Astar)" << endl; return 2; } if(!maze.readMaze(argv[i+1])){ cout << "File does not exist" << endl; return 3; } graph.init(maze.getHeight() * maze.getWidth()); graph.constructMazeGraph(maze); } if(strcmp(argv[i],"-Astar")==0){ aStar= true; } i++; } if(aStar){ graph.aStar(); } else{ graph.dijkstra(); } return 0; }