예제 #1
double signedDistanceInsideConvexHull(
    const Ref<const Matrix<double, 2, Dynamic>> &pts,
    const Ref<const Vector2d> &q) {
  std::vector<Point> hull_pts = convexHull(eigenToPoints(pts));
  double d_star = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

  Matrix2d R;
  R << 0, 1, -1, 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < (static_cast<int>(hull_pts.size()) - 1); ++i) {
    Vector2d ai = R * Vector2d(hull_pts[i + 1].x - hull_pts[i].x,
                               hull_pts[i + 1].y - hull_pts[i].y);
    double b = ai.transpose() * Vector2d(hull_pts[i].x, hull_pts[i].y);
    double n = ai.norm();
    if (std::isnormal(n)) {
      ai = ai.array() / n;
      b = b / n;
      double d = b - ai.transpose() * q;
      // std::cout << "pt0: " << hull_pts[i].x << " " << hull_pts[i].y <<
      // std::endl;
      // std::cout << "pt1: " << hull_pts[i+1].x << " " << hull_pts[i+1].y <<
      // std::endl;
      // std::cout << "ai: " << ai.transpose() << std::endl;
      // std::cout << "b: " << b << std::endl;
      // std::cout << "d: " << d << std::endl;
      if (d < d_star) {
        d_star = d;
  return d_star;
Vector2d signed_distance_2d::closestPointOnLineSegment(Vector2d point, Vector2d p1, Vector2d p2) {

	// We are working with line representation L = {u*z + d | z is a real number, u is normalized}
	// u and d are in R^2 (2D vectors)

	// Get Unit vector in direction of edge
	Vector2d u = p1 - p2;
	if ((u.cwiseAbs()).sum() != 0) {
		u.normalize(); // Assuming u has nonzero length
	} else {
		u << 0, 0;
	Vector2d d = p1; // d can be any point on the line. p1 or p2 will do

	double t = (point - d).dot(u);

	// Find if point is on line segment or if it needs to be projected to an end of segment
	// Do this in projected 1D space. Find t for both p1 and p2, and compare to t from the point.
	double p1t = (p1 - d).dot(u);
	double p2t = (p2 - d).dot(u);
	if (t <= min(p1t, p2t)) {
		t = min(p1t, p2t);
	} else if (t >= max(p1t, p2t)) {
		t = max(p1t, p2t);
	Vector2d proj = u.array() * t;
	proj += d;

	// Sanity check
	Vector2d a = perpendicularAxis(u);
	double c = a.dot(p1); // Constant, a'*x + d = 0
	double eps = 1e-5;
	if (abs(a.dot(proj) - c) > eps) {
		std::cout << "Warning: Projection on line is not on line with tolerance " << eps << std::endl;

	return proj;
