예제 #1
Implicit conversation from Polygon,
Bounding box generation.
Rectangle::Rectangle( const Polygon& other )
	if( other.getVertexCount() >= 3 )
		float minx = (other.getPosition() + other.getVertex(0) ).getX();
		float miny = (other.getPosition() + other.getVertex(0) ).getY();
		float maxx = (other.getPosition() + other.getVertex(0) ).getX();
		float maxy = (other.getPosition() + other.getVertex(0) ).getY();

		for(unsigned int i = 1; i < other.getVertexCount(); ++i)
			Vector2d vertex = other.getPosition() + other.getVertex(i);
			if( vertex.getX() < minx ) minx = vertex.getX();
			if( vertex.getY() < miny ) miny = vertex.getY();
			if( vertex.getX() > maxx ) maxx = vertex.getX();
			if( vertex.getY() > maxy ) maxy = vertex.getY();

		position.setX( minx );
		position.setY( miny );
		size.setX( maxx - minx );
		size.setY( maxy - miny );
		*this = Rectangle();
예제 #2
Line2d::Line2d(const Vector2d &direction, const Vector2d &point) {
	Vector2d d = direction;
	_a = d.getY() / d.getX();
	_b = -1;

	if (_b == 0) {
		_c = -point.getX();
	} else {
		_c = point.getY() - (d.getY() / d.getX()) * point.getX();
예제 #3
	double Vector2d::angle(Vector2d& other)
		double value = m_x * other.getX() + m_y * other.getY();
		double radians = acos(value);
		double degrees = radians * (180 / 3.14159265);
		return degrees;
예제 #4
float Line2d::getDistanceTo(const Vector2d &point, Vector2d *intersection) const {
	float dist = fabsf(_a * point.getX() + _b * point.getY() + _c) / sqrt(_a * _a + _b * _b);

	if (intersection) {
		intersectsLine(getPerpendicular(point), intersection);
	return dist;
예제 #5
bool StringElement::containsPoint(const Vector2d &point) const {
	if (this->isErased()) return false;
	Vector2d axis = getEndPosition() - getStartPosition();
	Vector2d translation = -getStartPosition();
	double angle = -(Vector2d(1, 0).angleTo(axis));

	Vector2d translatedPoint = translation + point;
	double transformedX = cos(angle) * translatedPoint.getX() - sin(angle) * translatedPoint.getY();
	double transformedY = sin(angle) * translatedPoint.getX() + cos(angle) * translatedPoint.getY();

	return transformedX >= 0 && transformedX <= axis.norm() && fabs(transformedY) <= (getStringWidth() / 2);
void MetalPlatformDesignRendererHelper::renderMetalPlatform(const MetalPlatform &platform) const {
	if (platform.isErased()) return;

	Color white = Color::WHITE;
	Vector2d ul = platform.getUpperLeftCorner();
	Vector2d ll = platform.getLowerLeftCorner();
	Vector2d lr = platform.getLowerRightCorner();
	Vector2d ur = platform.getUpperRightCorner();


	drawingContext->set_source_rgb(white.getRed(), white.getGreen(),
	drawingContext->move_to(ul.getX(), ul.getY());

	drawingContext->line_to(ll.getX(), ll.getY());
	drawingContext->line_to(lr.getX(), lr.getY());
	drawingContext->line_to(ur.getX(), ur.getY());
	drawingContext->line_to(ul.getX(), ul.getY());

예제 #7
bool DrawableObject::isClicked(Vector2d mousePosition)
  bool isInside = false;
  // For no particular reason i will shoot the vector straight down on this ray trace
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i <points.size(); i++)
    Vector2d vector = points[i];

    // Handle the case that our ray goes through an actual pointsVector (a corner)
    if (vector.getX() == mousePosition.getX())
      isInside = !isInside;

    //check if it hits a "wall" which means we need the next vector in the box
    int secondPoint = i + 1;
    if (secondPoint >= points.size())
      secondPoint = 0;

    Vector2d secondVector = points[secondPoint];
    // Check that the mouse's X is lower than 1 vectors x and larger than one And that its Y position
    // is above the the Y on the line between the two vectors by using simple slope formula
    float yOnLine = (secondVector.getY() - vector.getY()) * 
                    ( (mousePosition.getX() - vector.getX()) / (secondVector.getX() - vector.getX()) ) 
                    + vector.getY();
    if ( (vector.getX() > mousePosition.getX()) != (secondVector.getX() > mousePosition.getX()) &&
          mousePosition.getY() > yOnLine )
      isInside = !isInside;
  return isInside;
예제 #8
const CollisionResult CollisionManager::test( const Polygon& a, const Polygon& b, const Vector2d& v )

	// A place to store our collision result.
	CollisionResult result;
	result.colliding = true;

	// Do a radius test first.
	if ( (a.getPosition()-a.getPosition()).getMagnitude() > (a.getRadius() + a.getRadius()) ){
		result.colliding = false;
		return result;

	// The minimum distance required to separate the two polygons.
	float mintranslation = FLT_MAX;

	// Loop through both polygon's vertices and test them.
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < a.getVertexCount() + b.getVertexCount(); ++i )
		// Get the edge, polygons are stored as point clouds, so we have to subtract two points to get an edge.
		Vector2d edge;
		if( i < a.getVertexCount() ) edge = a.getVertex( i ) - a.getVertex( i+1 );
		else edge = b.getVertex( i - a.getVertexCount() ) - b.getVertex( i - a.getVertexCount()+1 );

		// Get a perpendicular ( right-hand ) to the edge.
		edge = Vector2d( -edge.getY(), edge.getX() );

		// Project the two polygons onto the edge.
		float minA,maxA,minB,maxB;
		projectPolygon( edge, a, minA, maxA );
		projectPolygon( edge, b, minB, maxB );

		// Get the distance of separation.
		float distance = intervalDistance(minA, maxA, minB, maxB);

		// If the distance is greater than 0, they aren't overlapping, so let's try a velocity.
		if (distance > 0){
			float velocityProjection = edge * v;

			// Get the projection of object A during the movement
			if (velocityProjection < 0)
				minA += velocityProjection;
				maxA += velocityProjection;

			// Do the same as above, but now with velocity projected.
			float distance = intervalDistance(minA, maxA, minB, maxB);


		// If the distance is greater than 0, they aren't overlapping nor will they collide, so break.
		if (distance > 0){
			result.colliding = false;

		// Check to see if this is the minimum translation so far.
		if( abs(distance) < mintranslation ){
			mintranslation = abs(distance);
			result.separation = edge;


	// Calculate the minimum translation vector if a collision occured.
	if( result.colliding == true ){
		// multiply it by the minimum translation distance.
		result.separation *= mintranslation;
		//make sure it's facing the right way.
		if (result.separation * (a.getPosition() - b.getPosition()) < 0) result.separation = -result.separation;

	return result;
예제 #9
bool Line2d::containsPoint(const Vector2d &point) const {
	float n = _a * point.getX() + _b * point.getY() + _c;
	return (n < 0.0001 && n > -0.0001);
예제 #10
void RunApplication::display(void)

	// reset OpenGL transformation matrix
	glLoadIdentity(); // reset transformation matrix to identity

  //Use a perspective of a square with the same aspect as our application
  //We dont want to clip anything in the Z direction so thats why its so far back
  gluPerspective(90.f, ApplicationState::Instance().getAspectRatio(), 0, 100 );

	// setup look at transformation so that 
	// eye is at : (0,0, 10)
	// look at center is at : (0,0,0)
	// up direction is +y axis

  //TODO: Find a way to have the camera slowly track the main player
  Vector2d cameraPos = ApplicationState::Instance().getCameraPosition();
  float cameraZ = ApplicationState::Instance().getCameraZ();
	gluLookAt(cameraPos.getX(), cameraPos.getY(), cameraZ+0.00000001f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f);

  /* Storing for reference will make sure to delete it
	glTranslatef(ship[1], ship[5], 0.f);
	glRotatef(ship[2], 0.f, 0.f, 1);

  //TODO: current idea is that we will call the physics engine on each object 
  // in the GameState's physical objects, and continue to move them forward
  // then we will do the rendering for the actual objects so it would look 
  // something like this?
  //TODO: add in code to stop a "lag spiral of death" ie if the physics engine
  // takes 1/30'th a second to determine the positions then we should slow our frame
  // rate to match that
  for( DrawableObject* drawable : ApplicationState::Instance().getDrawableObjects() )
    if( drawable != NULL ) //F**k segfaults
  for (DrawableObject* drawable : ApplicationState::Instance().getDrawableObjects())
    if (drawable != NULL) //F**k segfaults

  if ( Editor::Instance()->isPluggedIn())
	glutSwapBuffers();  // swap front/back framebuffer to avoid flickering 
예제 #11
bool Space2d<T>::isIn(const Vector2d<T>& point) const
	const bool xIsIn = (origin.getX() <= point.getX()) && (point.getX() <= origin.getX() + vector.getX());
	const bool yIsIn = (origin.getY() <= point.getY()) && (point.getY() <= origin.getY() + vector.getY());
	return xIsIn && yIsIn;