예제 #1
double signedDistanceInsideConvexHull(
    const Ref<const Matrix<double, 2, Dynamic>> &pts,
    const Ref<const Vector2d> &q) {
  std::vector<Point> hull_pts = convexHull(eigenToPoints(pts));
  double d_star = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

  Matrix2d R;
  R << 0, 1, -1, 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < (static_cast<int>(hull_pts.size()) - 1); ++i) {
    Vector2d ai = R * Vector2d(hull_pts[i + 1].x - hull_pts[i].x,
                               hull_pts[i + 1].y - hull_pts[i].y);
    double b = ai.transpose() * Vector2d(hull_pts[i].x, hull_pts[i].y);
    double n = ai.norm();
    if (std::isnormal(n)) {
      ai = ai.array() / n;
      b = b / n;
      double d = b - ai.transpose() * q;
      // std::cout << "pt0: " << hull_pts[i].x << " " << hull_pts[i].y <<
      // std::endl;
      // std::cout << "pt1: " << hull_pts[i+1].x << " " << hull_pts[i+1].y <<
      // std::endl;
      // std::cout << "ai: " << ai.transpose() << std::endl;
      // std::cout << "b: " << b << std::endl;
      // std::cout << "d: " << d << std::endl;
      if (d < d_star) {
        d_star = d;
  return d_star;
예제 #2
bool AStarPlanner::computeAStarIn2DGrid( Vector2d source, Vector2d target )
    PlanCell* startCell = dynamic_cast<PlanCell*>(grid_->getCell(source));
    if( startCell == NULL )
        cout << "start (" << source.transpose() << ") not in grid" << endl;
        return false;

    PlanCell* goalCell = dynamic_cast<PlanCell*>(grid_->getCell(target));
    if( goalCell == NULL )
        cout << "goal (" << target.transpose() << ") not in grid" << endl;
        return false;

    Vector2i startCoord = startCell->getCoord();
    cout << "Start Pos = (" << source[0] << " , " << source[1] << ")" << endl;
    cout << "Start Coord = (" << startCoord[0] << " , " << startCoord[1] << ")" << endl;

    Vector2i goalCoord = goalCell->getCoord();
    cout << "Goal Pos = (" << target[0] << " , " << target[1] << ")" << endl;
    cout << "Goal Coord = (" << goalCoord[0] << " , " << goalCoord[1] << ")" << endl;

    if( startCoord == goalCoord )
        cout << " no planning as cells are identical" << endl;
        return false;

    PlanState* start    = new PlanState( startCell, grid_ );
    PlanState* goal     = new PlanState( goalCell,  grid_ );
    if ( start == NULL || goal == NULL ) {
        cout << "Start or goal == NULL" << endl;
        return false;

    if( solveAStar( start, goal ) )
        double SumOfCost= 0.0;
        for(int i=0; i< int(path_.size()); i++ )
            //cout << "Cell "<< i <<" = " << endl << path_[i] << endl;
            SumOfCost +=  dynamic_cast<PlanCell*>(cell_path_[i])->getCost();
        cout << " SumOfCost = "  << SumOfCost << endl;
        return true;
    else {
        return false;
예제 #3
void addPoint() {
    Vector2d v;
    string m1,m2; 
    string s = a[2];
    double x,y;
    int pos;
    if(pos!=std::string::npos) {
        m1 = s.substr(0,pos);
        m2 = s.substr(pos+1,s.size()-pos);
        x = stringToNum<double>(m1);
        y = stringToNum<double>(m2);
     } else {
         cout<<"direction error please write like this"<<endl;
         cout<<"p2 1 5,6"<<endl;
    cout<<"add a dot :"<<a[0]<<endl;
    cout<<"location is:"<<v.transpose()<<endl; 
예제 #4
파일: vd.cpp 프로젝트: cerdogan/Job
    bool operator()(const pair<CircleEvent*,Vector2d>& lhs_, const pair<CircleEvent*,Vector2d>&rhs_){
			static const bool dbg = 0;
			Vector2d lhs = lhs_.second, rhs = rhs_.second;
			if(dbg) cout << "inputs: " << lhs.transpose() << ", " << rhs.transpose() << endl;
			if(rhs(0) - lhs(0) > 1e-5) {
				if(dbg) printf("Returning true: 0 index is smaller\n");
				return true;
			else if((fabs(lhs(0) - rhs(0)) < 1e-5) && ((rhs(1) - lhs(1)) > 1e-5)) {
				if(dbg) printf("Returning true: 0 is same, 1 index is smaller\n");
				return true;
			if(dbg) printf("Returning false\n");
			return false;
예제 #5
파일: vd.cpp 프로젝트: cerdogan/Job
/* ******************************************************************************************** */
void termination () {

	sweepLine -= 3.0;
	vector <AVL<TreeNode*>::Node*> nodes;
	for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
			TreeNode* node = nodes[i]->value;
			Vector2d temp;
			cout << "\t" << temp.transpose() << endl;
			node->edge1->p1 = temp;
			node->edge2->p0 = temp;
예제 #6
void GraphSLAM::checkCovariance(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset){
  // we need now to compute the marginal covariances of all other vertices w.r.t the newly inserted one

  CovarianceEstimator ce(_graph);


  assert(!_lastVertex->fixed() && "last Vertex is fixed");
  assert(_firstRobotPose->fixed() && "first Vertex is not fixed");
  OptimizableGraph::VertexSet tmpvset = vset;
  for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator it = tmpvset.begin(); it != tmpvset.end(); it++){
    VertexSE2 *vertex = (VertexSE2*) *it;
    MatrixXd Pv = ce.getCovariance(vertex);
    Matrix2d Pxy; Pxy << Pv(0,0), Pv(0,1), Pv(1,0), Pv(1,1);
    SE2 delta = vertex->estimate().inverse() * _lastVertex->estimate();	
    Vector2d hxy (delta.translation().x(), delta.translation().y());
    double perceptionRange =1;
    if (hxy.x()-perceptionRange>0) 
      hxy.x() -= perceptionRange;
    else if (hxy.x()+perceptionRange<0)
      hxy.x() += perceptionRange;
      hxy.x() = 0;

    if (hxy.y()-perceptionRange>0) 
      hxy.y() -= perceptionRange;
    else if (hxy.y()+perceptionRange<0)
      hxy.y() += perceptionRange;
      hxy.y() = 0;
    double d2 = hxy.transpose() * Pxy.inverse() * hxy;
    if (d2 > 5.99)
예제 #7
 *   frame_offset: used to place HxBj in right place in H
bool MSCKF::getResidualH(VectorXd& ri, MatrixXd& Hi, Vector3d feature_pose, MatrixXd measure, MatrixXd pose_mtx, int frame_offset)
    int num_frame = (int)pose_mtx.cols();
    int errorStateLength = (int)fullErrorCovariance.rows();
    ri = VectorXd::Zero(2 * num_frame);
    Hi = MatrixXd::Zero(2 * num_frame, errorStateLength);    // Hi cols == error state length
    MatrixXd HxBj, Hc;
    MatrixXd Mij, tmp39;
    MatrixXd Hfi;
    MatrixXd Hf; // use double precision to increase numerial result
    Hfi = MatrixXd::Zero(2 * num_frame, 3);
    for(int j = 0; j < num_frame; j++)
        cout << "frame is " << frame_offset+j << endl;
        Matrix3d R_gb = quaternion_to_R(pose_mtx.block<4, 1>(0, j));

        //double xx = pts[i * 3 + 0] - position(0);
        //double yy = pts[i * 3 + 1] - position(1);
        //double zz = pts[i * 3 + 2] - position(2);
        //Vector3d local_point = Ric.inverse() * (quat.inverse() * Vector3d(xx, yy, zz) - Tic);
        Vector3d feature_in_c = R_cb * R_gb.transpose() * (feature_pose - pose_mtx.block<3, 1>(4, j)) + fullNominalState.segment(16, 3);
        //Vector2d projPtr = projectPoint(feature_pose, R_gb, pose_mtx.block<3, 1>(4, j), fullNominalState.segment(16, 3));
    //zij = cam.h(R_cb * R_gb.transpose() * (feature_pose - p_gb) + p_cb);
        Vector2d projPtr = projectCamPoint(feature_in_c);
        //cout << "projPtr projectPoint" << projPtr.transpose() << endl;
        if (feature_in_c(2) < 1e-4)
          projPtr = measure.col(j);
          return false;
          projPtr = projectCamPoint(feature_in_c);
        //if (projPtr(0)<0 || projPtr(1)>800 || projPtr(1)<0||projPtr(1)>800)
        //  return false;
       // cout << "projPtr" << projPtr.transpose() << endl;

        cout << "measure is " << measure.col(j).transpose() << endl;
        cout << "feature in c is " << feature_in_c.transpose() << endl;
        cout << "estimat is " << projPtr.transpose() << endl;
        ri.segment(j * 2, 2) = measure.col(j) - projPtr;
        // cout << "ri piece is" << ri.segment(j * 2, 2)  <<endl;
        if (ri.segment(j * 2, 2).norm() > 2.0)
            return false;

        Mij = cam.Jh(feature_in_c) * R_cb * R_gb.transpose();
        tmp39 = MatrixXd::Zero(3, 9);

        tmp39.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = skew_mtx(feature_pose - pose_mtx.block<3, 1>(4, j));
        tmp39.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = -Matrix3d::Identity();
        HxBj = Mij * tmp39;                           // 2x9
        Hc = cam.Jh(feature_in_c);   // 2x3
        // cout << "Mij is " << endl << Mij << endl;
        // cout << "tmp39 is " << endl << tmp39 << endl;
        // cout << "HxBj is " << endl << HxBj << endl;
        // cout << "Hc is " << endl << Hc << endl;
        Hi.block<2, 9>(j * 2, ERROR_STATE_SIZE + 3 + ERROR_POSE_STATE_SIZE * (frame_offset + j)) = HxBj;
        Hi.block<2, 3>(j * 2, ERROR_STATE_SIZE) = Hc;
        Hf = cam.Jh(feature_in_c) * R_cb * R_gb.transpose();
        Hfi.block<2, 3>(j * 2, 0) = Hf.cast<double>();
    // now carry out feature error marginalization
    JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd(Hfi.transpose(), ComputeFullV);
    MatrixXd left_null = svd.matrixV().cast<double>().rightCols(2 * num_frame - 3).transpose();
//    MatrixXd S = svd.singularValues().asDiagonal();
//    MatrixXd U = svd.matrixU();
//    MatrixXd V = svd.matrixV();
//    MatrixXd D = Hfi.transpose()-U*S*V.transpose();
//    std::cout << "\n" << D.norm() << "  " << sqrt((D.adjoint()*D).trace()) << "\n";
    // printf("left null size (%d, %d)\n", left_null.rows(), left_null.cols());
    // printf("ri size (%d, %d)\n", ri.rows(), ri.cols());
    // printf("Hi size (%d, %d)\n", Hi.rows(), Hi.cols());
    // cout << "before left null" << endl;
    // cout << "------------------" << endl;
    // cout << ri << endl;
    // cout << Hi << endl;

   ri = left_null * ri;
   Hi = left_null * Hi;

   // cout << "one measure, one H" << endl;
   // cout << "------------------" << endl;
   // cout << ri << endl;
   // cout << Hi << endl;
   // printf("ri size (%d, %d)\n", ri.rows(), ri.cols());
   // printf("Hi size (%d, %d)\n", Hi.rows(), Hi.cols());

   double gamma;
   MatrixXd tmpK = Hi * fullErrorCovariance * Hi.transpose();
   MatrixXd tmpKinv = tmpK.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(MatrixXd::Identity(tmpK.rows(), tmpK.cols()));

   int k = ri.size();
   gamma = fabs(ri.dot( tmpKinv * ri));
   cout << "gamma " << gamma<< endl;

   // cout << "ha? " <<  fabs(ri.dot( Hi *Hi.transpose()* ri))<< endl;
   if (k>30) k = 30;
   if (gamma*gamma > chi_test[k])
        return false;
        return true;