void put_into_vehicle( player &p, const std::list<item> &items, vehicle &veh, int part )
    if( items.empty() ) {

    const tripoint where = veh.global_part_pos3( part );
    const std::string ter_name = g->m.name( where );
    int fallen_count = 0;

    for( auto it : items ) { // cant use constant reference here because of the spill_contents()
        if( it.is_bucket_nonempty() && !it.spill_contents( p ) ) {
                _( "To avoid spilling its contents, you set your %1$s on the %2$s." ),
                _( "To avoid spilling its contents, <npcname> sets their %1$s on the %2$s." ),
                it.display_name().c_str(), ter_name.c_str()
            g->m.add_item_or_charges( where, it );
        if( !veh.add_item( part, it ) ) {
            if( it.count_by_charges() ) {
                // Maybe we can add a few charges in the trunk and the rest on the ground.
                it.mod_charges( -veh.add_charges( part, it ) );
            g->m.add_item_or_charges( where, it );

    const std::string part_name = veh.part_info( part ).name();

    if( same_type( items ) ) {
        const item &it = items.front();
        const int dropcount = items.size() * ( it.count_by_charges() ? it.charges : 1 );

            ngettext( "You put your %1$s in the %2$s's %3$s.",
                      "You put your %1$s in the %2$s's %3$s.", dropcount ),
            ngettext( "<npcname> puts their %1$s in the %2$s's %3$s.",
                      "<npcname> puts their %1$s in the %2$s's %3$s.", dropcount ),
            it.tname( dropcount ).c_str(), veh.name.c_str(), part_name.c_str()
    } else {
            _( "You put several items in the %1$s's %2$s." ),
            _( "<npcname> puts several items in the %1$s's %2$s." ),
            veh.name.c_str(), part_name.c_str()

    if( fallen_count > 0 ) {
        add_msg( m_warning, _( "The trunk is full, so some items fell to the %s." ), ter_name.c_str() );
void drop_on_map( const player &p, const std::list<item> &items, const tripoint &where )
    if( items.empty() ) {
    const std::string ter_name = g->m.name( where );
    const bool can_move_there = g->m.passable( where );

    if( same_type( items ) ) {
        const item &it = items.front();
        const int dropcount = items.size() * ( it.count_by_charges() ? it.charges : 1 );
        const std::string it_name = it.tname( dropcount );

        if( can_move_there ) {
                ngettext( "You drop your %1$s on the %2$s.",
                          "You drop your %1$s on the %2$s.", dropcount ),
                ngettext( "<npcname> drops their %1$s on the %2$s.",
                          "<npcname> drops their %1$s on the %2$s.", dropcount ),
                it_name.c_str(), ter_name.c_str()
        } else {
                ngettext( "You put your %1$s in the %2$s.",
                          "You put your %1$s in the %2$s.", dropcount ),
                ngettext( "<npcname> puts their %1$s in the %2$s.",
                          "<npcname> puts their %1$s in the %2$s.", dropcount ),
                it_name.c_str(), ter_name.c_str()
    } else {
        if( can_move_there ) {
                _( "You drop several items on the %s." ),
                _( "<npcname> drops several items on the %s." ),
        } else {
                _( "You put several items in the %s." ),
                _( "<npcname> puts several items in the %s." ),
    for( const auto &it : items ) {
        g->m.add_item_or_charges( where, it );