예제 #1
파일: melee.cpp 프로젝트: Azrael/Cataclysm
bool player::hit_player(player &p, body_part &bp, int &hitdam, int &hitcut)
// TODO: Add bionics and other bonus (e.g. heat drain, shock, etc)
 if (!is_npc() && p.is_npc()) {
  npc *foe = dynamic_cast<npc*>(&p);
 bool unarmed = unarmed_attack(), bashing = weapon.is_bashing_weapon(),
      cutting = weapon.is_cutting_weapon();
 int hitit = hit_roll() - p.dodge_roll();
 if (hitit < 0) {	// They dodged
  practice(sk_melee, rng(2, 4));
  if (unarmed)
   practice(sk_unarmed, 3);
  if (bashing)
   practice(sk_bashing, 1);
  if (cutting)
   practice(sk_cutting, 2);
  return false;

 if (hitit >= 15)
  bp = bp_eyes;
 else if (hitit >= 12)
  bp = bp_mouth;
 else if (hitit >= 10)
  bp = bp_head;
 else if (hitit >= 6)
  bp = bp_torso;
 else if (hitit >= 2)
  bp = bp_arms;
  bp = bp_legs;
 hitdam = base_damage();

 if (unarmed) {// Unarmed bonuses
  hitdam += rng(0, sklevel[sk_unarmed]);
  if (sklevel[sk_unarmed] >= 5)
   hitdam += rng(sklevel[sk_unarmed], 3 * sklevel[sk_unarmed]);
  if (has_trait(PF_TALONS))
   hitcut += 10;
  if (sklevel[sk_unarmed] >= 8 &&
      (one_in(3) || rng(5, 20) < sklevel[sk_unarmed]))
   hitdam *= rng(2, 3);
// Weapon adds (melee_dam / 4) to (melee_dam)
 hitdam += rng(weapon.type->melee_dam / 4, weapon.type->melee_dam);
 if (bashing)
  hitdam += rng(0, sklevel[sk_bashing]) * sqrt(str_cur);

 hitdam += int(pow(1.5, sklevel[sk_melee]));
 hitcut = weapon.type->melee_cut;
 if (hitcut > 0)
  hitcut += int(sklevel[sk_cutting] / 3);
 if (hitdam < 0) hitdam = 0;
 if (hitdam > 0 || hitcut > 0) { // Practicing
  practice(sk_melee, rng(5, 10));
  if (unarmed)
   practice(sk_unarmed, rng(5, 10));
  if (bashing)
   practice(sk_bashing, rng(5, 10));
  if (cutting)
   practice(sk_cutting, rng(5, 10));
 } else { // Less practice if we missed
  practice(sk_melee, rng(2, 5));
  if (unarmed)
   practice(sk_unarmed, 2);
  if (bashing)
   practice(sk_bashing, 2);
  if (cutting)
   practice(sk_cutting, 3);
 return true;
예제 #2
void player::hit_player(game *g, player &p, bool allow_grab)
 bool is_u = (this == &(g->u));	// Affects how we'll display messages

 if (is_u && p.is_npc()) {
  npc* npcPtr = dynamic_cast<npc*>(&p);

 std::string You  = (is_u ? "You"  : name);
 std::string Your = (is_u ? "Your" : name + "'s");
 std::string your = (is_u ? "your" : (male ? "his" : "her"));
 std::string verb = "hit";

// Divide their dodge roll by 2 if this is a grab
 int target_dodge = (allow_grab ? p.dodge_roll(g) : p.dodge_roll(g) / 2);
 int hit_value = hit_roll() - target_dodge;
 bool missed = (hit_roll() <= 0);

 int move_cost = attack_speed(*this, missed);

 if (missed) {
  int stumble_pen = stumble(*this);
  if (is_u) {	// Only display messages if this is the player
   if (weapon.has_technique(TEC_FEINT, this))
    g->add_msg("You feint.");
   else if (stumble_pen >= 60)
    g->add_msg("You miss and stumble with the momentum.");
   else if (stumble_pen >= 10)
    g->add_msg("You swing wildly and miss.");
    g->add_msg("You miss.");
  melee_practice(*this, false, unarmed_attack(),
                 weapon.is_bashing_weapon(), weapon.is_cutting_weapon(),
                 (weapon.has_flag(IF_SPEAR) || weapon.has_flag(IF_STAB)));
  move_cost += stumble_pen;
  if (weapon.has_technique(TEC_FEINT, this))
   move_cost = rng(move_cost / 3, move_cost);
  moves -= move_cost;
 moves -= move_cost;

 body_part bp_hit;
 int side = rng(0, 1);
 hit_value += rng(-10, 10);
 if (hit_value >= 30)
  bp_hit = bp_eyes;
 else if (hit_value >= 20)
  bp_hit = bp_head;
 else if (hit_value >= 10)
  bp_hit = bp_torso;
 else if (one_in(4))
  bp_hit = bp_legs;
  bp_hit = bp_arms;

 std::string target = (p.is_npc() ? p.name + "'s " : "your ");
 target += body_part_name(bp_hit, side);

 bool critical_hit = scored_crit(target_dodge);

 int bash_dam = roll_bash_damage(NULL, critical_hit);
 int cut_dam  = roll_cut_damage(NULL, critical_hit);
 int stab_dam = roll_stab_damage(NULL, critical_hit);

 technique_id tech_def = p.pick_defensive_technique(g, NULL, this);
 p.perform_defensive_technique(tech_def, g, NULL, this, bp_hit, side,
                               bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

 if (bash_dam + cut_dam + stab_dam <= 0)
  return; // Defensive technique canceled our attack!

 if (critical_hit) // Crits cancel out Toad Style's armor boost

 int pain = 0; // Boost to pain; required for perform_technique

// Moves lost to getting your weapon stuck
 int stuck_penalty = roll_stuck_penalty(NULL, (stab_dam >= cut_dam));
 if (weapon.is_style())
  stuck_penalty = 0;

// Pick one or more special attacks
 technique_id technique = pick_technique(g, NULL, &p, critical_hit, allow_grab);

// Handles effects as well; not done in melee_affect_*
 perform_technique(technique, g, NULL, &p, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam, pain);
 p.pain += pain;

// Mutation-based attacks
 perform_special_attacks(g, NULL, &p, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

// Handles speed penalties to monster & us, etc
 melee_special_effects(g, NULL, &p, critical_hit, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

// Make a rather quiet sound, to alert any nearby monsters
 if (weapon.typeId() != "style_ninjutsu") // Ninjutsu is silent!
  g->sound(posx, posy, 8, "");

 p.hit(g, bp_hit, side, bash_dam, (cut_dam > stab_dam ? cut_dam : stab_dam));

 verb = melee_verb(technique, your, *this, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);
 int dam = bash_dam + (cut_dam > stab_dam ? cut_dam : stab_dam);
 hit_message(g, You.c_str(), verb.c_str(), target.c_str(), dam, critical_hit);

 bool bashing = (bash_dam >= 10 && !unarmed_attack());
 bool cutting = (cut_dam >= 10 && cut_dam >= stab_dam);
 bool stabbing = (stab_dam >= 10 && stab_dam >= cut_dam);
 melee_practice(*this, true, unarmed_attack(), bashing, cutting, stabbing);

 if (dam >= 5 && has_artifact_with(AEP_SAP_LIFE))
  healall( rng(dam / 10, dam / 5) );

 if (allow_grab && technique == TEC_GRAB) {
// Move our weapon to a temp slot, if it's not unarmed
  if (p.weapon.has_technique(TEC_BREAK, &p) &&
      dice(p.dex_cur + p.skillLevel("melee"), 12) >
      dice(dex_cur + skillLevel("melee"), 10)) {
   if (is_u)
    g->add_msg("%s break%s the grab!", target.c_str(), (p.is_npc() ? "s" : ""));
  } else if (!unarmed_attack()) {
   item tmpweap = remove_weapon();
   hit_player(g, p, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed
   weapon = tmpweap;
  } else
   hit_player(g, p, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed
 if (tech_def == TEC_COUNTER) {
  if (!p.is_npc())
  p.hit_player(g, *this);