BOOL MsiSession::SetProperty(LPCTSTR szMsiPorpeorty, const wstring& sVal) { return SetProperty(szMsiPorpeorty, sVal.c_str()); }
wstring GetFileExtension(wstring& FileName) { wstring tmp = FileName.substr(FileName.find_last_of(L".") + 1, FileName.length()); return tmp; }
wstring CrabStringFindWholeWord(const wstring &t, size_t pos, const wstring &BreakupMark, const wstring &BreakupMarkOnceMore) { wstring foundstr; if(0==pos) { wstring strR = t; size_t foundposL = 0; size_t foundposR = t.find(BreakupMark); if(BreakupMarkOnceMore.length()>0){ // <added><20150615><dzliu> use another BreakupMarkOnceMore if(wstring::npos==foundposR){foundposR = strR.find(BreakupMarkOnceMore);}else{ if(strR.find(BreakupMarkOnceMore)<foundposR){foundposR=strR.find(BreakupMarkOnceMore);} } } if(wstring::npos==foundposR){foundposR=t.length()-1;}else{ foundposR=foundposR-1; } foundstr = t.substr(foundposL,foundposR-foundposL+1); } else if(t.length()-1==pos) { wstring strL = t; size_t foundposL = t.rfind(BreakupMark); if(BreakupMarkOnceMore.length()>0){ // <added><20150615><dzliu> use another BreakupMarkOnceMore if(wstring::npos==foundposL){foundposL = strL.rfind(BreakupMarkOnceMore);}else{ if(strL.rfind(BreakupMarkOnceMore)>foundposL){foundposL=strL.rfind(BreakupMarkOnceMore);} } } if(wstring::npos==foundposL){foundposL=0;}else{ foundposL=foundposL+1; } size_t foundposR = t.length()-1; foundstr = t.substr(foundposL,foundposR-foundposL+1); } else if(0<pos && t.length()-1>pos) { wstring strL = t.substr(0,pos); wstring strR = t.substr(pos); size_t foundposL = strL.rfind(BreakupMark); if(BreakupMarkOnceMore.length()>0){ // <added><20150615><dzliu> use another BreakupMarkOnceMore if(wstring::npos==foundposL){foundposL = strL.rfind(BreakupMarkOnceMore);}else{ if(strL.rfind(BreakupMarkOnceMore)>foundposL){foundposL=strL.rfind(BreakupMarkOnceMore);} } } if(wstring::npos==foundposL){foundposL=0;}else{ foundposL=foundposL+1; } size_t foundposR = strR.find(BreakupMark); if(BreakupMarkOnceMore.length()>0){ // <added><20150615><dzliu> use another BreakupMarkOnceMore if(wstring::npos==foundposR){foundposR = strR.find(BreakupMarkOnceMore);}else{ if(strR.find(BreakupMarkOnceMore)<foundposR){foundposR=strR.find(BreakupMarkOnceMore);} } } if(wstring::npos==foundposR){foundposR=t.length()-1;}else{ foundposR=foundposR-1+pos; } foundstr = t.substr(foundposL,foundposR-foundposL+1); } return foundstr; }
wstring toLowerCase(wstring str) { if (str.length()) _wcslwr_s(&str[0], str.length() + 1); return str; }
string ws2s(wstring& inputws) { USES_CONVERSION; return W2CA(inputws.c_str()); }
void encode_string(const wstring& d) { encode_string(d.c_str(), d.size()); }
bool UserCmd_Process(uint client, const wstring &cmd) { returncode = DEFAULT_RETURNCODE; if (!"/conn")) { // Prohibit jump if in a restricted system or in the target system uint system = 0; pub::Player::GetSystem(client, system); if (system == set_iRestrictedSystemID || system == set_iTargetSystemID || GetCustomBaseForClient(client)) { PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Cannot use command in this system or base"); return true; } if (!IsDockedClient(client)) { PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO1); return true; } if (!ValidateCargo(client)) { PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO2); return true; } StoreReturnPointForClient(client); PrintUserCmdText(client, L"Redirecting undock to Connecticut."); transferFlags[client] = CLIENT_STATE_TRANSFER; return true; } else if (!"/return")) { if (!ReadReturnPointForClient(client)) { PrintUserCmdText(client, L"No return possible"); return true; } if (!IsDockedClient(client)) { PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO1); return true; } if (!CheckReturnDock(client, set_iTargetBaseID)) { PrintUserCmdText(client, L"Not in correct base"); return true; } if (!ValidateCargo(client)) { PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO2); return true; } PrintUserCmdText(client, L"Redirecting undock to previous base"); transferFlags[client] = CLIENT_STATE_RETURN; return true; } return false; }
__int64 extract(int fd,__int64 startOffset,__int64 endOffset ,const wstring &toDir,const wstring& prefix,bool printProgress) { LOG_DEBUG(L"Extracting block... %s", prefix.c_str()); wstring normailizedToDir= NormalizeDirPath(toDir); struct archive *inArch; struct archive *outArch; struct archive_entry *entry; int flags; int r; flags = ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_TIME; flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_PERM; flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_ACL; flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_FFLAGS; inArch = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_format_all(inArch); archive_read_support_compression_all(inArch); uint64_t totalSize=0; uint64_t totalWritten=0; if (r = duck_read_open_fd(inArch, fd, 10240,startOffset,endOffset)) { LOG_ERROR(L"Could not open fd"); return false; } while (true) { r = archive_read_next_header(inArch, &entry); if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF) { break; } if (r < ARCHIVE_WARN) { Logger::logger.logCstr(true,L"archive_read_next_header-computing size returned error ",archive_error_string(inArch)); return false; } wstring path(archive_entry_pathname_w(entry)); if(!strIsPrefixed(path, prefix)) { continue; } totalSize+=archive_entry_size(entry); } LOG_DEBUG(L"Computed size: %I64u" ,totalSize); if(printProgress) { wprintf(L"Total size: %I64u bytes\n",totalSize); } outArch = archive_write_disk_new(); archive_write_disk_set_options(outArch, flags); archive_read_close(inArch); archive_read_free(inArch); inArch = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_format_all(inArch); archive_read_support_compression_all(inArch); if (r = duck_read_open_fd(inArch, fd, 10240,startOffset,endOffset)) { LOG_ERROR(L"Could not open fd"); Logger::logger.logCstr(true,L"archive_read_next_header returned error ",archive_error_string(inArch)); return false; } //archive_read_extract_set_progress_callback(inArch,extractProgress,NULL); while (true) { r = archive_read_next_header(inArch, &entry); if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF) { LOG_DEBUG(L"EOF reached"); break; } if (r < ARCHIVE_WARN) { Logger::logger.logCstr(true,L"archive_read_next_header returned error ",archive_error_string(inArch)); return false; } if (r < ARCHIVE_OK) { Logger::logger.logCstr(true,L"archive_read_next_header returned ",archive_error_string(inArch)); //return false; } wstring path(archive_entry_pathname_w(entry)); if(!strIsPrefixed(path, prefix)) { continue; } //remove prefix and dir seperator: if (prefix != L"") { path = path.substr(prefix.length() + 1); } wstring s=normailizedToDir; s+=path; LOG_DEBUG(L"Setting old name %s to %s",path.c_str(),s.c_str()); if (printProgress) { wprintf(L"Writing file: %s\n", s.c_str()); } archive_entry_copy_pathname_w ( entry, s.c_str() ); bool isDir=archive_entry_filetype(entry)&AE_IFDIR==0; bool retry = true; while (retry) { retry = false; r = archive_write_header(outArch, entry); if (r < ARCHIVE_OK) { if (printProgress) { wchar_t answer = L'i'; string err(archive_error_string(outArch)); wstring errWide(err.begin(), err.end()); wprintf(L"Write error: %s\n", errWide.c_str()); wprintf(L"Would you like to (R)etry, (I)gnore or (A)bort?\n"); std::cout.flush(); wscanf_s(L" %c", &answer,1); if (answer == L'r' || answer == L'R') { retry = true; continue; } else if (answer == L'a' || answer == L'A') { return false; } wprintf(L"ignoring...\n"); } Logger::logger.logCstr(true, L"archive_write_header returned ", archive_error_string(outArch)); //return false; } else if (!isDir) { r = copy_data(inArch, outArch); if (r == false) { return false; } } } r = archive_write_finish_entry(outArch); if (printProgress) { wprintf(L"Written %s %s\n", isDir ? L"dir" : L"file", path.c_str()); totalWritten += archive_entry_size(entry); wprintf(L"Progress %I64u/%I64u\n", totalWritten, totalSize); } if (r < ARCHIVE_WARN) { if (printProgress) { wprintf(L"Write finish fatal error: %s\n", archive_error_string(outArch)); } Logger::logger.logCstr(true, L"archive_write_finish_entry returned error ", archive_error_string(outArch)); return false; } if (r < ARCHIVE_OK) { if (printProgress) { wprintf(L"Write finish error: %s\n", archive_error_string(outArch)); } Logger::logger.logCstr(true, L"archive_write_finish_entry returned ", archive_error_string(outArch)); //return false; } } archive_read_close(inArch); archive_read_free(inArch); archive_write_close(outArch); archive_write_free(outArch); return true; }
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t**argv){ wstring pCmdLine; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { pCmdLine += L' '; pCmdLine += argv[i]; } wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]= moduleDbg; #else int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, MAX_PATH) ; #endif //let windows parse arguments find the arg after the log path token and use it LPWSTR *arglist; int nArgs; arglist = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgs); LOG_DEBUG(L"Module path: %s",path); wstring pathStr(path); const wstring verbose(L"--verbose"); const wstring shouldLog(L"--log"); const wstring block2(L"--block2"); const wstring block2Path(L"--block2Path"); const wstring block2Target(L"--block2Target"); const wstring logpath(L"--logpath"); wstring cmd(pCmdLine); Logger::logger.setVerbose(cmd.find(verbose)!=cmd.npos); bool LoggerOn=cmd.find(shouldLog)!=cmd.npos; Logger::logger.setOn(LoggerOn); if(LoggerOn) { if(cmd.find(logpath)!=cmd.npos) { for(int i=0;i<nArgs-1;i++) { //check if the argument i equals logpath ("--logpath") which means the next argument is the log path if([i])==0) { if(!Logger::logger.openStream(wstring(arglist[i+1]))) { //msg box? //LOG_ERROR(L"Could not open log file stream : %s",arglist[i+1]); } } } } else { wstring logPath(pathStr.substr(0,pathStr.find_last_of(L"/\\")) +L"/duckinstaller.log"); if(!Logger::logger.openStream(logPath)) { //msg box? //LOG_ERROR(L"Could not open log file stream : %s",logPath.c_str); } } } int selfFileHandle; errno_t err = _wsopen_s( &selfFileHandle, path, _O_RDONLY, _SH_DENYWR, _S_IREAD ); if (err != 0) { LOG_DEBUG(L"Could not open self (err=%d): %s", (int)err,path); return -1; } DuckFileDescriptor desc={0}; _lseek(selfFileHandle,-(long)(sizeof(desc)),SEEK_END); size_t endOfDesc=_tell(selfFileHandle); _read (selfFileHandle, (char*)&desc, sizeof(desc) ); LOG_DEBUG(L"Descriptor read %d %d %d %d %d %d",desc.crc32, desc.magicNum,desc.block1Offset, desc.block2Offset, desc.varDescOffset, desc.version); if(desc.magicNum== ND_MAGIC_NUM&&desc.version==ND_VER) { if(cmd.find(block2)!=cmd.npos) { wstring extractFromPath; wstring targetPath(pathStr.substr(0,pathStr.find_last_of(L"/\\"))); for(int i=0;i<nArgs-1;i++) { if([i])==0) { extractFromPath=arglist[i+1]; } else if([i])==0) { targetPath=arglist[i+1]; } } if(extractFromBlock2(selfFileHandle,desc.block2Offset,desc.varDescOffset,targetPath,extractFromPath)) { //LOG_ERROR(L"Could not extract block2"); } } else { if(SetEnvironmentVariable(L"ND_SFX_EXE",path)==0) { LOG_ERROR(L"Could not set exe var %s",GetLastErrorStdStrW().c_str()); return -1; } string exeCmd; char buf[2048] = { 0 }; _lseek(selfFileHandle, desc.varDescOffset, SEEK_SET); _read(selfFileHandle, (char*)&buf, endOfDesc - desc.varDescOffset); std::string json(buf, endOfDesc - desc.varDescOffset); std::istringstream is(json); //string s(buf); //exeCmd = wstring(s.begin(), s.end()); boost::property_tree::ptree pt; try { boost::property_tree::read_json(is, pt); exeCmd = pt.get<std::string>("run"); } catch (boost::exception & e) { LOG_ERROR(L"read_json error:", boost::diagnostic_information(e)); return -1; } if(extractAndRunBlock1(selfFileHandle,desc.block1Offset,desc.block2Offset, exeCmd)) { LOG_ERROR(L"Could not extract block1"); return -1; } } } else { LOG_ERROR(L"Installer file corrupted"); return -1; } }
void NCurses_Editor::LineDraw( const wstring& sViewWStr, int nY, int nN, int nTextNum, int nNum) { setcol(_tColorEdit, _pWin); wmove(_pWin, nY, nN); int nBoxLine = 0; if ( _bFullScreen ) nBoxLine = 0; else nBoxLine = 1; whline(_pWin, ' ', width-(nBoxLine*2)); if (_bLineNumView == true) { setcol(_tColorEditInfo, _pWin); mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN+1, "%*d", _nLineWidth, nTextNum+1); setcol(_tColorEditInfo, _pWin); mvwhline(_pWin, nY, nN+_nLineWidth+1, VLINE, 1); nN = 3+_nLineWidth+nN; } string sTab; sTab.append(1, (char)TABCONVCHAR); if (_EditMode == EDIT) { string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space setcol(_tColorEdit, _pWin); mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN, "%s", sViewStr2.c_str()); } else if (_EditMode == SELECT || _EditMode == SHIFT_SELECT) { EditSelect tEditSelect = _EditSelect; SelectSort(&tEditSelect); int x1 = tEditSelect.x1; int x2 = tEditSelect.x2; wstring sLineWStr = _vText[nTextNum]; wstring sWStr; StrLineToken tStrLineToken; tStrLineToken.SetWString(sLineWStr, _nCulumn); int nCurSize = 0; for (int n = 0; n<tStrLineToken.LineSize(); n++) { sWStr = tStrLineToken.GetLineStr(n); if (n == nNum) break; nCurSize=nCurSize+sWStr.size(); } int nCurEndSize = nCurSize+sViewWStr.size(); if (tEditSelect.x1 > nCurSize) x1 = tEditSelect.x1 - nCurSize; if (tEditSelect.x2 > nCurSize) x2 = tEditSelect.x2 - nCurSize; if (tEditSelect.y1 == nTextNum && tEditSelect.y2 == nTextNum) { if (tEditSelect.x1 >= nCurSize && tEditSelect.x2 <= nCurEndSize) { SelectionDraw(sViewWStr, nY, nN, x1, x2); } else if (tEditSelect.x1 >= nCurSize && tEditSelect.x2 > nCurEndSize) { SelectionDraw(sViewWStr, nY, nN, x1, sViewWStr.size()); } else if (tEditSelect.x1 < nCurSize && tEditSelect.x2 > nCurSize) { SelectionDraw(sViewWStr, nY, nN, 0, x2); } else if (tEditSelect.x1 < nCurSize && tEditSelect.x2 > nCurEndSize) { string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space setrcol(_tColorEdit, _pWin); // 반전 mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN, "%s", sViewStr2.c_str()); } else { string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space setcol(_tColorEdit, _pWin); mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN, "%s", sViewStr2.c_str()); } } else if (tEditSelect.y1 == nTextNum) { if (tEditSelect.x1 >= nCurSize) { SelectionDraw(sViewWStr, nY, nN, x1, sViewWStr.size()); string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space wmove(_pWin, nY, nN+scrstrlen(sViewStr2)); whline(_pWin, ' ', width-nN-scrstrlen(sViewStr2)-nBoxLine); } else if (tEditSelect.x1 < nCurSize) { string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space setrcol(_tColorEdit, _pWin); // 반전 mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN, "%s", sViewStr2.c_str()); } else { string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN, "%s", sViewStr2.c_str()); } } else if (tEditSelect.y2 == nTextNum) { if (tEditSelect.x2 > nCurSize) { SelectionDraw(sViewWStr, nY, nN, 0, x2); } else if (tEditSelect.x2 > nCurEndSize) { string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space setrcol(_tColorEdit, _pWin); // 반전 mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN, "%s", sViewStr2.c_str()); } else { string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space setcol(_tColorEdit, _pWin); mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN, "%s", sViewStr2.c_str()); } } else if (tEditSelect.y1 < nTextNum && tEditSelect.y2 > nTextNum) { string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space setrcol(_tColorEdit, _pWin); // 반전 wmove(_pWin, nY, nN); whline(_pWin, ' ', width-nBoxLine); mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN, "%s", sViewStr2.c_str()); } else { string sViewStr = wstrtostr(sViewWStr); string sViewStr2 = MLSUTIL::Replace(sViewStr, sTab.c_str(), " "); // Tab -> Space setcol(_tColorEdit, _pWin); mvwprintw(_pWin, nY, nN, "%s", sViewStr2.c_str()); } } }
void Logger::logCstr(bool error,const wstring & prefix,const char * str) { string s(str); wstring wideS(convertToWideString(s)); log(!error,L"%s : %s",prefix.c_str(),wideS.c_str()); }
wstring upcase(const wstring& str) { Buffer<wchar_t> up_str(str.size()); wmemcpy(,, str.size()); CharUpperBuffW(, static_cast<DWORD>(up_str.size())); return wstring(, up_str.size()); }
bool Key::set_str_nt(const wchar_t* name, const wstring& value) { LONG res = RegSetValueExW(h_key, name, 0, REG_SZ, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(const_cast<wchar_t*>(value.c_str())), (static_cast<DWORD>(value.size()) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(res); return false; } return true; }
void StringParser::Parse( const string& key, const wstring& text, StringParser::StringItem* item ) { item->m_Key = key; item->m_Text = text; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; bool hasError = false; while( true ) { for( int x=i; x<text.length(); ++x ) { if( text[x] == L'{' && x < text.length()-1 && text[x+1] == L'%' ) { i = x; break; } } //i = text.find_first_of( L"{%", i ); if( i < 0 ) break; /// 0123{%s1} /// 012345678 if( text.length() < i+5 ) break; wchar_t typeChar = i+2 ); /// 0123{%{%s1} if( typeChar != L's' && typeChar != L'S' && typeChar != L'd' && typeChar != L'D' && typeChar != L'i' && typeChar != L'I' && typeChar != L'f' && typeChar != L'F' ) { i += 2; continue; } j = text.find_first_of( L"}", i+4 ); if( j < 0 ) break; int indexLen = j - i - 3; /// 0123{%s}8 if( indexLen < 1 ) { i = j + 1; continue; } /// Ö»Ö§³Ö1-99µÄÐòºÅ /// 0123{%s100} if( indexLen > 2 ) { i = j + 1; continue; } wstring indexStr = text.substr( i+3, indexLen ); /// ÅжÏÊÇ·ñÊÇÊý×Ö if( indexStr < L"0" || indexStr > L"99" ) { break; } int index = We::Type::ToInt( indexStr ); if( index <= 0 ) { _LogError( string("StringParser::Parse Error : ") + key ); hasError = true; break; } item->m_Indexes.push_back( index ); item->m_Texts.push_back( text.substr( k, i-k ) ); k = j + 1; i = j + 1; } item->m_Texts.push_back( text.substr( k, text.length()-k ) ); /// ¼ì²éÐòºÅÊÇ·ñÓÐÎó for( int i=0; i<item->m_Indexes.size(); ++i ) { /// ÐòºÅ³¬³ö·¶Î§ if( item->m_Indexes[i] > item->m_Indexes.size() ) { _LogError( string("StringParser::Parse Error : ") + key ); hasError = true; break; } /// ÐòºÅÖظ´ for( int j=i+1; j<item->m_Indexes.size(); ++j ) { if( item->m_Indexes[i] == item->m_Indexes[j] ) { _LogError( string("StringParser::Parse Error : ") + key ); hasError = true; break; } } } if( hasError ) { item->m_Texts.clear(); item->m_Indexes.clear(); } }
operator LPCTSTR() const { return name.empty() ? MAKEINTRESOURCE(id) : name.c_str(); }
void EnumerateBoots(wstring dir, int& count) { // check for skip-path if (wcsicmp(dir.c_str(),_bootserv_config._random_skip.c_str())==0) { LOG1S(L"skipping {%s}: boots from this folder can ONLY BE ASSIGNED MANUALLY (using map.txt)", dir.c_str()); return; } WIN32_FIND_DATA fData; wstring pattern(dir); pattern += L"*"; HANDLE hff = FindFirstFile(pattern.c_str(), &fData); if (hff == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // none found. return; } while(true) { // bounds check if (count >= MAX_BOOTS) { LOG1N(L"ERROR in bootserver: Too many boots (MAX supported = %d). Random boot enumeration stopped.", MAX_BOOTS); break; } // check if this is a directory if (fData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY && wcscmp(fData.cFileName,L".")!=0 && wcscmp(fData.cFileName,L"..")!=0) { wstring nestedDir(dir); nestedDir += fData.cFileName; nestedDir += L"\\"; EnumerateBoots(nestedDir, count); } else if ((fData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { // check for ".bin" extension. This way we have // a little bit of protection against other types // of files in boots folder. int flen = wcslen(fData.cFileName); if (wcsicmp(fData.cFileName+flen-4, L".bin")==0) { int idx = FIRST_RANDOM_BOOT_SLOT + count; wstring bootFile(dir); bootFile += L"\\"; bootFile += fData.cFileName; if (k_bootserv.debug) LOG1N1S(L"random boot: %d <-- {%s}", idx, bootFile.c_str()); _fast_bin_table[idx - FIRST_EXTRA_BOOT_SLOT] = new wstring(bootFile); count++; } } // proceed to next file if (!FindNextFile(hff, &fData)) break; } FindClose(hff); }
bool is_int() const { return name.empty(); }
int Dictionary::operator[](const wstring & word) { return word.size() == 1 || isDate(word) || isEnglish(word) || isNumeric(word) || _dict[word]; }
void d2d::ShowText(wstring strText, D2D1_RECT_F position) { m_pRenderTarget->DrawText(strText.c_str(), strText.size(), m_pTextFormat, position, m_pBlackBrush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_CLIP); }
string StringTools::ToString(const wstring& str) { std::string temp(str.begin(), str.end()); return temp; }
wstring toUpperCase(wstring str) { if (str.length()) _wcsupr_s(&str[0], str.length() + 1); return str; }
void fix_slashes(wstring& path) { for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { if (path[i] == L'/') path[i] = L'\\'; } }
// See // Some tricky test cases: // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$001"): "$001" // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$01"): "a" // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$10"): "j" // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$15"): "a5" // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$20"): "b0" void insertReplacedString(wstring& builder, const wstring& base, const wstring& str, const RegExpMatch& match) { const vector<wstring>& substrings = match.substrings; const wstring& mstr = substrings[0]; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str[i] == L'$' && str.length() > i + 1) { wchar_t ch = str[++i]; switch (ch) { case L'$': // insert a '$' builder.push_back(ch); break; case L'&': // insert the matched string builder.append(mstr); break; case L'`': // insert the portion preceding the matched string builder.append(base.begin(), base.begin() + match.index); break; case L'\'': // insert the portion following the matched string builder.append(base.begin() + match.index + mstr.length(), base.end()); break; default: if (ch >= L'0' && ch <= L'9') { int expidx = 0; wchar_t ch2 = str.length() > i + 1 ? str[i + 1] : L'\0'; if (ch2 >= L'0' && ch2 <= L'9') { expidx = ch2 - L'0' + 10 * (ch - L'0'); // if expidx overflows, fall back to single-digit if (expidx == 0 || expidx >= (int)substrings.size()) { expidx = ch - L'0'; ch2 = 0; } } else { ch2 = 0; expidx = ch - L'0'; } // substrings.size() is 1 bigger than actual sub matches if (expidx < (int)substrings.size() && expidx > 0) { const wstring& submstr = substrings[expidx]; builder.append(submstr); if (ch2) ++i; break; } } // $ escape fails, output as is builder.push_back(L'$'); builder.push_back(ch); } } else builder.push_back(str[i]); } }
/** * Lifecycle: load */ void FrameServer::load(HWND toolbar, HWND target, const wstring& uuid, const wstring& title, const wstring& icon, DWORDX processId, INT_PTRX proxy) { logger->debug(L"FrameServer::load" L" -> " + boost::lexical_cast<wstring>(toolbar) + L" -> " + boost::lexical_cast<wstring>(target) + L" -> " + uuid + L" -> " + title + L" -> " + icon + L" -> " + boost::lexical_cast<wstring>(processId) + L" -> " + boost::lexical_cast<wstring>(proxy)); ATL::CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(m_clientLock, true); if (processId != ::GetCurrentProcessId() && m_clientListeners.find(processId) == m_clientListeners.end()) { // add IPC channel for proxy if it is in a different process m_clientListeners[processId] = ClientListener(new Channel(L"IeBarMsgPoint", processId), 1); if (m_clientListeners.size() == 1) { m_activeProcessId = processId; m_activeProxy = proxy; } } // only initialize the first time if (++m_tabCount != 1) { logger->debug(L"FrameServer::load already initialized"); lock.Unlock(); return; } m_toolbar = toolbar; m_target = target; // subclass windows m_oldWndProcToolbar = (WndProcPtr)::GetWindowLongPtr(m_toolbar, GWLP_WNDPROC); ::SetWindowLongPtr(m_toolbar, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)WndProcToolbarS); m_oldWndProcTarget = (WndProcPtr)::GetWindowLongPtr(m_target, GWLP_WNDPROC); ::SetWindowLongPtr(m_target, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)WndProcTargetS); lock.Unlock(); // add button HRESULT hr; Button button; hr = button_addCommand(uuid.c_str(), title.c_str(), icon.c_str()).exec(toolbar, target, &button); if (FAILED(hr)) { logger->error(L"FrameServer::load failed to create button" L" -> " + logger->parse(hr)); ::MessageBox(NULL, wstring(L"Forge could not create button. Please check that " L"your icon file is a 16x16 bitmap in .ico format: " L"'" + icon + L"'").c_str(), VENDOR_COMPANY_NAME, MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } lock.Lock(); m_buttons[uuid] = button; lock.Unlock(); }
string ToString(const wstring& wstr) { return ToString((WCHAR*)wstr.c_str()); }
RsrcModule(const wstring& file_path) { h_module = LoadLibraryEx(file_path.c_str(), nullptr, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); CHECK_SYS(h_module); }
void TransparentWnd::RunAppIn(CefString appName, CefString param, CefString baseUrl){ wstring appNameW=appName.ToWString(); if(appNameW.find(L":")==-1){ wstring path; if(!baseUrl.length()){ path=modulePath;//szPath; } else{ path=baseUrl.ToWString(); replace_allW(path, L"\\", L"/"); path=path.substr(0,path.find_last_of('/')+1); } appNameW=path.append(appNameW); } replace_allW(appNameW, L"\\", L"/"); int w,h,_x,_y; int enableDrag=0,disableTransparent=0,exStyle=0,hasBorder=false,_max=false,_enableResize=false,disableRefresh=0,disableDevelop=0; TCHAR url[1000],name[100],iconPath[1000]; wstring _folder=appNameW.substr(0,appNameW.find_last_of('/')+1); folder=_folder; GetPrivateProfileString(L"BASE",L"url",NULL,url,1000,; GetPrivateProfileString(L"BASE",L"name",NULL,name,100,; GetPrivateProfileString(L"BASE",L"icon",NULL,iconPath,1000,; w=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"width",0,; h=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"height",0,; _x=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"x",0,; _y=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"y",0,; enableDrag=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"enableDrag",0,; disableRefresh=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"disableRefresh",0,; disableDevelop=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"disableDevelop",0,; _enableResize=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"enableResize",0,; disableTransparent=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"disableTransparent",0,; hasBorder=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"hasBorder",0,; _max=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"max",0,; exStyle=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"exStyle",0,; int l=wcslen(iconPath); if(l>0){ hIcon=GetIcon(iconPath); } if(_enableResize>0){ enableResize=true; } enableRefresh=disableRefresh==0; enableDevelop=disableDevelop==0; CefString cefFile(url); wstring file=cefFile.ToWString(); if(file.find(L":")==-1){ file=_folder.append(file); } bool isTransparent=disableTransparent==0; if(hasBorder){ char t[10]; _itoa(isTransparent,t,10); CefString ct(t); wstring _name(name); file=modulePath.append(L"window\\index.html?name=").append(_name).append(L"&url=").append(file).append(L"&transparent=").append(ct.ToWString().data()).append(L"&x="); _itoa(_x,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); file.append(L"&y="); _itoa(_y,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); file.append(L"&width="); _itoa(w,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); file.append(L"&height="); _itoa(h,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); file.append(L"&max="); _itoa(_max,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); isTransparent=true; if(param.length()){ file.append(L"¶m="+param.ToWString()); } } else { if(param.length()){ file.append(L"?param="+param.ToWString()); } } CreateBrowserWindow(file, exStyle, isTransparent); if(_max){ this->Max(); } else{ SetSize(w,h); Move(_x,_y); } this->SetTitle(name); if(enableDrag>0){ EnableDrag(); } }
ResourceUpdate(const wstring& file_path) { handle = BeginUpdateResource(file_path.c_str(), FALSE); CHECK_SYS(handle); }
long CrabStringFindWholeWord(const wstring &t, const wstring &strsearch, const wstring &BreakupMark, const wstring &BreakupMarkOnceMore) { size_t foundpos = 0; int debug = 0; while(wstring::npos!=foundpos) { foundpos = t.find(strsearch,foundpos); if(debug) { std::wcout << "CrabStringFindWholeWord: searching " << strsearch << " got foundpos = " << foundpos << std::endl; } if(wstring::npos!=foundpos) { if(foundpos>=BreakupMark.length() && foundpos+strsearch.length()<t.length()-BreakupMark.length()) { if(BreakupMark==t.substr(foundpos-1,BreakupMark.length()) && BreakupMark==t.substr(foundpos+strsearch.length(),BreakupMark.length())) {break;} if(BreakupMarkOnceMore.length()>0){ if(BreakupMarkOnceMore==t.substr(foundpos-1,BreakupMarkOnceMore.length()) && BreakupMarkOnceMore==t.substr(foundpos+strsearch.length(),BreakupMarkOnceMore.length())) {break;} } } if(foundpos==0 && foundpos+strsearch.length()<t.length()-BreakupMark.length()) { if(BreakupMark==t.substr(foundpos+strsearch.length(),BreakupMark.length())) {break;} if(BreakupMarkOnceMore.length()>0){ if(BreakupMarkOnceMore==t.substr(foundpos+strsearch.length(),BreakupMarkOnceMore.length())) {break;} } } if(foundpos>=BreakupMark.length() && foundpos+strsearch.length()==t.length()-BreakupMark.length()-1) { if(BreakupMark==t.substr(foundpos-1,BreakupMark.length())) {break;} if(BreakupMarkOnceMore.length()>0){ if(BreakupMarkOnceMore==t.substr(foundpos-1,BreakupMarkOnceMore.length())) {break;} } } // <Corrected><20150316><dzliu> when the header is at the end of the line if(foundpos+strsearch.length()-1==t.length()-1) { break; } } else { break; } foundpos++; } return foundpos; }
wstring MsiSession::GetProperty(wstring& sMsiProperty) { return GetProperty(sMsiProperty.c_str()); }