/*! sakura.iniの1行を処理する. 1行の読み込みが完了するごとに呼ばれる. @param line [in] 読み込んだ行 */ void CProfile::ReadOneline( const wstring& line ) { // 空行を読み飛ばす if( line.empty() ) return; //コメント行を読みとばす if( 0 == line.compare( 0, 2, LTEXT("//") )) return; // セクション取得 // Jan. 29, 2004 genta compare使用 if( line.compare( 0, 1, LTEXT("[") ) == 0 && line.find( LTEXT("=") ) == line.npos && line.find( LTEXT("]") ) == ( line.size() - 1 ) ) { Section Buffer; Buffer.strSectionName = line.substr( 1, line.size() - 1 - 1 ); m_ProfileData.push_back( Buffer ); } // エントリ取得 else if( !m_ProfileData.empty() ) { //最初のセクション以前の行のエントリは無視 wstring::size_type idx = line.find( LTEXT("=") ); if( line.npos != idx ) { m_ProfileData.back().mapEntries.insert( PAIR_STR_STR( line.substr(0,idx), line.substr(idx+1) ) ); } } }
void CameraWrapper::saveImage ( wstring image_name, wstring type) { IMAGE_FILE_PARAMS file_par; file_par.pwchFileName = (wchar_t*)image_name.c_str (); file_par.pnImageID = NULL; file_par.ppcImageMem = NULL; file_par.nQuality = 0; if (type.compare(L"bmp") == 0) { file_par.nFileType = IS_IMG_BMP; } else if (type.compare(L"png") == 0) { file_par.nFileType = IS_IMG_PNG; } else if (type.compare(L"jpg") == 0) { file_par.nFileType = IS_IMG_JPG; } else if (type.compare(L"tif") == 0) { file_par.nFileType = IS_IMG_TIF; } else if (type.compare(L"raw") == 0) { file_par.nFileType = IS_IMG_RAW; } else { throw std::runtime_error ("Unsupported file format used for saving image"); } int n_ret = is_ImageFile (h_cam, IS_IMAGE_FILE_CMD_SAVE, (void*)&file_par, sizeof (file_par)); if (n_ret == -1) { logger << "Save image failed ..\n"; throw std::runtime_error ("Save image failed ..\n"); } }
void BugsButtonEventHandler::handleButtonEvents( Game *game, wstring command) { // THE USER PRESSED THE Exit BUTTON ON THE MAIN MENU, // SO LET'S SHUTDOWN THE ENTIRE APPLICATION if (command.compare(W_EXIT_COMMAND) == 0) { game->shutdown(); } // THE USER PRESSED THE MOUSE BUTTON ON THE SPLASH // SCREEN, SO LET'S GO TO THE MAIN MENU else if (command.compare(W_GO_TO_MM_COMMAND) == 0) { GameStateManager *gsm = game->getGSM(); gsm->goToMainMenu(); } // THE USER PRESSED THE Start BUTTON ON THE MAIN MENU, // SO LET'S START THE GAME FROM THE FIRST LEVEL else if (command.compare(W_START_COMMAND) == 0) { game->setCurrentLevelFileName(W_LEVEL_1_NAME); game->startGame(); } // THE USER PRESSED THE Quit BUTTON ON THE IN-GAME MENU, // SO LET'S UNLOAD THE LEVEL AND RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU else if (command.compare(W_QUIT_COMMAND) == 0) { game->quitGame(); } }
/// <summary>Parses the page identifier</summary> /// <param name="pageid">The pageid</param> /// <param name="v">The associated game version</param> /// <returns>Normalised page ID</returns> /// <exception cref="Logic::InvalidValueException">Invalid pageID</exception> UINT LanguageFileReader::ParsePageID(const wstring& pageid, GameVersion& v) { // X2: nnnn if (pageid.length() <= 4) { v = GameVersion::Threat; return _wtoi(pageid.c_str()); } // X3: NNnnnn else if (pageid.length() != 6) throw InvalidValueException(HERE, VString(L"Invalid page ID '%s'", pageid.c_str()) ); // X3R: 30nnnn else if (pageid.compare(0, 2, L"30") == 0) v = GameVersion::Reunion; // X3TC: 35nnnn else if (pageid.compare(0, 2, L"35") == 0) v = GameVersion::TerranConflict; // X3AP: 38nnnn else if (pageid.compare(0, 2, L"38") == 0) v = GameVersion::AlbionPrelude; else throw InvalidValueException(HERE, VString(L"Invalid page ID '%s'", pageid.c_str()) ); // Convert last four digits of page ID return _wtoi(pageid.substr(2).c_str()); }
inline void getAttributesFromHTMLDOMNode(IHTMLDOMNode* pHTMLDOMNode,wstring& nodeName, map<wstring,wstring>& attribsMap) { int res=0; IDispatch* pDispatch=NULL; LOG_DEBUG(L"Getting IHTMLDOMNode::attributes"); if(pHTMLDOMNode->get_attributes(&pDispatch)!=S_OK||!pDispatch) { LOG_DEBUG(L"pHTMLDOMNode->get_attributes failed"); return; } IHTMLAttributeCollection2* pHTMLAttributeCollection2=NULL; res=pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLAttributeCollection2,(void**)&pHTMLAttributeCollection2); pDispatch->Release(); if(res!=S_OK) { LOG_DEBUG(L"Could not get IHTMLAttributesCollection2"); return; } IHTMLDOMAttribute* tempAttribNode=NULL; VARIANT tempVar; macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"id",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); if(nodeName.compare(L"TABLE")==0) { macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"summary",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); } else if(nodeName.compare(L"A")==0) { macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"href",true,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); } else if(nodeName.compare(L"INPUT")==0) { macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"type",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"value",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); } else if(nodeName.compare(L"TD")==0||nodeName.compare(L"TH")==0) { macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"headers",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"colspan",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"rowspan",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"scope",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); } macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"longdesc",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"alt",true,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"title",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"src",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"onclick",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"onmousedown",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"onmouseup",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); //ARIA properties: macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"role",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-valuenow",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-sort",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-labelledBy",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-describedBy",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-expanded",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-selected",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-level",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-required",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-dropeffect",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-grabbed",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-invalid",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-multiline",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-label",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); macro_addHTMLAttributeToMap(L"aria-hidden",false,pHTMLAttributeCollection2,attribsMap,tempVar,tempAttribNode); pHTMLAttributeCollection2->Release(); }
bkplong bkpStr2Int(const wstring &src) { if(!src.compare(L"true"))return 1; if(!src.compare(L"false"))return 0; if(!src.compare(L"void"))return 0; if (src[0] == '-') return -(bkplong)bkpwcstoxl(&src[1], NULL, 0); if (src[0] == L'#') return bkpColor2Int(src); return bkpwcstoxl(src.c_str(), NULL, 0); }
bool IEAcceptLanguagesAction::_isCurrentLanguageOk(wstring& firstlang) { wstring langcode; _readLanguageCode(langcode); _parseLanguage(langcode); _getFirstLanguage(firstlang); // IE 6.0 uses two digit language codes, after IE 6 can also include country return firstlang.compare(L"ca-es") == 0 || firstlang.compare(L"ca") == 0; }
double str2num(const wstring &src) { if(!src.compare(L"true"))return 1; if(!src.compare(L"false"))return 0; if(!src.compare(L"void"))return 0; if (src[0] == '-') return -bkpwcstonum(&src[1], NULL); if (src[0] == L'#') return bkpColor2Int(src); return bkpwcstonum(src.c_str(), NULL); }
INT cInjector::InjectToProcess(wstring wProcName, wstring wDllName) { HANDLE hSnapshot; PROCESSENTRY32 ProcessEntry; INT nCount = 0; hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL); if(hSnapshot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ProcessEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); if(Process32First(hSnapshot, &ProcessEntry)) do { if(!wProcName.compare(ProcessEntry.szExeFile)) { HMODULE hDll = cInjector::GetRemoteDll(ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID, wDllName); if(!hDll) cInjector::InjectDLL(ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID, wDllName); else cInjector::UnloadDLL(ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID, hDll); nCount++; } ProcessEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); } while(Process32Next(hSnapshot, &ProcessEntry)); } CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return nCount; }
// Function to check the endig of a string bool HasEnding(wstring const &fullString, wstring const &ending) { if (fullString.length() >= ending.length()) return (0 == fullString.compare(fullString.length() - ending.length(), ending.length(), ending)); else return false; }
VRegisteredDatabase::VRegisteredDatabase(const wstring& in_fullstring) { if (in_fullstring.compare(L"")!=0) { std::vector<wstring> split_vec; boost::algorithm::split(split_vec, in_fullstring, boost::is_any_of(L";")); if (split_vec.size()==4) { name = split_vec.at(0); server = split_vec.at(1); database = split_vec.at(2); folder = split_vec.at(3); count_days_backup = 7; } else if(split_vec.size()>=5) { //есть информаци¤ о кол-ве дней, допустимых без резервного копировани¤ name = split_vec.at(0); server = split_vec.at(1); database = split_vec.at(2); folder = split_vec.at(3); count_days_backup = atoi(wstring_to_string(split_vec.at(4).c_str()).c_str()); } else { throw VSimpleException(L"ќшибка разбора строки", in_fullstring, boost::str(boost::wformat(L"%s") % __FILE__), __LINE__); } } };
int WindDataParser::GetStrItemIndexOfSafeArray(const VARIANT& safeArray, const wstring& itemNameStr) { if(!IsArray(safeArray)) { return -1; } int length = GetCountOfSafeArray(safeArray); HRESULT hr ; BSTR *pbItems; hr = SafeArrayAccessData(safeArray.parray, (void HUGEP**)&pbItems); if (FAILED(hr)) { return -1; } int nRetIndex = -1; for(int index = 0; index < length; index++) { if (0 == itemNameStr.compare(pbItems[index])) { nRetIndex = index; break; } } SafeArrayUnaccessData(safeArray.parray); return nRetIndex; }
void PSBoolReader::Read(const wstring& inReadFrom,bool& outValue) { if(inReadFrom.compare(L"true") == 0) outValue = true; else outValue = false; }
bool ConfigWrapper::GetwstringValueFromConfig( const wstring& strKey, wstring& strValue ) { if ( NUMBER_ZERO == strKey.compare( NULL_STRING )) { return false; } if ( NULL == m_pConfigManager ) { return false; } ConfigValue* pSingleNode = NULL; // pSingleNode = m_pConfigManager->SelectSingleNode( strKey ); TCHAR szNodeValue[MAX_VALUE_LENGTH]; DWORD dwReturnSize = pSingleNode->GetValue( szNodeValue ); strValue = szNodeValue; if ( NULL != pSingleNode ) { delete pSingleNode; pSingleNode = NULL; } return true; }
bool isImageFile(wstring &filename) { for (int i=0; imgtypelist[i] != NULL; i++) { if (filename.compare(imgtypelist[i]) == 0) return true; } return false; }
bool NBTools::EndsWith(wstring check, wstring end) { if (check.length() >= end.length()) { return (0 == check.compare(check.length() - end.length(), end.length(), end)); } else { return false; } }
double CAndorSDK3Camera::CalculateDefaultExposure(wstring & interfaceType) { double d_retValue = 0.0340f; if (0 == interfaceType.compare(L"CL 10 Tap") ) { d_retValue = 0.0100f; } return d_retValue; }
inline wstring _prefix_port_if_needed(const wstring &input) { static wstring windows_com_port_prefix = L"\\\\.\\"; if (input.compare(windows_com_port_prefix) != 0) { return windows_com_port_prefix + input; } return input; }
/** Compare strings case insensitive \param str1 First string to compare \param str2 Second string to compare \param ci Boolean whether comparision should be case-insensitive or not \returns 0 if equal, <0 if first string is less, >0 if first string is greater */ int StrCompare(const wstring& str1, const wstring& str2, bool ci) { if (ci) { return StrToUpper(str1).compare(StrToUpper(str2)); } else { return str1.compare(str2); } }
int ConfigWrapper::SetConfigParameters( const wstring& strPatchName ) { if ( NUMBER_ZERO == strPatchName.compare( NULL_STRING )) { return ERROR_XMLFILE_INVALID; } m_strPatchName = strPatchName; return RETURN_SUCCESS; }
bool strIsPrefixed(const wstring& str,const wstring& prefix) { if(prefix.empty()) { return true; } if(prefix.length()>str.length()) { return false; } return str.compare(0,prefix.length(),prefix)==0; }
bool AccountInfo::IsSpecialType( wstring str ) { vector<wstring>::iterator it = vSpecialType.begin(); while( it != vSpecialType.end() ) { if ( str.compare(*it) == 0 ) { return true; } it++; } return false; }
CAndorSDK3Camera::CameraId CAndorSDK3Camera::DetermineCameraId(wstring & cameraSerialCheck) { CameraId id = CIDNeo; try { cameraSerialCheck.erase(4); if (0 == cameraSerialCheck.compare(L"VSC-") ) { id = CIDZyla; } } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { } return id; }
/* getIndexOfWString - This method searches for the key parameter in the wstring table. If found, it returns it's index, if not found it returns the max unsigned int value; */ unsigned int WStringTable::getIndexOfWString(wstring key) { unsigned int counter = 0; vector<wstring>::iterator it = wStringTable.begin(); while(it != wStringTable.end()) { if (key.compare((*it)) == 0) return counter; it++; counter++; } unsigned int max = 0; max -= 1; return max; }
int stringCompare( const wstring& s1, const wstring& s2, bool caseSensitive ) { if( !caseSensitive ) { wstring text1( s1 ); wstring text2( s2 ); toUpper( text1 ); toUpper(text2); return text1.compare( text2 ); } else { return s1.compare( s2 ); } }
std::string CAndorSDK3Camera::GenerateCameraName(unsigned cameraID, wstring & cameraModelCheck) { string s_cameraName("Neo 5.5 "); if (CIDZyla == cameraID) { try { cameraModelCheck.erase(8); } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { cameraModelCheck.erase(); } s_cameraName = "Zyla 5.5 "; if (0 == cameraModelCheck.compare(L"ZYLA-4.2") ) { s_cameraName = "Zyla 4.2 "; } } return s_cameraName; }
/* * Accepts a list of lines from a release file, and finds values. * Lines should look like: * OSName=Red Hat text... * OSVersion=0.0 * etc. * In the first case, if this function is passed "OSName" in the sToken param, then sValue * will be populated with everything after the '=' to EOL or EOF as the case may be. */ bool SCXOSTypeInfo::ExtractToken(const wstring& sToken, const vector<wstring>& list, wstring& sValue) { vector<wstring> tok_list; for(vector<wstring>::const_iterator li = list.begin(); li != list.end(); ++li) { // returns vector like {"OSName", "Redhat text"}, pretrimmed StrTokenize((*li), tok_list, L"="); if (tok_list.size()== 2) { //if this line does not start with token, skip it if (0 != sToken.compare(tok_list[0])) { continue; } sValue = tok_list[1]; return true; } } return false; }
HMODULE cInjector::GetRemoteDll(DWORD dwPid, wstring wDllName) { MODULEENTRY32W ModEntry; HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, dwPid); ModEntry.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32W); if(Module32First(hSnapshot, &ModEntry)) do { if(!wDllName.compare(ModEntry.szModule)) { CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return ModEntry.hModule; } ModEntry.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32); } while(Module32Next(hSnapshot, &ModEntry)); CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return NULL; }
void BalloonEscapeButtonEventHandler::handleButtonEvents( Game *game, wstring command) { // THE USER PRESSED THE Exit BUTTON ON THE MAIN MENU, // SO LET'S SHUTDOWN THE ENTIRE APPLICATION if (command.compare(W_EXIT_COMMAND) == 0) { game->shutdown(); } // THE USER PRESSED THE MOUSE BUTTON ON THE SPLASH // SCREEN, SO LET'S GO TO THE MAIN MENU else if (command.compare(W_GO_TO_MM_COMMAND) == 0) { GameStateManager *gsm = game->getGSM(); gsm->goToMainMenu(); PlaySound(L"data/sounds/start.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME|SND_ASYNC); } // THE USER PRESSED THE Start BUTTON ON THE MAIN MENU, // SO LET'S START THE GAME FROM THE FIRST LEVEL else if (command.compare(W_START_COMMAND) == 0) { game->setCurrentLevel(W_LEVEL_1_NAME,W_LEVEL_1_DIR); game->startGame(); PlaySound(L"data/sounds/theme.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME|SND_ASYNC); } // THE USER PRESSED THE Quit BUTTON ON THE IN-GAME MENU, // SO LET'S UNLOAD THE LEVEL AND RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU else if (command.compare(W_QUIT_COMMAND) == 0) { game->quitGame(); PlaySound(L"data/sounds/jump.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME|SND_ASYNC); } else if (command.compare(W_HELP_COMMAND) == 0) { GameStateManager *gsm = game->getGSM(); gsm->Help(); PlaySound(L"data/sounds/jump.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME|SND_ASYNC); } else if (command.compare(W_ABOUT_COMMAND) == 0) { GameStateManager *gsm = game->getGSM(); gsm->About(); PlaySound(L"data/sounds/jump.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME|SND_ASYNC); } }
bool EndsWith(const wstring& str1, const wstring& str2) { if (str2.length() > str1.length()) return false; return str1.compare(str1.length() - str2.length(), str2.length(), str2) == 0; }