bool TrimFilePathW(wstring& strPath) { int pos = strPath.find_last_of(L'\\'); if (wstring::npos == pos) { return false; } int count = strPath.size() - pos; strPath = strPath.substr(strPath.find_last_of(L'\\') + 1, count); return true; }
//可同时处理目录和文件:path可以是路径,也可以是文件名,或者文件通配符 wstring find(wstring path,bool cursive) { //取路径名最后一个"//"之前的部分,包括"//" replace_allW(path,L"\\",L"/"); UINT index=path.find_last_of('/'); if(index+1==path.length()){ path.append(L"*.*"); } wstring prefix=path.substr(0,path.find_last_of('/')+1); WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind=::FindFirstFile(,&FindFileData); std::wstringstream ss; if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) { ss<<L"[]"; FindClose(hFind); return ss.str(); } else{ ss<<L"["; } while(TRUE) { bool flag=false;; //目录 if(FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { //不是当前目录,也不是父目录 if(cursive&&FindFileData.cFileName[0]!='.') { wstring temp=prefix+FindFileData.cFileName; ss<<L"{\"name\":\""<<FindFileData.cFileName<<L"\",\"list\":"<<find(temp+L"/*.*",cursive).data()<<L"}"; flag=true; } } //文件 else { ss<<L"\""<<FindFileData.cFileName<<L"\""; flag=true; } if(!FindNextFile(hFind,&FindFileData)) break; else if(flag){ ss<<L","; } } ss<<L"]"; FindClose(hFind); return ss.str(); }
bool CaffeineClientHandler::RenameOldFile(wstring filename) { // Determine if the file already exists. We do this because of the fugly extension // API we're using. #ifdef __APPLE__ return renameOldFile(filename); #else bool retval = false; struct _stat buf = {0,}; if(_wstat(filename.c_str(), &buf) == 0) { wstring fileExt = L""; unsigned index = filename.find_last_of('.'); if (index != wstring::npos) { fileExt = filename.substr(index); } wstringstream newFileName; newFileName << filename.substr(0, index) << ".old" << fileExt; RenameOldFile(newFileName.str()); _wrename(filename.c_str(), newFileName.str().c_str()); retval = true; } return retval; #endif }
DWORD FileDownloader::Download(wstring what, wstring *toFile) { DWORD dwStatus; BOOL folderCreated = FALSE; // Setup temp file paths etc wstring tempFilePath = L"temp\\"; //tempFilePath = *toFile; wchar_t* szTempPath = new wchar_t[1024]; wchar_t* szTempFilePath = new wchar_t[1024]; GetFullPathName(tempFilePath.c_str(), 1024, szTempFilePath, NULL); GetFullPathName(L"temp", 1024, szTempPath, NULL); tempFilePath = szTempFilePath; folderCreated = CreateDirectory(szTempPath, NULL); delete [] szTempPath; delete [] szTempFilePath; if(folderCreated == FALSE) { //printf("FileDownloader - ERROR - Could not create temp directory: %ls\n", tempPath.c_str()); //return false; } tempFilePath += L"tempFile"; wstring extension = what.substr(what.find_last_of(L".")); tempFilePath += extension; DeleteFile(tempFilePath.c_str()); printf("Downloading to: %ls\n", tempFilePath.c_str()); *toFile = tempFilePath; HRESULT result = URLDownloadToFile(NULL, what.c_str(), tempFilePath.c_str(), 0, this ); // Wait for connection signal dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject(hConnected, 30000); if(dwStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { printf("FileDownloader - ERROR - Connection timeout\n"); return CAPTURE_NE_CONNECT_ERROR_DL_TEMP_FILE; } printf("FileDownloader - Downloading file: %ls\n", what.c_str()); // Wait for download to finish signal dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject(hDownloaded, 60000); if(dwStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { printf("FileDownloader - ERROR - Download timeout\n"); return CAPTURE_NE_CANT_DOWNLOAD_TEMP_FILE; } printf("FileDownloader - File Downloaded: %ls\n", what.c_str()); return 0; }
wstring GetFileWithoutExtension(wstring str) { size_t pos = str.find_last_of(L"."); if (pos != wstring::npos) str.resize(pos); return str; }
bool GetAppNameW(wstring& strPath) { TCHAR modulePath[MAX_PATH]; if (0 == GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, modulePath, MAX_PATH)) { DOLOG("Get Current Module Name Failed!"); return false; } strPath = modulePath; int pos = strPath.find_last_of(L'\\'); if (wstring::npos == pos) { return false; } int count = strPath.size() - pos; strPath = strPath.substr(strPath.find_last_of(L'\\')+1, count); return true; }
wstring GetExtW(wstring path){ int index=path.find_last_of('.'); if(index==-1){ return L""; } else{ wstring type=path.substr(index+1); return replace_allW(type,L"jpg",L"jpeg"); } }
wstring FileName(const wstring& sBinaryPath) { size_t i = sBinaryPath.find_last_of(L"/\\"); if(i != sBinaryPath.npos) { return sBinaryPath.substr(i + 1); } else { return sBinaryPath; } }
// 得到当前程序的路径 bool GetAppPathW(wstring& strPath) { TCHAR modulePath[MAX_PATH]; if (0 == GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, modulePath, MAX_PATH)) { DOLOG("Get Current Module Name Failed!"); return false; } strPath = modulePath; strPath = strPath.substr(0, strPath.find_last_of(L'\\')); return true; }
// determine the file name for a given pathname // (wstring only for now; feel free to make this a template if needed) /*static*/ wstring File::FileNameOf(wstring path) { #ifdef WIN32 static const wstring delim = L"\\:/"; #else static const wstring delim = L"/"; #endif auto pos = path.find_last_of(delim); if (pos != path.npos) return path.substr(pos + 1); else // no directory path return path; }
PixelShader::PixelShader(wstring path) { HRESULT result; auto shaderBuffer = Tools::ReadFileToVector(path); result = GetD3D11Device()->CreatePixelShader(&shaderBuffer[0], shaderBuffer.size(), nullptr, &m_Shader); Assert(result == S_OK); auto extensionIndex = path.find_last_of('.'); auto metadataBuffer = Tools::ReadFileToVector(path.substr(0, extensionIndex + 1) + L"shadermetadata"); Reflect(shaderBuffer, metadataBuffer); }
Void Mesh::loadMesh(const wstring &sNewPath) { if(sNewPath.length() < 2u || sNewPath[1] != L':') return; BinaryReader sReader{sNewPath}; if(!sReader.readerOpened()) return; Char vSignature[8] { //Empty. }; sReader.readCHAR(vSignature, 8u); if(vSignature[0] != 'P' || vSignature[1] != 'H' || vSignature[2] != 'S' || vSignature[3] != '_' || vSignature[4] != 'M' || vSignature[5] != 'E' || vSignature[6] != 'S' || vSignature[7] != 'H') return; uInt nCount = sReader.readUINT(); this->sMeshMaterialVector.reserve(nCount); const wstring sPath = sNewPath.substr(0u, sNewPath.find_last_of(L"\\/") + 1u); for(uInt nIndex = 0u ; nIndex < nCount ; ++nIndex) { this->sMeshMaterialVector.emplace_back(sReader, sPath); this->sMeshMaterialNameMap[this->sMeshMaterialVector.back().sMaterialName] = &this->sMeshMaterialVector.back(); } nCount = sReader.readUINT(); this->sMeshSubMeshVector.reserve(nCount); for(uInt nIndex = 0u ; nIndex < nCount ; ++nIndex) { this->sMeshSubMeshVector.emplace_back(sReader); auto iIndex = this->sMeshMaterialNameMap.find(this->sMeshSubMeshVector.back().sSubMeshMaterialName); if(iIndex != this->sMeshMaterialNameMap.end()) this->sMeshSubMeshVector.back().pSubMeshMaterialPointer = iIndex->second; } }
// Tracing routine // Can throw HRESULT on invalid formats void FunctionTracer::Trace(wstring file, int line, wstring functionName, wstring format, ...) { if (m_traceEnabled) { wstring buffer; VPRINTF_VAR_PARAMS(buffer, format); size_t pos = file.find_last_of(L"\\"); wstring fileName = (pos == file.npos)? file: file.substr(pos+1); // TODO - put here your own implementation of a tracing routine, if needed wprintf(L"[[%40s @ %10s:%4d]] %s\n", functionName.c_str(), fileName.c_str(), line, buffer.c_str()); } }
VLDDexporter::CommandProcessor::CommandProcessor(const wstring &file){ // open read //, ios::in); // get path from the input file // wstring tmpstr = file.substr(0, 1+file.find_last_of('\\')); OutputFilePath = ""; OutputFilePath.assign(tmpstr.begin(), tmpstr.end()); // set default settings // OutputFile = DEFAULT_OUTPUTFILE; }
// determine the directory for a given pathname // (wstring only for now; feel free to make this a template if needed) /*static*/ wstring File::DirectoryPathOf(wstring path) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Win32 accepts forward slashes, but it seems that PathRemoveFileSpec() does not // TODO: // "PathCchCanonicalize does the / to \ conversion as a part of the canonicalization, it's // probably a good idea to do that anyway since I suspect that the '..' characters might // confuse the other PathCch functions" [Larry Osterman] // "Consider GetFullPathName both for canonicalization and last element finding." [Jay Krell] path = msra::strfun::ReplaceAll<wstring>(path, L"/", L"\\"); HRESULT hr; if (IsWindows8OrGreater()) // PathCchRemoveFileSpec() only available on Windows 8+ { typedef HRESULT(*PathCchRemoveFileSpecProc)(_Inout_updates_(_Inexpressible_(cchPath)) PWSTR, _In_ size_t); HINSTANCE hinstLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll")); if (hinstLib == nullptr) RuntimeError("DirectoryPathOf: LoadLibrary() unexpectedly failed."); PathCchRemoveFileSpecProc PathCchRemoveFileSpec = reinterpret_cast<PathCchRemoveFileSpecProc>(GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "PathCchRemoveFileSpec")); if (!PathCchRemoveFileSpec) RuntimeError("DirectoryPathOf: GetProcAddress() unexpectedly failed."); // this is the actual function call we care about hr = PathCchRemoveFileSpec(&path[0], path.size()); FreeLibrary(hinstLib); } else // on Windows 7-, use older PathRemoveFileSpec() instead hr = PathRemoveFileSpec(&path[0]) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; if (hr == S_OK) // done path.resize(wcslen(&path[0])); else if (hr == S_FALSE) // nothing to remove: use . path = L"."; else RuntimeError("DirectoryPathOf: Path(Cch)RemoveFileSpec() unexpectedly failed with 0x%08x.", (unsigned int)hr); #else auto pos = path.find_last_of(L"/"); if (pos != path.npos) path.erase(pos); else // if no directory path at all, use current directory return L"."; #endif return path; }
wstring BasePath(const wstring& sBinaryPath) { if(sBinaryPath.size() <= 3) { return sBinaryPath; } //_ASSERT(sBinaryPath[sBinaryPath.size() - 1] != L'\\'); size_t i = sBinaryPath.find_last_of(L"/\\"); if(i != sBinaryPath.npos) { return sBinaryPath.substr(0, i); } else { return L""; } }
void ConfigHelper::ExpandDotDotDot(wstring& featPath, const wstring& scpPath, wstring& scpDirCached) { wstring delim = L"/\\"; if (scpDirCached.empty()) { scpDirCached = scpPath; wstring tail; auto pos = scpDirCached.find_last_of(delim); if (pos != wstring::npos) { tail = scpDirCached.substr(pos + 1); scpDirCached.resize(pos); } if (tail.empty()) // nothing was split off: no dir given, 'dir' contains the filename scpDirCached.swap(tail); } size_t pos = featPath.find(L"..."); if (pos != featPath.npos) featPath = featPath.substr(0, pos) + scpDirCached + featPath.substr(pos + 3); }
int InStrCharsRev(const wstring& str1, const wstring& str2, int pos) { size_t i = str1.find_last_of(str2, pos); return (i != wstring::npos) ? i : -1; }
void CFileInfo::DirtoryInfoExtraction(const wstring& wstrPath, list<MESHPATH*>& rPathInfolist) { CFileFind Find; Find.FindFile(wstrPath.c_str()); int iContinue = 1; while(iContinue) { iContinue = Find.FindNextFile(); if(Find.IsDots()) continue; if(Find.IsDirectory()) DirtoryInfoExtraction(wstring(Find.GetFilePath() + L"\\*.*"), rPathInfolist); else { if(Find.IsSystem()) continue; MESHPATH* pFilePath = new MESHPATH; ZeroMemory(pFilePath, sizeof(MESHPATH)); TCHAR szPathBuf[MAX_PATH] = L""; lstrcpy(szPathBuf, wstrPath.c_str()); //szPathBuf = 0x0013dd98 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\*.*" PathRemoveFileSpec(szPathBuf); // szPathBuf = 0x0013dd98 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\*.*" wstring wstrFileName = szPathBuf; //szPathBuf = 0x0013dd98 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1" wstrFileName = PathFindFileName(wstrFileName.c_str()); //wstrFileName = "Bush1" pFilePath->wstrObjTag = wstrFileName.c_str(); // pFilePath = 0x11c5ff50 {wstrFileName="Bush1" wstrFilePath="" wstrFullPath="" ...} // 파일 이름 다시 정한다. while(true) { wstrFileName = Find.GetFilePath().operator LPCWSTR(); //wstrFileName = "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\Bush1.X" wstring wstrFileTag = wstrFileName.substr( wstrPath.find_last_of(L"\\") + 1 ); //wstrFileTag = "Bush1.X" wstrFileTag = wstrFileTag.substr(wstrFileTag.length() - 2, wstrFileTag.length()); //wstrFileTag = ".X" if(wstrFileTag == L".X" || wstrFileTag == L".x") // 대 소문자 구분하니까, 구분해서 찾아주기 { wstrFileName = wstrFileName.substr( wstrPath.find_last_of(L"\\") + 1 ); //wstrFileName = "Bush1.X" pFilePath->wstrFileTag = wstrFileName.c_str(); // 파일이름 //pFilePath->wstrType = "Bush1.X" break; } Find.FindNextFile(); } // wstrFileName = wstrFileName + L".X"; // lstrcpy(pFilePath->szFileTag, wstrFileName.c_str()); // 파일이름 TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH] = L""; lstrcpy(szBuf, (LPWSTR)Find.GetFilePath().operator LPCWSTR()); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\Bush1.X" PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuf); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1" PathCombine(szBuf, szBuf, (LPWSTR)wstrFileName.c_str()); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\Bush1.X" PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuf); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1" //PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuf); pFilePath->wstrFullPath = ConvertRelativePath(szBuf).c_str(); //pFilePath->wstrFullPath = "..\..\..\..\Export\Bush\Bush1" // 마지막 파일 이름 없애야 함 PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuf); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush" pFilePath->wstrGroupTag = PathFindFileName(szBuf); //pFilePath->wstrFilePath = "Bush" pFilePath->wstrFullPath += L"\\"; // 마지막에 하나 붙여주자 //pFilePath->wstrFullPath = "..\..\..\..\Export\Bush\Bush1\" rPathInfolist.push_back(pFilePath); //pFilePath = 0x11c5ff50 {wstrFileName="Bush1" wstrFilePath="Bush" wstrFullPath="..\..\..\..\Export\Bush\Bush1\" ...} Find.FindFile(Find.GetFilePath()); Find.FindNextFile(); } } }
std::wstring RuleName::withoutChoiceIndex(const wchar_t * pszName) { const wstring name = std::wstring(pszName); return name.substr(0, name.find_last_of('_')); }
HICON Helpers::LoadTabIcon(bool bBigIcon, bool bUseDefaultIcon, const wstring& strIcon, const wstring& strShell) { if (bUseDefaultIcon) { if ( !strShell.empty() ) { wstring strCommandLine = Helpers::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strShell); int argc = 0; std::unique_ptr<LPWSTR[], LocalFreeHelper> argv(::CommandLineToArgvW(strCommandLine.c_str(), &argc)); if ( argv && argc > 0 ) { SHFILEINFO info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); if( ::SHGetFileInfo( argv[0], 0, &info, sizeof(info), SHGFI_ICON | (( bBigIcon )? SHGFI_LARGEICON : SHGFI_SMALLICON)) != 0 ) { return info.hIcon; } } } } else { if (!strIcon.empty()) { int index = 0; // check strIcon ends with ,<integer> bool ok = false; size_t pos = strIcon.find_last_of(L','); if( pos != wstring::npos ) { bool negative = false; size_t i = pos + 1; if( == L'-' ) { i ++; negative = true; } for(; i < strIcon.length(); ++i) { if( >= L'0' && <= L'9' ) { ok = true; index = index * 10 + ( - L'0'); } else { ok = false; break; } } if( negative ) index = -index; } wstring strIconPath = ok ? strIcon.substr(0, pos) : strIcon; HICON hIcon = nullptr; if ( bBigIcon ) { ::ExtractIconEx( Helpers::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strIconPath).c_str(), index, &hIcon, nullptr, 1); } else { ::ExtractIconEx( Helpers::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strIconPath).c_str(), index, nullptr, &hIcon, 1); } if( hIcon ) return hIcon; } } if ( bBigIcon ) { return static_cast<HICON>( ::LoadImage( ::GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINFRAME), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR | LR_DEFAULTSIZE)); } else { return static_cast<HICON>( ::LoadImage( ::GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINFRAME), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR)); } }
wstring GetFileName(const wstring& str) { return str.substr(str.find_last_of(L"/\\") + 1); }
wstring GetFileExtension(const wstring& str) { return str.substr(str.find_last_of(L".") + 1); }
void OIFReader::ReadTifSequence(wstring file_name, int t) { size_t line_size = file_name.size(); if (file_name.substr(line_size-3, 3) == L"tif") { //interpret file_name int64_t pos; int64_t pos_ = file_name.find_last_of(L'_'); if (pos_!=-1) { size_t j; wstring wstr; int num_c = -1; int num_z = -1; int num_t = -1; int num_l = -1; //read channel number 'C' pos = file_name.find(L'C', pos_+1); if (pos!=-1) { for (j=pos+1; j<file_name.size(); j++) { if (iswdigit(file_name[j])) wstr.push_back(file_name[j]); else break; } num_c = WSTOI(wstr); wstr.clear(); } //read z number 'Z' pos = file_name.find(L'Z', pos_+1); if (pos!=-1) { for (j=pos+1; j<file_name.size(); j++) { if (iswdigit(file_name[j])) wstr.push_back(file_name[j]); else break; } num_z = WSTOI(wstr); wstr.clear(); } //read time number 'T' pos = file_name.find(L'T', pos_+1); if (pos!=-1) { for (j=pos+1; j<file_name.size(); j++) { if (iswdigit(file_name[j])) wstr.push_back(file_name[j]); else break; } num_t = WSTOI(wstr); wstr.clear(); } //read lambda number 'L' pos = file_name.find(L'L', pos_+1); if (pos!=-1) { for (j=pos+1; j<file_name.size(); j++) { if (iswdigit(file_name[j])) wstr.push_back(file_name[j]); else break; } num_l = WSTOI(wstr); wstr.clear(); } //add info to the list num_c = num_c==-1?0:num_c-1; num_t = num_t==-1?t:num_t-1; num_z = num_z==-1?1:num_z; if (num_z > 0) { num_z--; //allocate if (m_type == 0) { if (int(m_oif_info.size()) < num_t+1) m_oif_info.resize(num_t+1); if (int(m_oif_info[num_t].dataset.size()) < num_c+1) m_oif_info[num_t].dataset.resize(num_c+1); if (int(m_oif_info[num_t].dataset[num_c].size()) < num_z+1) m_oif_info[num_t].dataset[num_c].resize(num_z+1); //add m_oif_info[num_t].dataset[num_c][num_z] = file_name; } else { //if (num_t == 0) { if (int(m_oif_info[num_t].dataset.size()) < num_c+1) m_oif_info[num_t].dataset.resize(num_c+1); if (int(m_oif_info[num_t].dataset[num_c].size()) < num_z+1) m_oif_info[num_t].dataset[num_c].resize(num_z+1); //add m_oif_info[num_t].dataset[num_c][num_z] = file_name; } } } } } }
bool FileUploader::sendFile(wstring file) { if(!server->isConnected()) { printf("FileUploader: ERROR - Not connected to server so not sending file\n"); return false; } busy = true; Attribute fileNameAttribute; Attribute fileSizeAttribute; Attribute fileTypeAttribute; fileName = file; errno_t error; /* Get the file size */ if(!getFileSize(file, &fileSize)) { busy = false; return false; } error = _wfopen_s( &pFileStream, file.c_str(), L"rb"); if(error != 0) { printf("FileUploader: ERROR - Could not open file: %08x\n", error); busy = false; return false; } else { fileOpened = true; } queue<Attribute> atts; = L"name"; fileNameAttribute.value = file; = L"size"; fileSizeAttribute.value = boost::lexical_cast<wstring>(fileSize.QuadPart); = L"type"; fileTypeAttribute.value = file.substr(file.find_last_of(L".")+1); atts.push(fileNameAttribute); atts.push(fileSizeAttribute); atts.push(fileTypeAttribute); /* Send request to server to accept a file */ server->sendXML(L"file", &atts); /* Wait for the server to accept the file or timeout if it fails to respond or rejects it */ DWORD timeout = WaitForSingleObject(hFileAcknowledged, 5000); if((timeout == WAIT_TIMEOUT) || !fileAccepted) { printf("FileUploader: ERROR - Server did not acknowledge the request to receive a file\n"); busy = false; if(fileOpened) { fclose(pFileStream); fileOpened = false; } return false; } printf("FileUplodaer: Sending file: %ls\n", fileName.c_str()); /* Loop sending the file inside <file-part /> xml messages */ size_t offset = 0; size_t bytesRead; do { bytesRead = sendFilePart((UINT)offset, 8192); offset += bytesRead; } while(bytesRead > 0); atts.push(fileNameAttribute); atts.push(fileSizeAttribute); server->sendXML(L"file-finished", &atts); fclose(pFileStream); fileOpened = false; busy = false; return true; }
wstring GetFileExtension(wstring& FileName) { wstring tmp = FileName.substr(FileName.find_last_of(L".") + 1, FileName.length()); return tmp; }
wstring GetPathOnly(const wstring& str) { return str.substr(0, str.find_last_of(L"/\\") + 1); }
wstring GetFileName(const wstring path){ /* Treat '\\' and '/' as the separator */ size_t found = path.find_last_of(L"/\\"); /* return path name without '\\' or '/' */ return path.substr(found + 1); }