예제 #1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FieldDataCSVWriter::execute()
  int err = 0;
  VoxelDataContainer* m = getVoxelDataContainer();
  if(NULL == m)
    notifyErrorMessage("The DataContainer Object was NULL", -999);

  // Make sure any directory path is also available as the user may have just typed
  // in a path without actually creating the full path
  std::string parentPath = MXAFileInfo::parentPath(m_FieldDataFile);
  if(!MXADir::mkdir(parentPath, true))
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Error creating parent path '" << parentPath << "'";
    notifyErrorMessage(ss.str(), -1);

  std::string filename = getFieldDataFile();

  std::ofstream outFile;
  outFile.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
  char space = DREAM3D::GrainData::Delimiter;
  // Write the total number of grains
  outFile << m->getNumFieldTuples()-1 << std::endl;
  // Get all the names of the arrays from the Data Container
  std::list<std::string> headers = m->getFieldArrayNameList();

  std::vector<IDataArray::Pointer> data;

  //For checking if an array is a neighborlist
  NeighborList<int>::Pointer neighborlistPtr = NeighborList<int>::New();

  // Print the GrainIds Header before the rest of the headers
  outFile << DREAM3D::GrainData::GrainID;
  // Loop throught the list and print the rest of the headers, ignoring those we don't want
  for(std::list<std::string>::iterator iter = headers.begin(); iter != headers.end(); ++iter)
    // Only get the array if the name does NOT match those listed
    IDataArray::Pointer p = m->getFieldData(*iter);
    if(p->getNameOfClass().compare(neighborlistPtr->getNameOfClass()) != 0)
      if (p->GetNumberOfComponents() == 1) {
        outFile << space << (*iter);
      else // There are more than a single component so we need to add multiple header values
        for(int k = 0; k < p->GetNumberOfComponents(); ++k)
          outFile << space << (*iter) << "_" << k;
      // Get the IDataArray from the DataContainer
  outFile << std::endl;

  // Get the number of tuples in the arrays
  size_t numTuples = data[0]->GetNumberOfTuples();
  std::stringstream ss;
  float threshold = 0.0f;

  // Skip the first grain
  for(size_t i = 1; i < numTuples; ++i)
    if (((float)i / numTuples) * 100.0f > threshold) {
      ss << "Writing Field Data - " << ((float)i / numTuples) * 100 << "% Complete";
      threshold = threshold + 5.0f;
      if (threshold < ((float)i / numTuples) * 100.0f) {
        threshold = ((float)i / numTuples) * 100.0f;

    // Print the grain id
    outFile << i;
    // Print a row of data
    for( std::vector<IDataArray::Pointer>::iterator p = data.begin(); p != data.end(); ++p)
      outFile << space;
      (*p)->printTuple(outFile, i, space);
    outFile << std::endl;

  if(m_WriteNeighborListData == true)
    // Print the GrainIds Header before the rest of the headers
    // Loop throught the list and print the rest of the headers, ignoring those we don't want
    for(std::list<std::string>::iterator iter = headers.begin(); iter != headers.end(); ++iter)
      // Only get the array if the name does NOT match those listed
      IDataArray::Pointer p = m->getFieldData(*iter);
      if(p->getNameOfClass().compare(neighborlistPtr->getNameOfClass()) == 0)
        outFile << DREAM3D::GrainData::GrainID << space << DREAM3D::GrainData::NumNeighbors << space << (*iter) << std::endl;
        size_t numTuples = p->GetNumberOfTuples();
        //	  float threshold = 0.0f;

        // Skip the first grain
        for(size_t i = 1; i < numTuples; ++i)
          // Print the grain id
          outFile << i;
          // Print a row of data
          outFile << space;
          p->printTuple(outFile, i, space);
          outFile << std::endl;

  // If there is an error set this to something negative and also set a message
  notifyStatusMessage("FieldDataCSVWriter Completed");
