예제 #1
     * @brief copyData This method copies all data from the <b>sourceArray</b> into
     * the current array starting at the target destination tuple offset value.
     * For example if the DataArray has 10 tuples and the destTupleOffset = 5 then
     * then source data will be copied into the destination array starting at
     * destination tuple 5. In psuedo code it would be the following:
     * @code
     *  destArray[5] = sourceArray[0];
     *  destArray[6] = sourceArray[1];
     *  .....
     * @endcode
     * @param destTupleOffset
     * @param sourceArray
     * @return
    bool copyData(size_t destTupleOffset, IDataArray::Pointer sourceArray)

      if(destTupleOffset >= m_Array.size()) { return false; }
      if(!sourceArray->isAllocated()) { return false; }
      if(sourceArray->getNumberOfComponents() != getNumberOfComponents()) { return false; }

      Self* source = dynamic_cast<Self*>(sourceArray.get());
      size_t sourceNTuples = source->getNumberOfTuples();

      for(size_t i = 0; i < sourceNTuples; i++)
        m_Array[destTupleOffset + i] = source->getValue(i);
      return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ModifiedLambertProjectionArray::copyData(size_t destTupleOffset, IDataArray::Pointer sourceArray)
  if(!m_IsAllocated) { return false; }
  if(0 == m_ModifiedLambertProjectionArray.size()) { return false; }
  if(destTupleOffset >= m_ModifiedLambertProjectionArray.size()) { return false; }
  if(!sourceArray->isAllocated()) { return false; }
  Self* source = dynamic_cast<Self*>(sourceArray.get());

  if(sourceArray->getNumberOfComponents() != getNumberOfComponents()) { return false; }

  if( sourceArray->getNumberOfTuples()*sourceArray->getNumberOfComponents() + destTupleOffset*getNumberOfComponents() > m_ModifiedLambertProjectionArray.size() ) { return false; }

  size_t sourceNTuples = source->getNumberOfTuples();

  for(size_t i = 0; i < sourceNTuples; i++)
    m_ModifiedLambertProjectionArray[destTupleOffset + i] = (*source)[i];

  return true;