bool rd::RobotDevastation::initSound(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { SDLAudioManager::RegisterManager(); audioManager = AudioManager::getAudioManager("SDL"); std::string bsoStr( rf.findFileByName("../sounds/RobotDevastationBSO.mp3") ); if ( ! audioManager->load(bsoStr, "bso", 0) ) return false; std::string shootStr( rf.findFileByName("../sounds/01_milshot.wav") ); if ( ! audioManager->load(shootStr, "shoot", 1) ) return false; std::string explosionStr( rf.findFileByName("../sounds/15_explosion.wav") ); if ( ! audioManager->load(explosionStr, "explosion", 1) ) return false; std::string noAmmoStr( rf.findFileByName("../sounds/03_clip.wav") ); if ( ! audioManager->load(noAmmoStr, "noAmmo", 1) ) return false; std::string reloadStr( rf.findFileByName("../sounds/04_milaction.wav") ); if ( ! audioManager->load(reloadStr, "reload", 1) ) return false; return true; }
bool kinematicStructureInterface::configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { moduleName = rf.check("name", Value("kinematicStructureInterface")).asString().c_str(); setName(moduleName.c_str()); yInfo() << "findFileByName " << rf.findFileByName("kinematicStructureInterface.ini") ; cout << moduleName << ": finding configuration files..." << endl; period = rf.check("period", Value(0.1)).asDouble(); robot = rf.check("robot", Value("icub")).asString().c_str(); //Create the ICubclient, check client.ini to know which subsystem to load (should be ARE) iCub = new ICubClient(moduleName, "kinematicStructureInterface", "client.ini"); iCub->opc->isVerbose = false; if (!iCub->connect()) { yInfo() << " iCubClient : Some dependencies are not running..."; Time::delay(1.0); } //rpc port"/" + moduleName + "/rpc").c_str()); attach(rpcPort); yInfo() << "\n \n" << "----------------------------------------------" << "\n \n" << moduleName << " ready! \n \n "; return true; }
bool CRMainEstimation::configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { setName(rf.check("name", Value("headPoseEstimator"), "module name (string)").asString().c_str()); g_ntrees = rf.check("g_ntrees",Value(10)).asInt(); g_maxv = (float)rf.check("g_maxv",Value(800.0)).asDouble(); g_larger_radius_ratio = rf.check("g_larger_radius_ratio",Value(1.6)).asDouble(); g_smaller_radius_ratio = rf.check("g_smaller_radius_ratio",Value(5.0)).asDouble(); g_stride = rf.check("g_stride",Value(5)).asInt(); g_max_z = rf.check("g_max_z",Value(1300)).asInt(); g_th = rf.check("g_th",Value(500)).asInt(); string carrier=rf.check("carrier",Value("udp")).asString().c_str(); string remote=rf.check("remote",Value("kinectServer")).asString().c_str(); g_prob_th = 1.0f; g_Estimate = new CRForestEstimator(); buf=new unsigned short[320*240]; string fullpath = rf.findFileByName("tree000.bin"); string relativepath = fullpath.substr(0, fullpath.find("000.bin")); if( !g_Estimate->loadForest(relativepath.c_str(), g_ntrees) ){ cerr << "Could not read forest!" << endl; return false; } cout << endl << "------------------------------------" << endl << endl; cout << "Estimation: " << endl; cout << "Trees: " << g_ntrees << " " << relativepath << endl; cout << "Stride: " << g_stride << endl; cout << "Max Variance: " << g_maxv << endl; cout << "Max Distance: " << g_max_z << endl; cout << "Head Threshold: " << g_th << endl; cout << endl << "------------------------------------" << endl << endl;"/"+ getName() + "/depth:i").c_str()); while(!Network::connect(("/"+remote+"/depth:o").c_str(),depthPort.getName().c_str(),carrier.c_str())) { cout << "Waiting for connection to kinectServer" << endl; Time::delay(1.0); } if (!"/" + getName() + "/rpc").c_str())) { cout << getName() << ": Unable to open port " << handlerPort.getName() << endl; return false; } attach(handlerPort); return true; }
bool ears::configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { string moduleName = rf.check("name", Value("ears")).asString().c_str(); setName(moduleName.c_str()); yInfo() << moduleName << " : finding configuration files..."; period = rf.check("period", Value(0.1)).asDouble(); //Create an iCub Client and check that all dependencies are here before starting bool isRFVerbose = false; iCub = new ICubClient(moduleName, "ears", "client.ini", isRFVerbose); iCub->opc->isVerbose = false; if (!iCub->connect()) { yInfo() << " iCubClient : Some dependencies are not running..."; Time::delay(1.0); }"/" + moduleName + "/rpc").c_str()); attach(rpc);"/" + moduleName + "/behavior:o"); while (!Network::connect(portToBehavior.getName(),"/BehaviorManager/trigger:i ")) { yWarning() << " Behavior is not reachable"; yarp::os::Time::delay(0.5); }"/" + moduleName + "/target:o"); MainGrammar = rf.findFileByName(rf.check("MainGrammar", Value("MainGrammar.xml")).toString()); bShouldListen = true; yInfo() << "\n \n" << "----------------------------------------------" << "\n \n" << moduleName << " ready ! \n \n "; return true; }
bool faceTrackerModule::configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { moduleName = rf.check("name", Value("faceTracker"), "module name (string)").asString(); setName(moduleName.c_str()); opcName = rf.check("opcName", Value("OPC"), "Opc name (string)").asString(); string xmlPath = rf.findFileByName("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"); // Create an iCub Client and check that all dependencies are here befor starting opc = new OPCClient(moduleName.c_str()); opc->connect(opcName); icub = NULL; handlerPortName = "/"; handlerPortName += getName() + "/rpc"; if (! { cout << getName() << ": Unable to open port " << handlerPortName << endl; return false; } // ================================================================== // image port open"/facetracking/image/left/in"); // give the left port a name // ================================================================== // robot // ================================================================== while(!Network::connect("/icub/camcalib/left/out", "/facetracking/image/left/in")) { Time::delay(3); cout << "try to connect left camera, please wait ..." << endl; } Property options; options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); options.put("local", "/tutorial/motor/client"); options.put("remote", "/icub/head"); robotHead = new PolyDriver(options); if(!robotHead->isValid()) { cout << "Cannot connect to the robot head" << endl; return false; } robotHead->view(pos); robotHead->view(vel); robotHead->view(enc); if(pos==NULL || vel==NULL || enc==NULL) { cout << "Cannot get interface to robot head" << endl; robotHead->close(); return false; } jnts = 0; pos->getAxes(&jnts); setpoints.resize(jnts); cur_encoders.resize(jnts); prev_encoders.resize(jnts); /* prepare command */ for(int i=0;i<jnts;i++) { setpoints[i] = 0; } // ================================================================== //// create a opencv window cv::namedWindow("cvImage_Left",CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); // ================================================================== // face detection configuration face_classifier_left.load(xmlPath); attach(handlerPort); // attach to port // ================================================================== // Parameters counter = 0; x_buf = 0; y_buf = 0; mode = 0; // 0: going to a set position, 1: face searching, 2: face tracking, 3: face stuck, setpos_counter = 0; panning_counter = 0; stuck_counter = 0; tracking_counter = 0; // ================================================================== // random motion tilt_target = 0; pan_target = 0; seed = 10000; srand(seed); pan_max = 80; tilt_max = 20; cvIplImageLeft = NULL; return true ; }
bool learnPrimitive::configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { string moduleName = rf.check("name", Value("learnPrimitive")).asString().c_str(); setName(moduleName.c_str()); GrammarYesNo = rf.findFileByName(rf.check("GrammarYesNo", Value("nodeYesNo.xml")).toString()); GrammarNameAction = rf.findFileByName(rf.check("GrammarNameAction", Value("GrammarNameAction.xml")).toString()); GrammarTypeAction = rf.findFileByName(rf.check("GrammarTypeAction", Value("GrammarTypeAction.xml")).toString()); yInfo() << "findFileByName " << rf.findFileByName("learnPrimitive.ini") ; pathToIniFile = rf.findFileByName("learnPrimitive.ini") ; cout << moduleName << ": finding configuration files..." << endl; period = rf.check("period", Value(0.1)).asDouble(); //bool bEveryThingisGood = true; //Create an iCub Client and check that all dependencies are here before starting bool isRFVerbose = true; iCub = new ICubClient(moduleName, "learnPrimitive", "client.ini", isRFVerbose); iCub->opc->isVerbose &= true; string robot = rf.check("robot", Value("icubSim")).asString().c_str(); string arm = rf.check("arm", Value("left_arm")).asString().c_str();"/" + moduleName + "/toArm:rpc").c_str()); string portRobotArmName = "/" + robot + "/" + arm + "/rpc:i"; yInfo() << "================> port controlling the arm : " << portRobotArmName; if (!Network::connect(portToArm.getName().c_str(),portRobotArmName)) { yWarning() << "WARNING PORT TO CONTROL ARM (" << portRobotArmName << ") IS NOT CONNECTED"; } if (!iCub->connect()) { cout << "iCubClient : Some dependencies are not running..." << endl; Time::delay(1.0); } //rpc port"/" + moduleName + "/rpc").c_str()); attach(rpcPort); if (!iCub->getRecogClient()) { yWarning() << "WARNING SPEECH RECOGNIZER NOT CONNECTED"; } if (!iCub->getABMClient()) { yWarning() << "WARNING ABM NOT CONNECTED"; } updateProtoAction(rf); updatePrimitive(rf); updateAction(rf); yInfo() << "\n \n" << "----------------------------------------------" << "\n \n" << moduleName << " ready ! \n \n "; iCub->say("learn Primitive is ready", false); return true; }
/* * Configure method, connect to different subsystem */ bool abmInteraction::configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { string moduleName = rf.check("name", Value("abmInteraction")).asString().c_str(); setName(moduleName.c_str()); nameGrammarHumanFeedback = rf.findFileByName(rf.check("nameGrammarHumanFeedback", Value("hFeedback.xml")).toString()); //nameGrammarHumanFeedback = rf.findFileByName(rf.check("nameGrammarHumanFeedback", Value("hFeedbackDescription")).toString()); nameGrammarYesNo = rf.findFileByName(rf.check("nameGrammarYesNo", Value("nodeYesNo.xml")).toString()); cout << moduleName << ": finding configuration files..." << endl; period = rf.check("period", Value(0.1)).asDouble(); //tryAgain = false ; //at start, iCub will explain and speaks //bestRank = 0 ; //Create an iCub Client and check that all dependencies are here before starting bool isRFVerbose = false; iCub = new ICubClient(moduleName, "abmInteraction", "client.ini", isRFVerbose); iCub->opc->isVerbose = false; if (!iCub->connect()) { cout << "iCubClient : Some dpeendencies are not running..." << endl; Time::delay(1.0); }"/" + moduleName + "/rpc").c_str()); attach(rpc); if (!iCub->getRecogClient()) { cout << "WARNING SPEECH RECOGNIZER NOT CONNECTED" << endl; } if (!iCub->getABMClient()) { cout << "WARNING ABM NOT CONNECTED" << endl; } rememberedInstance = rf.check("rememberedInstance", Value(1333)).asInt(); agentName = rf.check("agentName", Value("Bob")).asString().c_str(); img_provider_port = rf.check("img_provider_port", Value("/icub/camcalib/left/out/kinematic_structure")).asString().c_str(); //resume : no (take all the augmented_time from the instance) //resume : yes (take only the augmented_time without feedback from the instance) //resume : agent (take only the augmented_time with no feedback from the agent, from the instance) resume = rf.check("resume", Value("agent")).asString().c_str(); it_augmentedTime = vAugmentedTime.begin(); /*pair<string, int> bestTimeAndRank("", -1); if (createAugmentedTimeVector(bestTimeAndRank) == -1){ yError() << " Something is wrong with the augmented memories! quit"; return false; }*/ //testing /*Bottle bRecognized; bool blop = true; while (blop){ iCub->say("Check for sending a grammar"); bRecognized = iCub->getRecogClient()->recogFromGrammarLoop(grammarToString(nameGrammarHumanFeedback)); yInfo() << "bRecognized " << bRecognized.toString(); cout << bRecognized.get(1).toString() << endl; bRecognized.clear(); } */ //end testing return true; }