bool CamCalibModule::configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { ConstString str = rf.check("name", Value("/camCalib"), "module name (string)").asString(); setName(str.c_str()); // modulePortName double maxDelay = rf.check("maxDelay", Value(0.010), "Max delay between image and encoders").asDouble(); // pass configuration over to bottle Bottle botConfig(rf.toString().c_str()); botConfig.setMonitor(rf.getMonitor()); // Load from configuration group ([<group_name>]), if group option present Value *valGroup; // check assigns pointer to reference if(botConfig.check("group", valGroup, "Configuration group to load module options from (string).")) { strGroup = valGroup->asString().c_str(); // is group a valid bottle? if (botConfig.check(strGroup.c_str())){ Bottle &group=botConfig.findGroup(strGroup.c_str(),string("Loading configuration from group " + strGroup).c_str()); botConfig.fromString(group.toString()); } else { yError() << "Group " << strGroup << " not found."; return false; } } else { yError ("There seem to be an error loading parameters (group section missing), stopping module"); return false; } string calibToolName = botConfig.check("projection", Value("pinhole"), "Projection/mapping applied to calibrated image [projection|spherical] (string).").asString().c_str(); _calibTool = CalibToolFactories::getPool().get(calibToolName.c_str()); if (_calibTool!=NULL) { bool ok = _calibTool->open(botConfig); if (!ok) { delete _calibTool; _calibTool = NULL; return false; } } if (yarp::os::Network::exists(getName("/in"))) { yWarning() << "port " << getName("/in") << " already in use"; } if (yarp::os::Network::exists(getName("/out"))) { yWarning() << "port " << getName("/out") << " already in use"; } if (yarp::os::Network::exists(getName("/conf"))) { yWarning() << "port " << getName("/conf") << " already in use"; } _prtImgIn.setSaturation(rf.check("saturation",Value(1.0)).asDouble());"/in")); _prtImgIn.setPointers(&_prtImgOut,_calibTool); _prtImgIn.setVerbose(rf.check("verbose")); _prtImgIn.setLeftEye((strGroup == "CAMERA_CALIBRATION_LEFT") ? true : false); _prtImgIn.setMaxDelay(maxDelay); _prtImgIn.setUseIMU(rf.check("useIMU")); _prtImgIn.setUseIMU(rf.check("useTorso")); _prtImgIn.setUseIMU(rf.check("useEyes")); _prtImgIn.useCallback();"/out"));"/conf"));"/torso_encs/in")); _prtTEncsIn._prtImgIn = &_prtImgIn; // _prtTEncsIn.setStrict(); _prtTEncsIn.useCallback();"/head_encs/in")); _prtHEncsIn._prtImgIn = &_prtImgIn; // _prtHEncsIn.setStrict(); _prtHEncsIn.useCallback();"/imu/in")); _prtImuIn._prtImgIn = &_prtImgIn; // _prtImuIn.setStrict(); _prtImuIn.useCallback(); attach(_configPort); fflush(stdout);"/rpy")); return true; }
bool CamCalibModule::configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { ConstString str = rf.check("name", Value("/camCalib"), "module name (string)").asString(); verboseExecTime = rf.check("verboseExecTime"); if (rf.check("w_align")) align=ALIGN_WIDTH; else if (rf.check("h_align")) align=ALIGN_HEIGHT; if (rf.check("fps")) { requested_fps=rf.find("fps").asDouble(); yInfo() << "Module will run at " << requested_fps; } else { yInfo() << "Module will run at max fps"; } setName(str.c_str()); // modulePortName Bottle botLeftConfig(rf.toString().c_str()); Bottle botRightConfig(rf.toString().c_str()); botLeftConfig.setMonitor(rf.getMonitor()); botRightConfig.setMonitor(rf.getMonitor()); string strLeftGroup = "CAMERA_CALIBRATION_LEFT"; if (botLeftConfig.check(strLeftGroup.c_str())) { Bottle &group=botLeftConfig.findGroup(strLeftGroup.c_str(),string("Loading configuration from group " + strLeftGroup).c_str()); botLeftConfig.fromString(group.toString()); } else { yError() << "Group " << strLeftGroup << " not found."; return false; } string strRightGroup = "CAMERA_CALIBRATION_RIGHT"; if (botRightConfig.check(strRightGroup.c_str())) { Bottle &group=botRightConfig.findGroup(strRightGroup.c_str(),string("Loading configuration from group " + strRightGroup).c_str()); botRightConfig.fromString(group.toString()); } else { yError() << "Group " << strRightGroup << " not found."; return false; } string calibToolLeftName = botLeftConfig.check("projection", Value("pinhole"), "Projection/mapping applied to calibrated image [projection|spherical] (string).").asString().c_str(); string calibToolRightName = botRightConfig.check("projection", Value("pinhole"), "Projection/mapping applied to calibrated image [projection|spherical] (string).").asString().c_str(); calibToolLeft = CalibToolFactories::getPool().get(calibToolLeftName.c_str()); if (calibToolLeft!=NULL) { bool ok = calibToolLeft->open(botLeftConfig); if (!ok) { delete calibToolLeft; calibToolLeft = NULL; return false; } } calibToolRight = CalibToolFactories::getPool().get(calibToolRightName.c_str()); if (calibToolRight!=NULL) { bool ok = calibToolRight->open(botRightConfig); if (!ok) { delete calibToolRight; calibToolRight = NULL; return false; } } if(rf.check("dual")) { dualImage_mode = true; yInfo() << "Dual mode activate!!"; } if(dualImage_mode) { leftImage = new yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgb>; rightImage = new yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgb>; // open a single port with name /dual:i if (yarp::os::Network::exists(getName("/dual:i"))) { yWarning() << "port " << getName("/dual:i") << " already in use"; } if(!"/dual:i")) ) return false; imageInLeft.setStrict(false); } else { if (yarp::os::Network::exists(getName("/left:i"))) { yWarning() << "port " << getName("/left:i") << " already in use"; } if (yarp::os::Network::exists(getName("/right:i"))) { yWarning() << "port " << getName("/right:i") << " already in use"; }"/left:i"));"/right:i")); imageInLeft.setStrict(false); imageInRight.setStrict(false); } if (yarp::os::Network::exists(getName("/out"))) { yWarning() << "port " << getName("/out") << " already in use"; } if (yarp::os::Network::exists(getName("/conf"))) { yWarning() << "port " << getName("/conf") << " already in use"; }"/out:o"));"/conf")); attach(configPort); return true; }