Exemplo n.º 1
void EasingApp::mouseDown(MouseEvent event) {
  end_pos = event.getPos();

                   1.0f, easeOutInCirc);
Exemplo n.º 2
void PhotoBoothApp::touchesBegan( TouchEvent event ){

    TouchEvent::Touch touch = event.getTouches().front();
    Vec2f cameraButtonTargetPos = Vec2f(mCameraButtonPos.value());
    float touchX = touch.getX() / DISPLAY_SCALE;
    float touchY = touch.getY() / DISPLAY_SCALE;
    switch(mCurrentState) {
        case STATE_PREVIEW:
            // see if the camera icon has been tapped (touch coordinates are reversed for landscape mode)
            cameraButtonTargetPos.x += mCameraButtonTexture.getWidth() / 2.0f;
            cameraButtonTargetPos.y += mCameraButtonTexture.getHeight() / 2.0f;
            if( cameraButtonTargetPos.distance( Vec2f(touchX, touchY) ) < (mCameraButtonTexture.getWidth() * 2) ) {
               mCountDownStartTime = getElapsedSeconds();
               mCurrentState = STATE_COUNT_DOWN;

        case STATE_COUNT_DOWN:
            // stub..
        case STATE_ACCEPT:
            if(touchY > 1280) { // only look for touches near the bottom of the screen.
                // just split the screen in half, no need to do precise hit detection for save/cancel buttons..
                if(touchX > width / 2){
                    ip::flipVertical( &mCameraSurface );
                    cinder::cocoa::SafeUiImage img = cocoa::createUiImage( mCameraSurface );
                    // Call into objective C to do upload via cocoa

                    timeline().apply( &mPreviewTexturePos, Vec2f(0, -height ), 1.0f, EaseInCubic() );
                    timeline().apply( &mPreviewTexturePos, Vec2f(0, height ), 1.0f, EaseInBack() );
                mCurrentState = STATE_PREVIEW;
                timeline().apply( &mDarkBgAlpha, 0.0f, 1.0f, EaseInCubic() );
                // Hide buttons
                timeline().apply( &mDiscardPos, Vec2f(100, height + 100 ), 1.0f, EaseInCubic() );
                timeline().apply( &mSavePos, Vec2f(width-700, height + 100 ), 1.0f, EaseInCubic() );
Exemplo n.º 3
void InstascopeApp::resetSample()
	// reset sample pos
	mSampleSize = randInt(100, 300);
	mSamplePt.value().y = randFloat(0, getWindowWidth() - mSampleSize);
	mSamplePt.value().x = randFloat(0, getWindowHeight() - mSampleSize);
	vec2 newPos;
	int count = 0;
	// Try to find a good sample location thats within the window's frame.
	// Give up if we try and settle after a bunch of times, no big deal.
	do {
		newPos.x = randFloat(0, getWindowWidth() - mSampleSize/2);
		newPos.y = randFloat(0, getWindowHeight() - mSampleSize/2);
	} while(count < 150	&& ((mSamplePt.value().x - newPos.x) < 100 || (mSamplePt.value().y - newPos.y) < 100));
	timeline().apply(&mSamplePt, newPos, MIRROR_DUR - 1, EaseInOutQuad()).delay(.5);
Exemplo n.º 4
void InstascopeApp::updateMirrors( vector<TrianglePiece> *vec )
	if( ! mMirrorTexture )
	vec2 mSamplePt1( -0.5, -(sin(M_PI/3)/3) );
	vec2 mSamplePt2( mSamplePt1.x + 1, mSamplePt1.y);
	vec2 mSamplePt3( mSamplePt1.x + (cos(M_PI/3)), mSamplePt1.y + (sin(M_PI/3)));
	mat3 mtrx( 1.0f );
	mtrx = glm::translate( mtrx, mSamplePt.value() );
	mtrx = glm::scale( mtrx, vec2( mSampleSize ) );
	mtrx = glm::rotate( mtrx, float((getElapsedFrames()*4)/2*M_PI) );
	mSamplePt1 = vec2( mtrx * vec3( mSamplePt1, 1.0 ) );
	mSamplePt2 = vec2( mtrx * vec3( mSamplePt2, 1.0 ) );
	mSamplePt3 = vec2( mtrx * vec3( mSamplePt3, 1.0 ) );
	mSamplePt1 /= mMirrorTexture->getSize();
	mSamplePt2 /= mMirrorTexture->getSize();
	mSamplePt3 /= mMirrorTexture->getSize();
	// loop through all the pieces and pass along the current texture and it's coordinates
	int outCount = 0;
	int inCount = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < vec->size(); i++ ) {
		(*vec)[i].update( mMirrorTexture, mSamplePt1, mSamplePt2, mSamplePt3 );
		if( (*vec)[i].isOut() ) outCount++;
		if( (*vec)[i].isIn() ) inCount++;
	// if all are out, then make a new mirror grid
	if( outCount > 0 && outCount == mTriPieces.size() ) {
	// if all the pieces are in
	if( inCount > 0 && inCount == mTriPieces.size() && ! mPiecesIn ) {
		mPiecesIn = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
void PhotoBoothApp::draw()
    gl::color(1, 1, 1, 1);
    glDepthMask( GL_FALSE );

    // Set up the view for landscape mode.
	gl::setMatricesWindow(width * DISPLAY_SCALE, height * DISPLAY_SCALE);
    // draw the live camera preview
	if( mCameraTexture ) {
        // flip the texture vertically
        // draw the texture mirrored.
        gl::draw( mCameraSurface, Rectf(width, 0, 0, height) );

    // draw "idle" stuff (text and images overlayed on the live camera preview)
    if(mCurrentState == STATE_PREVIEW){
        gl::color(1, 1, 1, 0.75f);
        gl::draw(mLightBg, Rectf(0, 0, width, height));
        gl::color(1, 1, 1, 1);
        gl::draw(mIntroTexture, Rectf(0,0,width, height));
        gl::draw(mCameraButtonTexture, mCameraButtonPos.value() - Vec2f(0, abs( sin(getElapsedSeconds() * 3) * 30)));

        //gl::draw(mCameraButtonTexture, Rectf(mCameraButtonPos.value().x,mCameraButtonPos.value().y, mCameraButtonTexture.getWidth() * 0.5 + mCameraButtonPos.value().x, mCameraButtonTexture.getHeight() * 0.5 + mCameraButtonPos.value().y) );//  mCameraButtonPos.value() );
    // Draw the preview image with dark background.
        // draw background image and prompt text.
        if(mDarkBgAlpha > 0){
            gl::color(1, 1, 1, mDarkBgAlpha);
            gl::draw(mDarkBg, Vec2f::zero());
            gl::draw(mConfirmMessage, Vec2f(width/2 - mConfirmMessage.getWidth() / 2, 125 - mConfirmMessage.getHeight() / 2));
        float aspect = mPreviewTexture.getAspectRatio();
        float imageHeight = height - 500; // margins are keyed off of hard-coded height, this is not very multi-resolution friendly.
        float imageWidth = imageHeight * aspect;
        float marginX = (width - imageWidth) / 2;
        float marginY = (height - imageHeight) / 2;
        gl::draw(mPreviewTexture, Rectf(marginX, marginY, width - marginX, height - marginY) + mPreviewTexturePos);

        // Draw semi-transparent pillar boxes to show how the sqare version of the image will look.
        if(mCurrentState == STATE_ACCEPT) {
            float pillarWidth = (imageWidth - imageHeight) / 2;
            gl::color(0, 0, 0, 0.35f);
            gl::drawSolidRect( Rectf( marginX, height - marginY, pillarWidth + marginX, marginY ) );
            gl::drawSolidRect( Rectf( width - marginX - pillarWidth, height - marginY, width - marginX, marginY ) );
    // draw the "flash"
    if(mCurrentState == STATE_ACCEPT){
        gl::color(1, 1, 1, mCameraFlash);
        gl::drawSolidRect( Rectf(0, 0, width, height));
    // draw count-down timer
    if(mCurrentState == STATE_COUNT_DOWN){
        // draw dark circle background
        Vec2f centerPos = Vec2f(width / 2 - mNumberBg.getWidth() / 2, height / 2 - mNumberBg.getHeight() / 2);
        gl::draw( mNumberBg, centerPos);
        // background ring that "fills up" for each second.
        gl::draw(mNumberProgress, Area(0, mNumberProgress.getHeight() * mCountDownFractional, mNumberProgress.getWidth(), mNumberProgress.getHeight()), Rectf(centerPos.x,centerPos.y+mNumberProgress.getHeight() * mCountDownFractional, mNumberBg.getWidth()+centerPos.x, centerPos.y+mNumberBg.getHeight()));
        // Draw number.
        gl::draw( mNumberTextures[mCountDownNumber], centerPos);

    gl::color(1, 1, 1, 1);
    gl::draw(mSaveTexture, mSavePos);
    gl::draw(mDiscardTexture, mDiscardPos);