Exemplo n.º 1
void ArenaTeam::SetCaptain(uint64 guid)
    // Disable remove/promote buttons
    Player* oldCaptain = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(GetCaptain());
    if (oldCaptain)
        oldCaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);

    // Set new captain
    CaptainGuid = guid;

    // Update database
    PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_UPD_ARENA_TEAM_CAPTAIN);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, GUID_LOPART(guid));
    stmt->setUInt32(1, GetId());

    // Enable remove/promote buttons
    Player* newCaptain = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(guid);
    if (newCaptain)
        newCaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 0);
        char const* oldCaptainName = oldCaptain ? oldCaptain->GetName() : "";
        uint32 oldCaptainLowGuid = oldCaptain ? oldCaptain->GetGUIDLow() : 0;
        sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_ARENAS, "Player: %s [GUID: %u] promoted player: %s [GUID: %u] to leader of arena team [Id: %u] [Type: %u].",
                        oldCaptainName, oldCaptainLowGuid, newCaptain->GetName(), newCaptain->GetGUIDLow(), GetId(), GetType());
Exemplo n.º 2
void ArenaTeam::SetCaptain(const uint64& guid)
    // Disable remove/promote buttons
    Player* oldCaptain = sObjectMgr->GetPlayer(GetCaptain());
    if (oldCaptain)
        oldCaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);

    // Set new captain
    CaptainGuid = guid;

    // Update database
    PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_UPDATE_ARENA_TEAM_CAPTAIN);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, GUID_LOPART(guid));
    stmt->setUInt32(1, GetId());

    // Enable remove/promote buttons
    Player *newCaptain = sObjectMgr->GetPlayer(guid);
    if (newCaptain)
        newCaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 0);
        sLog->outArena("Player: %s [GUID: %u] promoted player: %s [GUID: %u] to leader of arena team [Id: %u] [Type: %u].",
                        oldCaptain->GetName(), oldCaptain->GetGUIDLow(), newCaptain->GetName(), newCaptain->GetGUIDLow(), GetId(), GetType());
Exemplo n.º 3
int32 ArenaTeam::WonAgainst(uint32 againstRating, uint32 SoloQueueRating)
    // called when the team has won
    // 'chance' calculation - to beat the opponent
    float chance = GetChanceAgainst(SoloQueueRating > 0 ? SoloQueueRating : m_stats.rating, againstRating);
    // calculate the rating modification (ELO system with k=32)
    int32 mod = (int32)floor((SoloQueueRating > 0 ? 16.0f : 32.0f) * (1.0f - chance));

    // Smolderforge rating adjustments
    if (GetType() == ARENA_TEAM_5v5) // solo queue
        if (mod < 1)
            mod = 1;

        // called for each participant of a match after losing
        for (MemberList::iterator itr = m_members.begin(); itr != m_members.end(); ++itr)
            Player *plr = sObjectMgr->GetPlayer(itr->guid);
            if (plr)
                itr->ModifyPersonalRating(plr, mod, GetSlot());
                // update personal stats
                itr->games_week +=1;
                itr->games_season +=1;
                itr->wins_season += 1;
                itr->wins_week += 1;
                // update unit fields
                plr->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_WEEK, itr->games_week);
                plr->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_SEASON, itr->games_season);
    else if (GetType() == ARENA_TEAM_2v2)
        if (m_stats.rating < 1850)
            mod += 2;
        if (mod == 30)
        if (mod < 3)
            mod = 3;

    // modify the team stats accordingly
    m_stats.wins_week += 1;
    m_stats.wins_season += 1;

    // return the rating change, used to display it on the results screen
    return mod;
void ArenaTeam::SetCaptain(ObjectGuid guid)
    // Disable remove/promote buttons
    Player* oldCaptain = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(GetCaptain());
    if (oldCaptain)
        oldCaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);

    // Set new captain
    CaptainGuid = guid;

    // Update database
    PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_UPD_ARENA_TEAM_CAPTAIN);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, guid.GetCounter());
    stmt->setUInt32(1, GetId());

    // Enable remove/promote buttons
    if (Player* newCaptain = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(guid))
        newCaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 0);
        if (oldCaptain)
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.arena", "Player: %s [GUID: %u] promoted player: %s [GUID: %u] to leader of arena team [Id: %u, Name: %s] [Type: %u].",
                oldCaptain->GetName().c_str(), oldCaptain->GetGUID().GetCounter(), newCaptain->GetName().c_str(),
                newCaptain->GetGUID().GetCounter(), GetId(), GetName().c_str(), GetType());
Exemplo n.º 5
void ArenaTeam::SetCaptain(uint64 guid)
    // Disable remove/promote buttons
    Player* oldCaptain = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayerInOrOutOfWorld(GetCaptain());
    if (oldCaptain)
        oldCaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);

    // Set new captain
    CaptainGuid = guid;

    // Update database
    PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_UPD_ARENA_TEAM_CAPTAIN);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, GUID_LOPART(guid));
    stmt->setUInt32(1, GetId());

    // Enable remove/promote buttons
    if (Player* newCaptain = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayerInOrOutOfWorld(guid))
        newCaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 0);
        /*if (oldCaptain)
            sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "Player: %s [GUID: %u] promoted player: %s [GUID: %u] to leader of arena team [Id: %u] [Type: %u].",
                oldCaptain->GetName().c_str(), oldCaptain->GetGUIDLow(), newCaptain->GetName().c_str(),
                newCaptain->GetGUIDLow(), GetId(), GetType());
void ArenaTeam::DelMember(ObjectGuid guid, bool cleanDb)
    Player* player = ObjectAccessor::FindConnectedPlayer(guid);
    Group* group = (player && player->GetGroup()) ? player->GetGroup() : nullptr;

    // Remove member from team
    for (MemberList::iterator itr = Members.begin(); itr != Members.end(); ++itr)
        // Remove queues of members
        if (Player* playerMember = ObjectAccessor::FindConnectedPlayer(itr->Guid))
            if (group && playerMember->GetGroup() && group->GetGUID() == playerMember->GetGroup()->GetGUID())
                if (BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueue = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(BATTLEGROUND_AA, GetType()))
                    GroupQueueInfo ginfo;
                    BattlegroundQueue& queue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueue);
                    if (queue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(playerMember->GetGUID(), &ginfo))
                        if (!ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID)
                            WorldPacket data;
                            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, nullptr, playerMember->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueue), STATUS_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                            queue.RemovePlayer(playerMember->GetGUID(), true);

        if (itr->Guid == guid)
            sCharacterCache->UpdateCharacterArenaTeamId(guid, GetSlot(), 0);

    // Inform player and remove arena team info from player data
    if (player)
        player->GetSession()->SendArenaTeamCommandResult(ERR_ARENA_TEAM_QUIT_S, GetName(), "", 0);
        // delete all info regarding this team
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < ARENA_TEAM_END; ++i)
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ArenaTeamInfoType(i), 0);
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.arena", "Player: %s [GUID: %u] left arena team type: %u [Id: %u, Name: %s].", player->GetName().c_str(), player->GetGUID().GetCounter(), GetType(), GetId(), GetName().c_str());

    // Only used for single member deletion, for arena team disband we use a single query for more efficiency
    if (cleanDb)
        PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_DEL_ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER);
        stmt->setUInt32(0, GetId());
        stmt->setUInt32(1, guid.GetCounter());
Exemplo n.º 7
void ArenaTeam::SetCaptain(const uint64& guid)
    // disable remove/promote buttons
    Player *oldcaptain = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(GetCaptain());
    if (oldcaptain)
        oldcaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);

    // set new captain
    m_CaptainGuid = guid;

    // update database
    CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE arena_team SET captainguid = '%u' WHERE arenateamid = '%u'", GUID_LOPART(guid), m_TeamId);

    // enable remove/promote buttons
    Player *newcaptain = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(guid);
    if (newcaptain)
        newcaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 0);
Exemplo n.º 8
void ArenaTeam::SetCaptain(const uint64& guid)
    // disable remove/promote buttons
    Player *oldcaptain = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(GetCaptain());
    if (oldcaptain)
        oldcaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);

    // set new captain
    m_CaptainGuid = guid;

    // update database
    CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE arena_team SET captainguid = '%u' WHERE arenateamid = '%u'", GUID_LOPART(guid), GetId());

    // enable remove/promote buttons
    Player *newcaptain = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(guid);
    if (newcaptain)
        newcaptain->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 0);
        sLog.outArena("Player: %s [GUID: %u] promoted player: %s [GUID: %u] to leader of arena team [Id: %u] [Type: %u].", oldcaptain->GetName(), oldcaptain->GetGUIDLow(), newcaptain->GetName(), newcaptain->GetGUIDLow(), GetId(), GetType());
Exemplo n.º 9
void ArenaTeam::DelMember(ObjectGuid guid)
    for (MemberList::iterator itr = m_members.begin(); itr != m_members.end(); ++itr)
        if (itr->guid == guid)

    Player* player = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(guid);
    if (player)
        player->GetSession()->SendArenaTeamCommandResult(ERR_ARENA_TEAM_QUIT_S, GetName(), "", 0);
        // delete all info regarding this team
        for(int i = 0; i < ARENA_TEAM_END; ++i)
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ArenaTeamInfoType(i), 0);

    CharacterDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM arena_team_member WHERE arenateamid = '%u' AND guid = '%u'", GetId(), guid.GetCounter());
Exemplo n.º 10
bool ArenaTeam::AddMember(const uint64& playerGuid)
    std::string playerName;
    uint8 playerClass;

    // Check if arena team is full (Can't have more than type * 2 players)
    if (GetMembersSize() >= GetType() * 2)
        return false;

    // Get player name and class either from db or ObjectMgr
    Player* player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(playerGuid);
    if (player)
        playerClass = player->getClass();
        playerName = player->GetName();
        //          0     1
        // SELECT name, class FROM characters WHERE guid = ?
        PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHARACTER_SELECT_CHARACTER_NAME_CLASS);
        stmt->setUInt32(0, GUID_LOPART(playerGuid));
        PreparedQueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);

        if (!result)
            return false;

        playerName = (*result)[0].GetString();
        playerClass = (*result)[1].GetUInt8();

    // Check if player is already in a similar arena team
    if ((player && player->GetArenaTeamId(GetSlot())) || Player::GetArenaTeamIdFromDB(playerGuid, GetType()) != 0)
        sLog->outError("Arena: Player %s (guid: %u) already has an arena team of type %u", playerName.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(playerGuid), GetType());
        return false;

    // Set player's personal rating
    uint32 personalRating = 0;

    if (sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_PERSONAL_RATING) >= 0)
        personalRating = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_PERSONAL_RATING);
    else if (GetRating() >= 1000)
        personalRating = 1000;

    // Try to get player's match maker rating from db and fall back to config setting if not found
    PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHARACTER_SELECT_MATCH_MAKER_RATING);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, GUID_LOPART(playerGuid));
    stmt->setUInt8(1, GetSlot());
    PreparedQueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);

    uint32 matchMakerRating;
    if (result)
        matchMakerRating = (*result)[0].GetUInt32();
        matchMakerRating = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_MATCHMAKER_RATING);

    // Remove all player signatures from other petitions
    // This will prevent player from joining too many arena teams and corrupt arena team data integrity
    Player::RemovePetitionsAndSigns(playerGuid, GetType());

    // Feed data to the struct
    ArenaTeamMember newmember;
    newmember.Name             = playerName;
    newmember.Guid             = playerGuid;
    newmember.Class            = playerClass;
    newmember.SeasonGames      = 0;
    newmember.WeekGames        = 0;
    newmember.SeasonWins       = 0;
    newmember.WeekWins         = 0;
    newmember.PersonalRating   = personalRating;
    newmember.MatchMakerRating = matchMakerRating;


    // Save player's arena team membership to db
    stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHARACTER_INSERT_ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, TeamId);
    stmt->setUInt32(1, GUID_LOPART(playerGuid));

    // Inform player if online
    if (player)
        player->SetInArenaTeam(TeamId, GetSlot(), GetType());

        // Hide promote/remove buttons
        if (CaptainGuid != playerGuid)
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);

    sLog->outArena("Player: %s [GUID: %u] joined arena team type: %u [Id: %u].", playerName.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(playerGuid), GetType(), GetId());

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool ArenaTeam::AddMember(const uint64& PlayerGuid)
    std::string plName;
    uint8 plClass;
    uint32 plPRating;
    uint32 plMMRating;

    // arena team is full (can't have more than type * 2 players!)
    if (GetMembersSize() >= GetType() * 2)
        return false;

    Player *pl = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(PlayerGuid);
    if (pl)
        if (pl->GetArenaTeamId(GetSlot()))
            sLog.outError("Arena::AddMember() : player already in this sized team");
            return false;

        plClass = pl->getClass();
        plName = pl->GetName();
        //                                                     0     1
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT name, class FROM characters WHERE guid='%u'", GUID_LOPART(PlayerGuid));
        if (!result)
            return false;

        plName = (*result)[0].GetString();
        plClass = (*result)[1].GetUInt8();

        // check if player already in arenateam of that size
        if (Player::GetArenaTeamIdFromDB(PlayerGuid, GetType()) != 0)
            sLog.outError("Arena::AddMember() : player already in this sized team");
            return false;

    plPRating = 0;
    if (sWorld.getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_PERSONAL_RATING) > 0)
        plPRating = sWorld.getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_PERSONAL_RATING);
    else if (GetRating() >= 1000)
        plPRating = 1000;


    QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT matchmaker_rating FROM character_arena_stats WHERE guid='%u' AND slot='%u'", GUID_LOPART(PlayerGuid), GetSlot());
    if (result)
        plMMRating = (*result)[0].GetUInt32();

    // remove all player signs from another petitions
    // this will be prevent attempt joining player to many arenateams and corrupt arena team data integrity
    Player::RemovePetitionsAndSigns(PlayerGuid, GetType());

    ArenaTeamMember newmember;
    newmember.name              = plName;
    newmember.guid              = PlayerGuid;
    newmember.Class             = plClass;
    newmember.games_season      = 0;
    newmember.games_week        = 0;
    newmember.wins_season       = 0;
    newmember.wins_week         = 0;
    newmember.personal_rating   = plPRating;
    newmember.matchmaker_rating = plMMRating;


    CharacterDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO arena_team_member (arenateamid, guid) VALUES ('%u', '%u')", m_TeamId, GUID_LOPART(newmember.guid));

    if (pl)
        pl->SetInArenaTeam(m_TeamId, GetSlot(), GetType());

        // hide promote/remove buttons
        if (m_CaptainGuid != PlayerGuid)
            pl->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);
        sLog.outArena("Player: %s [GUID: %u] joined arena team type: %u [Id: %u].", pl->GetName(), pl->GetGUIDLow(), GetType(), GetId());
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
bool ArenaTeam::AddMember(ObjectGuid playerGuid)
    std::string playerName;
    uint8 playerClass;

    // Check if arena team is full (Can't have more than type * 2 players)
    if (GetMembersSize() >= GetType() * 2)
        return false;

    // Get player name and class either from db or character cache
    Player* player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(playerGuid);
    if (player)
        playerClass = player->getClass();
        playerName = player->GetName();
        CharacterCacheEntry const* cInfo = sCharacterCache->GetCharacterCacheByGuid(playerGuid);
        if (!cInfo)
            return false;

        playerName = cInfo->Name;
        playerClass = cInfo->Class;

    // Check if player is already in a similar arena team
    if ((player && player->GetArenaTeamId(GetSlot())) || sCharacterCache->GetCharacterArenaTeamIdByGuid(playerGuid, GetType()) != 0)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.arena", "Arena: %s %s already has an arena team of type %u", playerGuid.ToString().c_str(), playerName.c_str(), GetType());
        return false;

    // Set player's personal rating
    uint32 personalRating = 0;

    if (sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_PERSONAL_RATING) > 0)
        personalRating = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_PERSONAL_RATING);
    else if (GetRating() >= 1000)
        personalRating = 1000;

    // Try to get player's match maker rating from db and fall back to config setting if not found
    PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_MATCH_MAKER_RATING);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, playerGuid.GetCounter());
    stmt->setUInt8(1, GetSlot());
    PreparedQueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);

    uint32 matchMakerRating;
    if (result)
        matchMakerRating = (*result)[0].GetUInt16();
        matchMakerRating = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_MATCHMAKER_RATING);

    // Remove all player signatures from other petitions
    // This will prevent player from joining too many arena teams and corrupt arena team data integrity
    Player::RemovePetitionsAndSigns(playerGuid, static_cast<CharterTypes>(GetType()));

    // Feed data to the struct
    ArenaTeamMember newMember;
    newMember.Name             = playerName;
    newMember.Guid             = playerGuid;
    newMember.Class            = playerClass;
    newMember.SeasonGames      = 0;
    newMember.WeekGames        = 0;
    newMember.SeasonWins       = 0;
    newMember.WeekWins         = 0;
    newMember.PersonalRating   = personalRating;
    newMember.MatchMakerRating = matchMakerRating;

    sCharacterCache->UpdateCharacterArenaTeamId(playerGuid, GetSlot(), GetId());

    // Save player's arena team membership to db
    stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_INS_ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, TeamId);
    stmt->setUInt32(1, playerGuid.GetCounter());

    // Inform player if online
    if (player)
        player->SetInArenaTeam(TeamId, GetSlot(), GetType());

        // Hide promote/remove buttons
        if (CaptainGuid != playerGuid)
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);

    TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.arena", "Player: %s [%s] joined arena team type: %u [Id: %u, Name: %s].", playerName.c_str(), playerGuid.ToString().c_str(), GetType(), GetId(), GetName().c_str());

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
bool ArenaTeam::AddMember(ObjectGuid playerGuid)
    std::string plName;
    uint8 plClass;

    // arena team is full (can't have more than type * 2 players!)
    if (GetMembersSize() >= GetMaxMembersSize())
        return false;

    Player *pl = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(playerGuid);
    if (pl)
        if (pl->GetArenaTeamId(GetSlot()))
            sLog.outError("Arena::AddMember() : player already in this sized team");
            return false;

        plClass = pl->getClass();
        plName = pl->GetName();
        //                                                     0     1
        QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT name, class FROM characters WHERE guid='%u'", playerGuid.GetCounter());
        if (!result)
            return false;

        plName = (*result)[0].GetCppString();
        plClass = (*result)[1].GetUInt8();
        delete result;

        // check if player already in arenateam of that size
        if (Player::GetArenaTeamIdFromDB(playerGuid, GetType()) != 0)
            sLog.outError("Arena::AddMember() : player %s already in this sized team", playerGuid.GetString().c_str());
            return false;

    // remove all player signs from another petitions
    // this will be prevent attempt joining player to many arenateams and corrupt arena team data integrity
    Player::RemovePetitionsAndSigns(playerGuid, GetType());

    ArenaTeamMember newmember;
    newmember.name              = plName;
    newmember.guid              = playerGuid;
    newmember.Class             = plClass;
    newmember.games_season      = 0;
    newmember.games_week        = 0;
    newmember.wins_season       = 0;
    newmember.wins_week         = 0;

    if (GetType() == ARENA_TYPE_2v2)
        QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT rating2 FROM hidden_rating WHERE guid='%u'", playerGuid.GetCounter());

        if (!result)
            CharacterDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO hidden_rating (guid, rating2, rating3, rating5) VALUES""('%u', '%u', '%u', '%u')", playerGuid.GetCounter(), 1500, 1500, 1500);
            newmember.matchmaker_rating = 1500;
            newmember.matchmaker_rating = (*result)[0].GetUInt32();
            delete result;
    if (GetType() == ARENA_TYPE_3v3)
        QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT rating3 FROM hidden_rating WHERE guid='%u'", playerGuid.GetCounter());

        if (!result)
            CharacterDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO hidden_rating (guid, rating2, rating3, rating5) VALUES""('%u', '%u', '%u', '%u')", playerGuid.GetCounter(), 1500, 1500, 1500);
            newmember.matchmaker_rating = 1500;
            newmember.matchmaker_rating = (*result)[0].GetUInt32();
            delete result;
    if (GetType() == ARENA_TYPE_5v5)
        QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT rating5 FROM hidden_rating WHERE guid='%u'", playerGuid.GetCounter());

        if (!result)
            CharacterDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO hidden_rating (guid, rating2, rating3, rating5) VALUES""('%u', '%u', '%u', '%u')", playerGuid.GetCounter(), 1500, 1500, 1500);
            newmember.matchmaker_rating = 1500;
            newmember.matchmaker_rating = (*result)[0].GetUInt32();
            delete result;

    int32 conf_value = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_INT32_ARENA_STARTPERSONALRATING);
    if (conf_value < 0)                                     // -1 = select by season id
        if (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_ARENA_SEASON_ID) >= 6)
            if (m_stats.rating < 1000)
                newmember.personal_rating = 0;
                newmember.personal_rating = 1000;
            newmember.personal_rating = 1500;
        newmember.personal_rating = uint32(conf_value);


    CharacterDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO arena_team_member (arenateamid, guid, personal_rating) VALUES ('%u', '%u', '%u')", m_TeamId, newmember.guid.GetCounter(), newmember.personal_rating );

        pl->SetInArenaTeam(m_TeamId, GetSlot(), GetType());
        pl->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_PERSONAL_RATING, newmember.personal_rating);

        // hide promote/remove buttons
        if (m_CaptainGuid != playerGuid)
            pl->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool ArenaTeam::AddMember(uint64 playerGuid)
    std::string playerName;
    uint8 playerClass;

    // Check if arena team is full (Can't have more than type * 2 players)
    if (GetMembersSize() >= GetType() * 2)
        return false;

    // xinef: Get player name and class from player storage or global data storage
    Player* player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayerInOrOutOfWorld(playerGuid);
    if (player)
        playerClass = player->getClass();
        playerName = player->GetName();
        GlobalPlayerData const* playerData = sWorld->GetGlobalPlayerData(GUID_LOPART(playerGuid));
        if (!playerData)
            return false;

        playerName = playerData->name;
        playerClass = playerData->playerClass;

    // Check if player is already in a similar arena team
    if ((player && player->GetArenaTeamId(GetSlot())) || Player::GetArenaTeamIdFromStorage(GUID_LOPART(playerGuid), GetSlot()) != 0)
        sLog->outError("Arena: Player %s (guid: %u) already has an arena team of type %u", playerName.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(playerGuid), GetType());
        return false;

    // Set player's personal rating
    uint32 personalRating = 0;

    if (sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_PERSONAL_RATING) > 0)
        personalRating = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_PERSONAL_RATING);
    else if (GetRating() >= 1000)
        personalRating = 1000;

    // xinef: zomg! sync query
    // Try to get player's match maker rating from db and fall back to config setting if not found
    PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_MATCH_MAKER_RATING);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, GUID_LOPART(playerGuid));
    stmt->setUInt8(1, GetSlot());
    PreparedQueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);

    uint16 matchMakerRating;
    uint16 maxMMR;
    if (result)
        matchMakerRating = (*result)[0].GetUInt16();
        uint16 Max = (*result)[1].GetUInt16();
        maxMMR = std::max(Max, matchMakerRating);
        matchMakerRating = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_START_MATCHMAKER_RATING);
        maxMMR = matchMakerRating;

    // Remove all player signatures from other petitions
    // This will prevent player from joining too many arena teams and corrupt arena team data integrity
    Player::RemovePetitionsAndSigns(playerGuid, GetType());

    // Feed data to the struct
    ArenaTeamMember newMember;
    //newMember.Name             = playerName;
    newMember.Guid             = playerGuid;
    newMember.Class            = playerClass;
    newMember.SeasonGames      = 0;
    newMember.WeekGames        = 0;
    newMember.SeasonWins       = 0;
    newMember.WeekWins         = 0;
    newMember.PersonalRating   = personalRating;
    newMember.MatchMakerRating = matchMakerRating;
    newMember.MaxMMR           = maxMMR;

    sWorld->UpdateGlobalPlayerArenaTeam(GUID_LOPART(playerGuid), GetSlot(), GetId());

    // Save player's arena team membership to db
    stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_INS_ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, TeamId);
    stmt->setUInt32(1, GUID_LOPART(playerGuid));

    // Inform player if online
    if (player)
        player->SetInArenaTeam(TeamId, GetSlot(), GetType());

        // Hide promote/remove buttons
        if (CaptainGuid != playerGuid)
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
bool ArenaTeam::AddMember(const uint64& playerGuid)
    std::string plName;
    uint8 plClass;

    // arena team is full (can't have more than type * 2 players!)
    if (GetMembersSize() >= GetType() * 2)
        return false;

    Player *pl = objmgr.GetPlayer(playerGuid);
    if (pl)
        if (pl->GetArenaTeamId(GetSlot()))
            sLog.outError("Arena::AddMember() : player already in this sized team");
            return false;

        plClass = pl->getClass();
        plName = pl->GetName();
        //                                                            0     1
        QueryResult_AutoPtr result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT name, class FROM characters WHERE guid='%u'", GUID_LOPART(playerGuid));
        if (!result)
            return false;

        plName = (*result)[0].GetCppString();
        plClass = (*result)[1].GetUInt8();

        // check if player already in arenateam of that size
        if (Player::GetArenaTeamIdFromDB(playerGuid, GetType()) != 0)
            sLog.outError("Arena::AddMember() : player %llu already in this sized team", playerGuid);
            return false;

    // remove all player signs from another petitions
    // this will be prevent attempt joining player to many arenateams and corrupt arena team data integrity
    Player::RemovePetitionsAndSigns(playerGuid, GetType());

    ArenaTeamMember newmember;
    newmember.name              = plName;
    newmember.guid              = playerGuid;
    newmember.Class             = plClass;
    newmember.games_season      = 0;
    newmember.games_week        = 0;
    newmember.wins_season       = 0;
    newmember.wins_week         = 0;
    newmember.personal_rating   = ARENA_NEW_PERSONAL_RATING;

    CharacterDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO arena_team_member (arenateamid, guid, personal_rating) VALUES ('%u', '%u', '%u')", m_TeamId, GUID_LOPART(newmember.guid), newmember.personal_rating);

    if (pl)
        pl->SetInArenaTeam(m_TeamId, GetSlot());
        pl->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_PERSONAL_RATING, newmember.personal_rating);

        // hide promote/remove buttons
        if (m_CaptainGuid != playerGuid)
            pl->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_MEMBER, 1);
        sLog.outArena("Player: %s [GUID: %u] joined arena team type: %u [Id: %u].", pl->GetName(), pl->GetGUIDLow(), GetType(), GetId());
    return true;